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New technology traps cheating Thai girlfriends


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Girls *do* have the right to date as many men as they want, and no one has the right to talk behind their backs.

How is it supposed to end?

Burn the bitch, she's a witch?

Really! and the men have the right to tell them to their face to take a hike! Ko Jai cap?

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I'm a bloody hippie, and I screwed in many a bed. Some of the linen was collected by someone. What about DNA in there?

If you've got a column for this in your database, you might want my DNA collection.

It's a small advantage fee only, and I fix a good price for you.

Hurry up, plane is leaving soon :D

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Classic. Thai girls are world renown for cheating on their mate. Yet, farangs flock to Thailand to find a Thai girlfriend. Something does not compute.

I think in many cases they come to Thailand for sex and then carelessly fall in love.

How many guys do you know who can type their gf/wife name in Thai script?

(or even know their real name, Thai or transliterated)

Won't those sending money to their beloved's bank account know the name on the account?
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Classic. Thai girls are world renown for cheating on their mate. Yet, farangs flock to Thailand to find a Thai girlfriend. Something does not compute.

I think in many cases they come to Thailand for sex and then carelessly fall in love.

How many guys do you know who can type their gf/wife name in Thai script?

(or even know their real name, Thai or transliterated)

Won't those sending money to their beloved's bank account know the name on the account?

I am the opposite.

I came to Thailand seeking to carelessly fall in love, but then decided that forming quick liaisons just for sex is far cheaper and a safer bet in the long term. At least then, we know that these women are not loyal to only one man and therefore have no needs to pay private investigators to check them out.

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Thai women are officially the second most disloyal partners in the world, runners up to their randy Ghanaian sisters, according to an international survey by a condom company. Not so surprising really - the same researchers found the planets most unfaithful lovers were (you guessed it) Thai men.

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As the wheels of your jet are lifting off from Swampy airport, and you are winging

your way back to farang land, your Thai " girlfriend" is in bed with someone else.

If you do not know that, you know nothing about Thailand. I am not passing judgement

on their behaviour as being good or bad, it is simply how it is. So just work with it.

Meaning burst out laughing when she tells you if you send her money she will go

back to the farm in Nakon Nowhere and faithfully wait for you to come back.....

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Hmmm we have no response or more information about the OP/sponsors site wonder why? Oh well since even Thai visa has a new site = tech.thaivisa.com that advertises apps to trace whereabouts and calls e--mails from your GF phone and most of us know PI's that charge about 3,000 baht to check on girls I really fail to see the usefullness of the OP's site.

Edited by Tony125
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As my girlfriend's wings are swinging up from Swampy to check Farangs in their countries, I'm lying in bed with someone else.

I still wonder what's going on in Heidelberg, Germany. I'm especially interested in a certain woman who obviously has different professions and a bagful of customers.

She's playing dirty tricks on Expats, at least she tried in one case.

She calls herself a lawyer, and maybe se's got a certificate to do so, I wonder how it was obtained.

Then she's got a second source of income. She calls herself a professional caretaker, and she claims to have a license for this. She takes care of other peoples' money, ie she takes it away from them and then put them in asylum. She's specialized in expats-to-go, she simply tells everyone they are customers of prostitutes, and the men's property is actually hers.

She might be part of a criminal organisation including a village bank, at least she has contacts to them.

All I want to know is:

Does this woman have anyone else except me, how many, and how much do they pay her?

Please handle diplomatically if possible

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BTW, I'm the brother of Father Christmas.

My name is King Midas, jr., and I own the sun.

Good for you if you're freezing.

You can get aaccess to some acres of my property for a small advance fee, I'm waiting for your bids.

For those who don't have so much money because of bargirl hopping or some other reason, I have something, too.

I helped making a nice house from a derelict in Old Heidelberg in 1974. My landlord refused to take any more rent for a small room and gave it away to me. So became owner of a part of Old Heidelberg (no joke)

You want the rest of the story?

For a small advance fee, I can tell, and it is defamation-proof.

Any bids?

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Looks like the OP has not replied to anything yet - so are they Trolls, wannabie-detectives, doing something illegal, or maybe realised that their service is flawed?

A long with all those that have used this thread as a platform to do some more Thai bashing, your inquiries are rather unfounded considering that no one yet has actually put this company to the test and given any credible reviews.

My guess is that the OP has created this thread as a form of marketing research to see what the general opinions are regarding these sorts of outfits. No one is obliged to use these services if in doubts, but on the other hand no one should submit extreme criticisms either without first giving this service a try or getting feedback from those who have used it. Obviously the OP is not going to give away too many of their company secrets if they consider that they have something unique and then do themselves out of business. I wouldn`t for sure.

I do not agree with anything that can intrude into the personal lives of others who have not broken any laws, completely immoral and unjust in my opinion. But nevertheless it does happen and these services are available to those gullible enough to get into such situations where they may require the services of private investigators, whether online or offline. Those who are plying resources and investing into so-called relationships but are unsure whether or not their future investment is a certainty have nothing to lose by using the said online snooping service although as I said I don`t agree with this in principle. But at the end of the day it`s up to those who maybe want some peace of mind, they can take it or leave it and there`s your answer.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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BTW, I'm the brother of Father Christmas.

My name is King Midas, jr., and I own the sun.

Good for you if you're freezing.

You can get aaccess to some acres of my property for a small advance fee, I'm waiting for your bids.

For those who don't have so much money because of bargirl hopping or some other reason, I have something, too.

I helped making a nice house from a derelict in Old Heidelberg in 1974. My landlord refused to take any more rent for a small room and gave it away to me. So became owner of a part of Old Heidelberg (no joke)

You want the rest of the story?

For a small advance fee, I can tell, and it is defamation-proof.

Any bids?

World famous German humour, hilarious!
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BTW, I'm the brother of Father Christmas.

My name is King Midas, jr., and I own the sun.

Good for you if you're freezing.

You can get aaccess to some acres of my property for a small advance fee, I'm waiting for your bids.

For those who don't have so much money because of bargirl hopping or some other reason, I have something, too.

I helped making a nice house from a derelict in Old Heidelberg in 1974. My landlord refused to take any more rent for a small room and gave it away to me. So became owner of a part of Old Heidelberg (no joke)

You want the rest of the story?

For a small advance fee, I can tell, and it is defamation-proof.

Any bids?

World famous German humour, hilarious!

ummm...way over my head. Is this story related to the thread, in any way, shape or form?

Good luck..free apartment.

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Sorry, I would have preferred the moon, but that was already taken over by someone else in 1969. The sale of acres from the moon is a story published in international newspapers.

The story about Heidelberg is a true story, but only the beginning of the story - a horror love story.

This is related to the topic to demonstrate that you can make anything out of anything, and data need to be put in a context to become information.

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Maybe this has been said a few times already.

The site checks its own members to see if the girl is listed. Now what's the chance of that ?

There was something about checking your current gf for a one time check. Now if this is a free service, why not ? All guys could check for free and if there is a hit then would have to join to get more info.

Maybe could work....

I have been here a long time and have seen and experienced most. As others have said, if you really think you should check there is a reason. Either she has a past history and many past customers or you know she lies.

I think more information. Regarding the service is needed.

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If this is for signed-in members only, and designed to check females only, then how do you get information about women (presumably stored in other databases)?

If you really want hits, you would probably have to intrude Skype or Facebook - and that would be illegal after applicable terms of privacy.

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