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Surge of reported police harassment suggests campaign targeting tourists, expats

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We need to brainstorm and find a resolution to stop these harassment from the Thonglor Police! So, what can we do, any suggestions? Does anyone has a connection with CNN, Fox news or Huffpost? We should let the world know about the harassments involving tourists and expats in Bangkok from Thonglor Police Department!

I have connections at every major company in the world, and also news outlets/governments and more, so if you require anyone in particular message me.

Roger Ailes CEO Fox News [email protected]

Arianna Huffington Founder Huffington Post [email protected]

Jeffrey L Bewkes CEO Time Warner (inc CNN) [email protected] 212-484-800

Just do it when your sober.

Like total overkill, you provide the news desk but CEO of TW and Fox.... sure their offices are going to enjoy it if a few thousand people decided to whinge

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We need to brainstorm and find a resolution to stop these harassment from the Thonglor Police! So, what can we do, any suggestions? Does anyone has a connection with CNN, Fox news or Huffpost? We should let the world know about the harassments involving tourists and expats in Bangkok from Thonglor Police Department!

I have connections at every major company in the world, and also news outlets/governments and more, so if you require anyone in particular message me.

Roger Ailes CEO Fox News [email protected]

Arianna Huffington Founder Huffington Post [email protected]

Jeffrey L Bewkes CEO Time Warner (inc CNN) [email protected] 212-484-800

Just do it when your sober.

Like total overkill, you provide the news desk but CEO of TW and Fox.... sure their offices are going to enjoy it if a few thousand people decided to whinge

sorry apoligisze the green Zone also had all these type of connections at the end of the film all the media sorry


I think you need to reread my posts.

1) I never said there is no corruption or extortion. I merely stated that this thread has brought out the usual "hate Thailand" crowd that never have anything good to say about Thailand, expecting it to conform to their expectations which I did describe, quite accurately in my view as "chauvinistic" and "neo-colonialist". My contention was that the current allegations are in my experience exaggerated.

2) I also don't think I said they deserve it, though in many cases the police are probably well-founded in their scrutiny. I would not live in either the Sukhumvit or Silom areas because of the atmosphere there - I prefer living in Thai neighborhoods where the vast majority of people are Thai. My landlord, however, does live in the area near Nana and some of the things his daughter told me about in conversations make me suspect that many of these foreigners are not innocents caught up in a frency (for example Indians urinating against the gate to their house, westerners being loud and drunk, many, many things...)

3) if you read all of my posts you will see that the last time I was in that area was not one year ago (though I did walk there then along Ratchada to Sukhumvit and Sukhumvit 23 to visit a pub that had the same name as my blessed grandmother). I regularly go there for dhamma talks, and other events, The last time I was there was last Sunday night when I walked from the MRT station by the Asoke BTS to Sukhumvit 26 for a musical event. From Asoke to Benjasiri Park and on I saw no one being searched. This was five days ago, so certainly recent enough....

4) Clearly it is not I who is not taking the time to read the posts, given points 1-3 above.


What an utter hypocrite! You've nailed your own xenophobic condition on your mast for all to see. OK, you've gone native and love all that's Thai :)

You remind me of myself when I was a pimply teenager thinking all white Brits were racist and all other races were perfect. I grew up though and saw the world for what it really is!

'I prefer living in Thai neighborhoods where the vast majority of people are Thai.' Why? Even the shady, corrupt immoral.....? As long as they are Thai? Dear me, let's hope you never need to go home from wherever unfortunate place you came from! Grow up woman!!

Then you are stupid enough to quote your dear Thai friend's sooo predictable anti-Indian/western rant. Thais never piss up against gates? Never get drunk? <deleted> me are you for real??

Anyway, please stay with your beloved Thais...you'll do us all a favour!


i live in nakhon nowhere and have for years. i guess that makes me a fool also . totally agree with your statement. Many tourist traps are no different than the places they left , eating farang food and following other foreigners like cattle. again never had a problem with the police.

of little interest to the ignorant fools that have gone native and live in the booonies of nakon nowhere

Indeed,having gone native long ago and living far from even the nearest Nakhon Nowhere, having never felt unwelcomed, having never been stopped for no reason by the police, I am always bemused by my fellow Farangs who live in Bangkok and imagine they live in a Thai environment and then erroneously extrapolate their experiences to the rest of the nation.


We need to brainstorm and find a resolution to stop these harassment from the Thonglor Police! So, what can we do, any suggestions? Does anyone has a connection with CNN, Fox news or Huffpost? We should let the world know about the harassments involving tourists and expats in Bangkok from Thonglor Police Department!

I have connections at every major company in the world, and also news outlets/governments and more, so if you require anyone in particular message me.

Roger Ailes CEO Fox News [email protected]

Arianna Huffington Founder Huffington Post [email protected]

Jeffrey L Bewkes CEO Time Warner (inc CNN) [email protected] 212-484-800

Just do it when your sober.

Like total overkill, you provide the news desk but CEO of TW and Fox.... sure their offices are going to enjoy it if a few thousand people decided to whinge

sorry apoligisze the green Zone also had all these type of connections at the end of the film all the media sorry

The green zone.... i so not down with this back story.???


I think you need to reread my posts.

1) I never said there is no corruption or extortion. I merely stated that this thread has brought out the usual "hate Thailand" crowd that never have anything good to say about Thailand, expecting it to conform to their expectations which I did describe, quite accurately in my view as "chauvinistic" and "neo-colonialist". My contention was that the current allegations are in my experience exaggerated.

2) I also don't think I said they deserve it, though in many cases the police are probably well-founded in their scrutiny. I would not live in either the Sukhumvit or Silom areas because of the atmosphere there - I prefer living in Thai neighborhoods where the vast majority of people are Thai. My landlord, however, does live in the area near Nana and some of the things his daughter told me about in conversations make me suspect that many of these foreigners are not innocents caught up in a frency (for example Indians urinating against the gate to their house, westerners being loud and drunk, many, many things...)

3) if you read all of my posts you will see that the last time I was in that area was not one year ago (though I did walk there then along Ratchada to Sukhumvit and Sukhumvit 23 to visit a pub that had the same name as my blessed grandmother). I regularly go there for dhamma talks, and other events, The last time I was there was last Sunday night when I walked from the MRT station by the Asoke BTS to Sukhumvit 26 for a musical event. From Asoke to Benjasiri Park and on I saw no one being searched. This was five days ago, so certainly recent enough....

4) Clearly it is not I who is not taking the time to read the posts, given points 1-3 above.


I wonder how many people who boast what they would do if they were stopped realize how ridiculous they sound. They know what they would do. It would be "Yes sir. No sir. Sorry officer."

And, it should be. But your earlier apologist posts for corruption and extortion - denying they even exist - I found very offensive, for the way you claimed repeatedly that people either 'deserve' it, or are simply making things up, etc. Also, you referencing experiences from a year ago, in which you took a long walk and 'nothing happened', truly show a lack of understanding on your part. To even say that experiences long before a coup and military takeover of a government, would apply to the same place after such an event, is either purposely avoiding huge news events, or you're just not thinking that through. I might suggest to you, that walking around under martial law in a country which has just lost its rights to free elections, as a foreigner, and sounding off about how everything is 'fine', is not very respectful of anyone. Even if you think you are 'defending Thailand'. I for one, am deeply disturbed to know that my friends here are not allowed to vote anymore, for example. You are not?

I'm a decent, non-drug guy who has lived in Thailand for 5 years, and love this country. And respect it's culture and it's people. But, there is a very big difference between loving a country and it's people for real reasons, and simply bannering a fantasy image because it makes you feel better. You're obviously not taking much time to read people's actual reports, or to even be up on the political situation of a country you claim to be defending. And, if you really believe that you are the only decent foreigner here, and that everyone else simply 'deserves' to be harassed and frightened for stepping outside, then I would submit that you have some more thought to invest in the subject.

You just contradicted yourself over and over, actually. At some points very extremely. I get it...you refuse to acknowledge that bad experiences that others have had, because you couldn't process it comfortably. And by the way, I in no way hate Thailand, and I think that's a pretty unthinking toss off on your part.

wow Nice one John1-10, agree entirely as usual it seems. This dude is wishing reality was as it is in his head. The world is as it is, not what we think it should be, half the reason I think people get disappointed or let down with life is failing to acknowledge this. It is ok for the place you love to not be perfect, but that imperfection does not reflect badly on you or your ideas or choice to be here. If you cannot separate yourself and the topics reflection upon yourself in your own mind, then perhaps go elsewhere to get what you need, just not here.


I wonder if this is some kind of policy from the Thai government being under pressure from China to make it easy and cheap for chinese tourists to visit Thailand. Get rid of the Farang tourists would keep the price low for the chinese...


I wonder if this is some kind of policy from the Thai government being under pressure from China to make it easy and cheap for chinese tourists to visit Thailand. Get rid of the Farang tourists would keep the price low for the chinese...

China is the superpower of the 21st century.... Who would you cast your lot with?


Funny where i live there were few if any foreigners. Now more than ever. Guess all the tourists are being scared in my direction. The report there are fewer foreigners is total bunk. Have seen more than ever everywhere i go. I guess the toilet over flow is heading down hill sadly in my direction.

Likewise, I live quite a ways north of Sukhumvit, ... When I first came to this area of the city in January 2010 there weren't many foreigners, still not so many but more and more. Most of them seem like decent people, so it's OK... I just hope that it does not evolve into another foreign ghetto...

Yes, yes. We wouldn't want any of those nasty 'foreigners' around would we? By the way, you're one of them.


Again whats that fb page or group anyone got link

Obviously it's https://m.facebook.com/groups/562587763877947?ref=bookmark

But it seems to be a secret or hidden group. Invite only. So, it makes no sense at all. Paranoia in the rise.

Paranoia or an intelligent response to the military's constant threats against anyone

posting information critical of them on social media.....

total BS and i would love the military to press even harder on vile red shirt thugs and rest if it means no critisism fine buy me much prefer to darling of issan, her megalomaniac brother and rest of them.


I wonder how many people who boast what they would do if they were stopped realize how ridiculous they sound. They know what they would do. It would be "Yes sir. No sir. Sorry officer."

Yeah, right. You are a pussy, but then who can blaim you.

i posted to get to the end of the thread

There's a double arrow pointing right by the page numbers, hit that and you're on the last page. If everyone posted to get to the end, there would never be an end. :)



We need to brainstorm and find a resolution to stop these harassment from the Thonglor Police! So, what can we do, any suggestions? Does anyone has a connection with CNN, Fox news or Huffpost? We should let the world know about the harassments involving tourists and expats in Bangkok from Thonglor Police Department!

Ha, ha, ha, are you for real? A wee bit over the top don`t you think?

I would guess that something has happened and the police have good reasons to be checking on farangs and other foreigners in certain areas of Bangkok at the moment.

Just carry your passports, driving licenses if driving vehicles and wear helmets on motorbikes, whether driving or a passenger. For tourists, make sure you have the appropriate driving licenses from your home countries and if hiring motorbikes, ensure that your driving licenses include motorbikes as many do not.

If the police stop you, don`t get attitude, only need to cooperate with them, show passports and driving licenses and then you`re be on your way. Do not listen to some of the bad advice suggested by some idiots on here regarding refusing to cooperate with the police. This is no big deal and all quite painless.


Of course it's a shakedown of vulnerable tourists by corrupt Thai Police.

For 2,000Bt. bribe, any druggie can walk.

Or if you have a high level contact / attorney they shoo you away. Go go go...


I wonder if this is some kind of policy from the Thai government being under pressure from China to make it easy and cheap for chinese tourists to visit Thailand. Get rid of the Farang tourists would keep the price low for the chinese...

China is the superpower of the 21st century.... Who would you cast your lot with?

Not china, that's for sure.



We need to brainstorm and find a resolution to stop these harassment from the Thonglor Police! So, what can we do, any suggestions? Does anyone has a connection with CNN, Fox news or Huffpost? We should let the world know about the harassments involving tourists and expats in Bangkok from Thonglor Police Department!

Ha, ha, ha, are you for real? A wee bit over the top don`t you think?

I would guess that something has happened and the police have good reasons to be checking on farangs and other foreigners in certain areas of Bangkok at the moment.

Just carry your passports, driving licenses if driving vehicles and wear helmets on motorbikes, whether driving or a passenger. For tourists, make sure you have the appropriate driving licenses from your home countries and if hiring motorbikes, ensure that your driving licenses include motorbikes as many do not.

If the police stop you, don`t get attitude, only need to cooperate with them, show passports and driving licenses and then you`re be on your way. Do not listen to some of the bad advice suggested by some idiots on here regarding refusing to cooperate with the police. This is no big deal and all quite painless.

These crooked cops are terrorizing tourists for fun and profit!

Can't you read?!!!

One thing you are right about. The police do have a good reason for the shakedowns.

The Army just stripped them of millions in illicit income. Desperate cops are dangerous cops. Look out!

The oppressed and the persecuted in Thailand.

If you live here your life must be extremely stressful and miserable in Thailand. I honestly fail to see why those moaning and complaining the most don`t just move on and find more hospitable pastures elsewhere? Trust me, they won`t be missed.


The police are definitely out in force in Sukhumvit.........I was out almost all day and half the night I went from Soi 15 to Nana up to Asoke over to Soi 22 back to cowboy 23 came out an hour later at Asoke then back to Nana then ended up in Soi 11 before going home.

There was definitely one police,am in the traffic box at Nana staring at people......mainly girls.

Never saw a single policeman in Soi 22 where my friend owns a bar.......told him about all the harassment and he told me don't talk .

Same 2 guys who are always there were at the mouth of cowboy......really scared me when one nodded and smiled.......Asked my Pal Pep who has worked the Tong Lor/Sukhumvit area for over 20 years as tuk tuk driver what was all the harassment about pulling up tourists........hadn't a clue what I was talking about...............he has never heard a thing.

Could it be we have a few drama queens on Thaivisa? cheesy.gif


Some of these apologists would like us all to disregard the hoards of first person accounts of the harassment. Because it hasn't happened to them, head in the sand. It's real, get a clue. Just carry your passport and pee in a bottle on the side of the road, don't worry, it's all good. What <deleted> some people are, like sheep.


The police are definitely out in force in Sukhumvit.........I was out almost all day and half the night I went from Soi 15 to Nana up to Asoke over to Soi 22 back to cowboy 23 came out an hour later at Asoke then back to Nana then ended up in Soi 11 before going home.

There was definitely one police,am in the traffic box at Nana staring at people......mainly girls.

Never saw a single policeman in Soi 22 where my friend owns a bar.......told him about all the harassment and he told me don't talk .

Same 2 guys who are always there were at the mouth of cowboy......really scared me when one nodded and smiled.......Asked my Pal Pep who has worked the Tong Lor/Sukhumvit area for over 20 years as tuk tuk driver what was all the harassment about pulling up tourists........hadn't a clue what I was talking about...............he has never heard a thing.

Could it be we have a few drama queens on Thaivisa? cheesy.gif

No, but there are many trying to denigrate Thailand and make the country seem like the pits using any excuse. They are using Thai visa as a platform to push out their hatred of Thailand and all things Thai.

I do wonder who or what are these people and what are the real motives behind them? Are these people some kinds of political opponents giving the semblance of being ex-pats? At one time I were thinking I was becoming paranoid, but these people, who and wherever they are seem to be determined to get their points across, and will make personal insults and try to overpower those who go against the grain with them, which is how extremists operate.

These people who appear intent on causing strife are certainly of no benefits to the ex-pats who have settled in Thailand and quite content with their lifestyles here, they only make the Thais have even more suspicions and tighten up the rules for us and do admit I have a profound dislike of them.


Thong Lor in BKK, right? Nice click bait, has nothing to do with the most common tourist destinations.

Well in America The Police shoot Their Black Citizens

Now that is Harassment

In Thailand what they doing is livable


The police are definitely out in force in Sukhumvit.........I was out almost all day and half the night I went from Soi 15 to Nana up to Asoke over to Soi 22 back to cowboy 23 came out an hour later at Asoke then back to Nana then ended up in Soi 11 before going home.

There was definitely one police,am in the traffic box at Nana staring at people......mainly girls.

Never saw a single policeman in Soi 22 where my friend owns a bar.......told him about all the harassment and he told me don't talk .

Same 2 guys who are always there were at the mouth of cowboy......really scared me when one nodded and smiled.......Asked my Pal Pep who has worked the Tong Lor/Sukhumvit area for over 20 years as tuk tuk driver what was all the harassment about pulling up tourists........hadn't a clue what I was talking about...............he has never heard a thing.

Could it be we have a few drama queens on Thaivisa? cheesy.gif

Because the cops will open up and admit there's a shake down going on?

Very disingenuous to the posters who have been stopped !!



Could it be we have a few drama queens on Thaivisa? cheesy.gif

More than a few, many with an ax to grind, many who jump on the wagon to bash Thai people and Thailand. If they are actually even here, they have the choice to leave and if they hate it so much they should. I would suggest Syria or Iraq to them... There is a significant group here who will seize any opportunity to criticize this country and its people. If these people are the ones being targeted maybe it is because their attitude shows through. I definitely shouldn't let them annoy me. as they really post without substance and facts (even the so-called first hand accounts are not independently verifiable) but honestly I love Thailand and the people here. Thailand has been very good to me, and I'm grateful for the ability to live here.


The police are definitely out in force in Sukhumvit.........I was out almost all day and half the night I went from Soi 15 to Nana up to Asoke over to Soi 22 back to cowboy 23 came out an hour later at Asoke then back to Nana then ended up in Soi 11 before going home.

There was definitely one police,am in the traffic box at Nana staring at people......mainly girls.

Never saw a single policeman in Soi 22 where my friend owns a bar.......told him about all the harassment and he told me don't talk .

Same 2 guys who are always there were at the mouth of cowboy......really scared me when one nodded and smiled.......Asked my Pal Pep who has worked the Tong Lor/Sukhumvit area for over 20 years as tuk tuk driver what was all the harassment about pulling up tourists........hadn't a clue what I was talking about...............he has never heard a thing.

Could it be we have a few drama queens on Thaivisa? cheesy.gif

Must have raised their quota earlier in the day.

Sent from my c64


No, but there are many trying to denigrate Thailand and make the country seem like the pits using any excuse. They are using Thai visa as a platform to push out their hatred of Thailand and all things Thai.

I do wonder who or what are these people and what are the real motives behind them? Are these people some kinds of political opponents giving the semblance of being ex-pats? At one time I were thinking I was becoming paranoid, but these people, who and wherever they are seem to be determined to get their points across, and will make personal insults and try to overpower those who go against the grain with them, which is how extremists operate.

These people who appear intent on causing strife are certainly of no benefits to the ex-pats who have settled in Thailand and quite content with their lifestyles here, they only make the Thais have even more suspicions and tighten up the rules for us and do admit I have a profound dislike of them.

They always come out in these threads, like an infestation by rats and roaches, hiding behind the anonymity of their avatars (which may not be as anonymous as they think). I have come to have an intense disdain and dislike for them as well....

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