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I read the Thai writeup of the event.

The foreign man was sitting across the aisle on the train from the monk. Monk was laying down sleeping or just sleeping. Two foreign women got on and the foreign man got up to allow the two women to sit together. The man woke up the monk to explain/ask (in English) if he can sit beside him. The monk spoke fairly rudely to the guy saying in Thai he didn't understand. Convo went back and forth with foreigner speaking English and monk speaking Thai. The write up said the foreigner kinda of gave up and said ok, fine, fine. Monk misheard this as ควายๆ (kwai/buffalo) even though their entire ordeal had been because of language barrier so kind of ironic he thinks this guy is insulting him.. ends up slapping him three times in auspicious fashion. The video shows the last slap and then the train official coming.

The monk looks like the bit of a rougher type. Doing the ol enter the monastery trick perhaps?

super props to the foreigner (seems like a brit/mate) for being so chilled and not even raising his voice. Monk is getting shamed via Thai social media. Hopefully he gets some more repercussions than outrage and online derision

More or less how the events took place.

Last word on the channel 3 news is that the police are investigating to establish whether the monk is genuine or not.


The whole issue has been hijacked by personal bickering. As it often happens.

1) Physical violence is inconsistent with Buddhism and Monkhood.

2) Monks do not beg. They accept 'merit'.

3) This 'Monk' wasn't a real Monk or if he was he brought a disgrace onto Monkhood, WAT and Buddhism.

4) Monks are commanding enormous respect in Thailand but they are not inviolate.

5) Even IF this 'Monk' thought the farang offended him - it was HE, not Farang who should have demonstrated restrain.

6) This was not a real Monk. But in any case this son-of-a-gun brought a shame on the whole institution - Monks, Temples and Buddhism.

Absolutely and categorically.

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I read the Thai writeup of the event.

The foreign man was sitting across the aisle on the train from the monk. Monk was laying down sleeping or just sleeping. Two foreign women got on and the foreign man got up to allow the two women to sit together. The man woke up the monk to explain/ask (in English) if he can sit beside him. The monk spoke fairly rudely to the guy saying in Thai he didn't understand. Convo went back and forth with foreigner speaking English and monk speaking Thai. The write up said the foreigner kinda of gave up and said ok, fine, fine. Monk misheard this as ควายๆ (kwai/buffalo) even though their entire ordeal had been because of language barrier so kind of ironic he thinks this guy is insulting him.. ends up slapping him three times in auspicious fashion. The video shows the last slap and then the train official coming.

The monk looks like the bit of a rougher type. Doing the ol enter the monastery trick perhaps?

super props to the foreigner (seems like a brit/mate) for being so chilled and not even raising his voice. Monk is getting shamed via Thai social media. Hopefully he gets some more repercussions than outrage and online derision

More or less how the events took place.

Last word on the channel 3 news is that the police are investigating to establish whether the monk is genuine or not.

But this only after they have been investigated about their own genuinity.....i guess...

I think the odd gods of the galaxy got this one right. I don't agree violence solves anything, but from all I've been seeing and reading so far, this 'farang' is a schmuck.

And, claiming to be a teacher, in 10 years in Thailand, needed to have the interviewers' questions interpreted? Serious disconnect there.

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disgraceful of the "monk", this is just not okay behavior from someone of the cloth. it was probably an imposter. The foreigner handled it well as long as he did not instigate anything.


To avoid any confusion, farang slapped by monk says he’s 'sabai sabai' after assault (VIDEO)
By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Ahh, those little misunderstandings which can result in some rough chuckles. Like when you tell a holy man you’re “fine,” and he decks you because he heard “idiot.”

An English-language teacher who was bitch-slapped by a strong-armed Buddhist monk last week on a Bangkok-Phitsanulok train due to a li’l misunderstanding said Satuday that he’s just fine and still loves Thailand.

Actually, to make it painfully clear, he said he was “sabai sabai,” and was, fortunately, not slapped by anyone for this.
In footage posted Friday, the teacher, identified only as “Jeff,” is seen recoiling from one of three strong, open-palm whacks by the monk who towers over the seated foreigner.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2014/12/15/avoid-any-confusion-farang-slapped-monk-says-hes-sabai-sabai-after-assault-video

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-12-15


pretty clear that the so called monk has no idea about the teachings of his boss......he should be kicked out and arrested for assault; after payment of the 500baht he should work 999 hours for his local Wat then work for another 999 days helping the poor and disabled in thailand he may then learn something about the REAL beliefs of buddhism

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There is very little holiness about them,,they smoke,they drink alcohol and even watch porn,and silly people look to these monks,what kind of example has this monk on the train set.Is this really so called Buddhism?well yes i think it is,the proof is in the pudding,,,,right.


Who would wanna sit next to a monk anyway i ask you?

How creepy.

dont you people ever go on bts or bus? Would you hassle a monk to moove over? Ive never seen it happen

And they reckon they got a handle on the culture.

the guy should be ashamed to stoop that low.

Please moove it mr monk i am so tired and old.haha

So you think it's fine for the monk to abuse his position and religion, first by taking more space than needed so others are uncomfortable and secondly for physically attacking someone who cannot defend himself for fear of the reaction of others?

It sounds like he was a gentleman offering his own seat to the female passengers.

Had he retaliated to the slaps he would already be on his way home. He did the right thing and so did the person filming. Well done!

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The Farang behaved well, he maintained his dignity not returned the slap on Monk. He must be living here for quite long time, and well understood the Thai culture and custom how to treat a Monk. But i am not sure about Monk, what learned from Buddha's teaching by treating anyone in the public like this. I hope the monetary will review his behavior and decide the punishment. I know many Monks offer the seat next them to public, and people used to 'wai' him and sit next to him. Some even have friendly conversation with Monks, even some Monks give direction to people where to get off,etc. I think we cannot judge Thailand by this Monk.

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Great example of Thai values in monk hood. Grossly unacceptable - no place in religion for people like this.

No place for religion in people like this.


I've been told by a Thai that the monk is probably not a 'real' monk and that he had been drinking. He apparently hit the farrang because the farrang was 'yak-yaking' him.


Yeah,this is Thailand,,,fakes everywhere.

We can all condemn the man but please do not associate him with the Buddhist philosophy. All ideals and concepts have those that abuse, you only need to look at the catholic or muslim faith to be reminded of that. So by all means scold the slapper but not the philosophy he is supposed to follow.

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....b.s.......it is assault....and there was a train official right there...who did nothing.....

...and the other video submitted has no bearing.....

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Ten years in Thailand and can't speak a word of Thai, which would not go well with immigration these days, while annoying a sleeping monk - never mind if the monk wasn't behaving like one - you just don't try these things if you know the religious etiquette. The wife is filing charges, is that a smart thing to do, I am not sure, but she is Thai so I guess it's "fine".


The missus saw this on the news last night. The monk has a habit ( Pun intended) of doing this apparently. The Police have cautioned him several times before for the same behaviour.


Dunno if it came out in an earlier post, but apparently the farang was saying Fine as in everything is fine, but Fine means buffalo in Thai, so the monk thought the farang was calling him and maybe other Thais buffalo


I've been told by a Thai that the monk is probably not a 'real' monk and that he had been drinking. He apparently hit the farrang because the farrang was 'yak-yaking' him.


Apparently the monk misunderstood and believed he had been called a buffalo when actually the man said something in English which sounded like the Thai word for buffalo.


The missus saw this on the news last night. The monk has a habit ( Pun intended) of doing this apparently. The Police have cautioned him several times before for the same behaviour.

I guess he put on a rob and thought that by doing so he became important. Very similar to Thai police or other government workers who put on a uniform.

Thai Trash !!!


The missus saw this on the news last night. The monk has a habit ( Pun intended) of doing this apparently. The Police have cautioned him several times before for the same behaviour.

Maybe his temple superiors can show him some love and remind him what it's all about. ..taking up 2 seats? .lucky I wasn't on that train ;-)

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