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Thailand : A Lawless Country


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Your in a 3rd world country guys, like it or leave it, and trying to get in the middle of a fight is a quick way to get killed, I have seen it first hand, just keep to yourself and say nothing unless you have strong backup, but remember, life is cheap here, so be careful....

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Many in the UK would like to return to a time when petty theft was dealt with by a "clip around the ear".

Being from the colonies and only being in England for one month on a holiday I was always under the impression England made heroes of thieves. Robin Hood a fine example. And Charles Dickens had Fagen.

I like Thailands deal with them at the scene justice.

Yes a fine example, Robin hood is a heroic outlaw in English folklore dating back hundreds of years

and Fagan was a fictional character


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Your in a 3rd world country guys, like it or leave it, and trying to get in the middle of a fight is a quick way to get killed, I have seen it first hand, just keep to yourself and say nothing unless you have strong backup, but remember, life is cheap here, so be careful....

The cold war ended 3rd December 1989

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Perhaps the cop should have put a choke hold on him..no,that would not happen anywhere would it

NO! No policeman anywhere would ever do such a thing, especially for such a petty crime

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Same kind of stuff happens in some European countries too for sure. Its not like Thailand is worse of than Honduras or something.

you must be American,Honduras is not in Europe

To be honest Kaalie does not strike me as an American name. Why don't we ask?

Kaalle, sir or miss, soalbundy was trying to say Americans don't know anything about geography and has said you must be an American; are you? I don't think you are.

What nationality would you say most frequently try and stereotype other nationalities? I would say soalbundy would probably be that nationality. What do you think?

Hey, even a bigot needs a little love. Read; National Geographic News ''Young Americans geographically illiterate,study suggests.''

Edited by soalbundy
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Is any developing country any different? I think people expect too much from Thailand. Give it another 20-30 years and it may be better.

You got it brother. The moaners are usually old guys who have their sex on tap, cheap beer and they want the laws to be the same as in their home countries.

Well they can;t have their cake and eat it - Thailand is the real world and has some advantages and disadvantages and like you say will be a lot better in 30 years.

A lot better in 30 years? Brothah, this place will be under water (literally) in 30 years, probably the whole world too for that matter

Bangkok will be but not Khon Kaen. The only two breadhed type things I've ever done was buy gold between 2000 and 2010 and buy land in Khon Kaen, which is increasing in price daily.

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The guy who wrote "The Killing Fields" - sorry, can't remember his name made this comment years ago about Thailand - Thai people are as nice as money can buy. After a decade in Thailand & speaking fluent Thai & I should add having come here with absolutely nothing other than positive thoughts - I find that observation to be true for so many people here.

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This is how it is, this is Thailand, we cannot make comparisons and expect the same attitudes and so-called values of our home countries. I have come to accept this long ago and no point in complaining because it will not change anything, ex-pats either except the country for what it is and what it isn’t or they don`t. It`s that simple.

Then you have to explain to the 5 years old Thai girl who run to get my Farang friend that it is OK for people to club thieves to death ,because she did not think so

Just tell the little firl yourself. The man is very bad he steals that is why they beat him. So when the little girl gets older she prrobably willnot steal lesson learned in reality. Maybe mention that is what happens to bad people who steal.

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Is any developing country any different? I think people expect too much from Thailand. Give it another 20-30 years and it may be better.

You got it brother. The moaners are usually old guys who have their sex on tap, cheap beer and they want the laws to be the same as in their home countries.

Well they can;t have their cake and eat it - Thailand is the real world and has some advantages and disadvantages and like you say will be a lot better in 30 years.

Nonsense. Look at your description and compare it to the OP. Moaners are usually ????? Under 40 years of age and natives of what country???

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you think it s better in the USA? , where police shoot you or taze you when you put your arms up.... or 6 guys jump on you to a point you can not breath anymore.

what s better?

Google Chicago teens slapping old man on CTA. Not the Skyway in Bangkok but the CTA in Chicago. I'd say

Thailand is a lot safer than the USA.

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This place is also dangerous...just the other night while I was out having a beer with a friend from Canada, he sat down at a table and literally did NOTHING, but apparently looked at a Thai youth in a funny way and got hit right in the face with a crowbar...we rushed him to the hospital.. Didn't bother calling the police, they could care less about if a Falang gets beaten up by a Thai....however if a falang beats up a Thai....oh boy, we have major problems...they only watch out for their own here and could give two flying f**** about what happens to anyone else but their own kind...True story...

Exactly the same thing happens in Australia on a regular basis. So often in fact that the government put together a campaign called "One punch can kill"

Aimed (mostly) at youths who have been drinking or doing drugs, have some kind of brain snap and in a fit of rage king hit someone, resulting in coma and death for the victim from the trauma.

I guess the difference in Australia is that the police turn up, follow it through and the offender gets prosecuted and jailed. But that's not much consolation when you're the victim lying in bed in a coma close to death or brain dead. Two lives ruined in a split second.

Why did your friend look at the youth in a 'funny' way??


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The problem is that as policeman you MUST be corrupt. You need to pay to get promoted. If you don't do that you stay forever as low policeman. As low policeman the salary is simply not enough for living. So one way or another you are dragged into corruption.

+1...Sounds correct. No choice be to be with the 'group'.

Not only that, if you are not corrupt, no precinct will have you working there. Many police officers start out as good guys but eventually they fold as they have no choice.

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the only law is the Bible....

everything else is just a mega conspiracy against human beings to turn them to milk cows...

there is no law, unemployment, money, credit card, tax... we all have been brainwashed!

you have been doing something illegal to a horse

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the only law is the Bible....

everything else is just a mega conspiracy against human beings to turn them to milk cows...

there is no law, unemployment, money, credit card, tax... we all have been brainwashed!

you have been doing something illegal to a horse

Only in some States


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