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Farangs taking their Thai partners to the movies - Keep the Chatter Down Please!

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First of all, the movie could have been better. I love sci-fi, this one had a lot of potential but I was not too impressed. My GF slept the whole movie so isn't that an example?!

I thought Gravity was better.

People who are more into local space films (earth orbit and moon) of planet-environmentalism etc don't tend to like Interstellar as that film is more pro-colonization and exploration. Plus maybe the fact G. Clooney and Sandra Bullock are in it gets them more into it?


I go to the cinema here all the time. Never had a problem with this.

Lucky you! You either have a quiet cinema area or can tune-out local interference. For me when it's next-door neighbors it's kinda annoying and bothersome, especially hand movements and gestures. I can just about tolerate nearby noises.


We go to the movies often - once a week if the movie is worth a try....always sit in the last row possible and have to admit we've never had the OP's concerns.....we live in CM and use two of the possible 5-6 theaters here so maybe it happens in a different area....

Only thing I've noticed are conversations if a cell phone rings - but that's not often....

We aiso saw Interstellar - easy disconnected (in some ways) movie to watch and understand - we watched it in Thai but I had the feeling it wouldn't have been much better in English - the movie buffs here and the critics seem to concur although I'm sure it will be a financial success....

We split movies approx 60/40 English/Thai (language) - a lot of US movies you really don't need to see in English to easily follow......

If it's a Thai made movie (except comedy) most are pretty enjoyable as they deal with feelings (subtle) versus the explosion/car chase/gun battle/roof top jumping/car crashing stuff that comes here....those I can get weary of......

Here it's not unusual for people the wai the King at the end of the observance - I like seeing that.....

This wasn't in CM.


A while back I worked in the US and what I experienced in the cinemas/theaters there was in now way better than what's going on in Thai cinemas. One particular ethnic group seemed to relish in strolling around and making a commotion. No one ever reacted to this because of fear of the race card being played.

Why on earth were the dark folk strolling about?! Did they have ants in their pants?


First of all, the movie could have been better. I love sci-fi, this one had a lot of potential but I was not too impressed. My GF slept the whole movie so isn't that an example?!

I thought Gravity was better.

Gravity was pants..

I haven't seen it but two things deterred me: G. Clooney was in it and the fact it's about two people floating aimless and adrift as the central theme.


What ho Carruthers!


'What 'Ho indeed old chap! Get hauling that cart and put your back into it little fuzzy-wuzzy'

Yet the best times back then in some ways, for all that I'm glad Thailand wasn't colonized.

Some areas don't thrive on being de-colonized though, just look at a few certain African nations after they got their country back!

Another load of gumf to add to the barrel load of gumf already on this thread.

So - these [African] nations, and their peoples, having cast off the yoke of colonialism are so much better off under the collars of their own? Yeah - right!

As someone else hinted at - the only reason Thailand was never colonised was a) there was nothing here any one particularly wanted and cool.png the Thais, in usual cowardly fashion, gave away swathes of their land in exchange for not being fully colonised and is probably the single most reason that the country remains 2 centuries behind the rest of SE Asia. A list?

An archaic language with an archaic alphabet

A largely uneducated, downtrodden and brainwashed populace

A legal and judiciary system that is more akin to a dictatorship than a democracy

A society where corruption is not only endemic but considered a virtue

A society where the social rules of the underclasses are based purely on superstition

And, just to get back on topic, Thailand should have a vibrant and interesting film industry…..but it does not….blame the “pre-approval” process for all scripts, the censorship by PAD/Yellow/Royalist Culture Ministry bureaucrats….,the list of forbidden topics (no police corruption, no criticism of Buddhism state religion, no criticism of the military, no criticism of the judges/courts, no negative mention of royals, Thailand’s excessive liability laws which the connected and wealthy use to attack anyone who criticize them, etc)…….add to all that, the fact that most Thai film directors are from the upper or upper middle class, think along the royalist/PAD/Yellow line of bs, have almost no personal contact with ordinary working people in Thailand, are racist against people with darker skin, are against democratic values and structure, are pro-military coup, probably seldom read books, may only speak a little English and have limited international exposure……the final touch being that it is almost impossible for talented ordinary Thais to break thru the royalist stranglehold on the arts in Thailand….they are left to design and make neon signs for the nightlife, decorate tuk-tuks and paint large tour buses.

Cry me a river, dry your eyes and get over yourself already. Thailand ain't perfect but it's at least held it's own and not lost its teeth.

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it's nice that they are talking to each other. all too often i see farang/thai couples sitting in restaurants and coffee shops staring into space, ignoring each other. or the girl is playing with her phone as as it is far more entertaining than talking to her bf who is sitting there like a muppet seemingly happy to be ignored.

back on topic... you could ask them to be quiet.

I did a few times.

Yet when the next critical, high-concept, technically be-dazzling scenes occured the chatter-monkey would start up again. Heck even the Chinese folks were struggling to get their heads around it but knew when to stop talking.

What ho Carruthers!

Cry me a river, dry your eyes and get over yourself already. Thailand ain't perfect but it's at least held it's own and not lost its teeth.

I ain't crying. I live here, mostly, and very much love Thailand and the vast majority of its people.

My rather long, and possibly OTT, rant was simply fact and in answer to the majority of tripe that was getting posted to this thread. I also have a bit of a hangover and thus a bit grumpy

Thanks for your reply though - means that you read it, which for most others was probably too long for their attention span lol

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I watched InterStellar last weekend in Sydney, a group of young lads chatted throughout which really pissed me off. At the end I waited for them to leave then 'accidentally' trood heavily on one of lads feet. Felt better at the time but not proud of myself on reflection.

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I tend to agree with the OP's observations but my wife knows the solution and she's done this several times with total success.

She stands up and says in Thai "shut up, you really do have bad manners". Something like "Nong kaa, hoop bpak naa, jing jing Nong mai mee man-ra-yat leeuy!"

She makes sure she addresses the offender as being younger than her regardless, and says it loudly and clearly enough in her very best version of a Bangkok Hi-So accent (read telephone voice). The offender will shut up immediately.

The farang she's with typically hasn't got a clue what was said, and the teerak is too scared to open her mouth to even translate for him.

My missus is not your typical too scared to cause offence Thai person - much to my constant dilemma.

I was once at the movies alone and a couple of Chang wifebeater wearing two-week millionaires and their barfines were making a nuisance of themselves. An Aussie two rows back shouts out "hey youse dickheads, shut the F - Up". That seemed to work just as well.

considering there are other more polite ways to say it your wife is being outright rude as well. hoop bpack is hardly bangkok hi-so


I had the worst experience about a week ago when I went to see The Equalizer. Some newly arrived dorky farang with a bar girl were smooching and talking and laughing stupidly at everything in the movie that could in any sense be interpreted as "funny" or even just lighthearted, and mind you this movie isn't a comedy. I felt sorry for that pathetic little man but I was also extremely irritated. I tried giving the stink eye but the cinemas are too dark to get the message across. And I don't want to start an argument just enjoy my popcorn and Denzels killing spree.

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so no - thais allowed to sci-fi movies in Thailand? u scumbag degenerate piece of trash - thats out of order! just because you were all like super happy and impressed with the interstellar docking scene ?? that implies some scumbag and his trashy gf shouldn't be shocked ?? Where were you watching this filth in, Pat Pong2? Also what if its female foreign national with a Thai citizen, will your oppressive fascist views still be applied? Your baseless accusations are hard to fathom, never mind stomach. Trying taking your whiny pity party to less confusing movies - maybe Frozen, or that Thai movie where all the cougar actresses get their tits out (:: จันดาราภาค2)


I watched InterStellar last weekend in Sydney, a group of young lads chatted throughout which really pissed me off. At the end I waited for them to leave then 'accidentally' trood heavily on one of lads feet. Felt better at the time but not proud of myself on reflection.

You did what you had to do man.

I think at least one person walked out of the film when I was watching it, probably due to it being much for them to understand?


so no - thais allowed to sci-fi movies in Thailand? u scumbag degenerate piece of trash - thats out of order! just because you were all like super happy and impressed with the interstellar docking scene ?? that implies some scumbag and his trashy gf shouldn't be shocked ?? Where were you watching this filth in, Pat Pong2? Also what if its female foreign national with a Thai citizen, will your oppressive fascist views still be applied? Your baseless accusations are hard to fathom, never mind stomach. Trying taking your whiny pity party to less confusing movies - maybe Frozen, or that Thai movie where all the cougar actresses get their tits out (:: จันดาราภาค2)


And this, dear folks, is why the PC uber-liberals are tapped in the head. They lack critical-thinking skills and just vent off a bunch of hot air to make up for their lacking intelligence. I never once stated they should not be allowed to watch sci-fi movies and please show me where I did if you think I did this.

BaaMango, you are indeed Baa-Baa Bo-Bo and this farang tells it like it is so STHU and keep the chatter down in the cheap seats.

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I tend to agree with the OP's observations but my wife knows the solution and she's done this several times with total success.

She stands up and says in Thai "shut up, you really do have bad manners". Something like "Nong kaa, hoop bpak naa, jing jing Nong mai mee man-ra-yat leeuy!"

She makes sure she addresses the offender as being younger than her regardless, and says it loudly and clearly enough in her very best version of a Bangkok Hi-So accent (read telephone voice). The offender will shut up immediately.

The farang she's with typically hasn't got a clue what was said, and the teerak is too scared to open her mouth to even translate for him.

My missus is not your typical too scared to cause offence Thai person - much to my constant dilemma.

I was once at the movies alone and a couple of Chang wifebeater wearing two-week millionaires and their barfines were making a nuisance of themselves. An Aussie two rows back shouts out "hey youse dickheads, shut the F - Up". That seemed to work just as well.

considering there are other more polite ways to say it your wife is being outright rude as well. hoop bpack is hardly bangkok hi-so

Thank you for your opinion.

This is her response to your critique. She says that considering she respectfully uses the polite participles kaa and naa where appropriate, and the fact that the offender was younger than her, the use of a lo-so word such as hoop-bpak with a hi-so/polite accent/demeanour sounds considerably more effective than less confrontational variations of an interjection such as be quiet.

The point being, she wasn't trying to be polite, but gave the offender due consideration with the polite participles.

If you have further issues take it up with a native Thai for further clarification.

I agree with what your wife did, actually showing the 'polite way' will sometimes show weakness and a soft-touch to the other person, aggravating the situation further. Think of it as the middle-way, as opposed to the weak and too hard way. :)

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my missus would rather seeing someone being eaten by a Croc, on youtube

(anything blood'n'guts gets thai girlie all squirmy, silent, and hugging one for dear life)

I you want to a rejection to go watch something: my ideal would be for a StarTrek flick, say DS9 full of Ferengi ( cos' she don wan see anymore farang - get headache)


You have to remember.It is their country not yours.I would say you have to bite the bullet and deal with it or stop going to the

Movies.I don't see anything changing.You'll see people talking in theaters in other parts of the world also.

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so no - thais allowed to sci-fi movies in Thailand? u scumbag degenerate piece of trash - thats out of order! just because you were all like super happy and impressed with the interstellar docking scene ?? that implies some scumbag and his trashy gf shouldn't be shocked ?? Where were you watching this filth in, Pat Pong2? Also what if its female foreign national with a Thai citizen, will your oppressive fascist views still be applied? Your baseless accusations are hard to fathom, never mind stomach. Trying taking your whiny pity party to less confusing movies - maybe Frozen, or that Thai movie where all the cougar actresses get their tits out (:: จันดาราภาค2)


And this, dear folks, is why the PC uber-liberals are tapped in the head. They lack critical-thinking skills and just vent off a bunch of hot air to make up for their lacking intelligence. I never once stated they should not be allowed to watch sci-fi movies and please show me where I did if you think I did this.

BaaMango, you are indeed Baa-Baa Bo-Bo and this farang tells it like it is so STHU and keep the chatter down in the cheap seats.

Listen, you reactionary Japanese nationalist - WWII is over, and I don't use PC, and I am strictly Apple these days.

Typical degenerate.


the op doesnt put it well, but the type of behavior he describes is ignorant and it does show an utter disregard for the other movie goers around you.

i have stopped going to the movies completely because in addition to couples like this, thai's are generally reading subs and as such have no consideration for those actually listening to dialogue.

i can enjoy the same film on torrent in 50in HD with 7.1 sound in peace in the comfort of my own home.

Of course your NOT bragging ! Bully for you chap.


My Thai wife is always the one telling the other Thais to shut the <deleted> up. She gets super pissed at anyone talking during the movie. She even berated people outside the cinema once the movies over. Love her work!

Of course now visit the cinema only before noon on weekdays to try to avoid anyone at all, makes for a much better experience overall.

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A very good start on what we and our Thai wives/gf's should do to make you happy.

Please continue to post what you want done and I for one will get right on it.

I'll try.

If the film is strongly scientific or sci-fi strongly reconsider taking your partner with you, yes that sounds harsh, but would a Thai female actually like a farang Sci-Fi? Especially one that doesn't have romance as a central theme?

If she is or you're like 'I'll take my missus and to hell with you.' then expain to her NOT to talk and ask questions during the movie. It's bloody ridiculous and ruins it for you as well as others, if I don't understand part of a movie I hold my tongue and wait until I can get online to check the synopsis on wiki.

So that's the third thing you can do, translate the movies synopsis into thai, so after she's restrained her chatterbox brain until the movie ends you can whip out the pre-printed wikipedia page and all is revealed for her to understand. smile.png

FB it to her would be more effective!

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Last time i went with my son a few years ago a spoilt boy behind me kept kicking my seat like he needed the toilet .

Parents did nothing and were happy he was enjoying it .

I kept turning around when the little shit got to excited and told him numerous times to calm down .Even pointing out to the dad he is kicking the hell out of the back of my seat

It only stopped when i caught hold of his leg and told him to stop and then he was very quiet for the rest of the movie .

If that was my son i wouldnt let him do that but it seems many people have the mai pen rai attitude.

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A while back I worked in the US and what I experienced in the cinemas/theaters there was in now way better than what's going on in Thai cinemas. One particular ethnic group seemed to relish in strolling around and making a commotion. No one ever reacted to this because of fear of the race card being played.

Why on earth were the dark folk strolling about?! Did they have ants in their pants?

If you've never been to a movie theater in inner city America, you are missing out. When they start yelling at the movie characters and telling them what to do, it's more entertaining than the movie itself. You won't get that type of movie experience anywhere. Plus you can always rent the movie again later.

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And there was me thinking messing with phones and the sub zero temperatures were the main issues.

Actually I gave up on going to the pictures years ago, both here and farangland.

I am more tolerant on my own at home with the DVD.

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A while back I worked in the US and what I experienced in the cinemas/theaters there was in now way better than what's going on in Thai cinemas. One particular ethnic group seemed to relish in strolling around and making a commotion. No one ever reacted to this because of fear of the race card being played.

Oh please. rolleyes.gif

You mean black people.

You can say it.

I remember the first time I went to a movie in downtown Chicago ... a bit of culture shock!

However, if you do happen to find yourself in a movie theater where Black People are talking to the movie screen, if you wish to stay on good terms with Black People you should simply just forget about trying to follow the plot of the movie and join in with the Black People. In some cases you may even find it more enjoyable than watching the actual film.


I went to a horror movie on a Saturday night in St. Louis, theater full of younger black people, and that was the first time in my life I'd experienced the "talking to the screen" phenom. "Don't go in the basement! He's IN the basement!" Followed by much screaming. Only later in life did I experience the same thing as my dad got older/crazier and began yelling at the screen in theaters. "Lady, the killer is in the kitchen! Don't...aw hell, kill that idiot woman."

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