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Thailand's Department of Civil Aviation asked to train more pilots


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Thailand's Department of Civil Aviation asked to train more pilots
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BANGKOK, Nov 28 -- A shortage of qualified Thai pilots on the country's domestic air routes means that some foreign pilots are being employed, according to the Civil Aviation Department.

In response to Thai pilot complaints that foreign pilots are illegally flying planes on domestic routes and affecting their careers, Civil Aviation Department Director-General Somchai Piputvat said that the use of foreign pilots violated Thai labour law but solved the local shortage of pilots for the present.

Mr Somchai said the law might be amended to permit foreign pilot domestic service as the training of qualified Thai pilots cannot at present meet demands in the growing aviation industry

Meanwhile, Permanent Secretary for Transport Soithip Trisuddhi told the department to increase the numbers of trained aviation personnel to meet the growing demands of the aviation industry.

Thailand's permanent secretary for transport used the 81st anniversary of the founding of the Department of Civil Aviation to call for urgent improvements to the Air Transport Act of 1954 which she said had become outdated. She said more pilots needed to be trained and that facilities needed to be upgraded.

In the 60 years since the act was effected, developments in the aviation industry, Ms Soithip said many changes have come to the air transport sector.

Ms Soithip instructed the department to quickly finish its plan to make better use of the department's 28 provincial airports.

The plan should promote safe operations of the facilities in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization standards.

Ms Soithip told the department to increase the numbers of trained aviation personnel to meet the growing demands of the aviation industry.

Transport Minister Prajin Juntong's policy to upgrade U-Tapao airport into an international airport was also brought to focus on the occasion, Ms Soithip said.

Early next Thailand's month transport authorities will discuss area allocation for commercial and security operations at U-Tapao airport with the Navy, as it supervises the facility, Ms Soithip said.

Civil Aviation Department Director-General Somchai said a consultancy will conclude the plan for the 28 provincial airports by the end of December. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-11-28

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"In response to Thai pilot complaints that foreign pilots are illegally flying planes on domestic routes"

Just say whatever you like. Good job there aren't strong defamation laws here.

I'd like to add something as well "Foreign pilots are usually alcoholics. Oh, and they're stupid too"

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"A shortage of qualified Thai pilots on the country's domestic air routes..."

How about a shortage of qualified drivers on domestic road routes? They need more training and being controlled. After all, I've never been run into, cut off, or driven off the road by an airplane. However, motor bike, van, dump truck and SUV drivers are another story.w00t.gif

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Nex time I fly, if I heard, "Sawsadee Krap, pom tchiur Flight Captain Lao, We'll be flying loop the loop at 36,000 ft.", I be off that plane like a Porsche thru my ass.

I do know a Thai Airways pilot personally, and he's a right piss head... . I'd sooner hear Flight Captain James Wainwright 2nd announce himself, anyday. I won't be using any Thai flights again..... !! fact!!

Edited by Commerce
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"In response to Thai pilot complaints that foreign pilots are illegally flying planes on domestic routes"

Just say whatever you like. Good job there aren't strong defamation laws here.

I'd like to add something as well "Foreign pilots are usually alcoholics. Oh, and they're stupid too"

I cannot figure out if you are trying to be sarcastic, or are stating your true feelings.

Either way, dumb post.

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"In response to Thai pilot complaints that foreign pilots are illegally flying planes on domestic routes"

Just say whatever you like. Good job there aren't strong defamation laws here.

I'd like to add something as well "Foreign pilots are usually alcoholics. Oh, and they're stupid too"

I cannot figure out if you are trying to be sarcastic, or are stating your true feelings.

Either way, dumb post.


The sound of the post going way over your head.

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Thai pilots are allowed to fly in America, why not here? A good friend of mine, who is Thai, is the lead mechanic for the 777 in ANC for FedEx. Great guy, and super smart. A mechanic from America would never make it as far as my friend did at an airline in Thailand. The double standards in Thailand are getting very old!

Edited by Echo Tango
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The cost of training a pilot on Thailand is very large, and that is for the basic licence. This is only for single engine propeller VFR licence. It takes many years of training and experience to be able to qualify for a multiple engine jet IFR licence. Than it takes thousand of hours to qualify as a Captain. Than there is the rotter wing certification.The best avenue to qualify is through the military. Than there is the type rating, for each aircraft. Just because you have a degree does not indicate you are qualified.

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Thai pilots are allowed to fly in America, why not here? A good friend of mine, who is Thai, is the lead mechanic for the 777 in ANC for FedEx. Great guy, and super smart. A mechanic from America would never make it as far as my friend did at an airline in Thailand. The double standards in Thailand are getting very old!

Law is law.

Law say foreign pilot cannot do domestic route. Same same as in the USA.

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Thai pilots are allowed to fly in America, why not here? A good friend of mine, who is Thai, is the lead mechanic for the 777 in ANC for FedEx. Great guy, and super smart. A mechanic from America would never make it as far as my friend did at an airline in Thailand. The double standards in Thailand are getting very old!

Law is law.

Law say foreign pilot cannot do domestic route. Same same as in the USA.

Unfortunately law is not law in Thailand. Money wins everytime. If there are not enough local pilots or it costs too much to train them, foreign pilots will be employed. Rich Thai businessmen are not going to lose money because of something silly like 'nationalism' Nationalism is for the poor. Edited by rkidlad
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Thai pilots are allowed to fly in America, why not here? A good friend of mine, who is Thai, is the lead mechanic for the 777 in ANC for FedEx. Great guy, and super smart. A mechanic from America would never make it as far as my friend did at an airline in Thailand. The double standards in Thailand are getting very old!

Law is law.

Law say foreign pilot cannot do domestic route. Same same as in the USA.

I'm sorry, but what you said is not true. Just about any nationality can fly for the airlines in the United States if they have the proper licenses and certificates. The problem is getting the proper visa to do so. It's very difficult, but not impossible. Thailand has many laws that are extremely xenophobic and they will hurt Thailand in the long run.

I think the restriction you're thinking of is for foreign airlines (businesses) competing with local carriers on domestic routes. Example: Air Asia flying from Seattle to Phoenix and competing against Southwest, Delta, JetBlue and etc.

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The cost of training a pilot on Thailand is very large, and that is for the basic licence. This is only for single engine propeller VFR licence. It takes many years of training and experience to be able to qualify for a multiple engine jet IFR licence. Than it takes thousand of hours to qualify as a Captain. Than there is the rotter wing certification.The best avenue to qualify is through the military. Than there is the type rating, for each aircraft. Just because you have a degree does not indicate you are qualified.

"It takes many years of training and experience to be able to qualify for a multiple engine jet IFR licence"

Oddly enough, in the UK we used to have first-officers, flying commercial twin-jets as pilot-in-command, after little-more-than a year of flight-school and aged 19-20.

Perhaps the air in Thailand is different or special ? wai.gif

"Than there is the rotter wing certification"

Perhaps it takes absolute-rotters to fly rotary-wing aircraft ? whistling.gif

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There are some foreign pilots flying domestic routes in Thailand but almost all of them are helicopter pilots. The reason for this is that most of the Thai helicopter pilots were trained by the military and do not have the English language skills to do the type conversion training required to operate civilian choppers. The fixed-wing situation is different. There is actually a surplus of pilots in Thailand, hence the complaints about foreign pilots taking Thai jobs. The shortage refers to experienced pilots, (Captains), and most if not all of the unemployed Thai pilots lack the experience to do the job. It will therefore make no difference if the foreign pilots are kicked out but this is nevertheless what happened earlier this year when a small domestic operator was taken over by a bigger international one. The Thai pilots asked the management not to re-hire the foreign crews and the company agreed. In most developing economies local pilots do enjoy some form of job protection. Interestingly, two of the very few countries to achieve developed economy status in recent history, Singapore and South Korea, employ a lot of foreign pilots.

Regarding: Oddly enough, in the UK we used to have first-officers, flying commercial twin-jets as pilot-in-command, after little-more-than a year of flight-school and aged 19-20. This is technically incorrect. The Captain is the pilot-in-command.

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1.<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"In response to Thai pilot complaints that foreign pilots are illegally flying planes on domestic routes"

Just say whatever you like. Good job there aren't strong defamation laws here.

I'd like to add something as well "Foreign pilots are usually alcoholics. Oh, and they're stupid too"

And from where do you obtain your generalized information? Bet you were a Snake Pilot in The NAM.

Edited by hiller
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One reason for a lack of Thai Pilots might very well be, the lack of Aero Clubs.

Seems there was an Aero Club/ Flying School, offering Pilot Training in Chiang Mai but it is no longer operating.

Considering that this is the sort of facility where MOST Commercial Pilots start out, before they even join the Royal Thai Air Force or go into Civil Aviation, perhaps the Government might consider encouraging the re-establishment of a Domestic Flight School in Chiang Mai and other places around the country?

I found out about the lack of facilities recently, when I was attempting to get Flying Lessons for my daughter (who is Thai) and might, in the future seek a career in Commercial Aviation. Sadly.....nothing doing in Chiang Mai.

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"In response to Thai pilot complaints that foreign pilots are illegally flying planes on domestic routes"

Just say whatever you like. Good job there aren't strong defamation laws here.

I'd like to add something as well "Foreign pilots are usually alcoholics. Oh, and they're stupid too"

I would like to add something - what a stupid post

Yea, much like the pilots, that one went over your head.

What do you expect when your post is so obtuse one has to be psychic to make any sense of it. Maybe you're not as clever as you think you are.

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"In response to Thai pilot complaints that foreign pilots are illegally flying planes on domestic routes"

Just say whatever you like. Good job there aren't strong defamation laws here.

I'd like to add something as well "Foreign pilots are usually alcoholics. Oh, and they're stupid too"

I cannot figure out if you are trying to be sarcastic, or are stating your true feelings.

Either way, dumb post.


The sound of the post going way over your head.

OK, Einstein. YOU explain his post since the both of you are just acting smug like everyone is not as smart as you. Who but a narcissist writes, not to be understood, but to pretend they are of such superior intellect that no mere mortal can understand their brilliance? I think you didn't understand either (how could you since it could have been taken any number of ways) but pretend you do so people will think you are smart. You come off as smug and pretentious as does rkidlad.

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"... foreign pilots are illegally flying planes on domestic routes ..."

What's the big deal here? Fire and deport those foreign pilots, fine the airlines for violating immigration rules on employment, and shut down flights dependent on foreign pilots until certified Thai pilots can replace the foreign pilots - how many years that may take. Revenues and profits are second to Thai ethics and morality! This looks like a job for J-Man, as in Junta Man.

Or the Department of Civil Aviation can continue to do what it has in the past and live with foreign pilots until the airlines are serious about replacing them with Thai qualified pilots. Don't rock the boat unless you can swim.

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The fact of the matter is (one of them anyway), it is easier to get training and your hours (flying) in the USA for example than it is in Thailand so there are more pilots. Thailand needs to be more proactive in making it easier for those who want to become pilots to have the opportunity to do so. Until that time, Thailand, like some other countries will have to utilize foreign pilots.

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"In response to Thai pilot complaints that foreign pilots are illegally flying planes on domestic routes"

Just say whatever you like. Good job there aren't strong defamation laws here.

I'd like to add something as well "Foreign pilots are usually alcoholics. Oh, and they're stupid too"

I cannot figure out if you are trying to be sarcastic, or are stating your true feelings.

Either way, dumb post.


The sound of the post going way over your head.

OK, Einstein. YOU explain his post since the both of you are just acting smug like everyone is not as smart as you. Who but a narcissist writes, not to be understood, but to pretend they are of such superior intellect that no mere mortal can understand their brilliance? I think you didn't understand either (how could you since it could have been taken any number of ways) but pretend you do so people will think you are smart. You come off as smug and pretentious as does rkidlad.

Wow! Someone has lost some serious face.

I would explain the post, but it's really not that difficult to understand and watching you fume is rather enjoyable. Also, ignorance is bliss.............for some.

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I cannot figure out if you are trying to be sarcastic, or are stating your true feelings.

Either way, dumb post.


The sound of the post going way over your head.

OK, Einstein. YOU explain his post since the both of you are just acting smug like everyone is not as smart as you. Who but a narcissist writes, not to be understood, but to pretend they are of such superior intellect that no mere mortal can understand their brilliance? I think you didn't understand either (how could you since it could have been taken any number of ways) but pretend you do so people will think you are smart. You come off as smug and pretentious as does rkidlad.

Wow! Someone has lost some serious face.

I would explain the post, but it's really not that difficult to understand and watching you fume is rather enjoyable. Also, ignorance is bliss.............for some.

Are you ceiling cat?

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