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Upload photo issue


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Guys, this feature is just not working for me.

Yesterday, yes yesterday, I tried to change my Avatar ... it's a Christmas thing.

I know how to do, having done it many times in the past.

I go to 'my settings'

I click 'change my photo'


I browse the image I want and the image loads, as you can see the start of the file name.

You can see the start of the file name ... santa-bab**********

What is the next step?

It doesn't show in the photo box to adjust the crop.

OK ... maybe it's me ... I use the same 'URL' option.

Again ... no joy.

I have zero interest in using anything to do with Gravatar.

If I am doing something wrong, please tell me how to do it correctly.

If there is an issue with the TV Software ... can you please fix it.

In the mean time, can you manually upload this photo please?

Yes, I have read about the cache clearing and all that.

But the image won't even load. Plus, don't forget I tried to do this yesterday, and again today.

If some kind soul can do this ... thumbsup.gif



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For Patsycat, I see this (left: on the tablet; right: on the laptop):

post-21260-0-08505600-1417373308.png post-21260-0-44762400-1417373306.png

Both devices connect to the Internet through the same wireless router, which probably means that I can't blame it on the cache on my ISP's server. It must be something to do with my laptop. The general trick of Ctrl+F5 does not update it. C'est la bloody vie (English: that's life, my friend)

I thought of changing my avatar temporarily for the festive season but have now changed my mind. I would not want members to see it only at Easter.

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I figured out how to clear my browser's cache, did it, closed the browser, ran it again; nothing has changed. Now I am going to shut down the computer, fetch a can of beer from the cellar, restart the computer, pour the first half-pint, lean back and see what happens.

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Joined Gravatar, it has driven me even dafter its too much twaddle.. Must i go to Tire Plus to remove my Wheel.It deletes and then come back again after ive D/Loaded a nice new one.w00t.gif

I see your pair of waddling penguins, both on the tablet and on the laptop:


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I still have the flying kitten, David's is still the shushing child. I did log out and logged on again.

Perhaps tomorrow or around St Patricks day in March.

I don't know how to get rid of cookies.

Yes i do, but my puter is all in french and sometimes it's difficult to translate.

Up there on the right where i can change my photo it shows the skating kitty as my avatar.

Confused, tonight i shall log off and turn this poor wee laptop off so it can cool down. And perhaps it will work.

Not the end of the world.

Edited by Patsycat
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Mine works - nanny nanny poo poo-

Are you saying that you now see your new avatar?


If you are, I am happy for your. I now see it too, also on my laptop, not just on the tablet.

I now also see the Santa girl of David48.

Now, what was the avatar I wanted to upload to my profile for the holiday season? I had a shortlist of three in my temp folder but deleted them when I read about all your problems. Never mind, I'll just stick to my boring banana leaf. It has such a serene, calming effect, hasn't it?

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I seem to have the same problem and searched TV for a guide - read in an older tread from 2012 with something about TV-software etc. using same file-name, that would be fixed – changed yesterday and waited, waited; tried again today, cleared photo, new upload, left the box for more than 10 minutes; but same-same not different...

David48, some places (on my computer) your avatar shows as the Xmas-one, others your usual image...

Edited by khunPer
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I seem to have the same problem and searched TV for a guide - read in an older tread from 2012 with something about TV-software etc. using same file-name, that would be fixed – changed yesterday and waited, waited; tried again today, cleared photo, new upload, left the box for more than 10 minutes; but same-same not different...
David48, some places (on my computer) your avatar shows as the Xmas-one, others your usual image...

Mate, on my computer, it took 3 days.

That happens.

Would be nice if the system was faster ... but, on TV ... that's the least of our worries.

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I seem to have the same problem and searched TV for a guide - read in an older tread from 2012 with something about TV-software etc. using same file-name, that would be fixed – changed yesterday and waited, waited; tried again today, cleared photo, new upload, left the box for more than 10 minutes; but same-same not different...
David48, some places (on my computer) your avatar shows as the Xmas-one, others your usual image...

Mate, on my computer, it took 3 days.

That happens.

Would be nice if the system was faster ... but, on TV ... that's the least of our worries.

Thanks - I've now decided to just enjoy life instead of waiting in front of my screen to see if the avatar is in a changeable mood or not...
And by the way, if the same filename is used for a new uploaded avatar, then it’s correct that all caches need to be cleared – not only inside my own computer, as there may also be cached files along the route from the server and down to my little-wall-plug-out-to-the-big-CyperWorld – as otherwise seen as the same good-old-image and no need to disturb the busy information-highway by downloading it again. However, I do think that program-code shall be re-written, as changing avatars (or profile image) works instantly other places...
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Is this one going to be the good Xmas one, cos i seem to see two Xmas one s and my old flying cat.

Well, in the space of four days I have now seen three different avatars with your posts on my laptop:


At least for you, a new avatar seems to show up with only a short delay.

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