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Two men burned alive in Yaris crashing into 10-wheeler on Bang Na-Trat Road


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Yup, you are probably right. Those broken beer bottles had been collected to recycle and they were on their way to sell them.

No empathy from me with this one, sorry... Road rules need enforcement in this country and until that happens, Somchai and his mates will continue to die in horrific circumstan

you stupid, sounds like you know they were drunk,another farang thinks he knows everything

They were driving back from a night out. Broken beer bottles found in the car. .?

No I don't know everything but I can have a pretty good guess given the circumstances and result.

Just glad no other people were injured or worse.

Come on Carlos the Corn, tell me why EMPTY bottles explode.

Full bottles containing gaseous contents explode under heat.... not empty ones - THEY MELT.. THEY DO NOT EXPLODE!!

Oh! I see! They were playing throw the empty beer bottle against the window one.... thaaaat's it!

Get a grip... Carlos... you have no idea what happened.... but your assumption about them being drunk is totally UNWARRANTED.

It's even more worrisome if they did it sober.

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I encounter a dozen careless drivers every day who give no braking room. Surprised this is not a daily news item.

As you know, the idea of leaving a safe distance between moving vehicles, is somewhat alien here, as the safe space between you and the car ahead is viewed by many drivers as an opportunity to slip in and move ahead of you.

What does any of that have to do with someone SPEEDING ONTO the highway and loosing control of their vehicle? That's right, absolutely nothing.

What on earth made you think the driver lost control of his vehicle? He was in control until the moment of impact.

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A hard way to learn respect to other drivers especially 10 wheelers when will Thais ever learn how to drive drunk or sober not very good all round, and the truck driving off makes pleasant a change from the driver running off

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Drink and driving do not go together.

Feel sorry for the dead, but they decided their own destiny.


Would you say 'cold' if a drunk driver killed a family member of yours or a close friend ?

I doubt it.. Karma strikes again

Two people burned alive under horrific circumstances. We don't know if the driver was drunk or not!!

So my point was, a little empathy was in place. Not a "don't drink and drive" campaign.

Highly likely they were already dead from the impact of the Yaris hitting the truck before the fire started.

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Its all very well saying you have no sympathy 'if' they were drinking, but they dont need sympathy, theyre dead and have paid the price already.

However, these two guys will have loved ones, and family, maybe children who are very much alive still, so I think there is no need for anyone to say they have no sympathy, empathy or whatever. In a case like this, its the ones left behind who DO need comfort, understanding and empathy. They didnt force these guys to drink.

No need for all the hard faced self righteous perfect TV members to trill in.

Drink driving kills and maims, not just directly, but indirectly. Simply dont do it.

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how many times do you see trucks hogging the fast lane or pulling out without any indicators?

how many times have you had a pick up ride your arse with less than a meter trying to drive you out of the fast lane because they want to break the speed limit?

driving is when the true colors of people emerge, behind the kraps and Kas and fake smiles which were designed to make the illussion that is thainess.
Unfortunately the same degree of illussion isnt possible to teach them when it comes to driving...

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Drink and driving do not go together.

Feel sorry for the dead, but they decided their own destiny.


Would you say 'cold' if a drunk driver killed a family member of yours or a close friend ?

I doubt it.. Karma strikes again

Two people burned alive under horrific circumstances. We don't know if the driver was drunk or not!!

So my point was, a little empathy was in place. Not a "don't drink and drive" campaign.

a good mate and his wife were on their way home to their children years ago, they stopped at the turn into their street for an oncoming car. The driver was drunk and slammed into them, they were incinerated within site of their house and kids, sympathy for these idiots or any others that drink and drive, none what so ever.

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I encounter a dozen careless drivers every day who give no braking room. Surprised this is not a daily news item.

As you know, the idea of leaving a safe distance between moving vehicles, is somewhat alien here, as the safe space between you and the car ahead is viewed by many drivers as an opportunity to slip in and move ahead of you.

What does any of that have to do with someone SPEEDING ONTO the highway and loosing control of their vehicle? That's right, absolutely nothing.

What on earth made you think the driver lost control of his vehicle? He was in control until the moment of impact.

<quote>According witnesses, the Yaris was speeding up an overpass over the Bang Na-Trat Road when it lost control and rear ended the semi truck. The truck reportedly drove away, possibly unaware of the accident.</quote>

I guess because I can and do read.

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Whats to say the beer bottles didn`t belong to the passengers and the driver was stone cold sober?

The police should have kept their mouth shut until any toxicology report proved he was drunk.

Geez I would think the intense fire resulting from the alcohol in their blood burning would be enough evidence. Case solved, no need for toxicology testing. sorry.gif

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Its all very well saying you have no sympathy 'if' they were drinking, but they dont need sympathy, theyre dead and have paid the price already.

However, these two guys will have loved ones, and family, maybe children who are very much alive still, so I think there is no need for anyone to say they have no sympathy, empathy or whatever. In a case like this, its the ones left behind who DO need comfort, understanding and empathy. They didnt force these guys to drink.

No need for all the hard faced self righteous perfect TV members to trill in.

Drink driving kills and maims, not just directly, but indirectly. Simply dont do it.

Anyone who drives drunk, I want them dead as soon as possible, and I mean dead. Yes they may well have a wife and family, but if they are dead, then they cannot kill anyone. drunken drivers cause far too much death and serious injury to innocent people. I want all drunk drivers dead. No sympathy at all.

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A post containing a derogatory slur toward Thais has been removed:

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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Drink and driving do not go together.

Feel sorry for the dead, but they decided their own destiny.

dont talk stupid. they had a drink yes,they should not drink and drive yes,but they didn't decide to burn to death.This must be everyone's worst nightmare,and you think it was a life choice.

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The Honda Jazz and Toyota Yaris are cute little cars and are priced right and so very popular with the That public. I would not drive one of these cars if someone gave it t me for free. Its possible the truck driver did not notice being hit because the Yaris may have not hit him that hard. I saw a Jazz lose control on Pattaya Klang and hit a pole. They were not going really all that fast. I have never seen a car that was so completely destroyed, everyone in it was killed. You don't have to hit something going fast and both of these cars will completely come apart. The back and the front of the car trade places. These cute little fun to drive cars are DEATH TRAPS.

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Drink and driving do not go together.

Feel sorry for the dead, but they decided their own destiny.


Would you say 'cold' if a drunk driver killed a family member of yours or a close friend ?

I doubt it.. Karma strikes again

Two people burned alive under horrific circumstances. We don't know if the driver was drunk or not!!

So my point was, a little empathy was in place. Not a "don't drink and drive" campaign.

You are so right, but as you surely know, the Patronizing Brigade are not concerned with empathy, they're concerned with getting the world in line and telling us sinners what is right or wrong. Na.

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Drink and driving do not go together.

Feel sorry for the dead, but they decided their own destiny.

Fortunate they didn't decide on some innocent person's destiny too. It's so cheap for taxis, why do people do the drink driving thing.. (excepting the fact it's not unusual for a taxi driver to be pissed up or worse of course)

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I suppose if the bystanders had spent less time videoing and photographing the accident on their phones, maybe the lives of these 2 unfortunate men could have been saved.

Edited by Guemlum
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Driving drunk don't necessarily means burn alive. To make sure your right foot can brake safely at least launch empty bottles out the car smile.png

If we were all drunk drivers this was not a real news, real life makes the opportunity to be in front or on the opposite of tipsy drivers making the experience of driving sober particularly exciting wub.png

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Yup, you are probably right. Those broken beer bottles had been collected to recycle and they were on their way to sell them.

No empathy from me with this one, sorry... Road rules need enforcement in this country and until that happens, Somchai and his mates will continue to die in horrific circumstan

you stupid, sounds like you know they were drunk,another farang thinks he knows everything

They were driving back from a night out. Broken beer bottles found in the car. .?

No I don't know everything but I can have a pretty good guess given the circumstances and result.

Just glad no other people were injured or worse.

Come on Carlos the Corn, tell me why EMPTY bottles explode.

Full bottles containing gaseous contents explode under heat.... not empty ones - THEY MELT.. THEY DO NOT EXPLODE!!

Oh! I see! They were playing throw the empty beer bottle against the window one.... thaaaat's it!

Get a grip... Carlos... you have no idea what happened.... but your assumption about them being drunk is totally UNWARRANTED.

I don't think his assumption they were drunk is totally unwarranted. In the article it stated they were on their way home after a night out. I believe the article talked about shattered beer bottles rather than exploding beer bottles but it's highly probable the bottles shattered on impact if they were in the footwell or even in the back (or a mix of both maybe). The police stated they thought the lads had all been drinking too so Carlos' assumption isn't really without warranty, is it? Also, they drove into the rear end of a 10 ton lorry so hard their car exploded! I'm thinking if they'd been sober, one of them might have noticed the 10 ton lorry.. Sad loss of life either way, their parents must be devastated.

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I encounter a dozen careless drivers every day who give no braking room. Surprised this is not a daily news item.

As you know, the idea of leaving a safe distance between moving vehicles, is somewhat alien here, as the safe space between you and the car ahead is viewed by many drivers as an opportunity to slip in and move ahead of you.

What does any of that have to do with someone SPEEDING ONTO the highway and loosing control of their vehicle? That's right, absolutely nothing.

What on earth made you think the driver lost control of his vehicle? He was in control until the moment of impact.

Same question to you but in reverse. What on Earth makes you think he was in control until the moment of impact. If that's the case he deliberately and in full control drove into the rear end of a 10 ton lorry. But I'm interested to know how you know?

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