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becoming impatient in bangkok


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Ever since i came to stay in bangkok i feel i have become impatient. Now i dont wait behind people at the shop, i come in at the side waving money. I dont give an inch to anyone getting in or out of trains because i feel if they take it they think that they r beating u at something. Makes me angry thinking about it. Do thais think they r losing something if they dont take that minor opportunity to get in front. Driving is the same, if i leave a gap between me and the other car for safety some turd feels the need that they have to take it.

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when this happens to me i usually goto the park and relax for an hour or two and think about how lucky i am to have free time.

of course, you may be a working stiff crock who's losing out by not getting that extra inch. can't help you there. i only know that rushing usually puts you further behind then you would be otherwise.

Edited by fey
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I think there is definitely a degree of tension here in Bangkok, as in any metropolitan area. You may just be getting swept up by that.

I don't find it particularly stressful living here, but I don't have conflicts with expecting things to work out a certain way, only to have them work out in a different way (or not work out at all). I guess I'm trying to say that my expectations are low, so not much disappointment!

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I often get frustrated driving in Bangkok. Time to time I feel like I want to run over those motorcycles that dangerously cut me off when I change lane or make a turnannoyed.gif I take a deep breath and tell myself don't lower myself to their level.

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I think there is definitely a degree of tension here in Bangkok, as in any metropolitan area. You may just be getting swept up by that.

I don't find it particularly stressful living here, but I don't have conflicts with expecting things to work out a certain way, only to have them work out in a different way (or not work out at all). I guess I'm trying to say that my expectations are low, so not much disappointment!

Things are only stressful if you let them be, don't allow anyone to bully you, push in front of you in Tesco, or in their car if you leave a space in front of you. There's no better feeling than getting your own back on someone, but don't go looking for things to happen.

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I come from a big city in australia and am generaly polite and understand how a line works. But if i acted like some of the people here i would punched in the face. Seems like there is a tension in the air as soon as people have to start waiting for something. The person with money in hand seems to get priority followed by the person who speaks up then the person who just looks angry while the person waiting quietly can just go to hell and this happens especially when ordering food. I think i am just looking for the right moment for someone to get me on a bad day for a good excuse to knock the day lights out of him.

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I come from a big city in australia and am generaly polite and understand how a line works. But if i acted like some of the people here i would punched in the face. Seems like there is a tension in the air as soon as people have to start waiting for something. The person with money in hand seems to get priority followed by the person who speaks up then the person who just looks angry while the person waiting quietly can just go to hell and this happens especially when ordering food. I think i am just looking for the right moment for someone to get me on a bad day for a good excuse to knock the day lights out of him.

Lets hope impatient doesnt turn to in -patient thumbsup.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I come from a big city in australia and am generaly polite and understand how a line works. But if i acted like some of the people here i would punched in the face. Seems like there is a tension in the air as soon as people have to start waiting for something. The person with money in hand seems to get priority followed by the person who speaks up then the person who just looks angry while the person waiting quietly can just go to hell and this happens especially when ordering food. I think i am just looking for the right moment for someone to get me on a bad day for a good excuse to knock the day lights out of him.

I gathered that from your lack of language and grammar shills. Please make sure your health insurance is current as I have a sneaky feeling you may need it soon.

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I don't understand why somebody should become impatient living in Bangkok. Its very rarely thay someone use the car claxon. I think tbe O.P. not yet adopt himself to the Bangkokian or even Thai lifestyle.

He should realize that your in an Asian country. Other peoples behaviour is just a reflection of your own.coffee1.gif

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By comparison to the Chinese, Thai's by and large are quite placid. The thing that irks me the most is people on their mobile phones in public, especially walking, not watching where they are going...I simply walk into them now, why should you have to walk around them!?...alas I feel this is probably not unique to Bkk now.... the whole world is guilty of this nowadayssad.png

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Hey Tolsti, nice grammar 'shills' yourself lol ! Better have a look in the mirror before you go being critical of someone else. And I do agree with Crickets. When you try to stand politely in line it's like you are invisible to SOME people. Can be frustrating at times (meaning before I've had my morning coffee :) ).

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I think there is definitely a degree of tension here in Bangkok, as in any metropolitan area. You may just be getting swept up by that.

I don't find it particularly stressful living here, but I don't have conflicts with expecting things to work out a certain way, only to have them work out in a different way (or not work out at all). I guess I'm trying to say that my expectations are low, so not much disappointment!

Things are only stressful if you let them be, don't allow anyone to bully you, push in front of you in Tesco, or in their car if you leave a space in front of you. There's no better feeling than getting your own back on someone, but don't go looking for things to happen.

I take the opposite approach, I just let people cut in front. It doesn't happen that much, I just think, "aw, another jerk, go ahead"... I grew up in a big city with really aggressive driving, so maybe my concept of being passive is still being pretty aggressive. But generally if someone wants to push ahead, cut me off, or be a dick in traffic or wherever, I just let them because it isn't worth fighting over. Obviously we all have limits for being treated that way, but I don't feel like my limits get crossed that much in Bangkok.

Er, I'm not saying that I'm a super-laid back guy, only that I don't find the norm in Bangkok to be bad or full of conflicts. I choose my battles, I guess.

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To the OP:

You obviously brought all your problems with you. You would surely have the same stresses living in Japan or

the Philippines, for example. I'd suggest you should make a habit to smile and bow slightly when folks jump in

front of you. In my experience, Thai people often let me go in front of them, just for kindness.

You create your own reality. I'd say your battle is within yourself. Good luck with that.

Edited by BradinAsia
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Prescription Valium. They should put it in the water.

He speaks the truth.

Stress creeps up on you, and if you're not paying attention to yourself, you can get in big trouble.

Maybe check in for some counseling, and remember what that old fraud Gudieff said long ago: "the wise man of the future will take a pill."

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