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Hidden Festivals in Thailand


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One thing you note when you have friends visiting you in Thailand is just how little we expats seem to know about the hundreds of festivals that take place every year in this country. In part that is probably down to the use of the Thai Lunar Calendar (or indeed other lunar calendars) that govern the actual dates of the festival. While some do have dates, most refer the reader to a lunar calendar or are based around the date of a major event which is already set by a lunar calendar. Combine this with the fact the TAT show little to nothing on what’s going on in the kingdom and I suppose we expats are not alone in our ignorance.

Has anyone heard or attended the following festival supposedly happening in Ang Thong in December and early January. If so do you have any reference web addresses or dates for this year? Other than the 1-2 paragraphs that pop up everywhere but give no real insight into the event.

1. God Kuan-U Invitation and Dragon Parade Procession

2. Ngan Mueang U - Khao, U- Nam (City of Rice and Water Bowl Fair) and Annual Red Cross Fair

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yes, the festival of the balls--late night Thermae

But it is no longer a late night bar. It shuts at 2am In the old days it was open till 7 am or later because it had police protection.

yeah, shame of all shames, but they do still have take-out

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