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Why does the Thai govt. make it so hard for me to spend a lot of money in Thailand.

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I wish to correct myself. There is a visa for spending a lot of money in Thailand, whereby "a lot" is of course relative. It is the Privilege Entry (PE) visa, also known as the Thailand Elite visa or Thailand Easy Access Membership: http://www.thailandelite.com/glimpse.php


The Thailand Elite PE visa is indeed the best option for those who have (substantial) money to spend in Thailand.

But I believe that many foreigners who really have adequate funds and want to spend, without the need of working here, are just not aware of this existence of such a visa.

It's interesting that on a thread like this one several thaivisa posters actually recommend Thailand Elite, while the other threads dedicated to Thailand Elite always attract posters who denigrate (to say the least) everything and everyone related to Thailand Elite.

You want to spend freely in Thailand?

But yourself an Elite card. 500,000b for 5 years of confortable spending spree ;)

Edited by gerry1011
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I'm the ....... (you conclusion jumpers who referred to me using various non-complimentary names please insert your favourite. Ha ha hoo hoo...rofl) who started this post.

I wish to thank the small percentage who had contributed in an intelligent, articulate, thoughtful manner.

Interestingly what really struck me over the month or so that I researched the various Thai visas was the absence of the Thai Elite visa. Naturally my research was using the internet and I never came across it once or if I did it's benefits certainly did not jump out in any noticeable manner.

Half of my business interests is associated with the internet (property marketing, not porn - you conclusion jumpers) so I would like to make a comment about Thai websites and their marketing skills.


Thai website are well behind the average and years behind the leaders. Thai govt. websites are even worse.

I subscribe to the digital Bangkok Post and read a few weeks back that one of the near economic aims of the Govt. is to have a serious digital economy (this is not just web related but includes all forms of digital businesses). Not gonna happen. Not enough skilled people. Not enough people that are skilled technically AND can read/write English.

For all intents and purposes IT is driven/created by English speaking people.

While I was in Thailand in Oct I asked a few Thai people why English has not been taught compulsory in schools. I got several different replies that really didn't make much sense to me until..."because of loyalty". "misplaced-loyalty" I said. Answer was "yes". Loyalty to what? He explained that the Thai people were so loyal to their country that that felt they would betray it if they learnt such a dominant language. A sort of capitulation. If they really feel that way deep down then, oh boy.

When the military govt. created their ministry I looked hard (in the very detailed article in the Bangkok Post) to see who was the minister for education. That person was not even in the article. I concluded that education must be a department under one of the ministries listed. Perhaps I am wrong but I have a very strong suspicion that education is not really well understood.

In Oct on a plane trip from Spore to Thailand my wife and I were sitting next to a very affable person. So we got talking. He was Thai, spoke fluent English, was a big wig for an international carrier. But previously he was a big wig for Microsoft. He bugged Bill Gates into trying to help Thailand move forward in the IT world. Bill agreed to donate US$2mill to the Thai Govt. to do whatever with it - no strings, other than must be IT. They did nothing with it - they did not know what to do - the offer lapsed. I wonder if anything has changed?

Edited by ThomasAJ
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I'm the ....... (you conclusion jumpers who referred to me using various non-complimentary names please insert your favourite. Ha ha hoo hoo...rofl) who started this post.

I wish to thank the small percentage who had contributed in an intelligent, articulate, thoughtful manner.

Interestingly what really struck me over the month or so that I researched the various Thai visas was the absence of the Thai Elite visa. Naturally my research was using the internet and I never came across it once or if I did it's benefits certainly did not jump out in any noticeable manner.

Half of my business interests is associated with the internet (property marketing, not porn - you conclusion jumpers) so I would like to make a comment about Thai websites and their marketing skills.


Thai website are well behind the average and years behind the leaders. Thai govt. websites are even worse.

I subscribe to the digital Bangkok Post and read a few weeks back that one of the near economic aims of the Govt. is to have a serious digital economy (this is not just web related but includes all forms of digital businesses). Not gonna happen. Not enough skilled people. Not enough people that are skilled technically AND can read/write English.

For all intents and purposes IT is driven/created by English speaking people.

While I was in Thailand in Oct I asked a few Thai people why English has not been taught compulsory in schools.

English has been a compulsory subject in Thai schools for several decades.

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I'm the ....... (you conclusion jumpers who referred to me using various non-complimentary names please insert your favourite. Ha ha hoo hoo...rofl) who started this post.

I wish to thank the small percentage who had contributed in an intelligent, articulate, thoughtful manner.

Interestingly what really struck me over the month or so that I researched the various Thai visas was the absence of the Thai Elite visa. Naturally my research was using the internet and I never came across it once or if I did it's benefits certainly did not jump out in any noticeable manner.

Half of my business interests is associated with the internet (property marketing, not porn - you conclusion jumpers) so I would like to make a comment about Thai websites and their marketing skills.


Thai website are well behind the average and years behind the leaders. Thai govt. websites are even worse.

I subscribe to the digital Bangkok Post and read a few weeks back that one of the near economic aims of the Govt. is to have a serious digital economy (this is not just web related but includes all forms of digital businesses). Not gonna happen. Not enough skilled people. Not enough people that are skilled technically AND can read/write English.

For all intents and purposes IT is driven/created by English speaking people.

While I was in Thailand in Oct I asked a few Thai people why English has not been taught compulsory in schools.

English has been a compulsory subject in Thai schools for several decades.

Oh well that's not what I was told and the results of those courses leaves a heck of a lot to be desired.

However if that is the case then what were the students doing during the courses?

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The rules are here to stay so whinging about them is not going to change anything ....

I can spend big and many on this forum know me as I stay at the Marriot & Sheraton every time I fly in for a week or so couple of times a month.

The elite card is the answer ... it costs peanuts compaired to having to line up and wait as cheap charlies ....

no reporting at 90 days or whatever ..

There's a 2 million baht elite card coming in June next year I believe ....

Out to a restaurant now .... gotta run...... wai2.gif

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The rules are here to stay so whinging about them is not going to change anything ....

I can spend big and many on this forum know me as I stay at the Marriot & Sheraton every time I fly in for a week or so couple of times a month.

The elite card is the answer ... it costs peanuts compaired to having to line up and wait as cheap charlies ....

no reporting at 90 days or whatever ..

There's a 2 million baht elite card coming in June next year I believe ....

Out to a restaurant now .... gotta run...... wai2.gif

How little you know of Thailand. Everything changes... Even for hisos like yourself (assuming there's a grain of truth to that).

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The rules are here to stay so whinging about them is not going to change anything ....

I can spend big and many on this forum know me as I stay at the Marriot & Sheraton every time I fly in for a week or so couple of times a month.

The elite card is the answer ... it costs peanuts compaired to having to line up and wait as cheap charlies ....

no reporting at 90 days or whatever ..

There's a 2 million baht elite card coming in June next year I believe ....

Out to a restaurant now .... gotta run...... wai2.gif

Is there an Elite Channel? I thought Elite members had to use the same channel as first and business class.

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The rules are here to stay so whinging about them is not going to change anything ....

I can spend big and many on this forum know me as I stay at the Marriot & Sheraton every time I fly in for a week or so couple of times a month.

The elite card is the answer ... it costs peanuts compaired to having to line up and wait as cheap charlies ....

no reporting at 90 days or whatever ..

There's a 2 million baht elite card coming in June next year I believe ....

Out to a restaurant now .... gotta run...... wai2.gif

If you're joking...good one.

If you have 'gotta run to the restaurant', then please be careful not to run straight into the path of an onrushing bus.

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Reasons: no explicit statement/timing for that.

An ever ongoing battle between the desire of getting money out of tourists and the xenophobic fear of foreigners that might exploit the country (illegal work, criminal activities).

Some good reasons to be suspicious about the second group.

I you are over 50 go the Non O-A visa route. Gives you up to two years of free movement in/out (with a little planning and not cost a fortune).

Are you?

Yea the second group don't bung anybody, immigration, customs BIB.

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They haven't figured it out. The reliance on colloquial wisdom is overruling sound economic policy. If you have any experience with my posting you will know I am what is referred to as a Thai apologist but in this instance they could use one person who had a clue doing the economic stuff. The average third year economics student from a second rate college could solve all of the problems of this country in about a week.

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Because quite honestly they don't really want us here.

Why should they?

I cannot address the actual expenditures for the op; however, I think Thailand should try to attract those who have the ability to spend money in Thailand without working illegally. The same way they want to attract those over 50 who can verify their incomes - why is 50 plus a magic number - why not let in any person on a yearly basis who can verify an income fom overseas and a certain expenditure within Thailand. These people stimulate the economy and support jobs for Thais.

I understand they do not want expats working illegally, but they need to have a yearly visa program for those who can support themselves in Thailand without working regardless of their age. (I am already on a yearly retirement extension - so I don't have a vested interest).

It just makes economic sense for Thailand.

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When did common or economic sense matter to these people ?

Once they make a rule, face will negate anything else

You call it face and I called it colloquial wisdom. I meant old wives tales. Rain causes colds and so on. Maybe I should have said feudal mentality. It is like England before the crop rotation system was discovered.

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When they say they want a digital economy they're talking about Cisco and Juniper not the bloke who sits in the corner eating khao soi at 40bt a bowl...

If they want that, they will have to deserve it.

If at the moment they can only attract rice eaters, that is what they will get.

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"I want to go in and out of the country freely whenever I choose, spend lots of $s there that are earned overseas",

Thomas as I see it you are worrying about nothing,the Thai girls will be only too happy to help you spend your money! Have a nice time

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