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US teen kills girl in 'satanic ritual'


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Jose E. Reyes made Corriann Cervantes beg for life in satanic killing, Houston jury told

HOUSTON: -- AN American teenager accused of killing a girl in a satanic ritual had gouged out her victim’s eye as she begged for her life, prosecutors in Texas say.

Opening statements began on Monday in the capital murder trial of 18-year-old, who prosecutors say is responsible for the February death of 15-year-old Corriann Cervantes in a vacant apartment southeast of Houston.

A 16-year-old boy also is charged with capital murder and is expected to stand trial later.

Reyes, who was 17 at the time of the crime, faces a life sentence if convicted of capital murder but would be eligible for parole after 40 years, according to the Houston Chronicle.

If he’s convicted of murder, the jury would determine his punishment.

Prosecutors contend the two teens were hoping to make a deal with the devil when they disfigured the girl’s body, including carving an upside down crucifix on her stomach.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/jose-e-reyes-made-corriann-cervantes-beg-for-life-in-satanic-killing-houston-jury-told/story-fnh81jut-1227149806688

-- News.com.au 2014-12-09

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Mexican immigrants, illegally coming across the border. 20 years ago, used to go down there quite abit. The last 10 years is a WAR ZONE.

I can't believe I just read your post. Let me guess, you are a white Caucasian that likes to wear a white pointy hat!

How ridiculous for you to insinuate that it's all due to Mexican immigrants crossing into the USA. Just because the people involved with this terrible tragedy hold Mexican names does not mean they were immigrants nor does it portray all Mexicans whether in America legally or illegally.

Let me tell you something...if America put up a type of Great Wall of China along the entire border between Mexico and America and found a way to have no more crossings and found every illegal that is currently in America, the economy would go to crap. One of the only citizens, legal or illegal in America who will ALWAYS pay their dues, such as taxes and maintain their excellent credit status are the illegals who are in America. They take the jobs that most Americans will not consider doing and get paid less, but pay their taxes and buy on credit with higher interest but will always take care of their job so they can pay off their extremely high interest debts because that is all they have in their life...they screw it up and they have nothing. They start with nothing when they arrive in America and save to hire attorneys that will assist them in getting their green card. By the time they get their green card, most of the illegals have already purchased 3 or 4 cars and homes and will have insured their entire families and then help their families back in Mexico come into America and the cycle begins again. A very large population of legal Americans don't have what I just stated. Why...not because the Mexicans took away their opportunities, but because they are lazy and the illegal Mexicans are not. Hard workers with big hearts...if someone needs help and even if they only have a little to live on, they will give it to you and think about how they will live later. Those are the Mexican Immigrants you talk about.

Go do your research...the race that is found most in any American prison are blacks and white supremacists followed by Mexicans and other races.

Not all Mexicans are like you insinuate...every race has their bad seeds of course but you are being racist.

And the reason things are bad in Mexico now is because Mexico decided to make a stand and began a war against the Drug Cartels.

And no...I'm not an illegal Mexican who crossed and got his green card, but I do hope they give this murdering sadistic asshxxe the death penalty!

Edited by Scott
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Which raises the question, "Are humans born like this, and if not, then how do they get like this?".

I can truly state that I feel quite strongly that the people responsible for the major portion of the upbringing of citizens like this should also be held responsible, as well as the contributing factors that got this person from an innocent, beautiful human baby into a young, adult monster.

I have often thought about this question and I can only come up with the kind of "stuff" young people everywhere are exposed to:

1. Extremely violent Computer "Games"

2. Extremely disgusting Horror Movies

3.Extremely violent modern "music", Rap; Heavy-Metal, House-Music etc.

All's I can say is thatnI am happy I was never exposed to this crap whilst growing-up - and I pity society for the stuff they have to put up with today ! ! ! !


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They grow up in a system where only one thing counts: success, measured in money.

But they are cut off from all resources that would allow them to achieve that goal.

So they are in a moral vacuum (anomie) and ready for all kinds of BS to fill it, eg all that stuff listed before.

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Diggin' to the bottom of the barrel for 'world news' today, 'eh? coffee1.gif Well, try not to publish anything that takes more than a 6th grade education to read.

Edited by connda
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There is not a day that goes by that the parents, friends, and family of this unfortunate girl do not grieve for her young life so senselessly and barbarically snuffed out by these inhuman creatures...

My punishment would be to remove an inch of flesh everyday...starting with the penis...until they are completely stripped of all their skin...then find a large fire-ant bed and feed them to the ants...

Actually, I am normally a quiet passive guy...this article gets my blood pressure boiling...

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Let me tell you something...if America put up a type of Great Wall of China along the entire border between Mexico and America and found a way to have no more crossings and found every illegal that is currently in America, the economy would go to crap. One of the only citizens, legal or illegal in America who will ALWAYS pay their dues, such as taxes and maintain their excellent credit status are the illegals who are in America. They take the jobs that most Americans will not consider doing and get paid less, but pay their taxes and buy on credit with higher interest but will always take care of their job so they can pay off their extremely high interest debts because that is all they have in their life...they screw it up and they have nothing. They start with nothing when they arrive in America and save to hire attorneys that will assist them in getting their green card. By the time they get their green card, most of the illegals have already purchased 3 or 4 cars and homes and will have insured their entire families and then help their families back in Mexico come into America and the cycle begins again. A very large population of legal Americans don't have what I just stated. Why...not because the Mexicans took away their opportunities, but because they are lazy and the illegal Mexicans are not. Hard workers with big hearts...if someone needs help and even if they only have a little to live on, they will give it to you and think about how they will live later. Those are the Mexican Immigrants you talk about.

You fail to mention that much of the gang violence in the US is perpetrated by Mexicans, a la MS-13 and the like. I know you're just sticking up for them, trying to dissuade the view by many that Mexicans are behind many of the US's ills, and of course they're not, but let's not get all starry eyed, eh!

On topic, humans tend to look down on animals as unfeeling, selfish creatures with no empathy, but there is only one creature on this earth that can stoop as low as this!

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From that link:

- beating with the heavy porcelain lid of a toilet tank.

- There were pieces of porcelain embedded in her face.
- teens used a screwdriver to stab Cervantes in the face and torso dozens of times.
He said he had no regrets
Defence lawyer Jerald Graber told the newspaper the defence team would “zealously represent” Reyes

Don't you just love lawyers?

Here he is:

Enjoy yourself in prison, son!!

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