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Thai officials' reaction to terrorism act in Australia


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The thing is, for me, the more they say we're not under threat, no terrorist targets here, not us, no way, the more I start to worry.

The gentlemen doth protest too much.

This guy must walk around with blinkers on.

There are Terrorists activities going on in the south and the Prime Minister has in deed sent more troops to the south to keep the peace and order.

The Australian Gov have issued warnings for Australians to be careful in Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya due to Terrorist threats.

They also have a current warning (DO NOT TRAVEL TO SOUTH THAILAND)

It's not just the far south, but as you say and as the Australian and other governments have warned in the past, some day soon I fear a "Bali style" terrorist attack that targets westerners occurring on some popular southern beach resort destination, perhaps Phuket, Samui or Krabi (Ao Nang) or even Bangkok or Pattaya. The perpetrators will likely be foreigners, that chose Thailand because it's so easy to enter and full of tourists.

The number of casualties will likely be quite high. Although I hope it never happens, it may only be a matter of time before it does. Perhaps the reason it hasn't happened is because if we compare it to the 2 Bali bombings, in those two cases it was homegrown terrorists that committed those acts. In Thailand's case I highly doubt any homegrown movement would target foreigners in that way, but foreigners such as the infamous Indonesian terrorist Hambali who was captured in Thailand in 2003 could try something sinister.

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"According to Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, such an incident would not occur in Thailand given the country's tight security measures and close relations and cooperation with neighboring countries in terms of terrorism prevention efforts."

Sorry, but I'm laughing more than yesterday. As I said, everyday he just gets worse. But half my laughs are tears, because this idiot has no idea what the hell he is talking about. To say such an incident would not happen here because of the contry's tight security measures..... well they seem to have no idea who comes in our out, judging by the numebrs if illegal entrants and fugitives leaving over the last years. Codswallop Prayuth.... and yes, you need a wallop - insensitive nobhead!

Ha! Yeah I'm laughing right with you man, I mean "tight security measures!" is probably the most oxymoronic statement of the day! Let's see here for a minute how wrong the PM is:

Border crossings. If I'm coming across any international border crossing by car, let's say it's from Laos or Malaysia by car, foot or bus - there are no checks on vehicles, nothing. You could bring in (or smuggle out) almost any sort of contraband and it wouldn't be noticed. The only time anything is noticed is if it arrives in large quantities and is blatantly obvious. But if you were to smuggle a bomb or drugs etc. (not recommended of course!) the Thais wouldn't even know, because nobody checks your car when you enter the country.

From Myanmar it's the same thing, although due to not being allowed to drive a Thai vehicle very far into the country, it's more likely you'll be walking or a passenger in a Myanmar registered vehicle across the border (except at Ranong, where it's a boat). In either case the authorities don't check anything.

Cambodia is similar, except for the odd soldiers at the Hat Lek checkpoint, but any smuggler would know to avoid either that checkpoint or just hide their contraband somewhere where they don't look (such as under the seats). Though there are now x-ray scanners at checkpoints such as Aran, there presence alone does little to prevent smuggling or increase security because few other checkpoints use them and all the smugglers would know how to avoid the ones that are in operation!

"Close relations with neighboring countries on terrorism prevention" Ha! is my best response to that. What a load of garbage. One needs to look no further than the unfolding situation in the south and how dialogue with Malaysia on the issue has not helped resolve that conflict down there.

Airports. Apparently a friend who is married to a policeman (that guy is NOT immigration though) claims she will be allowed into the airport transit area just by knowing a police officer (in this case it's probably a friend of her husband who works at Suvarnabhumi). Imagine someone who is not flying out or not accompanying someone to a plane in the US trying to gain access to the secure part of an airport. It wouldn't happen ever, no matter who they know! And although non-passengers can go through to the secure area of domestic airport terminals in Australia, they do have to pass through the normal security checkpoints.

Terrorists, fugitives and other criminals entering Thailand. Apparently as long as their paperwork is in order (passport has enough remaining validity and possession of valid visa if required) they can easily enter Thailand. Thailand apparently does NOT really check the Interpol database on stolen and lost passports or criminals. The only people that may have trouble entering Thailand are those with previous major convictions in Thailand that were blacklisted. And due to that, we all know very well that Thailand is well renowned as being a fugitive and criminal "hideaway".

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3 things, 2 of which mostly covered already. 1. The siege had nothing to do with ISIS 2. "such an incident would not occur in Thailand given the country's tight security measures " - tell that to the families of the six and a half thousand killed in the south.. 3. ISIS have been entering the UK via it's southern border? Does he not realise the UK is an island with one border - the sea (and a tunnel under the sea). How do these numbnuts even get to a job where they're allowed to speak with the media or anyone come to that?

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Do the Thais have a media department that finds items of news vaguely related to some bull they want to peddle and then just use the headline to push their point?

No terrorists huh! What are they on about? Not only that but they exhibit their utter stupidity by missing the facts or the point of the news item they hijack. Maybe time for some new staff in that particular department.

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How naive are these people?

It can happen anywhere there is one or more lone, crazy, deranged Muslim(s) who want to spread their sick ideas and it can happen in ANY country in the world at any time AND there is no way to prepare for it.

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I thought true extreme Islamists would be against every country that has a global reputation for anything "evil", so why would would any person on the other side of the fence think any differently?

It seems like ignorance gone to seed to me!

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Unlike some other countries, at least Thailand is not using terrorism as a way to bread fear in the population so government can gain more control and insight into their lives.

That's right ... instead they use poverty and ignorance to ensure fear of anyone above them with money.

Three elements bring a population under control of the government ... 1. Poverty, 2. Ignorance and 3. Despondency / Fear .... the Thai gov has no need to use terrorism as a mode to control what people think and do.

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3 things, 2 of which mostly covered already. 1. The siege had nothing to do with ISIS 2. "such an incident would not occur in Thailand given the country's tight security measures " - tell that to the families of the six and a half thousand killed in the south.. 3. ISIS have been entering the UK via it's southern border? Does he not realise the UK is an island with one border - the sea (and a tunnel under the sea). How do these numbnuts even get to a job where they're allowed to speak with the media or anyone come to that?

UK? Try Thailand.

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According to Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, such an incident would not occur in Thailand given the country's tight security measures and close relations and cooperation with neighboring countries in terms of terrorism prevention efforts.

Complete and utter wan**r.

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Firstly the gentleman concerned was not involved with ISIS he was a Sunni Muslim...

He certainly was no gentleman, i.e., a well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior. The word "man" would be adequate.

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3 things, 2 of which mostly covered already. 1. The siege had nothing to do with ISIS 2. "such an incident would not occur in Thailand given the country's tight security measures " - tell that to the families of the six and a half thousand killed in the south.. 3. ISIS have been entering the UK via it's southern border? Does he not realise the UK is an island with one border - the sea (and a tunnel under the sea). How do these numbnuts even get to a job where they're allowed to speak with the media or anyone come to that?

UK? Try Thailand.

oops!! Sorry, I saw 'Kingdom' and dreamt the 'United' part

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3 things, 2 of which mostly covered already. 1. The siege had nothing to do with ISIS 2. "such an incident would not occur in Thailand given the country's tight security measures " - tell that to the families of the six and a half thousand killed in the south.. 3. ISIS have been entering the UK via it's southern border? Does he not realise the UK is an island with one border - the sea (and a tunnel under the sea). How do these numbnuts even get to a job where they're allowed to speak with the media or anyone come to that?

Sorry!! I dreamed I saw 'United' Kingdom... lol... No need to correct me again, my bad!

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Those familiar with my posts on here would be aware that i am generally very supportive of the Thai authorities and often defend their actions to the chagrin of many. These statements, however, if true, are so poor on several levels. Firstly they show a shocking disrespect for the victims and related carnage in the South. Secondly there have been terrorist outrages in Bangkok and frankly they have been lucky on occasion when they avoided huge casualties by chance. Those who have been here a while will recall the bomb in the truck that would have leveled not just the Israeli embassy but the whole of the Lumpini area if it hadnt collided with a motorcycle taxi in Chitlom forcing the driver to flee. That was parked in Lumpini police station for several days before someone thought it prudent to have a look inside. I digress...for the authorities to say that Thailand is not a terrorist threatened place, even ignoring the South, is absurd. Like Bali millions of tourists flock here and an outrage of massive proportions in one of the nightspots in particular surely remains a possible event. The authorities should acknowledge this publicly as part of their duty of care and warn everybody to be vigilant at all times. To do otherwise is irresponsible, blase and patently foolish.

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The Great Leader said such an incident would not occur in Thailand given the country's tight security measures? Really? I wonder what is happening in the South. What security??? Tell that to the people there. Sheesh... This guy just creates a new low every other day.

And 'tight security measures'??? Like what... frisking foreigners???

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The Great Leader said such an incident would not occur in Thailand given the country's tight security measures? Really? I wonder what is happening in the South. What security??? Tell that to the people there. Sheesh... This guy just creates a new low every other day.

And 'tight security measures'??? Like what... frisking foreigners???

Curbside urine tests to identify terrorists.

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" We don't have a terrorist problem" 5000+ people killed in the past few years by Muslims. 9 year old boy and his family butchered by these animals

a few weeks ago. The boy had his head cut off, they saw it off slowly with a knife BUT Thailand does not have a terrorist problem.

Wake up people, the whole world has a terrorist problem. Unless the Muslim population tell the Islamist's they have no hiding place things will get


Even if the Thai Government gave the South to Muslims they would then start to push north.

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