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Where to go for knee pain physiotherapy


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I've been diagnosed with iliotibial band syndrome and need physiotherapy. Can someone with experience in this recommend an inexpensive but good place on the BTS line? I've had physio at places like Chula, Phyathai hospital, etc., before, but while not expensive, their therapists are not very knowledgeable or professional.


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If you have not had an accident or actual damage to your knees or joints I recommend that you cut grains and beer from your diet.

Gluten intolerance was the culprit in my case.

I cut gluten and the debilitating knee pain disappeared in three months.

I recommend you try it before drugs, surgery or physio.

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I'm afraid I have not been well impressed by any I have seen so far and I've had some contact with the PT departments of quite a few of the hospitals in Bkk.

Not a strong point of Thai medical care IMO.

I think you would probably do better with getting an ortho to write down the recommended program (if not already done) and then either working it alone or with one of the various Western personal trainers about...just make sure s/he understands the nature of your injury and is following what the ortho recommended.

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I'm afraid I have not been well impressed by any I have seen so far and I've had some contact with the PT departments of quite a few of the hospitals in Bkk.

Not a strong point of Thai medical care IMO.

I think you would probably do better with getting an ortho to write down the recommended program (if not already done) and then either working it alone or with one of the various Western personal trainers about...just make sure s/he understands the nature of your injury and is following what the ortho recommended.

Dear Sheryl,

Where would I find one of these Western personal trainers?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, here is my two cents, based on my actual problem. A runner for 1/ 4 century or more.

Providing you are not overweight more than 15 lbs over what you should be for your height, and do not drink(so many factors of dis-ease come out of this), and are physically active...and have a MRI and X-ray and no serious damage, as was my case with torn ACL and meniscus on one knee.

First stop pushing it, running, biking, etc...many injuries are made worse by our own foolishness and being stubborn.

I was told at Paolo to do surgery, but we all know that this removes and cleans up the knee, thus accelerating wear as you age.

I first did deep needle for the pain at Bumrungrad, and recommend highly Dr. Pantasak Tansakul who can advise you further.

Deep needle brings blood to and otherwise bloodless area and helps the surrounding muscles to heal.

Once pain is gone, you can then work on core(this actually helps your knee's strength believe it or not), and do “Tai chi” knee exercise rotating the knees 100 times each way(right and left) over the day. Take gelatin daily to help, but most other joint supplements don't work(look at research), sadly Fish oil: long touted actually causes higher incidence of prostate cancer(see Seattle case study, real people over a long time frame).

Many of my neighbors, same age are getting prosthetic knees and I am trying to avoid this route.

Plus, I want to continue to meditate on the floor.

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