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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film

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Not offensive to me because of the time it was produced and showing him as a caricature , probably have been more offensive to Hitler

"In "30," the segment depicting Gen. Prayuth’s seventh value - "Learn about democracy " - a schoolboy is seen painting a portrait of Hitler, which his classmate then applauds. There are no other references to the German dictator in the film, which goes on to illustrate a lesson about cheating."

No mention of this "Nazi chic" explanation difficult to get my head around. I am sure it would go over the heads of many. If so then the decision to use Hitlers image is poor judgement and naive

Watch the video it's obvious. Spoiled rich kid painting inappropriate picture and a lap dog follower applauding.

I'm saying don't take my word for anything watch the video with a person who speaks Thai.

I admire your patience, sometimes you just have to accept that people don't like facts and have taken a stance they can't change without loosing face. (familiar isn't that here in Thailand)

It demonstrates a few things. 1. The posters don't speak Thai. 2. They are not in Thailand because they don't have access to a Thai person to help them. 3. They are closed minded. 4. They already have their minds made up because I seem to be the only one in this thread who has actually seen the video.

I'm amazed at the number of folks who think they can comment about a painting (video) without ever having seen the work. Truly amazed. Truly an example from that movie dumb and dumber.

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Not offensive to me because of the time it was produced and showing him as a caricature , probably have been more offensive to Hitler

"In "30," the segment depicting Gen. Prayuth’s seventh value - "Learn about democracy " - a schoolboy is seen painting a portrait of Hitler, which his classmate then applauds. There are no other references to the German dictator in the film, which goes on to illustrate a lesson about cheating."

No mention of this "Nazi chic" explanation difficult to get my head around. I am sure it would go over the heads of many. If so then the decision to use Hitlers image is poor judgement and naive

Watch the video it's obvious. Spoiled rich kid painting inappropriate picture and a lap dog follower applauding.

I'm saying don't take my word for anything watch the video with a person who speaks Thai.

Ok mate , I'll have a look later maybe , I doubt my missus will pick up any subtle nuances though.I don't doubt your perception of the aim of the director but for me the image of Hitler being used in any context for political gain is in very bad taste.




<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

Not offensive to me because of the time it was produced and showing him as a caricature , probably have been more offensive to Hitler

"In "30," the segment depicting Gen. Prayuth’s seventh value - "Learn about democracy " - a schoolboy is seen painting a portrait of Hitler, which his classmate then applauds. There are no other references to the German dictator in the film, which goes on to illustrate a lesson about cheating."

No mention of this "Nazi chic" explanation difficult to get my head around. I am sure it would go over the heads of many. If so then the decision to use Hitlers image is poor judgement and naive

Watch the video it's obvious. Spoiled rich kid painting inappropriate picture and a lap dog follower applauding.

I'm saying don't take my word for anything watch the video with a person who speaks Thai.

I admire your patience, sometimes you just have to accept that people don't like facts and have taken a stance they can't change without loosing face. (familiar isn't that here in Thailand)

Nothing to do with face , I don't think an image of Hitler should be used , tongue in cheek or not in any scenario, for a propaganda film.It trivializes him to those who know no better

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Can people actually be born stupid like that ??

Its about time for an election, as this government really don't know what governing is and has no respect at all !

Shame on you for the entire government !

I was at a market the other night,in Phaholyotin RD To my amazment one stall were selling flags. The Union-Jack had a pic of our Queen in the center

Her Eyes had a black stripe over them. Big mouth ( my wife ) would not let me take a photo

Perhaps the stall holder got hold of a few Sex Pistols Tee shirts, the band used the image to sell records.

Offensive to some people, but generally, the British are a little tougher when it comes to images of The Queen and Queen (Freddie's, that is).


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Hmmmmm!!! The use of anything to do with Hitler or the Nazi party is an issue and makes you wonder what makes these Thais think.

The thing is the vast majority of Thais have absolutely no idea who Hitler was and care even less.

Go out on the street find 100 English American German tourists and ask them who led Thailand against the French in the Thai French war and they will reply "What war?

You think I am kidding go ask a dozen Thais on the street who Winston Churchill or General Paton were and they won't have a clue who on earth you are talking about.

Before knocking them too hard as yourselves what do you know about Thai history..........99% of you like me could write it on a ciggy packet.

So don't worry too much a few kids wearing hitler uniforms in a silly parade are not out to start WW3 they leave that sort of thing to people like fanatical Muslims and trigger happy Westerns.

Is it OK to make a video that portrays Nazi chic in a negative light?


"......sold in markets across Thailand, which fought with the Axis powers during the war."

Uhmmm.... Thailand have never fought in any war, let alone WWII. They have been beaten in or affected by several wars but never fought as a nation.

As for the scene...it can hardly be of any concern as nobody will ever watch the movie anyways.


I really do think that we should stop having a pop at the Thais.

Thailand is in Asia, not Europe. How many people in Europe know about the atrocities done in Asia by the Japanese ? Bearing in mind Britain fought a world war against Japan (as well as fighting Germany, we all know that), well, there are youngsters in England who simply don't fully know about the mass murder Japan did in Asia. And how lots of British soldiers died fighting Japan. And British soldiers sufferring in those POW camps. Far better to be captured by Hitler's soldiers than Japan's Hirohito boys.

So let's bear in mind Europe's ignorance of Japan's war crimes BERORE we start having a pop at Thais for not knowing about Hitler. So the Thais are ignorant, they don't know about Hitler. What punishment do we suggest for ignorance ? Putting on a Hitler shirt and NOT knowing about Hitler is (surely) no way as serious as putting on a Hitler shirt and KNOWING about Hitler.

For those who are angry, save your anger, and have a pop at people in Europe who wear Hitler shirts and KNOW about Hitler.

Do not underestimate the Europeans Most of us are well informed ( better than Thais ) of the atrocities done by Japan to the chinese and the rest of asia

Like the mass murder and torture they are acustomed too,and the killing and sexual abuse of children We Know.

Do you know Who Col F, Chapman is ? If not get educated and read his story,,,Jungle Solder,, The schools in the UK teach all this stuff,as they do in Germany

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You said it was offensive but it's not. It is a negative image. If it was a positive image it would be offensive. Somehow you understand the image is offensive (you wrote, "Whatever the intentions of the movie its insensitive and crass at best surely to use Hitler)? How?

By your logic any portrayal of Hitler on the HIstory channel is insensitive and crass? See what I'm saying?

You may not agree with me but you can hardly contest the subject without watching and understanding the Video.

It may not be offensive to you but it appears that others are offended by it. Just accept others have different feeling to you and if you keep saying others are not offended you are only tuning the knife and inflicting more pain. Everyone has different feelings and if you think Hitler is Ok and are not offended just think for a moment that others maybe offended by Hitler.

Do you find the attached photo offensive because there is a swastika in it? Wake up and watch the video.

Do YOU understand the meaning and statement of that picture?

Obviously not!

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A pile of holier-than-thou rubbish that denies the fact there is no comparing cheating with murdering multiple millions of people, then doing it for propaganda purposes to a populace who are not informed enough to understand just what is in front of them. If this is their first ever association of Hitler with being 'a bad guy' they're just likely to think he's even more cool. Try EDUCATING them with the truth.

Has using the word 'truth' been banned in Thailand yet?

The video is painting Nazi chic in a negative light. That is a good thing. You are confused. Try watching video before voicing an opinion.

Here you are showing that you are simply not listening.

What you quoted above clearly accepts their (and your) reasoning that it being portrayed in a negative light, and yet you have completely ignored:

"...a populace who are not informed enough to understand just what is in front of them. If this is their first ever association of Hitler with being 'a bad guy' they're just likely to think he's even more cool. Try EDUCATING them with the truth."

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"I didn't think it would be an issue," the director of the short film

Well, you wouldn't, would you whatever the intention/message of the skit! And neither does most of the Thai populace, including the so called leader. Thailand wormed it's way out of getting knocked over in the war (and yes it could have VERY EASILY been colonised) and I think the blase attitude towards AH is because Thailand got off lightly and/or because WWII for the most part happened a relative million miles away. But then again, had 6 million Thais been gassed, I still think we'd still be seeing him and his swastika bandied about because the stupidity on display here at times knows no bounds.


Watch the video it's obvious. Spoiled rich kid painting inappropriate picture and a lap dog follower applauding.

I'm saying don't take my word for anything watch the video with a person who speaks Thai.

I admire your patience, sometimes you just have to accept that people don't like facts and have taken a stance they can't change without loosing face. (familiar isn't that here in Thailand)

Nothing to do with face , I don't think an image of Hitler should be used , tongue in cheek or not in any scenario, for a propaganda film.It trivializes him to those who know no better

There is your error. It was not tongue in cheek. It was used in a negative fashion the same way it is used in thousands of video historical and morality tales. It may have taught children another negative aspect of Hitler and that is good. Anything that associates Nazism with evil has to be a positive.


<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

I really do think that we should stop having a pop at the Thais.

Thailand is in Asia, not Europe. How many people in Europe know about the atrocities done in Asia by the Japanese ? Bearing in mind Britain fought a world war against Japan (as well as fighting Germany, we all know that), well, there are youngsters in England who simply don't fully know about the mass murder Japan did in Asia. And how lots of British soldiers died fighting Japan. And British soldiers sufferring in those POW camps. Far better to be captured by Hitler's soldiers than Japan's Hirohito boys.
So let's bear in mind Europe's ignorance of Japan's war crimes BERORE we start having a pop at Thais for not knowing about Hitler. So the Thais are ignorant, they don't know about Hitler. What punishment do we suggest for ignorance ? Putting on a Hitler shirt and NOT knowing about Hitler is (surely) no way as serious as putting on a Hitler shirt and KNOWING about Hitler.

For those who are angry, save your anger, and have a pop at people in Europe who wear Hitler shirts and KNOW about Hitler.

Do not underestimate the Europeans Most of us are well informed ( better than Thais ) of the atrocities done by Japan to the chinese and the rest of asia

Like the mass murder and torture they are acustomed too,and the killing and sexual abuse of children We Know.

Do you know Who Col F, Chapman is ? If not get educated and read his story,,,Jungle Solder,, The schools in the UK teach all this stuff,as they do in Germany

Read it and Jungle Green , great books, What a life he had

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As you may have already guessed, the issue some people have here is not about the facts, or the actual message of the video, it's about recreational outrage and taking a dig at Prayuth.

You're dead right it's not about the message of the video. As to the rest of your post, it's just mindless sniping.

You said it was offensive but it's not. It is a negative image. If it was a positive image it would be offensive. Somehow you understand the image is offensive (you wrote, "Whatever the intentions of the movie its insensitive and crass at best surely to use Hitler)? How?

By your logic any portrayal of Hitler on the HIstory channel is insensitive and crass? See what I'm saying?

You may not agree with me but you can hardly contest the subject without watching and understanding the Video.

It may not be offensive to you but it appears that others are offended by it. Just accept others have different feeling to you and if you keep saying others are not offended you are only tuning the knife and inflicting more pain. Everyone has different feelings and if you think Hitler is Ok and are not offended just think for a moment that others maybe offended by Hitler.

Do you find the attached photo offensive because there is a swastika in it? Wake up and watch the video.

Do YOU understand the meaning and statement of that picture?

Obviously not!

Yes it is an anti Nazi statement as was the picture in the video. Have you not watched the video?



There is no defense for this. It is lame and stupid. It is time for Thailand to get up to speed with the rest of the planet.

You mean like restaurants in the US using the image of chairman Mao, to sell chairman Mao's chicken, lest not forget he killed more people than Hitler

Stalin used to sell vodka, US bike "gangs" and even biker celebrities displaying swastikas, iron crosses and other Nazi icons

Yes Thailand, needs to get up to speed with the rest of the world :blink:

But let's not let the above facts get in the way of a good Thai bash by the farang bwana's

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thailiketoo you do not get it , it does not matter about the context it is used it. it is a image that should never be used no matter what the context. it shows insensity to others suffering and a complete and total igonance of world history. just like people should never use the word NIGGER get it now.


Whatever the intentions of the movie its insensitive and crass at best surely to use Hitler

You're damn right about that.

I'm sorry to say I now hope this country takes the fall its hubris deserves.

1. What do you think was the message of the video? 2. Are all videos with a 3 second drawing of Hitler insensitive and crass?

In the context of what has been happening in Thailand and the perception that there is a growing xenophobia, this was AT BEST a gross insensitivity. Thoughtless, arrogant, insensitive, naive and stupid maybe but not really surprising. You are trying to justify the indefensible.

The video paints Nazi chic in a negative light what is, arrogant, insensitive, naive and stupid about that?


Why are Brits so insensitive about what the rest of the world thinks. They let their royalty dress up like a nazi. Have they learned nothing. I don't understand the Brits. Seems tame compared tot the Thais (nice isn't it generalizing putting a whole nation down for the faults of a few)


The Brit's have a very close connection with the Germans, and the pommy king that abdicated was very close to siding with the pig Hitler.

the problem is that most Thais just don't know the truth as they are not educated in the history of the second WW 11, most don't even know that they were at war with America.


ignorance, the result of thai education where they put more value on some bullcrap

one thing they have in common, all hail the great dictator ... since birth


There is no defense for this. It is lame and stupid. It is time for Thailand to get up to speed with the rest of the planet.

There was an anti Nazi visual comment made in a video what is wrong with that?


I dont know they are pretty sensitive and rightly so when it come to that man

Whatever the intentions of the movie its insensitive and crass at best surely to use Hitler

I thought the video was mocking the Chula students who put on the Hitler sports day. Did you actually watch the video? Do you speak Thai?

I will accept the fact that " thailiketoo " says, for the movie is putting Hitler in a negative view, BUT ...

The whole point here is that it is A GOVERNMENT / Junta commissioned film and clearly approved, since it has been shown publicly.

Any other Hitler things here in Thailand have been done by people, whom do not know any history and can be excused for it.

NOT an government or government official. There is not one country in their right mind, that would use an image of Hitler in any way to promote a new set of "rules" , the PM 12 rules of ..... which all the school kids now have to say everyday or something. Pure indoctrination.

I can go on, but you get the picture.

I am not a Jew or political, just a simple member of humanity and commonsense.

Historical fact: Thailand supported the Nazi's and Japanese up until the very last months of WW2 and then suddenly changed sides.


The war has been over a long time, nobody cares about who did what to whom.

As fashion,

I like the SS uniforms, very smart.

I don't like the Japanese uniforms, not stylish at all.


Thank you for posting the picture of Prince Harry in the Nazi uniform!

Whilst hanging out the washing I was thinking back to the one of the Nazi sex party plus references to Western TV like History channel's use of Hitler and Nazi images too, so when I came back to see that is was just perfect!

Let's actually consider it with a little grey matter: that is a picture of a Western newspaper that absolutely does not accept that kind of behaviour. That, sir, is the difference between Western and Thai society when it comes to Nazi fashion (as well as our puuyai actually having to be accountable for their actions).


Oops, and lest I forget: it is a message to a populace that understands that the Nazi fashion is wrong, not one that is so entrenched in sabai sabai, sanuk and Thailand number 1 above anything else that they could have any intended message go completely over their heads, irrespective of that message not actually conveying anything like the reality of who is being depicted.


thailiketoo you do not get it , it does not matter about the context it is used it. it is a image that should never be used no matter what the context. it shows insensity to others suffering and a complete and total igonance of world history. just like people should never use the word NIGGER get it now.

No you are wrong. HItler was on TV 126 times last night on the history channel. Is that wrong? Anything that paints Nazism in a negative light is OK in my book.


As you may have already guessed, the issue some people have here is not about the facts, or the actual message of the video, it's about recreational outrage and taking a dig at Prayuth.

You're dead right it's not about the message of the video. As to the rest of your post, it's just mindless sniping.

Have you seen the video?


Can people actually be born stupid like that ??

Its about time for an election, as this government really don't know what governing is and has no respect at all !

Shame on you for the entire government !

I was at a market the other night,in Phaholyotin RD To my amazment one stall were selling flags. The Union-Jack had a pic of our Queen in the center

Her Eyes had a black stripe over them. Big mouth ( my wife ) would not let me take a photo

Perhaps the stall holder got hold of a few Sex Pistols Tee shirts, the band used the image to sell records.

Offensive to some people, but generally, the British are a little tougher when it comes to images of The Queen and Queen (Freddie's, that is).


Yes you are right,thats for sure, But I think whats good for one shoud be good for another . Dont you think?

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