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Why does the Thai govt. make it so hard for me to spend a lot of money in Thailand.

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The "I want to improve their balance of payments" gives it all away. Don't you realize that Thailand's GDP is bigger than several European Countries.

Did you just inherit the farm or are you another Digital Pikey looking for a cheap place to live.

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The government has no problem with you coming in and spending as much as you want. It's the millions of others that would flood in with no money at all that they are concerned about.

If only they had enough brains and competence to distinguish between the two groups ... instead of a simple minded "one rule fits all" approach.

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I agree with the OP. I have been here 6 years and every year I am having to jump through new hoops to stay. My last visa was an ED visa which expired while I was back in my home country for a visit. I went to the Thai Embassy in Vancouver and got a 3 month marriage visa. No problem. However when it came time to extend, I brought all my documents with bank book etc etc. "You have to go back to bank and get statement"....OK got statement. Back to immigration with statement to waste another day waiting. "oh , we have new rule. If you change from ED visa to marriage visa you need letter from school to say you are not student" <deleted>???

To answer your question...they really don't want or trust ANYONE that wants to stay longer than a holiday.

And FYI after we were married my wife got a 3 year multi-entry visa for my home country(canada) for about 2000baht. No 90 day reporting or bull$hyte.

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As an Asian I would say things are a lot easier in Asia if you have the money to back up the talk ....

There are all sorts of elite cards / visas and permanent resident for those with the actual cash and this is in all places in Asia

If you are a cheap Charlie just boasting and moaning at the 30 baht / hour computer terminal ...I hope they ban you from entering and spoiling up the place for us

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Ive had the same problem for years in thailand, i work out of thialand but live in thailand, i go to work come back and just spend money, i use to live here on the non O visa, but they changed the rules, now you can only get the visa on arrival 3 times a year or 90 days total, im not married, im to young for the retirement visa, and with more and more of my fellow oil and gas workers being turned away at the airport ive had to get the elitie 5 year visa, a very bitter pill to take, 500,000 baht, and not all of us who work in the oil and gas sector are on rock star money like so many think, but i was out of options, my home, cars, bikes, friends are all here so i had to do it.

Why cant they have a visa like the retirement visa for under 50 year old's, 800,000 baht or income for a 50 year old, so ok have a visa 1,5 mb , if you have that kind of money in a thai bank then you can look after yourself no problem for a year, even if they charged 10000 baht for the visa.

I was almost at the point where i was going to sell up and move somewhere that would be happy to have me there and take my money.

I understand why they have clamped down, but treating everyone the same is not the way to do it, if you dont tick the right box they will not think outside it.

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They want you to pay for a Thai Elite Card, that way they can insure that you are not a cheap charley but a quality tourist

Brilliant marketing concept, make the free or minimal cost way too complicated and inflexible, that way people will pay a small fortune for the convenience


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trying being Asian and do similar things in western nations, if they are even suspicious, they will simply ban you for 5 years in the case of the US. Foreigners have it easy here, Thailand just has its inefficiencies and trade offs for cheaper lifestyle.

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You can obtain several visa waiver to thailand(for many nationalities).

These can be extended. You can also obtain tourist visas with perhaps two or three entries in your own country.

I think Thailand is extremely flexible. They have to protect themselves against people working here. Overall I feel they are very flexible towards genuine tourists. On top of that, for people like myself (over 50) , I can live here.

Of course they also allow visa extensions based on marriage.

Not so flexible in my country AU.

HOW about your country??

With all your wealth you can even buy an elite card.

What's the fuss

"Protect themselves against people working here..."

This is a really outdated notion. Unemployment is around 1%. Almost no foreigners are taking away Thai jobs at the white collar level, because foreigners get paid more. If a company can find a Thai to do the same job (for less), then they will.

The current immigration laws are still strongly rooted in xenophobia. And with the upcoming AEC, everyone had better start adjusting their thinking in this regard. There are big changes ahead.

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Thais, like most native Asians, are highly xenophobic - IMHO. They are of a 16th century mindset struggling to cope with 21st century technology - technology that they neither invented nor comprehend. So what do they do? They lock the gates and hope the world will leave them alone.

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im obviously not i thai elite because my first question is how much does that cost? what are the requirements and is it a yearly visa?. Im sympathetic to the situation of a few here, im also too young unmarried bring in income from overseas, wish to spend extended periods here but theres not many options available. I rarely stay more than a month but at this time i am. so im heaing to cambbo and back for a stamp just seems easier. Had a spill off a mc taxi im pretty battered and was refused fare next day and thats with already heading to another stop on bts because soi ekkamai is horrendous and no chance of a taxi going. I can ride a motorcycle and drive a car overseas, but in the country i live in for most intents and purposes i cant own only rent. its frustrating. also dont know where to begin with investing, cant open a bank account ect. just seems like its hard spend money here, and luxurious items are reserved for thais.

thats my rant. any ideas? (already considering neighboring countries)

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I agree with the OP. I have been here 6 years and every year I am having to jump through new hoops to stay. My last visa was an ED visa which expired while I was back in my home country for a visit. I went to the Thai Embassy in Vancouver and got a 3 month marriage visa. No problem. However when it came time to extend, I brought all my documents with bank book etc etc. "You have to go back to bank and get statement"....OK got statement. Back to immigration with statement to waste another day waiting. "oh , we have new rule. If you change from ED visa to marriage visa you need letter from school to say you are not student" <deleted>???

To answer your question...they really don't want or trust ANYONE that wants to stay longer than a holiday.

And FYI after we were married my wife got a 3 year multi-entry visa for my home country(canada) for about 2000baht. No 90 day reporting or bull$hyte.

simple little rules you should have known in advance. Hardly call that "jumping through hoops"

If you're married why bother with the ED visa?

I've known several Canadians whose Thai wives had issues trying to get visa into Canada.

I'm from Vancouver as well.

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harder is to come to Thailand, more and more the country will sink, and Thailand will remain a third world country, poor and cheap.

they don't issue new type visa, maybe they can not... , the system is old and thai are too proud of themselves. their visa thing is too show you who is the master.

best way now is to keep a low profile and play their games. soon they will call us back to fill up restaurants and bars.

all around me I see business closing. there are many shops in pattaya, no customers, owner close after 6 months, lost 100'000 bahts just for rent and electricity. Thailand is now saving money that was previously spent by the reds, but still Thailand make less and less money in tourism . I think in a few months, after the bad results of Christmas 2014, things are going to change. so take it easy.

Edited by Digitalnomade
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harder is to come to Thailand, more and more the country will sink, and Thailand will remain a third world country, poor and cheap.

they don't issue new type visa, maybe they can not... , the system is old and thai are too proud of themselves. their visa thing is too show you who is the master.

best way now is to keep a low profile and play their games. soon they will call us back to fill up restaurants and bars.

all around me I see business closing. there are many shops in pattaya, no customers, owner close after 6 months, lost 100'000 bahts just for rent and electricity. Thailand is now saving money that was previously spent by the reds, but still Thailand make less and less money in tourism . I think in a few months, after the bad results of Christmas 2014, things are going to change. so take it easy.

So without the foreigner coming to Thailand, Thailand will remain a developing nation (apparently 3rd world is no longer the correct terminology)? IMHO, that is short-sighted and a little arrogant.

For Thailand to progress what they need is a government, police, judiciary and educational system where corruption is not acceptable and brought under control. Thailand needs a system where individuals are free to succeed or fail, and if you succeed there is not a corrupt official/mafia trying to take a cut of your success. They need an uncorrupt educational system which gives people the tools for people to succeed, and makes sure that students rise to as high as they can go. Society needs to churn over the fat at the top that are not their by merit, and make room for those that can succeed to rise.... In short, Thailand has to make success by merit what everyone aspires to.

It does not "need" to make itself dependant on suckling on riff-raff from other countries.

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How is it easy for other nationalities to access even with right resources to most falangs countries?

Time to stop complaining... If you respond to requirements, things are quiet simple and you can get one year visa with multiple entries for peanuts.

Yes, you have the money, so have a return ticket, spend 30 day here, 30 days in Cambodia, 30 days in Vietnam, and come back here for 30 days--no one will suspect you are not a tourist

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I think that the simple answer to your "problem" would be to meet and marry a Thai woman. Believe you me, based on my experience, your "teerak" would then be more than willing to provide you with whatever assistance you might need in spending a lot of money in Thailand!

AND you would then become eligible for a long-stay non-O visa and subsequent annual extensions of stay based on being married to her!!

There you have it - 2 birds killed with 1 stone!!!biggrin.png

Mate!!! He wants to spend LOTS of money in Thailand, not be dudded out of it by a Thai wife or girl friend. Edited by F4UCorsair
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Thais, like most native Asians, are highly xenophobic - IMHO. They are of a 16th century mindset struggling to cope with 21st century technology - technology that they neither invented nor comprehend. So what do they do? They lock the gates and hope the world will leave them alone.

Are Thais any more xenophobic than other nationalities? I don't see many UK citizens welcoming foreigners, particularly those who are looking to settle there.

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I agree with the OP. I have been here 6 years and every year I am having to jump through new hoops to stay. My last visa was an ED visa which expired while I was back in my home country for a visit. I went to the Thai Embassy in Vancouver and got a 3 month marriage visa. No problem. However when it came time to extend, I brought all my documents with bank book etc etc. "You have to go back to bank and get statement"....OK got statement. Back to immigration with statement to waste another day waiting. "oh , we have new rule. If you change from ED visa to marriage visa you need letter from school to say you are not student" <deleted>???

To answer your question...they really don't want or trust ANYONE that wants to stay longer than a holiday.

And FYI after we were married my wife got a 3 year multi-entry visa for my home country(canada) for about 2000baht. No 90 day reporting or bull$hyte.

if i felt this bad about a country not wanting me to stay,,, ide f u c k off,

thats the answer to all, if you feel that bad,,, then please tell me why you want to stay,? and im serious, please tell me why you want to stay in a country that you say dosnt want you

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I think that the simple answer to your "problem" would be to meet and marry a Thai woman. Believe you me, based on my experience, your "teerak" would then be more than willing to provide you with whatever assistance you might need in spending a lot of money in Thailand!

AND you would then become eligible for a long-stay non-O visa and subsequent annual extensions of stay based on being married to her!!

There you have it - 2 birds killed with 1 stone!!!biggrin.png

Mate!!! He wants to spend LOTS of money in Thailand, not be dudded out of it by a Thai wife or girl friend.

probably wants to stay healthy(alive) and handsum(rich) too, so maybe not marriage unless he conceals his wealth.

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