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Without getting into the specifics as to who or why, I am curious how many members you 'ignore'?

I am trying to get a handle on whether I am under- or over-utilizing this TVF feature?

Assuming you have seen this topic (and don't have me on ignore smile.png ), I thank you in advance for your kind responses.


Don't laugh but I can't find in settings or even member profile how to IGNORE ....Please enlighten me. One I can it will be an automatic ignore for about 5 straight off the bat.

The ones I can't handle are the blokes that just want to get into a slinging match. The mods have one hell of a job...but as soon as it gets personal and moreover rude, it should be removed. Its against forum rules but would be interesting to see a list of nominations for most obnoxious.


No matter how many I would love to ignore, I cannot, penalty of the mod moniker :(

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


No matter how many I would love to ignore, I cannot, penalty of the mod moniker sad.png

Maybe mine would not be none if we were allowed to ignore modsbiggrin.png


Don't laugh but I can't find in settings or even member profile how to IGNORE ....Please enlighten me. One I can it will be an automatic ignore for about 5 straight off the bat.

Go to your Profile.

Hit 'Edit my Profile'

Left side menu 'Ignore preferences'

Easy-peasy smile.png

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


No matter how many I would love to ignore, I cannot, penalty of the mod moniker sad.png

Maybe mine would not be none if we were allowed to ignore modsbiggrin.png

Love you too Mate :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I have none.

But I would have liked to put in ignore that member with the very, very, very annoying avatar.........

But it's Christmas coming.

What the heck......lets all be joyful.

Vote for Costasthumbsup.gif


I think I got one, and I put them on ignore just so I wouldn't get banned for dishing some shit out and that was years ago.

Don't always agree with other posters, and certainly have run ins, but it's just part and parcel of it.


No one.I may not like that which I read sometimes but I prefer to be informed as opposed to having a one sided view on matters.


Wouldn't it be great if we could at times put the Thai partner on ignore.....mind you would need an "on/off switch"

PS ...ta Crosly for instructions on ignore.


Nine and a half years as a member and I've never put anyone on ignore.

Doesn't mean I haven't come across scores of ....heads of course.

There are a quite a few whose posts I don't bother to read most of the time, and others I respond to far more often than I should.

I'm sure many have put me on ignore over the years. Pity you can't find out who they are, it would be good for a laugh.


I've got about 9 members on ignore, mainly for expressing what I consider to be overly negative views on Thailand.

I'll admit I still sometimes peek at what they say, but at least the ignore function gives me the option of whether I want to see it or not.

If I look and get upset, I can't blame anyone but myself because I'm the one who decided to look.

I've found this feature provides a useful buffer.


Most of the few posters I've put on ignore have been banned. Of course, when someone responds to a poster who's on my ignore list, the "ignored" post shows up. So, I've stopped putting people on the ignore list.



Only delicate, easily bruised, wimps put people on ignore.

Avoidance is a useful coping mechanism, and quite often the smartest course of action.



Those I fight with on one thread, I agree with on another thread.

Even 'flyingsaucersarereal' and 'SoiBiker' has comedy value.

"flyingsaucersarereal" and "SoiBiker" offer entertainment.

You however Mr America are a complete "tool".

Put me on your ignore list now, please, pleeease....



Those I fight with on one thread, I agree with on another thread.

Even 'flyingsaucersarereal' and 'SoiBiker' has comedy value.

"flyingsaucersarereal" and "SoiBiker" offer entertainment.

You however Mr America are a complete "tool".

Put me on your ignore list now, please, pleeease....

4950 Likes out of 5,200 posts, that's a 95% approval.

How are you doing? ...... only 86% I see.



Those I fight with on one thread, I agree with on another thread.

Even 'flyingsaucersarereal' and 'SoiBiker' has comedy value.

"flyingsaucersarereal" and "SoiBiker" offer entertainment.

You however Mr America are a complete "tool".

Put me on your ignore list now, please, pleeease....

4950 Likes out of 5,200 posts, that's a 95% approval.

How are you doing? ...... only 86% I see.

"Likes" are an insult. "Ignores" are a compliment.

Oh "ignore" me please. Put you out of my misery.



Those I fight with on one thread, I agree with on another thread.

Even 'flyingsaucersarereal' and 'SoiBiker' has comedy value.

"flyingsaucersarereal" and "SoiBiker" offer entertainment.

You however Mr America are a complete "tool".

Put me on your ignore list now, please, pleeease....

4950 Likes out of 5,200 posts, that's a 95% approval.

How are you doing? ...... only 86% I see.

"Likes" are an insult. "Ignores" are a compliment.

Oh "ignore" me please. Put you out of my misery.

sipi it makes little differenced whether you are on ignore or not, your posts have little of any consequence.


sipi it makes little differenced whether you are on ignore or not, your posts have little of any consequence.

Thank you, Thank you. This is true happiness..


I've got about 9 members on ignore, mainly for expressing what I consider to be overly negative views on Thailand.

I'll admit I still sometimes peek at what they say, but at least the ignore function gives me the option of whether I want to see it or not.

If I look and get upset, I can't blame anyone but myself because I'm the one who decided to look.

I've found this feature provides a useful buffer.

I seems you have control issues and not willing to read other members opinions. Its childish IMO. If somebody constantly stalks and/with sending you unpleasant messages, i can understand. Blocking/putting on ignore,is a sign of weakness. Some of my inlaws, who support the evilness done to my kids, have blocked me on social media for confronting them with the truth. Silly people.

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