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To be honest i see nothing wrong with what they are doing other places via the online service and because we are in Thailand they must all think we are some sort of animal.. even if you pulled this sort of crap in the UK you would be arrested simple as that for opening other people mail ..

Even what the FCO offer is an insult and a eye opener when you see Foreign Affairs Committee - Fifth Report Support for British nationals abroad: The Consular Service http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmselect/cmfaff/516/51602.htm ..

Just don't understand what they are playing at to be fair .. the service is degrading also emails from Liverpool can be an eye opener..

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Dropped by and collected my second passport (19 days turnaround) and my son's renewal (21 days turnaround). I complimented the staff on successfully assisting with 3 passport renewals in a 2-month window. The only delays were the first passport catching the UK Christmas and New Year holidays and my forgetting to submit a letter supporting a second passport application (28 days turnaround on that one).

While the VFS lady went looking for the courier package that contained the supporting documents I had submitted, we were subjected to hearing some applicant two booths down who was castigating his VFS chap about the website instructions not stating clearly that he had to copy ALL pages in the expiring passport. He was adamant that what he thought he had read (only copy the 'data page') was also what the published advice really states. I suppose the poor VFS chap could only let him rant and vent and I am sure that eventually he would have got a word in edge-side and told him there was a copier outside. I was gone before that happy moment prevailed.

From horror story last summer to polite efficiency this year. All we need is some FCO clerk to come up with an even better renewal idea after the elections and set it all on its ear again!

My experience last month was not polite. I wanted to stay and talk with them but they gave me my passport and basically pushed me out the door.

Would I be allowed to pick up my kids' passports? 2 are over 19.


Long time since I posted on this thread.

For those who remember my predicament, (disabled daughter residing in Thailand whilst father working overseas to support the family) I am taking steps to bring my girl closer back to us.

We were resident in Malaysia when I was posting regularly on this thread, now we have been in Singapore for almost 6 months due to me getting a new job. We will now apply for a Singapore dependents pass for our daughter, she will reside in Singapore on her Thai passport whilst making extended trips back home to Thailand.

With a dependents pass I can apply and receive her new British passport posted to us in Singapore. Non of this nonsense of applying in Thailand.

For the numerous emails and several letters to HMPO there was zero provision made by the UK government to allow her assistance to apply due to the fact that she is severely mentally disabled (as in can't talk, look after herself and has no concept of danger - being 12 years old).

I received little advice and basically got the picture that the UK government doesn't really give a toss (she has both UK passport and birth cert = UK citizen).

Disgraceful that the UK HMPO states that special provisions will be made for the disabled - total bullsh*t. It was evident even after speaking them on the phone more than once that nothing would be done.

Anyway - stuff em. I can do better, sh*theads.

I'll sort it out the best way I can, and I will.

Thank you SINGAPORE.

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Dropped by and collected my second passport (19 days turnaround) and my son's renewal (21 days turnaround). I complimented the staff on successfully assisting with 3 passport renewals in a 2-month window. The only delays were the first passport catching the UK Christmas and New Year holidays and my forgetting to submit a letter supporting a second passport application (28 days turnaround on that one).

While the VFS lady went looking for the courier package that contained the supporting documents I had submitted, we were subjected to hearing some applicant two booths down who was castigating his VFS chap about the website instructions not stating clearly that he had to copy ALL pages in the expiring passport. He was adamant that what he thought he had read (only copy the 'data page') was also what the published advice really states. I suppose the poor VFS chap could only let him rant and vent and I am sure that eventually he would have got a word in edge-side and told him there was a copier outside. I was gone before that happy moment prevailed.

From horror story last summer to polite efficiency this year. All we need is some FCO clerk to come up with an even better renewal idea after the elections and set it all on its ear again!

My experience last month was not polite. I wanted to stay and talk with them but they gave me my passport and basically pushed me out the door.

Would I be allowed to pick up my kids' passports? 2 are over 19.

HMPO Website says no, trendy say yes.

Take the A4 trendy 'receipt' issued when the passport applications were filed, plus signed authorisation letter, the actual passport being cancelled plus suitable photo ID for the nominated collector.

No appointment is required, collect from trendy between 08:30- 15:00 Monday to Friday excluding certain public holidays.

Best that collection is done within a month of the passport's notified arrival at trendy BKK.

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Long time since I posted on this thread.

For those who remember my predicament, (disabled daughter residing in Thailand whilst father working overseas to support the family) I am taking steps to bring my girl closer back to us.

We were resident in Malaysia when I was posting regularly on this thread, now we have been in Singapore for almost 6 months due to me getting a new job. We will now apply for a Singapore dependents pass for our daughter, she will reside in Singapore on her Thai passport whilst making extended trips back home to Thailand.

With a dependents pass I can apply and receive her new British passport posted to us in Singapore. Non of this nonsense of applying in Thailand.

For the numerous emails and several letters to HMPO there was zero provision made by the UK government to allow her assistance to apply due to the fact that she is severely mentally disabled (as in can't talk, look after herself and has no concept of danger - being 12 years old).

I received little advice and basically got the picture that the UK government doesn't really give a toss (she has both UK passport and birth cert = UK citizen).

Disgraceful that the UK HMPO states that special provisions will be made for the disabled - total bullsh*t. It was evident even after speaking them on the phone more than once that nothing would be done.

Anyway - stuff em. I can do better, sh*theads.

I'll sort it out the best way I can, and I will.

Thank you SINGAPORE.

Have you considered legal recourse via UK court or tribunal?

Never considered.

Just no time to be doing that, as well as not really knowing where to start


Dropped by and collected my second passport (19 days turnaround) and my son's renewal (21 days turnaround). I complimented the staff on successfully assisting with 3 passport renewals in a 2-month window. The only delays were the first passport catching the UK Christmas and New Year holidays and my forgetting to submit a letter supporting a second passport application (28 days turnaround on that one).

While the VFS lady went looking for the courier package that contained the supporting documents I had submitted, we were subjected to hearing some applicant two booths down who was castigating his VFS chap about the website instructions not stating clearly that he had to copy ALL pages in the expiring passport. He was adamant that what he thought he had read (only copy the 'data page') was also what the published advice really states. I suppose the poor VFS chap could only let him rant and vent and I am sure that eventually he would have got a word in edge-side and told him there was a copier outside. I was gone before that happy moment prevailed.

From horror story last summer to polite efficiency this year. All we need is some FCO clerk to come up with an even better renewal idea after the elections and set it all on its ear again!

My experience last month was not polite. I wanted to stay and talk with them but they gave me my passport and basically pushed me out the door.

Would I be allowed to pick up my kids' passports? 2 are over 19.

HMPO Website says no, trendy say yes.

Take the A4 trendy 'receipt' issued when the passport applications were filed, plus signed authorisation letter, the actual passport being cancelled plus suitable photo ID for the nominated collector.

No appointment is required, collect from trendy between 08:30- 15:00 Monday to Friday excluding certain public holidays.

Best that collection is done within a month of the passport's notified arrival at trendy BKK.

I can confirm you can. I did the whole process for my son who is 26. Just get your kids to sign a letter saying they authorize you to pick up their passports and that will be fine, together with a copy of the emails from VFS asking you to come in to pick them up.



Not sure if this the right place to post so apologies in advance if this is wrong or a repeated question.

I need to renew my british passport because it is full, not expiring for 1 more year (May 2016) and my current ed-visa will expire on the 19th May 2015. I need to get my passport back before then in order to exit for a new visa at the end of May. I live in Chiang Mai and there is no way I am forking out extra on 2 round trips just so someone can confirm that I can actually fill out a form and provide a photo of myself that does indeed look like me, so my question is: Has anyone posted their application directly back to the UK passport application office? If so how did it work out? How long turnaround? Any special instructions?

Thank you for any useful information



Not sure if this the right place to post so apologies in advance if this is wrong or a repeated question.

I need to renew my british passport because it is full, not expiring for 1 more year (May 2016) and my current ed-visa will expire on the 19th May 2015. I need to get my passport back before then in order to exit for a new visa at the end of May. I live in Chiang Mai and there is no way I am forking out extra on 2 round trips just so someone can confirm that I can actually fill out a form and provide a photo of myself that does indeed look like me, so my question is: Has anyone posted their application directly back to the UK passport application office? If so how did it work out? How long turnaround? Any special instructions?

Thank you for any useful information

You can't post passport applications direct to the UK from Thailand, or for that matter internally to BKK, if that is what you mean.

Your only option for rapid turn around is to return to the UK and use the premium fast track service.

You have no option to 2x making round trips from Chiang Mai unless you can find someone to make the trip on your behalf.

Hurry up and you will be ok; passport applications via BKK are currently weighing in at 2-3 weeks from application to collection.

This is the current procedure, if you don't like it the British Government don't really care.......

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I've looked in this topic and can't see anything about this matter....

My (Thai) wife is renewing her British Passport. What evidence is needed of her address from the blue registration book ? Can she get a translation of her Thai address into English done at the local City Hall ? Is this enough proof for the Supporting Document evidence ? Or is there somewhere near Trendy where she can get her Thai ID card and address translated into English quickly, in order to satisfy both parts of the supporting evidence ? We are traveling down from northern Thailand to do this, so any help greatly appreciated.


I've looked in this topic and can't see anything about this matter....

My (Thai) wife is renewing her British Passport. What evidence is needed of her address from the blue registration book ? Can she get a translation of her Thai address into English done at the local City Hall ? Is this enough proof for the Supporting Document evidence ? Or is there somewhere near Trendy where she can get her Thai ID card and address translated into English quickly, in order to satisfy both parts of the supporting evidence ? We are traveling down from northern Thailand to do this, so any help greatly appreciated.

Translation of your wife's ID card will do nicely, here's what HMPO say (see highlighted in red).:

We have contacted our Liverpool Overseas Team on your behalf who has confirmed that you must submit at least one piece of evidence to confirm the address you currently use and it must be dated within the last year. You may choose from the following:

Tax record e.g. letter from tax authority

Educational record e.g. school report

Employment record e.g. official letter from your employer

A letter sent to you from a central, regional or local Government department

National identity card or equivalent (or colour photocopy)

Visa or resident permit (or colour photocopy)

Where none of the above is available consideration may be given to bank statements, utility bills or their equivalents.

Any documents that are not in English must be fully translated by a person who is registered to an official organisation or trade body for translators or employed by a recognised translation company. The translation must be attached to the original document and signed to confirm it is a true copy of the original.

Better you get a translation done beforehand, why leave such an important matter until the last minute?

Plus I recollect reading that the translation/copy services offered by companies co-sited in the trendy building are quite pricey.

Do remember to take a full colour copy of her Thai passport as well.

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Thank you digitalchromakey, as I understand it we have to copy every page from her Thai passport. It's the "official" translation, I'm worried about. How does one know if the office will accept the translation we get ?


Thank you digitalchromakey, as I understand it we have to copy every page from her Thai passport. It's the "official" translation, I'm worried about. How does one know if the office will accept the translation we get ?

It's HMPO Liverpool that you need to worry about, they are the ones who make decisions.

VFS Global (trendy) are an agent/post box for HMPO but do now also check that the correct type of paperwork is attached.

Once again this is what HMPO say regarding translations:

Any documents that are not in English must be fully translated by a person who is registered to an official organisation or trade body for translators or employed by a recognised translation company. The translation must be attached to the original document and signed to confirm it is a true copy of the original.

There have been no reports to date re rejected translations over the past year that the new passport application procedures have been in place.

Also understand that the translation agencies situated in the trendy building are not connected with VFS Global or HMPO in any way.

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Not sure if this the right place to post so apologies in advance if this is wrong or a repeated question.

I need to renew my british passport because it is full, not expiring for 1 more year (May 2016) and my current ed-visa will expire on the 19th May 2015. I need to get my passport back before then in order to exit for a new visa at the end of May. I live in Chiang Mai and there is no way I am forking out extra on 2 round trips just so someone can confirm that I can actually fill out a form and provide a photo of myself that does indeed look like me, so my question is: Has anyone posted their application directly back to the UK passport application office? If so how did it work out? How long turnaround? Any special instructions?

Thank you for any useful information

2 trips to Bangkok. You will get it back by May. Everyone has to do the same.


The DHL package that trendy 'kindly' opened did god knows what then resealed was addressed to you, not them.

Still ok?

Yes. All five DHL packages that were addressed to me C/O VFS AT TRENDY were opened but I reckon that VFS, acting as the UK Government appointed passport renewal facilitators, have every right to open them. It isn't YOUR passport anyway is it? At the end if the day, I have three new passports and two bundles of original support documents back in my hands.

Are you suggesting that someone at VFS may be 'scamming' the passport and other personal information from these DHL packages? That sort of rumor mongering should be good for at least another 3-5 pages on this thread. Maybe report it to the UKPO helpline?


I will go to renew my UK passport ( adult ) on April. Just wonder on the UK passport application form did I need to fill in Section 10 ' Countersignatory '?


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I will go to renew my UK passport ( adult ) on April. Just wonder on the UK passport application form did I need to fill in Section 10 ' Countersignatory '?

Not enough information supplied to permit an answer

However the answer will be found in Guidance Notes !


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I will go to renew my UK passport ( adult ) on April. Just wonder on the UK passport application form did I need to fill in Section 10 ' Countersignatory '?

Only if you NOW look like Quasimodo.........whistling.gif


After reading all the doom and gloom and stories on here about renewing your passport I decided that even though my passport didn't expire until Dec 2017 I would renew it now ahead of my retirement to LOS this coming June.

I made an appointment at Peterborough at a weeks notice, turned up on the day with form filled in, 2 passport photo's and my old passport and walked out 4 hrs later with new 10 year 9 months passport in hand. At least I now don't have to worry about it now for some time. God knows why they make the process so difficult just because you are applying from abroad!!

  • Like 1

Picked up PP at Trendy yesterday, yes I was caught in the flooding . Still not finished the rewal cos must get a form stamped by the British Embassy, so look after your old PP cos you need it to fill in the form. Attached is a copy of the form and an information sheet explaining the info required and how to get the thing signed and stamped by the BE. Sorry if it's been done before.

Did notice my PP hasn't got a "visible" chip, clever stuff eh.....

Scan.BMP Scan.BMP


Picked up PP at Trendy yesterday, yes I was caught in the flooding . Still not finished the rewal cos must get a form stamped by the British Embassy, so look after your old PP cos you need it to fill in the form. Attached is a copy of the form and an information sheet explaining the info required and how to get the thing signed and stamped by the BE. Sorry if it's been done before.

Did notice my PP hasn't got a "visible" chip, clever stuff eh.....

attachicon.gifScan.BMP attachicon.gifScan.BMP

Thanks for the post.

Please note that you don't have to attend the British Embassy in person to get this document, they can accept the required information by email and will then EMS the completed signed document direct to your home address for free.


I'm still having Murders with them. I got a call last Monday and they said they were sending my passport back , getting worried now its been 10 days

My sons Passport application has been called a policy issue by them , Funny the 3 Solicitors I spoke to said half the stuff HMPO Uk want is not mandatory


Picked up PP at Trendy yesterday, yes I was caught in the flooding . Still not finished the rewal cos must get a form stamped by the British Embassy, so look after your old PP cos you need it to fill in the form. Attached is a copy of the form and an information sheet explaining the info required and how to get the thing signed and stamped by the BE. Sorry if it's been done before.

Did notice my PP hasn't got a "visible" chip, clever stuff eh.....

attachicon.gifScan.BMP attachicon.gifScan.BMP

Thanks for the post.

Please note that you don't have to attend the British Embassy in person to get this document, they can accept the required information by email and will then EMS the completed signed document direct to your home address for free.

Thanks for that information; good to know.

Regarding transam's observation on not having a 'visible' RFID chip, there's a bright green label affixed to the back of the last, soft page in the new passport that has 'Remove this label' or something printed on it. That label has some fancy embedded metalwork in it like an anti-shoplifting label so it is either for tracking/scanning the new passport in transit or it masks RF access to the RFID chip which may now be embedded in the back cover of the passport.


Picked up PP at Trendy yesterday, yes I was caught in the flooding . Still not finished the rewal cos must get a form stamped by the British Embassy, so look after your old PP cos you need it to fill in the form. Attached is a copy of the form and an information sheet explaining the info required and how to get the thing signed and stamped by the BE. Sorry if it's been done before.

Did notice my PP hasn't got a "visible" chip, clever stuff eh.....

attachicon.gifScan.BMP attachicon.gifScan.BMP

Thanks for the post.

Please note that you don't have to attend the British Embassy in person to get this document, they can accept the required information by email and will then EMS the completed signed document direct to your home address for free.

Thanks for that information; good to know.

Regarding transam's observation on not having a 'visible' RFID chip, there's a bright green label affixed to the back of the last, soft page in the new passport that has 'Remove this label' or something printed on it. That label has some fancy embedded metalwork in it like an anti-shoplifting label so it is either for tracking/scanning the new passport in transit or it masks RF access to the RFID chip which may now be embedded in the back cover of the passport.

But if you do choose to visit the Embassy in person, they have assured me in an email that no prior e-appointment will need to be made in accordance with the revised procedures referred to in the thread at http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/807225-uk-embassy-introduce-online-appointment-service-for-consular-services/

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