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Jack's plight for justice in Samui after an attack leaves him with mounting medical bills


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This is not a tourist, but a kid that has lived here since he was 5. I am sure his parents made sure he has adequate medical insurance coverage! No need for extra funding. There's most probably more than enough liquidity, and otherwise real estate, and investments that could cover for reconstructive surgery a hundred times over and some.

Scholarship kid mate and son of a single parent.

Be informed my friend. Not all expats are plonkers taking it in.

Be thankful that you are and respectful that others are not. Assumptions and stereotypes won't get you far.

Son of a single parent in Thailand, what else is new? Scholarship from where please? Hasn't he been going to school in Thailand since he was five? At least I would think so if he has been living here... since he was five. I'm sure the family has adequate funds to send him to Siriraj Hospital for reconstructive surgery, for the price of a holiday to Australia.
Scholarship from the school that AD s site has posted. If you were informed.

Mate you know so much you should email kathy afraivongs and let her know stat that she is barking up the wrong tree mate. Seems she might need a shake-up call. Let her know about these trips to oz too as she may not be aware. Nothing like having the wool pulled over your eyes so I'm sure she would be grateful for your input by the sounds of it my friend.

Bottom line is that he doesn't need to stay in a five star private hospital to get excellent treatment. Siriraj will do the job for a fraction of the price. Edited by Impossible
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I don't understand why the Australian embassy not helping and arranging for his repatriation back to OZ

and help in settling the medical bills with the guarantee of the family that those cost will be paid,

There were similar cases before and the embassy with in it's power and mandate to be of an assistance here,

why do they keep mom on the issue? dose any one knows? what is the embassy for than?

for a cushy job overseas and cocktail's parties?

The Australia Embasy cannoit step in or help because it is not a real Embassy because Australia is a colony of England, a hidden colony. My son was in a Phillipines prison and they could not help and could only provide a lit of lawyers. He got out with President intervening when Immigration corruption go too big. 1000s of Australians, NZ, English, Canadians and any one from English Commonwealth countries are stuck in prisons across the planet somne will never get out.

Since when is Australia a colony of England?

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Again dunno mate. I have no idea where they have met with specialists. Not a clue.

I know it's complicated reconstruction work that will take a year to complete. That is all I know. You clearly know more than I my friend so bravo to you.

Strange though as I have followed this on AD s site too from the beginning.

Murder island and this case are my two of my interests right now.

Any facts I would simply rather go to the source, myself.

But that's just me !

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Doesn't look like that bad an injury; just a fat lip (I've had worst and shook it off). The author of this article should use spell check and posters grammar is deplorable.

Yes and when my partner had painful ovarian cysts that burst.

You couldn't physically see a thing.


A broken arm might have been a better injury to receive methinks as it is undoubtedly highly visible

Ho hum. What a sook and all for a fat lip.

Back to murder island and those two lads who are suffering although nothing visible so perhaps they are not really suffering at all !

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Then give the lad a hand and email his impoverished mum with your advice. If it's good advice no doubt she will take up your advice then, as you know about the injuries and obviously about the hospital.

Be a Good Samaritan then mate .....

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I actually found her on my LinkedIn Bangkok contacts. She knows many of the same business contacts. I am sure it ain't hard to find many people of that name in Bangkok mate.

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And to knucklehead reporter please use spell check it is called FUND not fun from which picture shows he is not having. Get well soon young one then get the hell out of dodge. and To the knuckleheads who beat this kid Look over your shoulder cause come Jan. I will be in town gunning for you I need two or three good sparing partners and your on top of the list. and Hommie don't play games.

The pot is on the left.


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I went to the fund page to possibly find the email address, but there's actually very little information there, and hasn't been updated in 24 days. So I'll wait 'till you've got a mailing address, thank you.

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Doesn't look like that bad an injury; just a fat lip (I've had worst and shook it off). The author of this article should use spell check and posters grammar is deplorable.

From the OP Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/JackHBSamui?fref=ts

i) an open fracture of the alveolar process of the maxillae.

ii) loss of left side of the maxilla bone.

iii) displacement and disfigurement of upper left gum tissue.

iii) loss of both upper medial incisors and the left lateral incisor (total of three teeth).

iv) laceration above right eyebrow.

v) roof of mouth haemorrhage.

Surgeries will take a year and a half to complete. Surgeries include, but are not limited to, bone graphs, gum graphs and teeth implants. At best, the doctor has stated that Jack is looking at an 80% recovery.

I'm no expert, but far more damage than just a fat lip. I would also hazard a guess that the poor lad is wearing a surgical mask because he's self-conscious and doesn't want the World to see his injuries.

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Doesn't look like that bad an injury; just a fat lip (I've had worst and shook it off). The author of this article should use spell check and posters grammar is deplorable.


Cosmetic surgery on his teeth and jaw.

Implants, etc.

10 teeth at 25k an implant or more.

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I went to the fund page to possibly find the email address, but there's actually very little information there, and hasn't been updated in 24 days. So I'll wait 'till you've got a mailing address, thank you.

Mate siriraj hospital has wifi.

I suggest you go and learn how to use google. That's g-o-o-g-l-e.

I ain't your lackey unless you don't have fingers but then you seem to type into thaivisa ok and no doubt siriraj could help you on that anyway with their world class care and facilities.

After 7 years I must admit I have never heard of suriraj but no doubt it's of excellent standard. I will take your word on that.

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Siriraj Hospital will do an excellent job don't worry, no matter how complicated the task at hand, and for a fraction of the price. I guess this could be valuable knowledge to the impoverished mother.

What is the name of the world renowned maxillofacial surgeon of Siriraj hospital? This type of reconstructive surgery isn't cheap, anywhere.

If I was Jack's mother I would want him to have the best possible care and reconstructive surgery going not carted off to the local clinic on your say so.

You're not painting yourself in a good light, Impossible.

There is fundraising page and I'm happy to help through a small contribution. Though, I can't be sure whether it's USD or AUD that they are requesting. I am guessing it's AUD. Can anyone confirm, please?

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Siriraj Hospital will do an excellent job don't worry, no matter how complicated the task at hand, and for a fraction of the price. I guess this could be valuable knowledge to the impoverished mother.

What is the name of the world renowned maxillofacial surgeon of Siriraj hospital? This type of reconstructive surgery isn't cheap, anywhere.

If I was Jack's mother I would want him to have the best possible care and reconstructive surgery going not carted off to the local clinic on your say so.

You're not painting yourself in a good light, Impossible.

There is fundraising page and I'm happy to help through a small contribution. Though, I can't be sure whether it's USD or AUD that they are requesting. I am guessing it's AUD. Can anyone confirm, please?

Good point.

Seems it's a Bangkok created page and created by a lass with a Thai name so it's anyone's guess on the currency.

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A national fund should be setup to pay hospital and legal costs for tourists who are mistreated in Thailand thru no fault of their on...

An automatic deduction will be taken from government officials...police and military paychecks as these are the people who are supposed to be providing protection for tourists...

It is expected that it will not be long before very few tourist are mistreated once the deductions start appearing on the Thai paychecks...

"tourists who are mistreated in Thailand thru no fault of their on..."

Given the article states he lives here for 15 years and is 20 years old, means he liked grew up here. Still a tourist?

Pretty interesting that you've decided that he had no fault in this altercation. Were you there? I've seen this story posted many many times and I find it very doubtful that 2 "men" (regardless of nationality) would start kicking the crap out of a foreign child without any previous history or provocation. I've seen and been involved in similar situations and there is ALWAYS something (previous history, flirting at the bar)

I would often agree with you but not in this case. They filed counter charges only AFTER they got their passports pulled, there are pictures of these two guys somewhere, flexing their muscles, I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't on steriods at the time, part of their samui vacation...there were plenty of witnesses as it was right on a crowded dance floor

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The laws inThailand are not a joke. There are very basic and poorly written with huge loopholes. The real problem is the corruption that riddles the entire unethical and unprofessional crooked lawyer base that abuses the law, the absurdly inefficient Procedure codes and the willingness of judges to entertain obviously spurious cases.

"The laws inThailand are not a joke. There are very basic and poorly written with huge loophole" Too most people that would = a joke. Plus then you have have inept and corrupt police and everything else you mentioned which then makes not only the law a joke but the whole legal and judiciary system a joke. Just saying..

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The laws inThailand are not a joke. There are very basic and poorly written with huge loopholes. The real problem is the corruption that riddles the entire unethical and unprofessional crooked lawyer base that abuses the law, the absurdly inefficient Procedure codes and the willingness of judges to entertain obviously spurious cases.

"The laws inThailand are not a joke. There are very basic and poorly written with huge loophole" Too most people that would = a joke. Plus then you have have inept and corrupt police and everything else you mentioned which then makes not only the law a joke but the whole legal and judiciary system a joke. Just saying..

A joke that I pray I am never caught up in.

With that, my partner was sexually assaulted many years ago here in Thailand and it must be said was treated well and with the utmost respect by the embassy, the police and the judicial system. The perpetrator's lawyers were the scum that attempted to make her look like a tramp that asked for it but there's another story that we ve long put to bed. I fear now that we were fortunate and could quite have easily seen a very different side of Thai law that only became apparent to me this year. Perhaps I was ignorant or uneducated or subconsciously wished to remain blindfolded. I really don't know. But today there are cases that I donate to, that I follow, that I contribute to on various sites. I am one person granted but I see this same movement amongst all my Thai friends that I previously had not seen. Many of which contribute to thaivisa that had not done so before.

I feel for the Burmese two, for the millers and witheridges, young jack hansen-bartel and his mum and the thousands upon thousands that have been and continue to be caught up in this often deadly joke.

Thailand saddens me immensely and I worry whenever I leave my partner here when I travel. I have requested a transfer to our Indo office and hope that that is one day an option. Indo has it's problems as I am well aware with traveling there for work for many years. But by and large expats are safer and the cronyism is more evident as opposed to the hidden aspects here that go unacknowledged and even the mention of is scoffed at.

Thailand is in trouble and it seems the deeper the trouble the more drastic lengths it will go to. In fact nothing seems too drastic to cover this up to me now.

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He looks young. Where are his parents? Been in Thailand for 15 years, he must have grown up here then. Something is missing here.

That's what I thought, there must be more
Is there ever ! Best check the last five months worth of articles mate.

Reading this is like reading a random post about the Burmese two. Impossible to get a handle on the complexities with just the most latest update.

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He looks young. Where are his parents? Been in Thailand for 15 years, he must have grown up here then. Something is missing here.

His mother is a single parent Australian mom struggling to make ends meet and raise her kids in Bangkok. Don't what happened to the father.

This single, struggling to make endswhistling.gif meet, mother has two kids in top international schools in BKK.

Kid had a cracked tooth and cut lip for god sake. Take a look at the after picture, savage beating?

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He looks young. Where are his parents? Been in Thailand for 15 years, he must have grown up here then. Something is missing here.

His mother is a single parent Australian mom struggling to make ends meet and raise her kids in Bangkok. Don't what happened to the father.

This single, struggling to make endswhistling.gif meet, mother has two kids in top international schools in BKK.

Kid had a cracked tooth and cut lip for god sake. Take a look at the after picture, savage beating?

Sounds about right and why this has made headlines for five months. Split lip and a cracked front tooth usually gets this sort of international coverage. Suggest some research mate.

David miller had 5 small nicks on his head too.

Try and make some sense.

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I'm not sure if some of these posters are trolling or just naïve. At least read the thread and the links first before passing crass comments.

I hope some of you are never in the same position or that your relatives are facing a similar situation.

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I'm not sure if some these posters are trolling or naïve. At least read the thread and the links first before passing crass comments.

Definately some highly strange and unusual comments.

On to the Burmese two forums tonight methinks to face off with jdinasia. Another ill informed bore.


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