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Washington march: Civil rights protest over US police killings

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In the Ferguson case the honorable citizens of the grand jury who were fulfilling their civic responsibilities were misled by a corrupt prosecutor, Robert McCulloch who knowingly presented the wrong law to them.

Then in his haste McCulloch scrambled at the last minute to present the proper law, which is the 1985 ruling of the US Supreme Court. The Missouri Attorney General has subsequently said the prosecutor presented the wrong law to the grand jury, and that the state law needs to be rewritten to become consistent with the 1985 SCOTUS ruling -- 1985..

Newly released transcripts overlooked in the initial Nov 24th release of transcripts show prosecutor McCulloch then failed to advise the grand jury why the state law was inapplicable to the Brown-Wilson homicide. They also show McCulloch and his crew failed to advise the jury that the Supreme Court's ruling invalidated the Missouri state statute, i.e., that the US Constitution directly applies to the particular case, not the state statute.

The grand jury got the wrong law from the prosecutor then got the directly applicable SCOTUS ruling run past them at the last minute.

As was evident throughout McCulloch's television argument in favor of Darren Wilson, the honorable citizens of the grand jury got a definite perspective on which facts were permissible and which were not. Consequently, no one can present as fact that Brown went for Wilson's gun, especially when Dorian Johnson's eyewitness testimony is to the contrary.

The grand jury proceedings were corrupted by an untrustworthy prosecutor who is not credible, and this will explode in McCulloch's face as events take their course.

The law allows the governor to appoint a special grand jury and an independent prosecutor to proceed from this point, which is what needs to happen to have this case be a credible one.

A law professor and director of Washington University's Juvenile Law and Justice Clinic said a special prosecutor should be appointed to present the case to a new grand jury.

"It seems clear from the beginning of the proceedings that the prosecution quite unusually adopted a defense stance, injecting the idea of justified homicide into the process well before Wilson testified,” Mae Quinn said in a statement Wednesday, according to the St. Louis Post.

Quinn criticized the prosecutors for serving as “quasi-witnesses” in the case and “vouching for police processes."



Yeah, looks like they arrested three twelve year old's, all of them over six feet tall.

Must have been the neighborhood junior basketball team.

All conveniently filmed by one of those nice "Occupy Wall Street" protesters.

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Breaking news in what could be a related event. 2 policemen in a patrol car shot and killed in NY. The gun man killed himself.


Breaking news in what could be a related event. 2 policemen in a patrol car shot and killed in NY. The gun man killed himself.

There are reports that the shooter was a Muslim according to comments on his Instagram account. He killed his girlfriend before murdering the two police officers sitting in their car.


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Breaking news in what could be a related event. 2 policemen in a patrol car shot and killed in NY. The gun man killed himself.

There are reports that the shooter was a Muslim according to comments on his Instagram account. He killed his girlfriend before murdering the two police officers sitting in their car.


Police are saying a wanted notice was issued over the Baltimore event, almost at the moment the officers were killed. They never had a chance. He just walked up, took a shooting stance on the passengers side, and shot them both in the head.

His 1st name is Ishmael or Ismael., a convert maybe.


Breaking news in what could be a related event. 2 policemen in a patrol car shot and killed in NY. The gun man killed himself.

There are reports that the shooter was a Muslim according to comments on his Instagram account. He killed his girlfriend before murdering the two police officers sitting in their car.


As news begins to trickle out on Ishmael Abdullah Brinsley, the shooter who murdered two NYPD cops today execution-style, it has been discovered that Brinsley posted on his Facebook account a page of the Quran with a notorious verse calling for waging terror on Allah’s enemies.



Breaking news in what could be a related event. 2 policemen in a patrol car shot and killed in NY. The gun man killed himself.

It's not related. There's some comparison but no relation.

We have learned the report to be true and all Americans of good will, which are 90% of us, are sad and moved by it.

I grieve for the police officers, their families, the NYPD and police in the US and everywhere.

As I'd stated numerous times, the police in the US do the right thing 98% of the time. These officers were on the job bothering no one, doing their duty. Then along came a crackpot from out of nowhere. I think of the MIT police officer the Boston bomber Tsarnaev brothers killed simply because he was there, unaware of the menace the two of them presented. I think of the first responders on 9/11 and their courage and sacrifice.

It's a dangerous job and I thank the police for the professional and excellent job the great number of them do so well each and every day. Unlike in Ferguson, the NYC mayor and police chief have handled this very well and also deserve our support.


The march on Washington was not about killing police officers nor was it about advocating or supporting violence of any kind. Trying to blame the march, the president, or the attorney general for violence or racism is OTT. It is simply more of the militant anti-Obama political spam so many Americans have come to expect and are used to.

Consistent with the motives and the purposes of the march on Washington, and in the wake of the police killings, the Rev Al Sharpton emphatically pointed out that....

"Any use of the names of Eric Garner and Michael Brown in connection with any violence or killing of police, is reprehensible and against the pursuit of justice in both cases," Sharpton said. "We have stressed at every rally and march that anyone engaged in any violence is an enemy to the pursuit of justice for Eric Garner and Michael Brown."

Everyone should be careful and cautious not to be OTT at this sensitive time for the directly affected families in Ferguson and New York city that have lost loved ones. No one with a normal pulse is ignoring anything or trying to impose radical demands on anyone.

I'd noted in an earlier post to the thread that the NYC police union was being divisive by disrespecting their mayor. The mayor has not chosen sides in this controversy but the police union seems to have gone OTT to try to punish the mayor for perceived offenses or slights. The reality is that the killer of the two honorable police officers is another David Chapman lunatic who in actuality had nothing constructive or rational to do with anything presently occurring in the United States.

Attacking Prez Obama and Attorney General Holder for violence in a violent society full of guns and loose marbles is just standard and shameless kneejerk fringe politics, wrongheaded as it persistently is. The truly odd or perhaps ironic aspect of this is that Michael Brown and Eric Gardner were unarmed yet this guy Ismaalyl Brinsley was armed and dangerous.


Last year, in Detroit alone, there were over 200 black on black deaths, where is the march for those who died?

every year, dozens of police officers die in the line of duty, where are the protesters for those guys?

the day the African American will learn the world owe them nothing, that when the killing

on both side will stop..

This fact seems to lost to the press because of PC,as Chief Flynn of the Milwaukee Police states in of the best statements ever : http://conservativetribune.com/police-black-crime/


I'd hope the NYPD officer's union isn't thinking or believing in the same ways as are some certain others that are outside of mainstream American society and have been outside of it for a very long time.

I'd like to know for example what the mayor of NYC said that so upset the sensibilities of a number of the officers of the NYPD....the exact words of what the mayor said

It might also be presumptuous to try to deny black Americans the leaders of their own choosing and that also speak for low socio-economic status black communities and for black American families of every socio-economic status. It should be noted that low socio-economic black communities constitute a distinct minority of all black communities throughout the USA.

The Rev Al Sharpton is respected and honorable and he is a mainstream black American who is in the mainstream of American society itself, which is why Rev Al is welcome in the NYC mayor's office and in the Oval office at the White House. Extremist carpers against him aside, the Rev Al does a contracted network primetime television program weeknights about current issues and events in addition to his preaching, travelling, grief counseling, marches such as this one etc. The huge majority of black Americans consider that the Reverend Al is one who carries on in the finest traditions of the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Battered NY mayor calls for temporary protest halt

Dec 22, 8:25 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) — As the New York Police Department mourns two of its own, Mayor Bill de Blasio pleaded for a pause in protests and rancor amid a widening rift with those in a grieving force who accuse him of creating a climate of mistrust that contributed to the executions of two officers.

De Blasio called on Monday for a halt of political statements until after the funerals of the slain officers, an appeal to both sides in a roiling dispute centered on the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of white police officers.

"We are in a very difficult moment. Our focus has to be on these families," de Blasio said at police headquarters. "I think it's a time for everyone to put aside political debates, put aside protests, put aside all of the things that we will talk about in all due time."


Later in the article it says this about the Mayor's plea for restraint by the demonstrators until after the funerals. This is what the article says:

"But the Rev. Al Sharpton, a close de Blasio ally, and other protest leaders said Monday that they would not heed the mayor's call to suspend demonstrations."
  • Like 1
Battered NY mayor calls for temporary protest halt
Dec 22, 8:25 PM (ET)
NEW YORK (AP) — As the New York Police Department mourns two of its own, Mayor Bill de Blasio pleaded for a pause in protests and rancor amid a widening rift with those in a grieving force who accuse him of creating a climate of mistrust that contributed to the executions of two officers.
De Blasio called on Monday for a halt of political statements until after the funerals of the slain officers, an appeal to both sides in a roiling dispute centered on the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of white police officers.
"We are in a very difficult moment. Our focus has to be on these families," de Blasio said at police headquarters. "I think it's a time for everyone to put aside political debates, put aside protests, put aside all of the things that we will talk about in all due time."
Later in the article it says this about the Mayor's plea for restraint by the demonstrators until after the funerals. This is what the article says:
"But the Rev. Al Sharpton, a close de Blasio ally, and other protest leaders said Monday that they would not heed the mayor's call to suspend demonstrations."

All is well and good then, thx.

Unless anyone might think otherwise,...and the points of either side are arguable points,,,,,


They say that a leopard can't change its spots, and I haven't the energy to try to convince many of the posters here about race relations in the U.S. If they were open-minded, the huge coverage in various media outlets would give them an accurate insight of the way minorities are treated by many law enforcement and other officials in the U.S. Open the following two links in your browser as examples





I'd hope the NYPD officer's union isn't thinking or believing in the same ways as are some certain others that are outside of mainstream American society and have been outside of it for a very long time.

I'd like to know for example what the mayor of NYC said that so upset the sensibilities of a number of the officers of the NYPD....the exact words of what the mayor said

It might also be presumptuous to try to deny black Americans the leaders of their own choosing and that also speak for low socio-economic status black communities and for black American families of every socio-economic status. It should be noted that low socio-economic black communities constitute a distinct minority of all black communities throughout the USA.

The Rev Al Sharpton is respected and honorable and he is a mainstream black American who is in the mainstream of American society itself, which is why Rev Al is welcome in the NYC mayor's office and in the Oval office at the White House. Extremist carpers against him aside, the Rev Al does a contracted network primetime television program weeknights about current issues and events in addition to his preaching, travelling, grief counseling, marches such as this one etc. The huge majority of black Americans consider that the Reverend Al is one who carries on in the finest traditions of the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Publicus, you are wasting your time trying to show what it is really like! Some people can see only what they want to see!

It isn't what the New York City mayor has said, it is what he has done! Look at the color of his wife; look at the color of his kids! That is what he has done! He married a black woman and has multiracial kids!

Racists, whether they admit that they are, or whether they pretend to be unbiased, despise him for that!

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