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women the spine of this country

Crazy chef 1

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Experience the same, generally the female staff are far more reliable, competent and trustworthy. Other than our Head Chef and Head of engineering, all the other heads of departments are female.

what do you mean-are they useless?

Actually have a great staff team, weeded out the dross a few years ago, mainly lazy, incompetent and dishonest "male managers" and replaced them with honest, reliable and competent individuals. Our head Chef and Head of Engineering are both male, and have worked with me for over two years, they are good people.

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We have mostly men in the company. All hard working, coming exactly at the right time, never drunk, very reliable. We had to fire a couple of women for being unreliable or making troubles.

I guess it is up to luck and profession....

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I wish some people on this forum would stop categorizing Thais into one single group. There are many hard working businessmen and women out there working hard every day but most people have very little contact with these people.

The working classes are the same in all countries, out drinking at night, lazy and living for the weekend. They all have employee mentality which is why they are employees.

ATF, you make me wonder just what country you come from.

Your name , ATF, makes me suspect it is my country, USA.

Where I come from a man with a decent job needs to be "on his game" to keep his job.

There is always some ambitious guy waiting for a chance to get your job.

If you falter, he gets it!

Guys who are " out drinking at night" do not perform very well in the day time at work.

Lazy guys do not last long.

Weekends? Many work weekends as well, just to keep that edge needed to stay on top.

Lazy, drinkers who live for the weekend never get very far in my country!

Like any country , my country has it's bottom feeders as well.

They usually end up flipping burgers or mopping floors, if they are employed at all.

Unlike Thailand with it's claimed "100% employment" for Thais

(6 people working a shift at a 7/11 that is done by 1 or 2 in the U.S. or three guys in a delivery truck, one to drive one to unload and one to fill out the invoice)

In the U.S.there is no security in knowing that even if you do so poorly you get fired, you can find a job that pays the same, ( 300 thb, or $10 per day) the next day.

Thailand is some what unique in it methods of discouraging motivation, ambition, responsibility and quality.

As far as your comment about categorizing Thais into a single group,

they are a single group, a nationality and culture unlike any other.

I love Thailand and I like most Thai people, but they are different.

Often it is those differences that I love and that convince me to stay here.

Choke dee!

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I wish some people on this forum would stop categorizing Thais into one single group. There are many hard working businessmen and women out there working hard every day but most people have very little contact with these people.

The working classes are the same in all countries, out drinking at night, lazy and living for the weekend. They all have employee mentality which is why they are employees.

ATF, you make me wonder just what country you come from.

Your name , ATF, makes me suspect it is my country, USA.

Where I come from a man with a decent job needs to be "on his game" to keep his job.

There is always some ambitious guy waiting for a chance to get your job.

If you falter, he gets it!

Guys who are " out drinking at night" do not perform very well in the day time at work.

Lazy guys do not last long.

Weekends? Many work weekends as well, just to keep that edge needed to stay on top.

Lazy, drinkers who live for the weekend never get very far in my country!

Like any country , my country has it's bottom feeders as well.

They usually end up flipping burgers or mopping floors, if they are employed at all.

Unlike Thailand with it's claimed "100% employment" for Thais

(6 people working a shift at a 7/11 that is done by 1 or 2 in the U.S. or three guys in a delivery truck, one to drive one to unload and one to fill out the invoice)

In the U.S.there is no security in knowing that even if you do so poorly you get fired, you can find a job that pays the same, ( 300 thb, or $10 per day) the next day.

Thailand is some what unique in it methods of discouraging motivation, ambition, responsibility and quality.

As far as your comment about categorizing Thais into a single group,

they are a single group, a nationality and culture unlike any other.

I love Thailand and I like most Thai people, but they are different.

Often it is those differences that I love and that convince me to stay here.

Choke dee!

Maybe I should have said blue collar workers?

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Yes.....true to an extent

However my wife works with mostly other women in her management position and many of them are lazy and incompentent....as compared to a standard that anyone could use as a measure of performance.....and theses are girls all having an education and a university degree that seemingly comes with an "uppity attitude" of social status entitlement.

But you are correct, as most foreigners do agree they will have less problems and more productivity and a mentality of responsibility with female workers while middle management positions are key to getting the other workers to comply and do what needs to be done.

One friend telling me his best middle management people were Lesbian Thai Women who were not afraid to lay down the rules and keep everyone in line and kept everyone accountable and keeping the workers busy.

They would fire a lazy worker first, before he had the chance to fire them, while announcing to the Boss ( Him) ...."We need more workers because I just fired the no good ones"


Edited by gemguy
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In Thailand,the men are the Roosters.

They strut, they crow, they use the women as they like.

The women get down to business and take care of family and life's daily needs present and future.

Yes, the men are the roosters....you might call them a bunch of cocks!

This may be why so many Thai women I know do not want a Thai man and are constantly asking if I know of any good farang men they could meet.

My wife was a widow early on, raised her two children on her own because she refused to 'take a chance' with Thai men and her kids. She never considered for a moment marrying a falang, but it happened -- 'thank God' says happy old man. I have limited experience with Thai men, but I do see a stratification and differentiation at a certain level of education and professionalism. Nevertheless, the chauvinist streak is there and it seems thai women are always on the defense (which mainly means 'offense;) when it comes to managing their menfolk. I truly don;'t envy them and as a doc, understand why they develop the many chronic complaints that accompany stress.

I dunno what it is about the Thai man these days but I've seen several examples of stolid manhood in the older generation up north. There's an element of gelding that takes place with the economic pressures and that doesn't help across the board. Nevertheless, something seems to provide an excuse for the general lethargic approach to manhood here accompanied by overcompensating, often violently drunken responses to perceived insults. Seems to be getting worse and the dumbed-down new generation is becoming less self-sufficient and more dangerous by the day. Again, I have to say, be careful.

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I wish some people on this forum would stop categorizing Thais into one single group. There are many hard working businessmen and women out there working hard every day but most people have very little contact with these people.

The working classes are the same in all countries, out drinking at night, lazy and living for the weekend. They all have employee mentality which is why they are employees.

ATF, you make me wonder just what country you come from.

Your name , ATF, makes me suspect it is my country, USA.

Where I come from a man with a decent job needs to be "on his game" to keep his job.

There is always some ambitious guy waiting for a chance to get your job.

If you falter, he gets it!

Guys who are " out drinking at night" do not perform very well in the day time at work.

Lazy guys do not last long.

Weekends? Many work weekends as well, just to keep that edge needed to stay on top.

Lazy, drinkers who live for the weekend never get very far in my country!

Like any country , my country has it's bottom feeders as well.

They usually end up flipping burgers or mopping floors, if they are employed at all.

Unlike Thailand with it's claimed "100% employment" for Thais

(6 people working a shift at a 7/11 that is done by 1 or 2 in the U.S. or three guys in a delivery truck, one to drive one to unload and one to fill out the invoice)

In the U.S.there is no security in knowing that even if you do so poorly you get fired, you can find a job that pays the same, ( 300 thb, or $10 per day) the next day.

Thailand is some what unique in it methods of discouraging motivation, ambition, responsibility and quality.

As far as your comment about categorizing Thais into a single group,

they are a single group, a nationality and culture unlike any other.

I love Thailand and I like most Thai people, but they are different.

Often it is those differences that I love and that convince me to stay here.

Choke dee!

Maybe I should have said blue collar workers?

Maybe you should have said " I am so good and everybody else is crap". And "it's all their fault".

Wake up to yourself mate - the term "blue collar" worker is an anachronism from another century. Maybe thats why your apparent attitude and management style is so lacking.

To Crazy Chef

If you can't manage poor performance - you can't manage.

It may also explain why you have, presumably, been posted to South East Asia.

Sounds like one of the women should have your job.

Edited by Mudcrab
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You are correct that is my observation as well. Although I had to thank a Thai man on two times when my motorbike tyres burst, who else would fix this a bird? no way otherwise it would have ruined my day. But aside from that I suppose we cant generalize a lot of Thai men also work very hard but I just guess we always see the Mae Ka working 24/7

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Maybe I should have said blue collar workers?

Maybe you should have said " I am so good and everybody else is crap". And "it's all their fault".

Wake up to yourself mate - the term "blue collar" worker is an anachronism from another century. Maybe thats why your apparent attitude and management style is so lacking.

It may also explain why you have, presumably, been posted to South East Asia.

If you can't manage poor performance - you can't manage.

Sounds like one of the women should have your job.

Fortunately I don't need to work anymore but after employing over a thousand people they basically fall into two types. Those that are doing the job to open their own company and become a competitor and those that are just doing as little as possible to exist.

I expect the Chef gets a lot of the former category. People who want to learn but not work.

I must agree I was never a good manager but I always encouraged people who wanted to learn.

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In every society since the start of human existence, women have been parasites from men.

Men have always kept women alive, they did not have to.

To declare "Thai women are the spine of thailand" based on chefs is pathetic.

Western single mother underclass is producing more and more emasculated men, and I must presume the OP is one. Pedastalising women and encouraging them to bypass male authority and compete with men is a great great disaster.

btw all the world's great chefs are male.

Thai women are entitled hypergamous princesses who think they have a right to a man's income. They do not behave in a respectful way. They all choose easy studies and cushy office jobs in aircon office. A "right" to work for women but a man is Obligated to work. And all these silly girls just create more work for men ultimately.

Edited by parmo2
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