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Americans in Thailand warned after release of CIA report


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I'm not really much of a Three Stooges fan so I'll just leave you guys : zydeco, jay, and Carl to your fascinating insights.

We're not gonna get anything new, or anything we haven't heard already from jerks like Hannity, Bill Olielly and the luscious Anne Coulter, Sara Palin, Michelle Malkin, Geraldo Rivera and, of course White House stooges like Cass Sunstien.

There's enough of those MSM jerks to form a big circle.

However, you three are just gonna have to give it the old dorm room try.

I'll respond to anyone of you three with the verbal acuity to put an argument together using decent facts, paragraphing and syntax.

And more than your usual 140 character tweets.

Otherwise it's (you know) that old circle thing for y'all. Cheney's been suitably re-characterized so he can lend a hand.

Sweet thoughts


Edited by Donnie Brasco
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I'm not really much of a Three Stooges fan so I'll just leave you guys : zydeco, jay, and Carl to your fascinating insights.

We're not gonna get anything new, or anything we haven't heard already from jerks like Hannity, Bill Olielly and the luscious Anne Coulter, Sara Palin, Michelle Malkin, Geraldo Rivera and, of course White House stooges like Cass Sunstien.

There's enough of those MSM jerks to form a big circle.

However, you three are just gonna have to give it the old dorm room try.

I'll respond to anyone of you three with the verbal acuity to put an argument together using decent facts, paragraphing and syntax.

And more than your usual 140 character tweets.

Otherwise it's (you know) that old circle thing for y'all. Cheney's been suitably re-characterized so he can lend a hand.

Sweet thoughts


bye bye. biggrin.png

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This is being brought up not to put a smoke screen over the problem in the present government, by bringing up actions carried out by the Bush government. By bring this up the leftest press goes after Bush and does not report on IRS criminal activities, NSA spying on Americans, DOJ raciest activities, EPA breaking the law, thousands of troops on the ground in Iraq, questionable constitutionality of the ACA, civil right advisers to the W/H which are delinquent on taxes, and many other problem.

None of the above affects Thailand. The CIA torture after 911, will indicate that possibility the Thaksin government, working with the CIA, by providing facilities at a military base in Rayong to carry out the torture. coffee1.gif

I know quite a few American Republicans.

The ONLY moral value they have is:

IOKIYAR --It's OK If You Are Republican.

In other words, they don't give a flyibg <deleted> what any Republican polutician says or does.

Pure political partisian Kii khong Khuay...

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I'm not really much of a Three Stooges fan so I'll just leave you guys : zydeco, jay, and Carl to your fascinating insights.

We're not gonna get anything new, or anything we haven't heard already from jerks like Hannity, Bill Olielly and the luscious Anne Coulter, Sara Palin, Michelle Malkin, Geraldo Rivera and, of course White House stooges like Cass Sunstien.

There's enough of those MSM jerks to form a big circle.

However, you three are just gonna have to give it the old dorm room try.

I'll respond to anyone of you three with the verbal acuity to put an argument together using decent facts, paragraphing and syntax.

And more than your usual 140 character tweets.

Otherwise it's (you know) that old circle thing for y'all. Cheney's been suitably re-characterized so he can lend a hand.

Sweet thoughts


your intelligence is wasted here,very logical and i have noticed you have an interesting use of syntax in your posts

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I'm not really much of a Three Stooges fan so I'll just leave you guys : zydeco, jay, and Carl to your fascinating insights.

We're not gonna get anything new, or anything we haven't heard already from jerks like Hannity, Bill Olielly and the luscious Anne Coulter, Sara Palin, Michelle Malkin, Geraldo Rivera and, of course White House stooges like Cass Sunstien.

There's enough of those MSM jerks to form a big circle.

However, you three are just gonna have to give it the old dorm room try.

I'll respond to anyone of you three with the verbal acuity to put an argument together using decent facts, paragraphing and syntax.

And more than your usual 140 character tweets.

Otherwise it's (you know) that old circle thing for y'all. Cheney's been suitably re-characterized so he can lend a hand.

Sweet thoughts


bye bye. biggrin.png

See ya at the Alex Jones convention. Take care.

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I'm busy monitoring the Three Stooges "circle assembly"

Who's this Alex Jones ?

I'm more into Mike Rivero, actually.

And Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Frank Zappa.

And then there's 'marka's National Treasures Bill Hicks and the one, the only, the IMMORTAL George Carlin.

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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Actually I'm kind of seriously asking the question ... if you are aggressively approached to identify your nationality by someone who appears to have a nationality probably hostile to the USA, what do you do?

Say you're from New Zealand, but don't say it with an American accent.

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Actually I'm kind of seriously asking the question ... if you are aggressively approached to identify your nationality by someone who appears to have a nationality probably hostile to the USA, what do you do?

Say you're from New Zealand, but don't say it with an American accent.

That's not a bad idea. Saying Canadian is too obvious. It must be funny for actual Canadians who are met with skepticism when they tell the truth.

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Actually I'm kind of seriously asking the question ... if you are aggressively approached to identify your nationality by someone who appears to have a nationality probably hostile to the USA, what do you do?

Say you're from New Zealand, but don't say it with an American accent.

That's not a bad idea. Saying Canadian is too obvious. It must be funny for actual Canadians who are met with skepticism when they tell the truth.

If upon hearing your attempted accent, they say, "Oh, lovely! What part of Australia are you from?", just smile and say Yes. biggrin.png

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Yes, leave it to our wonderful liberal Democrats to scatter information that should be in-house (even if true) all over the world and put Americans in danger.

Those cobras would kill their own mothers to score a political point.

The report was produced by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. If you care to educate yourself on the committee and its members, you can read up on it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_Select_Committee_on_Intelligence#Members.2C_113th_Congress

You are aware that war crimes were committed here, right? The reason I'm asking is that it sounds like you would prefer that this was all covered up and forgotten about.

America is not the only nation which under the cloak of decency and democracy commits outrageous crimes. The UK in the second world war had safe houses for sustained torture of Germans, some in the best areas of London,forced signatures to crimes committed against humanity on documents written only in English which resulted in the execution of innocent officers, don't believe me ? google London cages. To this day nobody has been prosecuted. The British also set up their special camps in Germany, one witness said it was as bad as Belsen Belsen with prisoners begging to be shot.

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Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts attended four of the finest universities, studied under two Nobel Prize-winners in economics, authored 20 peer-reviewed articles in journals of scholarship, and published four academic press peer-reviewed books, including Harvard and Oxford Universities, and seven commercially published books.

He is a former editor of the Wall Street Journal, Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service. He has testified before Senate sub committees on me than 30 occasions. He has recently taken positions opposite to former Republican allies on the War on Terror, the War on Drugs, Israel's Treatment of Palestinians and Israel's influence over American foreign policy.

His recent book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution Of The West is available in German, English, Chinese, and is forthcoming in Korean and Czech.

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America is not the only nation which under the cloak of decency and democracy commits outrageous crimes. The UK in the second world war had safe houses for sustained torture of Germans, some in the best areas of London,forced signatures to crimes committed against humanity on documents written only in English which resulted in the execution of innocent officers, don't believe me ? google London cages. To this day nobody has been prosecuted. The British also set up their special camps in Germany, one witness said it was as bad as Belsen Belsen with prisoners begging to be shot.

That is a common "defense", but irrelevant and more of a smoke screen. You can't justify your own war crimes by pointing to others and saying they're doing it too. I think you understand that. The value of torture is being questioned, i.e. is torture effective in extracting useful information from suspects and known perpetrators. What's not being questioned is the value of these graphic reports to the enemy's propaganda activities, such as recruiting. Perhaps PSYOPS (psychological operations -- such as winning the hearts and minds) is a better approach whose efforts should be strengthened.

Edited by kaydee412
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America is not the only nation which under the cloak of decency and democracy commits outrageous crimes. The UK in the second world war had safe houses for sustained torture of Germans, some in the best areas of London,forced signatures to crimes committed against humanity on documents written only in English which resulted in the execution of innocent officers, don't believe me ? google London cages. To this day nobody has been prosecuted. The British also set up their special camps in Germany, one witness said it was as bad as Belsen Belsen with prisoners begging to be shot.

That is a common "defense", but irrelevant and more of a smoke screen. You can't justify your own war crimes by pointing to others and saying they're doing it too. I think you understand that. The value of torture is being questioned, i.e. is torture effective in extracting useful information from suspects and known perpetrators. What's not being questioned is the value of these graphic reports to the enemy's propaganda activities, such as recruiting. Perhaps PSYOPS (psychological operations -- such as winning the hearts and minds) is a better approach whose efforts should be strengthened.

I agree with you, i am not American, i am British,i am certainly not trying to justify torture but i am pointing out that we shouldn't just be pointing fingers at the Americans.

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I agree with you, i am not American, i am British,i am certainly not trying to justify torture but i am pointing out that we shouldn't just be pointing fingers at the Americans.

You're absolutely right. The United States has drawn a lot of criticism for its practices in this regard, but they are far from alone, unfortunately. However, I think we expect a lot more from the US and other western countries when it comes to respecting basic human rights and conventions. Maybe one day the United Nations and NATO will actually hold their members to an acceptable standard. If not perhaps we'll see more of individual countries like Italy sending messages like this one: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/nov/04/cia-guilty-rendition-abu-omar

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Yes, leave it to our wonderful liberal Democrats to scatter information that should be in-house (even if true) all over the world and put Americans in danger.

Those cobras would kill their own mothers to score a political point.

The report was produced by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. If you care to educate yourself on the committee and its members, you can read up on it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_Select_Committee_on_Intelligence#Members.2C_113th_Congress

This was, indeed, a partisan endeavor, as the Republicans on the Committee withdrew their support after they realized the Democrats had already made their conclusions, and had insured the investigation would be steered accordingly.

"...all but one Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee voted to approve the probe in March 2009. However, all of the committee’s GOP members withdrew their support six months later when it became clear that this inquiry would be a witch hunt against the Bush administration and the CIA and not a balanced, bipartisan investigation." http://www.nationalreview.com/article/394279/senate-dems-politicize-intelligence-oversight-fred-fleitz

That such a study was needed has never been the argument. Indeed, it was needed (although not necessarily to be aired in public). But it also certainly needed to interview the major CIA players, which it didn't. Only now, in the form of retorts, are their inputs being heard. Why would these not be included in the report? Oh, yeah, counter arguments might cause doubts as to the conclusions reached by the Democrats on this Select Committee. And in partisan politics, never show uncertainty about your hypothesis -- or you may be confused for a middle-of-the-road pragmatist.

But the partisan pendulum swings, as the Republicans will head this committee come January. Then, the on-going discussions on drone attack efficacy will be hidden from the world. Sad, because I'd love to hear why a Hellfire missile up one's bum has more intelligence value than an enema feeding....

Edited by JimGant
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I would like to learn about the facts, regardless of whether publication outs Americans in danger or not.

Quite obviously, the CIA violated human rights, and they did it in the name of the United States of America.

I would call it defamation of US people, and I would not give them any legitimation to continue their attacks in the name of the USA and her citizens.

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I agree with you, i am not American, i am British,i am certainly not trying to justify torture but i am pointing out that we shouldn't just be pointing fingers at the Americans.

You're absolutely right. The United States has drawn a lot of criticism for its practices in this regard, but they are far from alone, unfortunately. However, I think we expect a lot more from the US and other western countries when it comes to respecting basic human rights and conventions. Maybe one day the United Nations and NATO will actually hold their members to an acceptable standard. If not perhaps we'll see more of individual countries like Italy sending messages like this one: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/nov/04/cia-guilty-rendition-abu-omar

as you did mention italy....perfect, than i remember the cia in italy blowing up the central train station in bologna, italy, some years ago with the help of the secret servie from italy. in this blow up they killed more than 300 inocent people. the goal was to avoid that italy becomes a left wing goverment. than the countless "false flag attaks from the cia and far more than 50 wars and ohter military inventions since ww2 from the usa to bring some countys "democracy". example chile with alliende, puting the right wing dictator pinochet in power the invasion of grenada.... its a very bloody track if you see the history of the usa. i would be ashamed as an us citizen to defend this terror state usa and all his allies. from europe over israel to the islamistiic dictarships in the arabean leage and other places in the world, like canada, australia and so on. therefore i call the nato together with many other people: north atlantic terror organisation.

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Like most Thais even give a flying *bleep*. Still, doesn't hurt to be vigilant.

yes, there must be a lot Thais who helped torture people in Thailand. They should rot in jail forever. But no one cares.

I don't think that any American have to worry about any Buddhist Thais, but there are Muslims as well and there are lots of "imported" Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia there could be some fanatics who don't understand that this American tourist has nothing to do with the crimes of his government.

Myanmar and Cambodia? First of all, Cambodia has such a tiny proportion of Muslims that few people even associate Cambodia with Islam. Secondly, Myanmar Muslims are having a tough time in Myanmar and are hardly going to be the outspoken ones, especially against foreigners - they have a lot to fear within their own society.

I think you probably mean Indonesians and perhaps Malaysians (but this is more likely to be the case in their own countries) whereby confrontations are possible.

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Yes, leave it to our wonderful liberal Democrats to scatter information that should be in-house (even if true) all over the world and put Americans in danger.

Those cobras would kill their own mothers to score a political point.

The report was produced by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. If you care to educate yourself on the committee and its members, you can read up on it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_Select_Committee_on_Intelligence#Members.2C_113th_Congress

You are aware that war crimes were committed here, right? The reason I'm asking is that it sounds like you would prefer that this was all covered up and forgotten about.

The people who have put Americans in danger all over the world are members of the G W Bush administration, especially Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheyney and Condoleeza Rice, who are ultimately responsible for these war crimes, and various shadowy CIA type figures who did the dirty work, it would appear they did it with some relish too. 'Rectal feeding and re hydration', by the CIA's own accounts this was done for no medical reason but as a means of 'control'. Operatives boasted that they used the largest tubes available. Lets call this for what it is, ie, anal rape. People having limbs broken and then being made to stand on said broken limbs in stress positions for hours on end. But hey, that's OK, wasn't it Donald Rumsfeld who said something along the lines of, "Nothing cruel about having to stand all day, i spend most of my days on my feet" Ho ho, what a wag! I wonder what his position is on 'rectal feeding', has anyone had him round for dinner? The CIA's own accounting admits that more than 20% of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay were completely innocent of any crime, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, or handed over for money, or to settle personal scores. Kidnapped, hooded, shackled, flown illegally to American black sites all over the world. If this had been done to Westerners the usual suspects on here would be screaming from the rooftops, calling this(quite rightly), for what it is. TERRORISM. The powers that be responsible for these acts of terrorism must be held accountable, surely if we aspire to be morally superior to those we are waging war against that is not too much to ask. Sadly i think we all know this will never happen. By any definition what was done to these detainees, both the guilty and completely innocent, are serious war crimes. The fact that large swathes of American society, and especially the more right wing nutjobs on internet forums feel able to discuss this as if they were not war crimes, perfectly illustrates the depths of moral depravity to which they have sunk.

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http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/ Here's the website if anyone else wants to cut and paste. He is actively seeking donations.

Not sure if Bitcoins are accepted or not.


Of course Dr Roberts' resume is much more extensive.

Most main stream media is involved in full on prestitution.

So much so that at one point before PCR stepped out of the White House, William S Colby declared that the CIA owned anyone of any importance in the Fifth Estate.

That included ALL the big names and still does.

Since all media in the US is controlled by five corporations in concert with the military/security agenda anyone who steps into the breech to take one their bullshit propaganda will need sponsorship and support from those who value their alternate positions on the events that alter and illuminate our times.

Their are about a hundred clearing-house type alternate media sites.

Counterpunch is a respected venue, Michael Rivero's *What Really Happened*, outperformed Newsweek for years and Information Clearinghouse all request donations and support. PCR's site makes quarterly appeals as does Rivero and many others.

That's how this stuff gets published.

If Mainstream (presstitute) infested Media can count of the full support of the US government (your taxes) and the corporate "Johns" who cover the play then I submit that the alternate media sites are entitled to ask for donations for the work they do.

Your implication that there is something unsavoury or ignoble in their solicitation of donations is just another example of your tiresome smears.

BTW, the Pirate Bay solicits funds. Hospitals solicit funds. The Cancer Charities solicit as well. I could go on.

As for your mischaracterization of those of us who would challenge the current bullshit tsunami that rolls out of Washington on a daily basis, as misinformed it's just you blowing it out your wind tunnels. You bark and whine as if your smears and accusations bear weight and are widely held.

You guys are pathetic cowards.

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