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Surge of reported police harassment suggests campaign targeting tourists, expats


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Strangely enough, this summer, the Spanish were offering tourists an official - police copy of their passport so they can carry that and avoid having the real one stolen. I didn't check on the cost and don't know if the service is still available.

Perhaps it would be nice if the RTP could offer that?

Also make it about credit card size so it fits in the pocket easily?

It is law in many countries that visitors must carry their passport at all times.

If carrying your actual passport,wrap it in something waterproof because it only needs a little wetting to render the passport useless!

Then you are into the additional waste of time and extra cost of an emergency passport, a replacement once you get home etc.

A royal pain in the bum!

Not sure about that. I put my passport through the wash twice and still used it.

Maybe the young lady I met in the Brit emb in BKK was unlucky then.

She had been tracking and got caught in the rain.

Perhaps the lamination was not done well because you could hardly make out her picture.

She had spent quite a while contacting her parents to wire funds so she could get an emergency PP, which is only good for the one journey back home.

Apart from cost issues, it fairly ruined the last few days of her holiday of a lifetime!

So, popping the ole PP into a small plastic bag sounds like an easy precaution to take.

Glad your PP remained good.

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"its difficult to verify or substantiate many of the claims..."

Yet, they're published without shame.

Look, people don't just make these things up. I've read 3 articles about it this week, in 3 different news sources, including Bangkok Post. And each one of those stories was followed by countless more in their comments section involving recent events. This new government wants foreigners to feel threatened.

Facebook has a page with ppl sharing their experiences and I hear it's growing pretty good.

A little off topic but same vibe, I heard through a buddy that knows him personally that Sammy Wong's bar was raided, it's still open though and not much happened but it looks like big brother is watching and taking note.

I'd like to ask, again, why this thread has been kept separate from the other threads on TVF? As far as I can see, it's hidden. Does that imply these abuses are sanctioned? Where is a response from authorities to all these reports, here and on other sources?

Edited by John1thru10
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i dont think carrying the pp prevents a piss test. it's just for id.

And what about the head of immigration already releasing an official statement that a copy of a passport is all that is required? Many reports say that a copy was not accepted.

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This sounds similar to the shake downs at the airport by the border police, dressed in black or plain clothes who stop you after arrivals. But on thing I did not get was the reference to an English man helping the police with the ripp off. Nor how the writer avoided the piss test. The story leaves a lot of questions unanswered.

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We need to brainstorm and find a resolution to stop these harassment from the Thonglor Police! So, what can we do, any suggestions? Does anyone has a connection with CNN, Fox news or Huffpost? We should let the world know about the harassments involving tourists and expats in Bangkok from Thonglor Police Department!

Ha, ha, ha, are you for real? A wee bit over the top don`t you think?

I would guess that something has happened and the police have good reasons to be checking on farangs and other foreigners in certain areas of Bangkok at the moment.

Just carry your passports, driving licenses if driving vehicles and wear helmets on motorbikes, whether driving or a passenger. For tourists, make sure you have the appropriate driving licenses from your home countries and if hiring motorbikes, ensure that your driving licenses include motorbikes as many do not.

If the police stop you, don`t get attitude, only need to cooperate with them, show passports and driving licenses and then you`re be on your way. Do not listen to some of the bad advice suggested by some idiots on here regarding refusing to cooperate with the police. This is no big deal and all quite painless.


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Guy reports police threatened to kill him - http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/ReadersSubmissions2011/reader7129.htm

Cop phones Thai girl's family, as an intimidation tactic to get a 10k bribe instead of a smaller one. Wants girl to accompany him into an alleyway for a urine test - http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/ReadersSubmissions2012/reader7806.htm

Edited by jspill
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I can confirm between Nana and Asoke station I've noticed too many police officers all staring at me (maybe trying to find an excuse to ask for passport and initiate harrasment). I definitely not felt safer then before!

I have noticed this in my last two visits all along Sukhumvit, from soi 3 to soi cowboy,including plain clothes thugs. Very intimidating.

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can confirm this thread does appesr to be hidden. i can only access it searching for 'police'. what category is it in?

im seeing officers waiting further down between asoke and suck 22, but on the east side of the street. i dont think the problem ends at asoke.

i started looking ahead and will cross the street. of course, this only works if their not hiding.

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We need to brainstorm and find a resolution to stop these harassment from the Thonglor Police! So, what can we do, any suggestions? Does anyone has a connection with CNN, Fox news or Huffpost? We should let the world know about the harassments involving tourists and expats in Bangkok from Thonglor Police Department!

Ha, ha, ha, are you for real? A wee bit over the top don`t you think?

I would guess that something has happened and the police have good reasons to be checking on farangs and other foreigners in certain areas of Bangkok at the moment.

Just carry your passports, driving licenses if driving vehicles and wear helmets on motorbikes, whether driving or a passenger. For tourists, make sure you have the appropriate driving licenses from your home countries and if hiring motorbikes, ensure that your driving licenses include motorbikes as many do not.

If the police stop you, don`t get attitude, only need to cooperate with them, show passports and driving licenses and then you`re be on your way. Do not listen to some of the bad advice suggested by some idiots on here regarding refusing to cooperate with the police. This is no big deal and all quite painless.


passports are just for id or visa checks. they dont have anything to do with drug stops, extortion or piss tests.

so you are very much mistaken about whipping out your passport or dl and having nothing to worry about!

i would also suggest you be ready to erase any photos or video and log out of social mefia and forums if you are searched. there was a report of phones being searched and passwords requested to unlock phones.

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Since nobody posted Richard Barrows last tweet on the subject, other that the city officers stopping people for smoking/dropping cigarettes:

"7:18pm Just completed 2 circuits of walking from BTS Ekkamai to BTS Nana & back. In 6 hours I didn't see any stop & searches. I'll be back."


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I'm sure it's possible to not see any. You're dismissing dozens of reports because one man walks for 6 hours and sees nothing?

He did see what he described as tessakit officers scamming tourists, however. And per my earlier post he personally knows a guy who spent a night in jail for not carrying his passport.


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I'm sure it is still possible to do 2 circuits Nana to Ekkamai and not get searched those 2 times.

The point is things are happening to a certain unlucky %.

He also said he did not see any stop and searches...

I am now starting to get a bit worried about you, Are you sure you are not a Spy, or even from the Thai SAS ? ( i will tell you what SAS stands for later )


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