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'Billions' of Baht worth of assets found at Thai CIB chief's home


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So the Koh Tao case has convinced virtually the entire TV community that few words coming from the top of the RTP pyramid can be taken as truth, but here we go all out buying into whatever the same people feed us in what is most likely a political and certainly a highly suspicious case.

And then it is the Thai that get accused of lacking critical thinking abilities.

So then using your highly critical thinking abilities, can you share with us your hunches and intuitive insightful thoughts? Could make a great 8th post.

I think if you apply a little critical thinking off your own to this thread you should be able not only to come up with some "hunches" of your own but also realise why they can't be discussed openly on this thread.

Oh I know! Frustrating.

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Follow the money. Will anyone in the Press have the guts to do it? Without that, this is simply (dirty) money changing hands. The shade of this money just switched from red to yellow.

Another thing to ponder. This billion baht, stashed at home, although large, might simply be this guys "cash on hand". I'm sure untraceable, offshore accounts are not outside the scope of his MO.

Something to think about the next time you drop some baht in a beggar's outstretched hand.

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He has a pineapple face just like Noriega I'll bet dollars to donuts his crimes are similar

Noriega was a good friend of the USA for many years.

Yes, it's true: he may have been a sonofabitch, but he was OUR sonofabitch.....

Ta. Strange old world most of the time. Noriega, Sadam good allies one day perpetrators of war crimes the next. Gen. Pinochet was a good egg at one time unless you were a local. Corruption exists wherever there is power, the West is a bit more adept at hiding it. Thai worse than the West? Possibly.

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It's GREAT to see house cleaning beginning at the top. I had a feeling, that the Foundations of the Status Quo were going to be shaken when General/Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha took control of the Kingdom. He is the Man for the job! He said dealing with corruption that had become part of the Thai culture for generations was a priority for him and did he ever mean it. Wow, what a message has been sent out to the scoundrels that benefited personally from corrupt practices while serving in Official capacity. I wonder if there is going to be an amnesty period now, for all the other corrupt Officials to either turn themselves in and forfeit their ill gotten gains or The Law is coming for them and coming for them quickly.

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He has a pineapple face just like Noriega I'll bet dollars to donuts his crimes are similar

Noriega was a good friend of the USA for many years.

Yes, it's true: he may have been a sonofabitch, but he was OUR sonofabitch.....

Ta. Strange old world most of the time. Noriega, Sadam good allies one day perpetrators of war crimes the next. Gen. Pinochet was a good egg at one time unless you were a local. Corruption exists wherever there is power, the West is a bit more adept at hiding it. Thai worse than the West? Possibly.

Just poorly planned, using cash in plain sight stashed away in the home- a little less sophisticated is all. Guess they didnt hear of isle of man, tax havens, offshore....or a even a drivers/maids name....

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>>Police are now investigating to determine how the commissioner had amassed the assets.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that he earned this illicitly.

Come on mate we all know he got all this money from setting up road blocks.

I thought it was due to all the overtime he has been claiming for.

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He has a pineapple face just like Noriega I'll bet dollars to donuts his crimes are similar
Noriega was a good friend of the USA for many years.

Yes, it's true: he may have been a sonofabitch, but he was OUR sonofabitch.....

Ta. Strange old world most of the time. Noriega, Sadam good allies one day perpetrators of war crimes the next. Gen. Pinochet was a good egg at one time unless you were a local. Corruption exists wherever there is power, the West is a bit more adept at hiding it. Thai worse than the West? Possibly.

Just poorly planned, using cash in plain sight stashed away in the home- a little less sophisticated is all. Guess they didnt hear of isle of man, tax havens, offshore....or a even a drivers/maids name....

My bank is in the IOM, tax haven no more. Drivers/maids? The man in Dubai,

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I for one am glad to have read this story. I was beginning to believe that the PM was full of hot air and that we were going down the path to more misery here in Thailand, but now I'm starting to see some progress. This criminal act by a top authority is HUGE!

I hope it continues...

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The expensive Bhudda-amulets didn't help him this time around!!

Maybe they were copies??rolleyes.gif

I seriously doubt they were copies but, they did help him as much as they could! Which as any fake or real amulet would........sweet f-all! Perfect!!

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A careful investor with his wages or just a very good saver or a common thief I hope he is used as a proper example so that other officers in his position and ranks below know how to behave honestly prison sentence or will he just retire from police with his full pension and become a member of parliament and try and get his billion back again as quickly as possible.

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Well well well - i guess most of us was wrong, looks like there are going to be some cleanup after all, good!

It will set a good example down the ranks. About time some of the big boys got named....

Let's hope the boys in green have the courage to clean up a bit in their own camp, as well rolleyes.gif

Yes, but is it a coincidence that (unless I'm mistaken) so far ALL of these transfers arrests etc are for pro-Thaksin/PTP supporters/lackeys?

Yeah, the problem with cleaning up thai police is that there literally would be zero cops left if they did a thorough cleanup.

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Please note: "Central Investigation Bureau commander Lt-General Pongpat Chayaphan, who has been suspended from service after being charged with several crimes, including lese majeste, a police source said late yesterday."

Including Lese Majeste, aligning those who do not necessarily support the King against those who do. Remember, the Army traditionally supports his majesty, as has been shown in previous coups. Let's hope this clean-up or -out continues. Do you see a change? I do. Have you been worse-off under martial law? I have not. I like what's happening, including the immigration tightening, and hope it continues.

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