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Over 700 motorcyclists arrested and fined in first day of crackdown on footpath riding

Lite Beer

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Thats good that they are out doing this and its also good they suggest we take video of perpetrators But the article failed to tell us where we send the video so they police have it .

Is there a central clearing house or website

Another example of "Great"Journalism

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Well I am happy that they have done this. The sceptic in me wonders is it a 'one day wonder' publicity stunt and everything will go back to normal today.

Whilst they are at it why don't they fine the motorcyclist who go the wrong way on the road. They (RTP) would be ''quids' in.

I look forward to hearing what the next crackdown will be.coffee1.gif

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How did they manage to ride on the footpaths? Whenever I try there are too many vendors, cars, lampposts and other crap to even walk, let alone ride, on them. tongue.png

aah - when I find myself riding on the footpath, it's usually because the street is cluttered with vendors, pushcarts and other miscellaneous sidecar riffraff, not to mention tour bus sized coaches and idiot drivers positioned like checkers in order to block any motorcycle passage...

there are many other things which should be much higher on the list of priorities.

Just wondering. Don't you feel it's dangerous when you ride your bike on the footpaths that in many cases are already not wide enough for pedestrians?

When I do this, there are no pedestrians in sight - I'd never do it if the footpath was being used by pedestrians.

But I'm not in Bangkok. A good example is Pattaya Tai road coming from Sukh before the junction with third road. At times, the road is blocked, but the sidewalks have absolutely no traffic from approx. the Shell station until the small soi before the intersection, because there aren't a lot of buildings there.

I'm also unsure why they recently banned the turn left on red at many Pattaya corners, at least for 2 wheel vehicles.

Maybe they banned the turn left in Pattaya on some junctions so they can fine more people. Noticed Police now waiting almost every day at junction of Pattaya Klang and Third Road to dish out fines to cars. Never seen them stop bikes which break the law though!

Edited by goonfan
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I'm also unsure why they recently banned the turn left on red at many Pattaya corners, at least for 2 wheel vehicles.

Probably because most motorcycles don't even bother to look to see if any traffic is coming. They just slow down marginally and turn on in.

In the US, one can turn right on a red light, ONLY after coming to a FULL STOP, which makes sense.

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I had to re-read this several times.....for the last 15 years I've been waiting for police to do their jobs and stop bikers riding on the walkways and footpaths......has this really happened?

Don't get too excited, 'Crackdowns' normally last about 48 hours tops !

If it's lucrative $whistling.gif$ "crackdown" it might last longer.

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Thai bikes and cars care nothing for pedestrians,more money for the police ,I have to warn everyone who comes from abroad don't expect a car or bike to stop fro you crossing the road or turning a corner,,land of smiles,not when they are driving,so selfish,and what about when coming out of a side road or turning,they seem to think it's there right of way.all so so selfish

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700 in the first crackdown x say 500 Baht == 350,000 on the first day x 7 days The money should go to central Highways repair fund for footpaths etc.

NO WAY this money should be kept in police (custody) The police job is to prosecute offenders only to try to prevent re offending. NOTHING MORE it is NOT their business. TIT.

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How did they manage to ride on the footpaths? Whenever I try there are too many vendors, cars, lampposts and other crap to even walk, let alone ride, on them. tongue.png

aah - when I find myself riding on the footpath, it's usually because the street is cluttered with vendors, pushcarts and other miscellaneous sidecar riffraff, not to mention tour bus sized coaches and idiot drivers positioned like checkers in order to block any motorcycle passage...

there are many other things which should be much higher on the list of priorities.

stupid statement! You have plenty of space on the road,motorcyclists on sidewalks are plain lazy!
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