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Stop finding fault, Prayut says

Lite Beer

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Everyday is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Unfortunately a huge section of the population cares little for politics and more or less leaves it up to whatever ...... is in place to run the country. In a sense they get what they deserve but I'm not quite sure they deserve something quite like this.

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My (misguided) hopes that things might change for the better here are being dashed rapidly ...

The cornerstone of a true Democracy is freedom of speech and freedom of expression ... (which Thailand has never had, and it's only getting worse) ... anything less that this is a Dictatorship, nothing more, nothing less.

Whilst I understand the reasons, you chose to initiate this coup, stop whining about the backlash from it. If you want the criticism to stop, be more open and forthcoming and transparent and involve "the people" more, rather than just your own sycophants.

Given that the planning for this coup goes back to 2010 or so, you've had plenty of time to prepare for it and get ideas and systems put in place or at the very least formulate "policies" and earmark "people" for positions etc, so you don't really need that much more time, just implement the things you'd already planned for, or are you "winging" it?

Edited by Tatsujin
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

People can critizes Prayut as much as they want to but the fact is his done a lot more good than the previous government since he took power. Support is what this country needs not critizem

Another entry for "Fascism Is Our Friend."

At the risk of wandering slightly off-topic, did you not find anything vaguely fascistic in the previous administration's 'Red Villages', re-education-schools & street-mobs, was the amnesty-bill vote (at 4am !) or the Peoples' Democratic Republic of Lanna proposal totally democratic by farang standards ? Was it right that elected-MPs should receive a monthly stipend, now cut, from their political-party HQ ?

I didn't think it was a healthy democracy, that would require educated citizens & free-speech & press, which have never existed here IMHO.

Prayut is showing, with his recent comments, that he's not a regular politician with thick-skin & professional spin-merchants scripting his every word. He's trying to operate in a very different environment to the military one he's come from, and this sometimes shows in his utterances.

Which doesn't inherently make him wrong, in what he's trying to achieve.

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"If you really want the election to be held tomorrow I will be ready.”

Sounds good. Let the Thai speak. wai2.gif wai.gif

“The premier pleaded for sympathy from the public and media, saying that everybody should give him some hope and suggestions.blink.png

“You shouldn't ask me when the election will be held or when we will leave. What am I?" he said. blink.png

Judging from the first part of your sentence, I believe you answered your own question.

That D-Word we are not allowed to say?

“Prayut spoke with an apparently angry voice while hitting the podium all the time.”

Can we just call a spade a spade?

“He also said he chose to sit down in last night's nights programme, because he was exhausted.”


I had no problem with the link:


P.S. The suggestions on the FB page for a new backdrop are Hilarious. Find it at BP.

cheesy.gif clap2.gifcheesy.gif clap2.gif

Edited by iReason
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the premier then burst out after being pressured by questions from the media on the junta's plans and election schedule.

I don't understand what you want from me.

The country has a lot of problems to be solved but you [media] keep finding fault with me

oh boy...

firstly, don't take everything personal, it will give you an ulcer.

secondly, it is the job of the media and the public to question their government on any issue

thirdly, it is your job to answer those questions with rationale and logic

fourthly, you do not have to answer everything by your lonesome, delegate...

fifthly, don't insult people who have been working and creating on your behalf, it makes you look like a ***

sixthly, don't justify actions by threatening the country's sudden demise, countries are fairly resilient...

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Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha insisted yesterday on his intention to hold an election within one year as per his initial road map but said it depends on how ready the country is.

Another, we will have sun everyday next year but there is a high possibility that it will rain most of the time, statement

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Thailand seems to suffer from this need for officials to blab off their mouths at every opportunity with a deluge of crap just to fill their need for self importance, we have seen it time and time again, all it does is lead to confusion and miss-information

you are joking right? that deluge of crap is the truth leaking out.


I agree with your insight, let the Pm continue to act like a child, then when he decides to be democratic, the hordes will not vote for him.

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We keep hearing from some foriegners and Thais that the "coup has done good things for the country". The statement has never been qualified even once. What good has the coup done ? What specific changes does it hope to make ? Upon making those changes, when will elections take place ? Statements like "I am not 100% democractic and not 100% non democratic" are vague and show poor govermance. Foriegners who agree with the coup and who come from representative governments I find most peculiar.


The big problem we have here is the ones who love this wannabee PM, Do so to show they are not reds,thats the only reason.

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While the PM's tactics are very Orwellian, his purpose might better be understood in the context that the current role of the Thai military is to protect the Country. Not so much to protect the borders of Thailand or the population, but primarily to protect the "Country". Currently the country's health is in question and the Country will undoubtedly be undergoing serious transitions in the coming years.

I personally pray for God's blessings on Thailand.

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"If you really want the election to be held tomorrow I will be ready. But do you really want it? I don't understand what you want from me"....What the people want Mr. General is a free and democratic election. Tell the truth, the reason you need more time is to rig the system so that this can never happen so you can stay in power forever!

Spot on!!

All the manipulation,impeachments and maneuvering taking place at the moment, have only one goal in sight:

An elitist appointed "peoples" council!!

Na! The goal was to win this week's trophy.


Last night's speech will ensure that on Monday morning the trophy will be dished out to the appropriate winner. ;)

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It's turning into some sort of sick and perverted game show where two unlikely candidates agree to a job swap, a nuclear physicist from CERN and a McDonald's trainee. Except the McDonald's trainee is convinced he's going to find the Higg's particle just as soon as he's worked out how to use the microwave. Only those with no morals or a depraved sense of justice could enjoy watching this freak show.

Watching the general unravel at such alarming speed is far from inspirational, out of compassion for his sanity we need to start being nice to him. He's not a bad man, clueless maybe but not bad. This week we should all think of something we can do to make The General happy.

Edited by Raoul Duke
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

We keep hearing from some foriegners and Thais that the "coup has done good things for the country". The statement has never been qualified even once. What good has the coup done ? What specific changes does it hope to make ? Upon making those changes, when will elections take place ? Statements like "I am not 100% democractic and not 100% non democratic" are vague and show poor govermance. Foriegners who agree with the coup and who come from representative governments I find most peculiar.

"I come from the UK originally, and the government there certainly does not represent the will of the people.
I think the same can be said of France, possibly Germany, and, it would appear, the USA." Huge statements like this are total rubbish unless you back them up with specific history, relevant websites.

Or you may say: "I come from the UK originally, and it is my hugely insignificant opinion the government there .... Write that and you are less a fool that just making the grandiiose inane unproven opinions you're addicted to.

I come from the UK originally, and the government there certainly does not represent the will of the people.
I think the same can be said of France, possibly Germany, and, it would appear, the USA.

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He's not a politician, is he.

Maybe not, but I do believe he is sincere, loyal to the King and Country, and trying to build a better Thailand.

Characteristics which the majority of career politicians, in any country, do not possess.

I know plenty of people who are sincere, loyal to the king and country, but they are not pretending to be PM"s!!

That's as it should be. There is only one PM at a time. Currently it is the General.

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He's not a politician, is he.

Maybe not, but I do believe he is sincere, loyal to the King and Country, and trying to build a better Thailand.

Characteristics which the majority of career politicians, in any country, do not possess.

Agree with your comments. Unable to 'like' your post - "There was a problem storing your reputation vote."

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"If you really want the election to be held tomorrow I will be ready. But do you really want it? I don't understand what you want from me"....What the people want Mr. General is a free and democratic election. Tell the truth, the reason you need more time is to rig the system so that this can never happen so you can stay in power forever!

At the time, there were numerous assertions that Suthep was going to hold onto power and become a dictator. Some TV members were absolutely convinced of this despite his statements to the contrary. Suthep is now a monk, and has been a monk for quite a while now.

If I were to presume, I would imagine that you were one of those members who thought Suthep was planning on becoming a dictator.

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Late on Wednesday, Finance Minister Sommai Phasi gave an interview to the BBC in which he said that general elections may be delayed by a year and a half. But Prayut said that was just Sommai's personal evaluation.

what the general and government need is a skilled press office - then issue strict instructions to all MP's and officials not to voice opinions or release information to the media unless it is sanctioned through that office - Thailand seems to suffer from this need for officials to blab off their mouths at every opportunity with a deluge of crap just to fill their need for self importance, we have seen it time and time again, all it does is lead to confusion and miss-information

They haven't even categorically stated what is going on to take all this time anyway.

They are pulling timeframes out of their backsides.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

People can critizes Prayut as much as they want to but the fact is his done a lot more good than the previous government since he took power. Support is what this country needs not critizem

Another entry for "Fascism Is Our Friend."

At the risk of wandering slightly off-topic, did you not find anything vaguely fascistic in the previous administration's 'Red Villages', re-education-schools & street-mobs, was the amnesty-bill vote (at 4am !) or the Peoples' Democratic Republic of Lanna proposal totally democratic by farang standards ? Was it right that elected-MPs should receive a monthly stipend, now cut, from their political-party HQ ?

I didn't think it was a healthy democracy, that would require educated citizens & free-speech & press, which have never existed here IMHO.

Prayut is showing, with his recent comments, that he's not a regular politician with thick-skin & professional spin-merchants scripting his every word. He's trying to operate in a very different environment to the military one he's come from, and this sometimes shows in his utterances.

Which doesn't inherently make him wrong, in what he's trying to achieve.

I grant that much that happened under Yingluck was a mess -- but democracy is messy, differing thus from fascism which is always very very tidy. The amnesty bill was disliked by RedShirts way more than by YellowShirts for two reasons I'll skip here. It was the YellowShirts who became, in the words of The Economist, a "street mob". The RedShirts unfortunately exercised restraint, no mob activity like, say occupying the international airport to copy the YellowShirt occupation. "4 a.m." was not an attempt to subvert democracy, just the result of freedom of speech on an emotional issue. We won't see the dictator's 'parliament' vigorously debating anything at 4 a.m.

................"I grant that much that happened under Yingluck was a mess"............ Possibly the only thing you have ever posted that made one grain of sense !

..............."The RedShirts unfortunately exercised restraint"....................... Ah, that's better ! clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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