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Whats A Resonable Amount To Send Back Home?


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cannot agree with GH on this ...

I know Thais that make 100k a month and spend 105k a month ...

and Thais that make 45 and spend 28 ...

as anywhere depends on the person ... lifestyle ... and interests

However ... I DO agree 25k a month is a LOT!

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There will always be people on here that just love to have a laugh at someone's elses expense. Just ignore that and try to cotton on to the good nuggets of advice that you will find dispersed amongst the drivel.

No one here is in any position to guess the nature of your girlfriend or your relationship, so I will not comment on the motives behind the request. 25,000 is more than most Thais would be living off, so it certainly seems more than she would need to just pay the rent. If she says she has credit card bill, and expects you to pay them, ask for the statements - you are entitled to see them. This may also give you an idea where her money is going.

Can she get rid of the apartment, or if she does not want to do that, can she sub-let to a friend?

Be firm, be wary and keep your wits about you. Judge each demand with the same cool and calm approach, but be firm once you have decided what you are prepared to pay.

Good luck with it all. There are many farangs on this forum in long, happy and stable relationships with Thais, so do believe that it is possible. But as I said, be as objective as you can and keep your wits about you.

Sean, I think you are already aware this is some good advice, now follow your own and have a chat with her, hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Good Luck, I hope your response tomorrow is positive and if not look for a posive future instead.


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A police officer in Thailand is earning an amount of about BHT 4000.00 per month. (Not including "Tea Money", of course)

An expirienced office clerk between 8000 to 12000 BHT per month.

Figure it out for yourself! Good luck!

I guess, the "Lady" has found another "Live-One"!


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In any case, the issue is not whether 25 K Baht is too little or too much, the issue is whether you think she is worth 25 K.
You mean, something like a monthly escort fee?

What was that movie called? Pretty Woman?



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In any case, the issue is not whether 25 K Baht is too little or too much, the issue is whether you think she is worth 25 K.
You mean, something like a monthly escort fee?

What was that movie called? Pretty Woman?



Thats what it sounds like.

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In any case, the issue is not whether 25 K Baht is too little or too much, the issue is whether you think she is worth 25 K.
You mean, something like a monthly escort fee?

What was that movie called? Pretty Woman?



Thats what it sounds like.

Whilst I have given Sean my views previously about being very careful here, if it does turn out that his g/f is sending money back to her family and perhaps wants the 25k to continue this whilst in the UK, we should certainly not condemn her for this. I have said in other threads that many Thai women go to extraordinary lengths to support their extended families, yet they are seen as evil in many peoples eyes because of this. It would be a different story if she was p****g it away on clothes and jewellery. Many Thai couples face the same pressures. In the west, we let social services take care of it, but in Thailand they do not have that option.

Now that does not mean I think Sean should pay up. But I do think that supporting a family is a GOOD trait. I hope that my daughter will feel the same loyalty to me and her mum when we are old farts. I also pray that she would never need to coax cash out of a boyfriend/husband, but she will be a lot more fortunate than most Thais. If Sean's g/f wants to support the family and can have an honest discussion with him about this, I do not think all would be lost. If Sean is smart, he will find out the truth.

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she works at The Soprano House as a PR girl, I know some people may think the worst but I totally trust she was a good girl!!

Congrats, you are with one of BKK's leading actresses. :D

Give her the ticket home, and start planning your next trip.

You've been conned. :o


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Hi SeanC07

My first thought was, who was paying for her apartment before she came to stay with you. 25,000 Baht is a lot of money. If she's staying for 6 months I assume she handed her notice in to her employer - I don't know any company that would give 6 months holiday....so that begs the next question; who's going to pay the bills when she goes back home :D

Hello geoffphuket

she paid for the apartment herself, I'm sure she told me before it was only about 3000 baht per month, I just don't want the rose tinted glasses that I seem to be wearing to have an effect on my vision!! :o

These girls don't see it as a rip-off. They see their duty to get as much of your money as possible.

She has quit her job, the plan is to go back for 2 weeks in January and get an extension so she can return for another 6 months!!

There's no extension for a holiday visa, she'll have to make a completey new visa application. I'f she's quit her job then the British Embassy in Bangkok may take a dim view of it and assume she's no intention of returning.....visa refused!

I seriously don't think you're getting the full picture as to what's going on. Those glasses arn't rose tinted, they're completely fogged.....have you got a white stick to go with them? :D

This is the reason why I was having second thoughts about posting my questions, I wanted advice not to be laughed at, next time I will think twice!! :D

Sometimes the truth hurts. The replies you've received have been given in all good faith from those with more experience.

Yeah I understand that, are there any decent thai girls out there not willing to rip off and farang that comes along??? if yes why can't she be just that???

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Morning all

I saw the pics that was posted from The Soprano House, they are the dancers, my gf is or should I say was a PR girl. I had a chat with her about what she expects me to pay, I may have misleaded many of you with the sum of 25k but it's actually nearer the 18-20k mark. I got her to break down where the money will be going, it is as follows:

Rent - 3000

Electric - 300

mobile - 2000

fixed internet - 631

Paying off her computer (until Oct) - 4500

Credit Card (I will be seeing the Statement) - 4400

Comes to just under 15k, she has agreed to pay the rent for her apartment from her own money, so all in all I will be sending just over 10k and even less after October.

I would like to thank you all for the serious replies!! I will be in touch again if another query comes up!!


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Morning all

I saw the pics that was posted from The Soprano House, they are the dancers, my gf is or should I say was a PR girl. I had a chat with her about what she expects me to pay, I may have misleaded many of you with the sum of 25k but it's actually nearer the 18-20k mark. I got her to break down where the money will be going, it is as follows:

Rent - 3000

Electric - 300

mobile - 2000

fixed internet - 631

Paying off her computer (until Oct) - 4500

Credit Card (I will be seeing the Statement) - 4400

Comes to just under 15k, she has agreed to pay the rent for her apartment from her own money, so all in all I will be sending just over 10k and even less after October.

I would like to thank you all for the serious replies!! I will be in touch again if another query comes up!!


I'd say that all looks good ... except the 2k on the mobile!

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:D Both of you are in the UK. Who is taking the money out to pay the bills or has access to the account? Is it the brother or....? :D

The electric shows me there is a guest and the cell a user. Call the phone and see who answers.

Not trying to be mean.


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Rent - 3000 She is not even living there

Electric - 300 As above

mobile - 2000 She is in thw UK

fixed internet - 631 Can cancel

Paying off her computer (until Oct) - 4500

Credit Card (I will be seeing the Statement) - 4400

Comes to just under 15k, she has agreed to pay the rent for her apartment from her own money, so all in all I will be sending just over 10k and even less after October.

I would like to thank you all for the serious replies!! I will be in touch again if another query comes up!!


she has agreed to pay the rent for her apartment from her own money

Thats nice of her :o

Your getting conned mate :D

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Rent - 3000 She is not even living there

Electric - 300 As above

mobile - 2000 She is in thw UK

fixed internet - 631 Can cancel

Paying off her computer (until Oct) - 4500

Credit Card (I will be seeing the Statement) - 4400

Comes to just under 15k, she has agreed to pay the rent for her apartment from her own money, so all in all I will be sending just over 10k and even less after October.

I would like to thank you all for the serious replies!! I will be in touch again if another query comes up!!


she has agreed to pay the rent for her apartment from her own money

Thats nice of her :o

Your getting conned mate :D

Don't forget this QU0TE: "She has quit her job, the plan is to go back for 2 weeks in January and get an extension so she can return for another 6 months!!"

I wonder if she's any real intention of returning at all

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Rent - 3000 She is not even living there

Electric - 300 As above

mobile - 2000 She is in thw UK

fixed internet - 631 Can cancel

Paying off her computer (until Oct) - 4500

Credit Card (I will be seeing the Statement) - 4400

Comes to just under 15k, she has agreed to pay the rent for her apartment from her own money, so all in all I will be sending just over 10k and even less after October.

I would like to thank you all for the serious replies!! I will be in touch again if another query comes up!!


she has agreed to pay the rent for her apartment from her own money

Thats nice of her :o

Your getting conned mate :D

This does seem a bit odd Sean. Just under 4000bt for an apartment she will not be using? The rest is debt and a mobile, which she will not be using. As I said before, I can understand her wanting to send a bit back for the family if she has been supporting them up to this point, but obviously that is not the case. Are you 100% sure that no-one else is going to be living in that apartment?

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:D Both of you are in the UK. Who is taking the money out to pay the bills or has access to the account? Is it the brother or....? :D

The electric shows me there is a guest and the cell a user. Call the phone and see who answers.

Not trying to be mean.


Yeah we are both living at my place in London, the bills she has asked me to help her out for are the ones that are due in, so the next ones will be considerable less, as for ringing her phone and see who answers....that would be my gf as she has it here!!

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as for ringing her phone and see who answers....that would be my gf as she has it here!!

Get her a "pay as you go" sim card for in the UK. And cancel the 2k phone bill. She can call Thailand for 1p per minute from a landline in the UK, what does she need a Thai phone for?

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This does seem a bit odd Sean. Just under 4000bt for an apartment she will not be using? The rest is debt and a mobile, which she will not be using. As I said before, I can understand her wanting to send a bit back for the family if she has been supporting them up to this point, but obviously that is not the case. Are you 100% sure that no-one else is going to be living in that apartment?

Yeah I'm quite sure, I suggested sub-letting it to a friend but she doesn't want to as she wouldn't want people to go through or use her belongings which is understandable!

Can someone answer me this question? why do most replies come back as being very negative!!

have they tried and failed to have a decent relationship and are so insecure that they just can not have a positive word to say about anything!!!

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as for ringing her phone and see who answers....that would be my gf as she has it here!!

Get her a "pay as you go" sim card for in the UK. And cancel the 2k phone bill. She can call Thailand for 1p per minute from a landline in the UK, what does she need a Thai phone for?

I have done, the only reason she has her mobile with her is so she can contact her friends and family from her mobile contact list, she also rings from a my UK landlne via a very cheap phone card!!

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Ok, I've looked through this topic, and the same question sticks in my mind even after the first page...

You knew her enough to take her to the UK, but in all the time with her you never knew what rent she was paying, her monthly expenses, or that she had credit card debt?

That makes no sense whatsoever, unless of course shes a mail order bride or you're a troll.

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Can someone answer me this question? why do most replies come back as being very negative!!

have they tried and failed to have a decent relationship and are so insecure that they just can not have a positive word to say about anything!!!

Yes, it's called experience/s, something you obviously lack, ok? :o

(Edit: sorry, buggered up the quote but am sure you understand.)

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Rent - 3000 She is not even living there

Electric - 300 As above

mobile - 2000 She is in thw UK

fixed internet - 631 Can cancel

Paying off her computer (until Oct) - 4500

Credit Card (I will be seeing the Statement) - 4400

Comes to just under 15k, she has agreed to pay the rent for her apartment from her own money, so all in all I will be sending just over 10k and even less after October.

I would like to thank you all for the serious replies!! I will be in touch again if another query comes up!!


she has agreed to pay the rent for her apartment from her own money

Thats nice of her :o

Your getting conned mate :D

Yeah we are both living at my place in London, the bills she has asked me to help her out for are the ones that are due in, so the next ones will be considerable less, as for ringing her phone and see who answers....that would be my gf as she has it here!!

Why would 300 baht concern me? I spend more on magazines per month!! you really can't be that tight can you???

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