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Did you wear a yellow shirt today (Monday)?


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This is a topic that has been discussed on several occasions over the years. Please bear in mind the subject matter before you post.

Today (Monday), I wore a yellow shirt. I usually do on Monday. My appearance is warmly greeted by Thai people whom I meet today. It seems to me that not so many Thais wear yellow on Mondays, (compared to 10 years ago).

But what about Johnny Foreigner? Do you wear a yellow shirt on Monday?

Let's have a civil discussion, (impossible! this is TV...!)


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Interesting timing for the topic. Normally I don't wear a yellow shirt on Mondays anymore, although many I see many people wearing the respectful yellow shirts every time I go out every day.

As far as I know, as of next week, schools and public offices will be in yellow daily until just before Xmas, in honour of HM The King's birthday.

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But will you wear pink tomorrow... !!!

No, I don't actually have a pink shirt. I should buy a nice polo shirt style in pink :)

I usually stick to yellow on Mondays because I forget the relevant colours for the other days

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Do you wear a yellow shirt on Monday?

Nope. Neither do the people in the modern Thai corporation in Bangkok where I work. In fact most Thai people there, don't usual follow this colour scheme at all.

Once, when I incidentally wore the colour for the relevant day, some for my colleagues asked me whether I had chosen it purposelessly for the day. I then inquired why they don't do this and was met with polite smiles and feeble excuses that they had forgotten or something. Of course not satisfied with such a response, I later asked the big man, a senior Thai colleague who often speaks his mind frankly. He said something like that he had enough on his plate as to bother with it --- a colour scheme that in effect was created, during the days to of Siam, for upper class ladies in Bangkok that would allow them to effectively show off their entire wardrobe. He then winked at me and said, but it's alright, Thai people are sort of impressed when foreigners do this.

Edited by Morakot
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...Thai people are sort of impressed when foreigners do this.

I agree. But sometimes you get a foreigner who sports a yellow shirt in a sort of 'hey look at me, I'm really Thai' way.

For me, it isn't like that. I just think, 'oh its Monday, I'll wear my yellow shirt today' (whether or not I'm going outside the house).

I was at the ferry port in Phuket this morning doing some TPV (Tourist Pol;ice Volunteer) work - most of the ferry staff were wearing yellow and warmly greeted me when they saw me wearing yellow also.

Yes I know that yellow is not part of the TPV uniform in Phuket - but its my uniform on Mondays :)

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No is the answer. Some years back at the height of this, my previous place of work required us to wear Yellow on a a monday and Blue on a Friday. Thankfully, I don't have to put up with that BS anymore with my current company.

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Yes, I did wear yellow today and will wear pink tomorrow.

I believe wearing yellow shows respect for the King.

I respect the King.

I will wear pink tomorrow.

and so on.

I am pleased to live in Thailand and have no problem with showing respect for the country I have decided to spend my life in.

Thailand has it's faults.

What country does not have faults?

Thailand's history has been far less destructive, exploitative and harmful to others than my home country and others of the "western civilization".

I respect that.

I know it is very popular to disrespect Thailand here on TV.

I often wonder why so many want to live in a place they dislike so much.

I like it here..no, I love it here.

So, I wear a yellow shirt on Mondays.

and pink on Tuesday..

and so on.....

Edited by willyumiii
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Yes, I did wear yellow today and will wear pink tomorrow.

I believe wearing yellow shows respect for the King.

I respect the King.

I will wear pink tomorrow.

and so on.

I am pleased to live in Thailand and have no problem with showing respect for the country I have decided to spend my life in.

Thailand has it's faults.

What country does not have faults?

Thailand's history has been far less destructive, exploitative and harmful to others than my home country and others of the "western civilization".

I respect that.

I know it is very popular to disrespect Thailand here on TV.

I often wonder why so many want to live in a place they dislike so much.

I like it here..no, I love it here.

So, I wear a yellow shirt on Mondays.

and pink on Tuesday..

and so on.....

Up to you, considering most Thai people don't.

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Yes, I did wear yellow today and will wear pink tomorrow.

I believe wearing yellow shows respect for the King.

I respect the King.

I will wear pink tomorrow.

and so on.

I am pleased to live in Thailand and have no problem with showing respect for the country I have decided to spend my life in.

Thailand has it's faults.

What country does not have faults?

Thailand's history has been far less destructive, exploitative and harmful to others than my home country and others of the "western civilization".

I respect that.

I know it is very popular to disrespect Thailand here on TV.

I often wonder why so many want to live in a place they dislike so much.

I like it here..no, I love it here.

So, I wear a yellow shirt on Mondays.

and pink on Tuesday..

and so on.....

Up to you, considering most Thai people don't.

Maybe Willy is Thaier than Thais.

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Sad but true, but it seems in recent years of political divide, that wearing yellow on a Monday does not happen anymore!

When I first came to Thailand, maybe 6 or 7 years ago, it was still popular.

But since the Wars of the colours, noticeably less so.

Observations solely from Bangkok ... other areas may differ.

What colour shirt do I wear?

Any colour that passes the sniff test.

That said ... I did find that Thai tradition of shirt colours quaint.

I kind of liked it.

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He said something like that he had enough on his plate as to bother with it --- a colour scheme that in effect was created, during the days to of Siam, for upper class ladies in Bangkok that would allow them to effectively show off their entire wardrobe. He then winked at me and said, but it's alright, Thai people are sort of impressed when foreigners do this.

The color scheme is actually based on Thai astrology. Each day of the week is named after a planetary body and has an associated god with their own color.


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He said something like that he had enough on his plate as to bother with it --- a colour scheme that in effect was created, during the days to of Siam, for upper class ladies in Bangkok that would allow them to effectively show off their entire wardrobe. He then winked at me and said, but it's alright, Thai people are sort of impressed when foreigners do this.

The color scheme is actually based on Thai astrology. Each day of the week is named after a planetary body and has an associated god with their own color.


Yes, that's what exactly the guy was trying to tell. Some Bangkok ladies using some ancient astrology to chose their attire.

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I never took much notice of shirt colours until the troubles started. Since then red and yellow have stayed in the wardrobe purely to avoid any confrontations.

On the other hand my wife's office and many other govt staff would generally wear the colours of the day. I found the ousted govt's instructions for govt staff to wear uniforms instead of the usual yellow clothes on Mondays highly suspicious.

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Interesting. Certainly during the past demonstrations in 2010 at the airport and last year and early this year. If I wore a yellow shirt, I wore a red tie and if I wore a red shirt, I wore a yellow tie. This all came about, as I had a kind person suggest that wearing a red shirt might give the wrong impression. Even though it was a salmon coloured shirt and not red, I took it on board. I did feel like saying wearing a particular coloured shirt was childish, if people thought it represented your thoughts on political beliefs. I was in a good mood that day, so just smiled and said thank you.smile.png

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