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Cosseted Farang Husbands and Their Thai Wives


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Those who sit in public judgement of others are seldom on the moral high ground, and are much more akin to harbouring their own deep rooted insufficiencies that they prefer to hide behind that facade of a self righteous stone thrower.

I would start worrying more about your own faults rather than preoccupying yourself with other people's lives.

Not making judgements only curious as to why so many farang guys get themselves into situations where they have to rely on Thais to take care of them and run all their affairs in Thailand. I know one Canadian guy, that after his Thai wife died about a year ago, he became like a fish out of water.

I also see this a lot when out, in banks, post offices and so on, where the Thai wife or partner is doing all the business and the farang just sitting there looking lost and bewildered with the Thai wife having to do the explaining and translating between the parties.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I would say these were totally judgements of others.

You seem to forget that a lot of these farangs are out of their cultural loop. I for one will never understand how Thais think about certain things. Nor will I ever totally get to grips with the Thai way of doing certain things. also my wife knows this and PREFERS to take over with certain things.

I a with the other poster here.... I speak a bit of Thai but am never fully confident that what I am saying is what a Thai is hearing. My wife is fluent and always ends up taking over whether I like it or not. Things get done more efficiently that way, so why struggle doing things the hard way?... After all isn't that what farangs do best.... efficiency?

And that`s my point, so how would you manage if your Thai wife for one reason or another was not around anymore?

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Those who sit in public judgement of others are seldom on the moral high ground, and are much more akin to harbouring their own deep rooted insufficiencies that they prefer to hide behind that facade of a self righteous stone thrower.

I would start worrying more about your own faults rather than preoccupying yourself with other people's lives.

Not making judgements only curious as to why so many farang guys get themselves into situations where they have to rely on Thais to take care of them and run all their affairs in Thailand. I know one Canadian guy, that after his Thai wife died about a year ago, he became like a fish out of water.

I also see this a lot when out, in banks, post offices and so on, where the Thai wife or partner is doing all the business and the farang just sitting there looking lost and bewildered with the Thai wife having to do the explaining and translating between the parties.

can i ask you a question?

could you speak thai when you got here,?

no,, so your wife sat with you in the bank, the post office and did your talking translating between parties,

so you must in them days sat there looking lost and bewilderd

When I first set foot in Thailand, it felt like landing on another planet, I was well out of the plot. Not only my wife but many of her family and other Thais helped show me the way. I also lost a fortune in the process, getting ripped off by not knowing the ropes and being a gullible fool. Of course we all have to begin somewhere, a little like learning how to drive a car, shaky at first and then like a breath of fresh air once we get the hang of it. Later I began to hate having to ask others to do this and to do that for me, I felt totally useless and could never be happy here in that situation, so decided I wanted to gain some independence for myself and be able to manage my own affairs in Thailand. It took me a while but I was determined and now proud of my achievements in Thailand.

I have 3 children who would do anything for me, but would never want to become a burden on them, they have their own hectic lives to contend with. Of course I love my wife, but if in the event for whatever reasons she`s not around any more, I would still be able to function here in Thailand and not end up like a fish out of water or require a nice lady like Nancy L to take care of me.

And I believe this is an example the married guys who intend to stay in Thailand for the long term should follow. It`s beneficial for them and others that are nearest and dearest to them.

And here`s one for the religious: God helps those who can help themselves or at least try.

And after 31 years she still walks 3 steps behind you, and hangs your washing above hers.

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And after 31 years she still walks 3 steps behind you, and hangs your washing above hers.

No, on occasions I do let her walk next to me if she behaves herself. Actually my wife and I can be quite independent of each other and have brought our kids up this way too. Never allow themselves to be totally dependant and have to rely on anyone, always be able to stand on their own 2 feet, as for example what would happen on the day my wife and I are not around anymore.

I agree with our DP25, if I am out with the wife or any other Thai person, they will the majority of times want to deal with the Thais and not me, sometimes I am stressing to get a word in edgeways. And why I prefer to deal with my affairs on my own. But some farangs I have known are simply unable to do this and as harsh as this may sound have thought to myself, you dozo and these are guys that have lived here for many years, not those new onto the scene.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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And after 31 years she still walks 3 steps behind you, and hangs your washing above hers.

No, on occasions I do let her walk next to me if she behaves herself. Actually my wife and I can be quite independent of each other and have brought our kids up this way too. Never allow themselves to be totally dependant and have to rely on anyone, always be able to stand on their own 2 feet, as for example what would happen on the day my wife and I are not around anymore.

I agree with our DP25, if I am out with the wife or any other Thai person, they will the majority of times want to deal with the Thais and not me, sometimes I am stressing to get a word in edgeways. And why I prefer to deal with my affairs on my own. But some farangs I have known are simply unable to do this and as harsh as this may sound have thought to myself, you dozo and these are guys that have lived here for many years, not those new onto the scene.

I would consider that normal, as would my friends. It seems you keep company with a bunch of slow learners.

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