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Government wants lese majeste offenders to be sent home to face justice

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So who are these extremists? Since you're so well integrated into Thai society and appear to approve wholeheartedly of the current witchhunt, you presumably know exactly who they are and what their crimes are.

Usually those charged under this law are insignificant people who have committed trivial offences.

As an example to show the more important people what could happen.

It's not about punishing extremists, it's about threatening opponents of the status quo, too powerful to be directly punished.


countries which support free speech don't have draconian LM laws.

The LM law is one of the most egregious violations of human rights in Thailand.

I have my own opinions regarding the human rights laws, that are human rights for whom?

In Britain for example where foreign criminals, rapists and murderers cannot be deported because it may contravene their so-called human rights, where the human rights laws can actually work against the benefits of the country and benefit more the perpetrators than the victims.

There is a difference between freedom of speech and the subversives that create politically motivated propaganda in order to disrupt and cause unrest to the stability of another country or their own countries that are in no doubt enemies of the state.

Thailand, although cannot be described as a democratic country in the true sense, is still a stable country with a relatively amount of freedom and does not need extremists and activists stirring up tensions against the system here that can be extremely damaging to Thailand as a whole.

I can see the prime minister`s point exactly.

So countries that have freedom of speech should deport Thai ex-pats to face court martial where they have little to know rights at all for simply expressing an opinion? You condone this?

The prime minister is explicitly meaning those that are the most extremist, could be classified as the enemies of Thailand.

I live in Thailand and my wife is Thai and my 3 children are all well integrated into Thai society, they are true patriotic Thai citizens. Therefore, considering that I am happy to live here and intend to remain and doing alright thank you with no ambitions to move anywhere else, I except the country for what it is and it`s values for the better and for the worse. If I were not able to do this and believed there is more freedoms elsewhere and the grass is greener over there rather than over here, than I would not stay.

For those that continue to stay in Thailand by their own choice either accept the laws and rulings of the powers that be and if they don`t and believe that justice, rights and democracy are better elsewhere are then hypocrites for continuing to stay here and not opting to move back home where their views will be acceptable and lifestyles more suited to them.

You're not really discussing the issues as they affect the vast majority of Thai people. What you're saying is:

"I'm allright jack"

A lot of other foreigners in Thailand feel the same way too.


So who are these extremists? Since you're so well integrated into Thai society and appear to approve wholeheartedly of the current witchhunt, you presumably know exactly who they are and what their crimes are.

Usually those charged under this law are insignificant people who have committed trivial offences.

As an example to show the more important people what could happen.

It's not about punishing extremists, it's about threatening opponents of the status quo, too powerful to be directly punished.

I read the blogs and Facebook groups so I know who the people are and what they have done. My question was directed at the idiot who thinks these people are extremists.

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As I have said; Thailand cannot be described as a democratic country in the true sense, but it is also not an extremist state, we have to show certain respects and tow the line on some issues that in my opinion is a good thing and citizens do have reasonable amounts of freedoms here. At the moment Thailand is still at a political crossroads that will be ironed out in due course.

All these factors regarding Thai culture, Thai law, Thai attitudes should be taken into account by those considering moving or working in Thailand for the long term because no one is imposing that those who do not give the present Thai laws and government any credibility to come here, if they prefer and consider the systems better in their own countries. Otherwise in what other ways would you like me to explain this?

In what sense can Thailand be described as a democratic country. As far as I can see there is no sense that Thailand can be described as a democratic country.

There are expats that live in China and Hong Kong and they aren't democratic countries either.

When I first came to Thailand in 1968 it was not a democratic country in any sense.

You wrote, "Thailand, although cannot be described as a democratic country in the true sense" Since I'm always interested in learning new things and your statement implies that there is a sense where Thailand can be described as a democracy; I wondered what it was.

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countries which support free speech don't have draconian LM laws.

The LM law is one of the most egregious violations of human rights in Thailand.

I have my own opinions regarding the human rights laws, that are human rights for whom?

In Britain for example where foreign criminals, rapists and murderers cannot be deported because it may contravene their so-called human rights, where the human rights laws can actually work against the benefits of the country and benefit more the perpetrators than the victims.

There is a difference between freedom of speech and the subversives that create politically motivated propaganda in order to disrupt and cause unrest to the stability of another country or their own countries that are in no doubt enemies of the state.

Thailand, although cannot be described as a democratic country in the true sense, is still a stable country with a relatively amount of freedom and does not need extremists and activists stirring up tensions against the system here that can be extremely damaging to Thailand as a whole.

I can see the prime minister`s point exactly.

you are welcome to have your opinion regarding LM.

I disagree strongly with your opinion, however.

We are free to have that disagreement.

Thai people are not free to have that disagreement.

Therein lies the difference.

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For those that continue to stay in Thailand by their own choice either accept the laws and rulings of the powers that be and if they don`t and believe that justice, rights and democracy are better elsewhere are then hypocrites for continuing to stay here and not opting to move back home where their views will be acceptable and lifestyles more suited to them.

Lazy morality and a frightening mentality to boot. And don't you care about Thai people other than supporting those at the top feathering their nests?

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The real tragic thing about the whole LM circus is, that the King himself in a speech 7-8 years ago said, that he was not above critizism since he was human and made mistakes!!

That statement was of course completely ignored by Thai officialdom, since it didn't fit their agenda, which is to keep the subjects in their place.

The LM has nothing to do with the King, but is a very dangerous political tool, used over and over again to surpress people, who don't agree with the current (and previous) leadership!!

It's an argument I wanted to make but wasn't sure I could. Some politicians and yellow shirt leaders have ignored the King's requests. Isn't this LM?


For those that continue to stay in Thailand by their own choice either accept the laws and rulings of the powers that be and if they don`t and believe that justice, rights and democracy are better elsewhere are then hypocrites for continuing to stay here and not opting to move back home where their views will be acceptable and lifestyles more suited to them.

Lazy morality and a frightening mentality to boot. And don't you care about Thai people other than supporting those at the top feathering their nests?

His BIB connections are well documented.


So who are these extremists? Since you're so well integrated into Thai society and appear to approve wholeheartedly of the current witchhunt, you presumably know exactly who they are and what their crimes are.

Usually those charged under this law are insignificant people who have committed trivial offences.

As an example to show the more important people what could happen.

It's not about punishing extremists, it's about threatening opponents of the status quo, too powerful to be directly punished.

I think that is a fairly accurate assessment.. A few small fry are caught, and

occasionally a media person is caught up as well. Until Pongpat was charged

I have never heard of a big fish being charged with LM. But his case is looking more and more like a purge rather than strict enforcement of LM laws...

Given the rise in cases, the LM laws are being used as a weapon, which is pretty

pathetic...In fact charges should be leveled against people who misuse this law....


"From 1990 to 2005, the Thai court system only saw four or five lèse majesté cases a year. From January 2006 to May 2011, however, more than 400 cases came to trial, an estimated 1,500 percent increase. For example, there were 478 cases in 2010 alone."

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The real tragic thing about the whole LM circus is, that the King himself in a speech 7-8 years ago said, that he was not above critizism since he was human and made mistakes!!

That statement was of course completely ignored by Thai officialdom, since it didn't fit their agenda, which is to keep the subjects in their place.

The LM has nothing to do with the King, but is a very dangerous political tool, used over and over again to surpress people, who don't agree with the current (and previous) leadership!!

It's an argument I wanted to make but wasn't sure I could. Some politicians and yellow shirt leaders have ignored the King's requests. Isn't this LM?

A catch 22.

Who want to allienate their strongest supporter-base, even if they are misbehaving at times??


The real tragic thing about the whole LM circus is, that the King himself in a speech 7-8 years ago said, that he was not above critizism since he was human and made mistakes!!

That statement was of course completely ignored by Thai officialdom, since it didn't fit their agenda, which is to keep the subjects in their place.

The LM has nothing to do with the King, but is a very dangerous political tool, used over and over again to surpress people, who don't agree with the current (and previous) leadership!!

It's an argument I wanted to make but wasn't sure I could. Some politicians and yellow shirt leaders have ignored the King's requests. Isn't this LM?

He didn't make any requests and it's completely wrong to suggest that there is any kind of equivalence between the use of the LM laws by reds and yellows. The only notable yellow I can think of who has fallen victim to the law is Sondhi, who essentially got off. (Though I should add that it's true that the Yingluck administration hardly covered itself in glory in this regard. How much they can be blamed for this is debatable. Had they taken a strong stand, it's quite possible that this would simply have brought forward the coup, though since that happened anyway, they didn't really gain a lot by doing nothing.)

Lazy morality and a frightening mentality to boot. And don't you care about Thai people other than supporting those at the top feathering their nests?

Very much so and well put but it is his staggering arrogance which is present in many of his postings which is worst of all.

He is saying that because people may disagree with this witch hunt being used to legitimise this pointless regime, they should leave, regardless that their own careers, businesses and families may be way more important, not to mention of value to Thailand than his own.

I've encountered many Mitty-esque like folks like this over my years here. They get a lass up the spout a few times (not exactly advanced pure mathematics is it?) and then think they are an important part of Thai society. I'd say in his deluded little world he probably imagines himself dining with the generals nightly as their 'Farang Advisor'.....

As one human to another I'd say to you, throw a few things in a case or bag for yourself and the kids, take them Westwards, show then democracy and freedom of speech, give them the chance to make up their own minds on things; form their own opinions, enjoy freedom of thought...

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I have never heard of a big fish being charged with LM.

Depends what you mean by big fish but certainly the wikileaks revelations about Prem's and Anand's rather unflattering comments were not, for some strange reason, acted upon.


PM, there are more urgent and important issues for you to devote your attention.

I have faith in you, please don't let me down.

Why would you have faith in him? Xmas coming on soon, do you have faith in Santa Claus as well? cheesy.gif


Most extradition treaties exclude "crimes" that are not a crime in the country where the "fugitive" is taking refuge in. So if they are in countries where freedom of speech trumps laws like that then the country generally is not able to extradite them and in many cases turns them into political refugees. If he really wants to extradite them, he should not mention the LM crimes and focus only on crimes that are crimes in the host country (mentioning LM complicates things).


Speaking of rose what ever happened those Thais terrorizing her in the UK? The weird melted plastic looking high so girl and 'DJ Ken' (the guy that flashed a gun on camera while threatening her, and then went to spray paint a Thai flag on her house, turned out it was the wrong house, idiot)

I know he got arrested for that but did Rose press charges? Couple of absolute morons, the rest of the world aren't fanatical idiots like you and forcing your views on people.

Not sure what happened to the woman but that little maggot Ken got 200 hours of community service and a suspended sentence.


Now I think about it, did the woman do anything or did she just drive around looking for Rose without success? I seem to remember that nothing came of her attempted assault but I can't be sure about that.

200 hours community service for a hi so?

Am I alone in chuckling at this?


And how juice can you speak for the Thai populace? Many Thai friends of mine have said in private that they are absolutely fed up of those in charge be they Shinwatra, Democrat or know this draconian military rule. This kind of strongman leadership may of worked for the last few hundred years but times are changing and many Thais have access to the world around them thanks to things like the internet. I am sure most Thais would love to speak out but fear persecution if they do. Something which is fundamentally wrong for me not just as an ex-pat here, but as a human being.

There will be social unrest again in Thailand either next year or certainly by 2016 if the Junta is still in power and no progress has been made. The 5% or so of the elite can take it easy now but the general populace will grow restless. Especially if more oppression comes from this government.

And how would you describe the situation prior to the Junta taking power? The take over became a necessity to avert a civil war, Matters could not have been any worse during the time and the problem is that there are still factions out there trying to create political unrest and strife in Thailand. I believe the present leaders are doing a good job at stopping political turmoil for the time being and their means used for keeping the extremists on all sides at bay. In my opinion these methods are necessary for the national security of the country and I have faith that the present power will eventually bring in a political resolve uniting the country back to peace and normality

Most Thai people just want to plod on with their lives without being the pawns between disputing parties and would say that the majority of average Thai people are quite content with the present power and content to live their everyday lives and function without disruptions, including me and why I accept the situation for what it is even if it`s not ideal.


truth is subversive....

and a threat to national security... coffee1.gif

next on the plan is label them as terrorists.

that would follow their typical MO, wouldn't it...

just keep repeating the mantra "face trumps all else" to understand most of what goes on


And how juice can you speak for the Thai populace? Many Thai friends of mine have said in private that they are absolutely fed up of those in charge be they Shinwatra, Democrat or know this draconian military rule. This kind of strongman leadership may of worked for the last few hundred years but times are changing and many Thais have access to the world around them thanks to things like the internet. I am sure most Thais would love to speak out but fear persecution if they do. Something which is fundamentally wrong for me not just as an ex-pat here, but as a human being.

There will be social unrest again in Thailand either next year or certainly by 2016 if the Junta is still in power and no progress has been made. The 5% or so of the elite can take it easy now but the general populace will grow restless. Especially if more oppression comes from this government.

And how would you describe the situation prior to the Junta taking power? The take over became a necessity to avert a civil war, Matters could not have been any worse during the time and the problem is that there are still factions out there trying to create political unrest and strife in Thailand. I believe the present leaders are doing a good job at stopping political turmoil for the time being and their means used for keeping the extremists on all sides at bay. In my opinion these methods are necessary for the national security of the country and I have faith that the present power will eventually bring in a political resolve uniting the country back to peace and normality

Most Thai people just want to plod on with their lives without being the pawns between disputing parties and would say that the majority of average Thai people are quite content with the present power and content to live their everyday lives and function without disruptions, including me and why I accept the situation for what it is even if it`s not ideal.

Those protests were bank rolled and orchestrated by shady elites that have close 'ties' with certain people. An elected government that won an election (and Shinwatra affiliated governments have done for the past 15 or so years) was once again forcibly removed. I don't deny they are up to their necks in their own shady dealings but they were elected by the majority of Thai people. The elitist upper class couldn't stand not being in control and waited for Thaksin to slip, he did and the coup was the result.

We will never know anytime soon if the majority of Thais are indeed happy with the current situation. I hope the rural poor have seen Thaksin for what he is and vote for someone else. But I think they have enough awareness not to vote for the condescending Dems who side with the people that think they are too stupid to vote, that still believe in masters and serfs.

Good on you I guess if you accept this oppressive and dinosaur like regime. My natural inquisitiveness won't allow me to just swallow it. I love Thailand and Thai people, just not the crooks that run and oppress the place. And I do plan to leave here in coming years but I hope that if I decide to retire here when I am old that it has moved on from how it is now. I often think in a few generations time Thais will look back on this period and recoil at the nationalistic nonsense.

I too wish for the same and hope for the time being that there are those who will not try to throw spanners into the works because I believe it is better to let nature take it`s course and see what transpires. As I said; I accept the present situation for what it is even if it is not an ideal situation. Personally I have placed my faith in the present leadership that they know what they are doing, perhaps more in hope that Thailand`s political climate will not go into turmoil again, otherwise it could be a bleak future for us, the long term ex-pats and our families here.

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