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How do I take my pet bird (Sun Conure) home to the USA?

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So one of my family members will need special care to take back to the USA it seems - almost as much as getting the wife's visa.

Here is what I've read:


Has anyone taken their pet home to the USA?

What airlines will allow? Will they all them carry on/unchecked?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You could have it stuffed and mounted like Roy Rogers did with his horse but you would still have major trouble with customs. Yes, that is a most disgusting answer, sorry. Perhaps the more relevant question is how much money are you willing to pour into the project? A quarantine is required once any animal arrives from outside the USA. Not positive but I am reasonably sure that quarantine takes place at the customs facility where the airplane arrives from overseas — not in your home town. Good luck with your solution.

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