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Khon Kaen students protest at coup during PM's speech


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chooka post # 15

opinions are not appreciated under the current regime and people are being programed to have one thought only and that is for the admiration of dear leader.

Opinions were not appreciated under the past regimes and people were being programmed to have one thought only and that is for the admiration of the then puppet master dear leader and his clan and their ilk.

You're talking b*llox. Please tell us when 4 or 5 kids were taken away for re-adjustment because the protested under the last administration please.

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baboon your right as the question is who is the bravest the ex army chief now PM fighting for democracy after years of corruption or a handful of students pulling a prank wearing t shirts, that could have been misinterpreted as a terrorist attack or assasination attempt? Bravery isn't the same as stupidity.

Make your mind up. Kids pulling a prank or could be terrorist attack.... If the General is concerned about terrorist attacks he could send some help to the population in the south. If you're worried about terrorism you could personally ask him to do something about the insurgents in the south.

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Some of the comments reinforce my view that "beliefs" are more powerful than "facts for the bitter and twisted.

Some say "will these people be seen again" Why? There has been no evidence of anyone going missing under the Junta. There has under the previous regime. Akeyuth, yet that is ignored because yingluck was elected.

Some say "opinions are not appreciated under the current regime" Why? There has been no evidence of the Junta not taking on board any conflicting view points and in fact have set up meetings with a broad spectrum of society to discuss the way forward. The previous regime were not tolerant of opinions. The deputy PM said "protestors are garbage" and allured to the fact that violence will befall them if they protest in Chiang Mai yet that is ignored because yingluck was elected.

Some say "I wonder if these protestors will be allowed to graduate" Why? No thought even goes into some of these replies. Just simple rhetoric that has no backing whatsoever. I wondered if the Puhket residents were going to get a conference hall when the PT deputy PM stated we will build you one when you vote for the PTP yet that is ignored because yingluck was elected.

Seems you can get away with murder and corruption as long as the PM is elected. Unfortunately with this dangerous mindset shown in some of these comments the boundaries of what you can and cannot get away with in a democracy gets so extreme it is no longer a democracy.

And that my friends is why reform is needed.

When some ask why people cannot protest. I agree. Some should be able to, but then you cannot allow some to protest and not others so it is a cross the board. I remember a visit by Ahbisit to Khon Kaen. Me and my family went to hear him speak. We never even made it to the stage. We were confronted by red shirts threatening my wife and telling us to turn around. My kids cowered as much as the farmers would have when they wanted to protest in Bangkok, but were not allowed and instead were intimidated and threatened by the hardcore 7% red shirts.

My family nor I will ever forget that. Thank god they are a minority.

Thank god Prayut is not threatening the protestors with violence or calling them garbage. That is not the road to reform.

You dont think not allowing protests or freedom of the press is not threatening??? You dont think arresting ANY protester that dares to try is not garbage or violence?? You dont think sending people to military reform camps is not threatening??

You dont think very much....

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Now they took a lot of guts knowing exactly what the outcome would be.

Taking away no doubt for obligatory attitude adjustment talk however this is only the start of a massive ground swell.

Nice touch by the PM by saying anyone else want to protest?

Well yes prime minister how about the millions who want their democracy back.

Congratulations to the five for standing up for what they believe in and I hope they are all ok.

Thailand has Never had democracy... And Never will have in my time.. thumbsup.gif

Neither has Singapore, and that's a pretty good place to live.

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Five law students of Khon Kaen University on Wednesday greeted visiting Prime Minister Prayut Chanocha with anti-coup gesture before being escorted out of the hall

Prayut, who was visiting Khon Kaen province to observe the drought situation, was speaking on the stage, when the three students showed no-coup gesture and tore off their shirts revealing black tshirts emblazoned with "No Coup".

three, or five?

Watch the clip

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Prayut seemed unperturbed, saying, "it's okay, they did not understand,"

I would say that they seem to have knowledge and absolute clarity.

Read enough

Clarity of what?

I believe it was a pretty remarkable thing that a collage would only have 5 dissidents. History tells us that collages traditionally have many dissident's. Only 5 students out of a whole college a remarkably low figure. Shows massive support for the coup.

I am not a fan of Thai polls but this was not a poll.

It how ever was in keeping with the results of the polls showing strong support for the coup.

I can understand many being against the coop as the coup have publically announced and actual made moves against corruption with the removal of certain people from key places. The beginning of a long and difficult process.

I understand the outrage of some over this movement as it is going to cut into the way they do business and I don't give a darn if they lose every thing. Let them cry and wail their useless winging here where the Thai government takes nothing serious on Thai Visa. As long as Thai Visa has good monitors to stop any libelous postings they could care less. They are so happy that the complainers have a place to vent and be anonymous. Not that they have to be anonymous but they sure don't want the world to see them and question why and what have they been doing.

Clear enough.

There is a thing called a subjective opinion. I doubt they didn't understand as Prayuth put it.

Only 5? Would you have the balls? I may not agree with them but I am scared by an unchallenged leadership. It doesn't tend to be good.

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

Posts in violation of the above have been removed.

A post containing a derogatory generalization comment has been removed.

Some nonsense back and forth bickering posts that were becoming increasingly inflammatory have been removed as well.

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There is no unchallenged leadership all reforms are provided by the Thai people then the next general election with peoples choice candidates can begin. If elections were held without reform the past years unrest would reoccur and the vicous cycle of colour politics would continue to tear Thailand apart.

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Students detained protesting PM's NE visit


KHON KAEN: -- Five Khon Kaen university were detained for questioning when they protested Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha as he was presiding over a ceremony to send water trucks out to ease water shortage problem at the Khon Kaen city hall.

Gen Prayut kicked off his Northeast tour today to escalate government projects and inspect drought situation and water shortage problems.

Khon Kaen is his first stop, and the next is Kalasin.

A group of students raised their hands and three fingers in defiance while Gen Prayut was presiding over the gathering of local officials to witness the sending of caravan of water trucks to droughts stricken areas.

Raising three fingers is the symbol of protest adopted from the popular book and movie series The Hunger Games.

The military junta is taking the issue seriously if they raised in groups.

But Gen Prayut told officials at the city hall that he was not angry with the students as it was an expression of thought.

He said he was determined to work and resolve the trouble of the people and would like that their expression would not obstruct government work.

He also met governors of 20 northeaster provinces late today to listen to their problems, particularly drought which is expected to be severe this year.

From Khon Kaen he will inspect drought situation in Kalasin this afternoon, and return to Bangkok this evening,

Earlier in the morning leaflets protesting the prime ministers were also strewn around the city hall and major toads in the town.

The leaflet reads “Esarn won’t welcome dictator.”

All the leaflets were quickly collected by police and soldiers. They were trying to hunt for the people responsible for distributing the leaflets.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/students-detained-protesting-pms-ne-visit


-- Thai PBS 2014-11-19

Earlier in the morning leaflets protesting the prime ministers were also strewn around the city hall and major toads in the town.

And i thought there was only one Major Toad.

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From decade, it's the first we see a Premier work for all Thai. He come in Northeast to see and help issan people affect by drought.

It's very pity to see some group of people oppose to save Country. Country need reform to go forward

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Prayut seemed unperturbed, saying, "it's okay, they did not understand,"

I would say that they seem to have knowledge and absolute clarity.

Read enough

Clarity of what?

I believe it was a pretty remarkable thing that a collage would only have 5 dissidents. History tells us that collages traditionally have many dissident's. Only 5 students out of a whole college a remarkably low figure. Shows massive support for the coup.

I am not a fan of Thai polls but this was not a poll.

It how ever was in keeping with the results of the polls showing strong support for the coup.

I can understand many being against the coop as the coup have publically announced and actual made moves against corruption with the removal of certain people from key places. The beginning of a long and difficult process.

I understand the outrage of some over this movement as it is going to cut into the way they do business and I don't give a darn if they lose every thing. Let them cry and wail their useless winging here where the Thai government takes nothing serious on Thai Visa. As long as Thai Visa has good monitors to stop any libelous postings they could care less. They are so happy that the complainers have a place to vent and be anonymous. Not that they have to be anonymous but they sure don't want the world to see them and question why and what have they been doing.

Clear enough.

“I believe it was a pretty remarkable thing that a collage would only have 5 dissidents.”

“Shows massive support for the coup.” cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

A ludicrous, unfounded assertion.

“the coup have publically (sic) announced and actual (sic) made moves…with the removal of certain people from key places.

Simply one gang installing their own and taking turf from another.

Follow the money.

“Clarity of what?”

Fascism perhaps? wai2.gif wai.gif

“…the five students were escorted out of the hall. They were reportedly taken for attitude adjustment.


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From decade, it's the first we see a Premier work for all Thai. He come in Northeast to see and help issan people affect by drought.

It's very pity to see some group of people oppose to save Country. Country need reform to go forward

Yeah. 'If you are not on our side, you are a traitor to the country.' Blinkered flapdoodle like this is the reason Thailand is currently in the mess it is, politically.

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Now they took a lot of guts knowing exactly what the outcome would be.

Taking away no doubt for obligatory attitude adjustment talk however this is only the start of a massive ground swell.

Nice touch by the PM by saying anyone else want to protest?

Well yes prime minister how about the millions who want their democracy back.

Congratulations to the five for standing up for what they believe in and I hope they are all ok.


Even the Pheu Thai stepped in and had prominent member Amnuay Khlangpha say there was no need for PM Prayut to go visiting the NorthEast and annoy the peaceful people there. He should stay in Bangkok for more urgent business, like speeding up the reform process and so to make sure he can step down as soon as possible.

Well, in a way its good to have a PM who actually does some work and is appreciated for it, even by those who 'do not obstruct' by 'not co-operating' rolleyes.gif

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Yeah. 'If you are not on our side, you are a traitor to the country.' Blinkered flapdoodle like this is the reason Thailand is currently in the mess it is, politically.

It's the Red Modo

Excuse me? What exactly are you accusing me of?

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chooka post # 15

opinions are not appreciated under the current regime and people are being programed to have one thought only and that is for the admiration of dear leader.

Opinions were not appreciated under the past regimes and people were being programmed to have one thought only and that is for the admiration of the then puppet master dear leader and his clan and their ilk.

Chooka is posting about facts, you only suggest, please come with some proof of your "remember, don't forget and mind you"..... the topic is about the current government and a few students who have the guts to protest.

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Yeah. 'If you are not on our side, you are a traitor to the country.' Blinkered flapdoodle like this is the reason Thailand is currently in the mess it is, politically.

It's the Red Modo

Excuse me? What exactly are you accusing me of?

It's not a attack against you, just a misinterpretation of your sentence sorry

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Mind you of course nothing like this happened over the last 12 years or so did it ?

of course not in red village i live none was intimidated no one paid to vote and red shirt thugs did not beat up or near kill anyone who in our village dared to disagree or not show respecter to dear leader Taksin and his clone

Of course not and quite honestly if it takes this to get rid of red shirt thugs so be it

If poor totally brainwashed Taksin supporters want to try bring it on this is not I hope nice Mr Abahist who played or even Suphet this is someone who i hope sorts thugs out and sorry if some stupid innocents get hurt or even killed they should not have been so silly as to continue supporting a vile gang.

You get what you sow and Taksin red thugs and rest of those cockroaches forced this and thank goodness here at least their seem to be some powerful enough to stop him. Further I my wife and many f or friends dont give a damm if those who sort out mad red thugs get very rich they deserve every bit for services to Thailand

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Yeah. 'If you are not on our side, you are a traitor to the country.' Blinkered flapdoodle like this is the reason Thailand is currently in the mess it is, politically.

It's the Red Modo

Excuse me? What exactly are you accusing me of?

It was just the modo of some fomer red village


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Many of you talk as if the White Knight has come to save the day.

He should do this, he's doing that. This party, that party.

You talk as if some Western version of "Democracy" is going to magically materialize.

It's all subterfuge.

Dream on...


There is nothing different in the thinking of this current "administration".

They are all cut from the same cloth. wai2.gifwai.gif


And look what these forums devolve into;

A bunch of arm chair pontificators sniping at each other.


But, amusing...

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