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An understanding of giving and receiving Likes


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Regardless whether or not I think much (dislike) of a particular poster based on his/her previous posts (which some are just here to antagonize - stir the pot) I will like the post if it is salient to the topic at hand and a good observation or counter argument I will give it a like....also the humous posters with a irreverent outlook are refreshing and will garner a like....

There are too many posters here who's sole mission is to attack and debase the other poster or aggrandise/merchandise themselves??? Exposing their lack/flagging ego for the world to see....Robert Burns had this figured out many a year ago......O wad a gift the giftie gie us - to see oursels as others see us....

Those I truly wish would go someplace else but every forum by and large is infected with such pests....those are hard to take seriously but are irritating just the same - so - job well done....sadly - someone has to actually live with/around these people....they have my sympathy.....

I'd give you one.....but I'm afraid you'd enjoy it too much. tongue.png

Hey - I gave you a "like" for being a douchebag......no prior experience needed (some are just natural talents).....

And - you have performed admirably I might add.....with your penetrating yet watered down (up?) forceful commentary and ability to flow with the topic....well done (maybe - medium well) keep bringing the heat......rolleyes.gif .....

Unlike David who indiscriminately seems to pass out likes like a Halloween candy.....even when it's not Halloween.....you can tell he's a missin' the home cookin'.....but he's doin' his best in his own Frollywolly way.......frollyicing about in his time away from home.....wink.png

Edited by pgrahmm
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frollywolly wrote:

Help me understand.

What I have noticed seems to be neediness for likes by some members. Giving and receiving.

Is giving and receiving ‘likes’ dumbing us all down? Does a post and opinion become vanilla to garner more likes? Do esteemed members post just for likes?

Does giving likes enable a more civil mannered forum and make it all a more charming place to be?.

As a poster, do you get upset if you don’t get a like? Is everything so much better when you get a like?

What about members fixated on giving and receiving likes? Why? What is the appeal? Currying favour? Politeness?

I even noticed a post stating ‘I am out of likes but will be back to give them later’!! An entire post about an intention to give an electronic like…sometime in the near future!! Will the world fall apart if members don’t know you enjoyed their post?

Are members becoming insecure if they are not seen to give a like/s?


If you look in a user's profile, all the likes they've accumulated are totalled up and displayed as a badge of honour in a green bar, for all to see.

Apparently the bigger the number, the bigger your internet dick, as it were.

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David48 is cheap with his likes but really stingy about buying a round.

There is a lesson in this for us all I think.

Sure, I'm a tart with my likes ... I'm a 'likeable' guy.

As for me slow to buy a round, me thinks you have me confused with another Member.

Khun Toad's name is often raised in that conversation ... facepalm.gif


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David48 is cheap with his likes but really stingy about buying a round.

There is a lesson in this for us all I think.

Sure, I'm a tart with my likes ... I'm a 'likeable' guy.

As for me slow to buy a round, me thinks you have me confused with another Member.

Khun Toad's name is often raised in that conversation ... facepalm.gif


Sorry you both look the same.

Only way to tell the difference is when the Ashes is on......:D

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