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Americans in Thailand warned after release of CIA report

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Not really a problem. I'm not an American. I'm from Texas.

How sad...I'm an American - from America (USA)

I'm sure you'll be forgiven, it's Gods job.

"God" you simpleton

I stand corrected, but we ought to consider the words of Cromwell,Lord protector of England,

''I beseech thee from the bowls of Christ,consider thou may be wrong''


How sad...I'm an American - from America (USA)

I'm sure you'll be forgiven, it's Gods job.

That's why we have the hymn "God bless America", at times they need it.

Mind you, the English (and also the Dutch and other colonial powers) had it easy. No one looking over their shoulder at that time.

"we" "they"

Excuses, terribly sorry and all that. The English language is really quaint at times and a challenge for 'us' poor non-native English speakers.

Maybe I should have written

"That's why we have the hymn "God bless America" for the Americans, at times they need it."


USA is the only place on earth where you feel emptiness and desolation.

It affects your brain and turn you to a consumer to fill this hole in your soul. this is why they watch so much TV and believe the propaganda craps like "USA is the best place on earth, anywhere else is dangerous". I spend most of my life outside of the USA than inside of the USA but still my time in the USA has been enough to live the American dream so I know to make the difference, I am talking here about personal experience, not about what I have heard or read on the net.

when you are out of this banana Republic , you feel free.. I pity guys who are still in the USA especially the young generation.

God bless America, they will need it!

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just say your canadian end of..everyone likes them....or wear a t-shirt in thai saying your a mute...

Problem with that is that usually they think Canadians are Americans.

Are we back to selling canadian flags for Americans to wear

Point of fact: Canada is in the continent of North America, thus making ALL Canadians (and Mexican's) North American's....coffee1.gif

  • Like 1

just say your canadian end of..everyone likes them....or wear a t-shirt in thai saying your a mute...

Problem with that is that usually they think Canadians are Americans.

Are we back to selling canadian flags for Americans to wear

Point of fact: Canada is in the continent of North America, thus making ALL Canadians (and Mexican's) North American's....coffee1.gif

Accuracy is the prerogative of the firing squad


How many heads where cut off...???? Not one of the Gag heads was tortured.

What the <deleted> is a gag head?

Is supposed to be a misspelled racial slur?


Took a long walk around Jomtien tonight. Not a Yank in sight. Must have taken the advice to heart and are locked up in their rooms.

Christmas came early this year! First russians and now americansclap2.gif

But who will you bum cigarettes off of, now?

  • Like 1

Nationality, ask and you shall be told, but you may not like the way in which it is told. I never registered with the US Embassy, still they know exactly where I live. Nationality, ask and you shall be told, but you may not like the way in which it is told. Hey, I'm from the Louisiana part of Texass, Se le mon cher, Laissez les bon temps rouler. Spent 20+ years in Nuevo Mexico del Norte, Northern New Mexico, Que pasa ese'? Scotch/Irish with a bit of Creek/Choctaw and who knows what else thrown in, I'm an American mutt...lol. Back in '06 I was walking down Walking Street with the lady that became and is still my wife when a group of the mid-eastern type started that 5 and 6 abreast crap to challenge and force all out of their way. They found out what a good forearm can do in clearing a path. The look on their faces (and the 'ol lady's)-priceless. Reckon they didn't need to ask my nationality.


Sigh, of course it is a comparison of countries. All things are relative, so if you are pointing to

America as a bastion of evil, then necessarily you must feel your country is much better with no

skeletons in the closet. Otherwise I guess you would look like a total fool. Think glass house

and throwing stones.... So simply tell me what country you are from, and then I can clearly

decide if your country is more or less evil than America....

I am British and Israeli.

Then between British colonialism and Israeli suppression of the Palestinians, I have decided

that via birth you are more evil than the average American..... :-)

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You do realize propaganda isn't reality, right? In those places you named, Americans are not hated. People don't like the government of the USA, but that doesn't mean they are going to go around killing Americans. If you want to go by statistics, Americans have a higher chance of being killed if they stay in the US than if they go abroad.

Like most Thais even give a flying *bleep*. Still, doesn't hurt to be vigilant.

yes, there must be a lot Thais who helped torture people in Thailand. They should rot in jail forever. But no one cares.

I don't think that any American have to worry about any Buddhist Thais, but there are Muslims as well and there are lots of "imported" Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia there could be some fanatics who don't understand that this American tourist has nothing to do with the crimes of his government.

  • Like 2

Sigh, of course it is a comparison of countries. All things are relative, so if you are pointing to

America as a bastion of evil, then necessarily you must feel your country is much better with no

skeletons in the closet. Otherwise I guess you would look like a total fool. Think glass house

and throwing stones.... So simply tell me what country you are from, and then I can clearly

decide if your country is more or less evil than America....

I am British and Israeli.

Then between British colonialism and Israeli suppression of the Palestinians, I have decided

that via birth you are more evil than the average American..... :-)

Thank you so much. I am in total agreement with you that the trio governments of usa, Britain and Israel are the evils of this world.

  • Like 2

Sigh, of course it is a comparison of countries. All things are relative, so if you are pointing to

America as a bastion of evil, then necessarily you must feel your country is much better with no

skeletons in the closet. Otherwise I guess you would look like a total fool. Think glass house

and throwing stones.... So simply tell me what country you are from, and then I can clearly

decide if your country is more or less evil than America....

I am British and Israeli.

Then between British colonialism and Israeli suppression of the Palestinians, I have decided

that via birth you are more evil than the average American..... :-)

Oh good, evil, no more having to play Mr nice guy. Errrr we don't have colonies anymore, can we still be regarded as evil ?

  • Like 1

just say your canadian end of..everyone likes them....or wear a t-shirt in thai saying your a mute...

Most Canadians don't like american government. Most Americans are totally ignorant about Canada. The american government lie all time why now asking even their citizens to lie, aren't you proud to be american????

im not even proud that im english does that help ya i wouldnt admit it if i was american....shudder at the thought of it ....


Sigh, of course it is a comparison of countries. All things are relative, so if you are pointing to

America as a bastion of evil, then necessarily you must feel your country is much better with no

skeletons in the closet. Otherwise I guess you would look like a total fool. Think glass house

and throwing stones.... So simply tell me what country you are from, and then I can clearly

decide if your country is more or less evil than America....

I am British and Israeli.

Then between British colonialism and Israeli suppression of the Palestinians, I have decided

that via birth you are more evil than the average American..... :-)

Oh good, evil, no more having to play Mr nice guy. Errrr we don't have colonies anymore, can we still be regarded as evil ?

We just created an evil in middle east by stealing Palestinian's Land and giving it to Zionist foreigner citizens from central Europe. We are brilliant?

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I tried posting this to a multi-quote forum and it was not posted, so I'll just post it here. This is for the people who throw labels around such as, "Americans are ...and Germans are....and French are..." (which I too am guilty of), the fact that America is a huge country with over 300 million registered inhabitants, as of the 2000 census, I have this to say about the labels thrown around which I hear echoed in various shades of hate from the "girlfriends" of the ex-pats where I live, which I can now read in black and white on this forum instead of hearing them repeated by Thai girlfriends or haters sitting around in their complacent groups of haters and labelers. I have to add this to the forum on what "Americans" are and what the labelers are as well.

Uninformed dude who wrote this post: the fact the Diane Feinstein (do you know who she is and what she represents in US politics?) was bold enough to risk such censure from a large and vociferous group of staunch American supporters of the War on Terror and it's accompanying torture techniques and secret prisons (in addition to an increasing surveillance society under Homeland Security in order to control more "terrorists"), who perhaps view Fox News instead of reading the Huffington Post, shows the increasing shift in American public consciousness which has been slowly emerging under the current Obama Administration, although far too late but at least this shift in the willingness to admit to these crimes and examine the inner workings of the CIA, is one facet of America you rarely have seen in the mainstream media news, but who are a strong force in America nevertheless. Despite your yearning to label over 300 million people as ignorant peasant patriots who are blind to the misdeeds of their estranged government, you cannot lump all of them based on the ex-pats you may have met here in Thailand, or what you merely want to believe due to your hate of America for your own personal reasons, insecurities or fears and bigoted opinions you want to base on limited information you may have and use as a form of argument to support your opinions. This effort to create a transparent examination of the CIA torture camps does show a paradigm shift in America after the many years of the Bush Administration and it's covert activities, which were indeed supported by many Americans I have to say, who did shrug off the crimes as being part of "National Security". As other commentators have mentioned which you may have not known or fail to mention yourself, the MI6 worked with the CIA in torture camps and prisons. In his election campaign, Cameron also promised to reveal the cooperation of the MI6 with the CIA in the torture camps, but that report has not yet come forward due to lack of pressure which is necessary now to reveal the international effort to use torture as part of this worldwide "War on Terror". This means you also have to pressure your own government to reveal it's operations under it's own secret security agencies instead of, as usual, attacking the US, since the US works hand-in-hand with Europeans and other secret agencies worldwide, including Thailand. In fact, the reports have shown that Thailand also hosted a secret torture camp.

The 'American' label is kinda funny. It's the most diverse place on planet Earth.

My next door neighbors in the US were French, Italian and Mexican. Others on our street were Japanese, India, Tibetan, German, Rednecks, Hippies, Cowboys and Indians.

i thought only natibe americans were the real deal until you slaughtered most of them...


I'm American but would question what one has to be proud of. I take pride in things I work for - not in accidents. It certainly wasn't my choice where I w as born, so why does pride have anything to do with it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'm American but would question what one has to be proud of. I take pride in things I work for - not in accidents. It certainly wasn't my choice where I w as born, so why does pride have anything to do with it.

You know I was never proud to be an American until I became an expat.......in Thailand.....I guess living in Thailand would make anyone proud to be where they are from....


Took a long walk around Jomtien tonight. Not a Yank in sight. Must have taken the advice to heart and are locked up in their rooms.

Christmas came early this year! First russians and now americansclap2.gif

But who will you bum cigarettes off of, now?

Damn. True and less butts to pick.facepalm.gif


I'm from the USA. Over the years, I have been asked "where you from?"

I tell them, Louisiana.

U huh, they say.

Doesn't work for me...too many people know Kentucky Bourbon and Kentucky Fried Chicken!

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I'm from the USA. Over the years, I have been asked "where you from?"

I tell them, Louisiana.

U huh, they say.

Doesn't work for me...too many people know Kentucky Bourbon and Kentucky Fried Chicken!

I always say i'm from Surin,they nod their heads and smile somewhat puzzled but seem too polite to ask further.


What's there to be proud of ?

A bunch of ideological and economic refugees land on a continent overflowing with riches and sustenance.

In only three hundred years they manage to ravage the place.

They then export this extractive exploitive religiosity to any jurisdiction on the planet that has resources, corrupts the natives and leaves a legacy of slaughter and chaos in their path.


What's there to be proud of ?

I take that as a "no" then? You aren't an American? Proud or otherwise?

Your stated "question" was "I take it you are not proud to be an American then"

My response to that question was (briefly) "What's there to be proud of ?"

Your follow up comment avoids my response question (Whats there to be proud of ? ) and then "Bill O'Reilly'd" on by STATING that I was surely not an American . . . . implying that any American who upon reading and researching material salient to a discussion of his/her country's behaviour and who saw no cause for pride could not be an American.

Did you try to misrepresent what I had asked because you couldn't come up with one, not ONE response.

Sssssok 55Jay

No need to cut my mike.

Do you analyze everything to death like this?

My point was I'm interested about people who manufacture a way to launch into their diatribe, which is what you did. I'm not sure where all that "American Exceptionalism" was that apparently lit your fuse, and touched off a series of keyboard pounding tirades to put the thread back into correct tone and perspective - based on your opinion of course.

Or were you simply trying to draw someone, anyone, into an argument?

You tried to "bill oreilly" me 55jay.

You got caught, that's all.

You're doubling down now.

Stop typing. Give yourself a shake. And READ both your posts to me.

In any case since I find your comments belligerent I don't wish to continue.

(Except to advise you to get back to your team leader ;-)

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Took a long walk around Jomtien tonight. Not a Yank in sight. Must have taken the advice to heart and are locked up in their rooms.

Ah, only farang key nok out and about, eh?


Donnie Brasco is an American, of course he is, though not nnecessarily a Gringo.

Gringos have no exclusive given right to label folks as "American" vs "Un-American".

Christopher Columbus never invented a continent that got the name from Amerigo Vespucci (an Italian), CC never discovered folks that by mistake were labelled "Indians"

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