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Jeb Bush to explore White House bid


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Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush broke away from the pack in the latest CNN/ORC poll with a 10-point lead over Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey. But a Rasmussen poll released Monday finds likely Republican voters split on whether they want another Bush in the White House.



The CNN poll released today gives Jeb Bush 41% of the vote for president which is nowhere near enough, because Hillary Clinton gets 54%. No Republican has yet come close to defeating Hillary Clinton in the early polling for the November 2016.election.

This is pretty bad for Jeb Bush because the Republican party candidate almost always gets between 44% to 47% of the vote on election day. Jeb B isn't even in the normal range of recent loser Republican party nominees for prez.

And another poll, Rasmussen Reports, shows one-third of R party voters reject another Bush candidacy....and no candidate of either the D or the R party can win a general election with a third of its base voters in the party rejecting him/her.

Moreover, Rasmussen found another third of R party voters say they don't yet know whether they could support and vote for another Bush for prez. Even if half the unsure party base voters break for JebB, that still guarantees defeat because that's too many R voters sitting out the race.

Although Romney wasn't included in the CNN poll, the R party pollster Rasmussen showed Willard far ahead of the pack. I myself want Romney to be nominated again because his full name is Willard Mitt Romney, which voters last time never knew but this time would find out for sure....then only the Willard types in the US would vote for him, thus guaranteeing a really crushing defeat this time too. smile.png (Remember the movie Willard ?)

The 2016 Republican Presidential Clown Car is starting to get filled up again, just like last time when in 2012 cannibalism was the operative rule among the R party candidates as each one took a turn at the top of the heap before Willard got the dubious distinction of running unsuccessfully against Barack Obama.

Madam President.....

Edited by Publicus
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John Huntsman is the only Republican that I could vote for at the moment.

Unfortunately, Roger Ailes of FOX won't give him airtime because Mr. Huntsman agrees with scientists on global warming and evolution.

“To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust 98% of the scientists on global warming. Call me crazy,” Huntsman had tweeted.

FOX Chairman, Roger Ailes has been been driving Fox News by his own extremist orthodoxy even at the expense of the Republican party.

In a meeting at Fox news, Ailes flatly told Huntsman, “You are not of our orthodoxy,” citing his stance on climate change.

To get the conservative vote, candidates must agree with Roger Ailes...'global warming is a scam' and '100% of the scientists get it wrong' when it comes to evolution!

In other words, you have to 'play stupid' to get FOX support & the religious conservative votes.

Sad, but thats how Bush won. Courting the religious & low IQ voters

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John Huntsman is the only Republican that I could vote for at the moment.

Unfortunately, Roger Ailes of FOX won't give him airtime because Mr. Huntsman agrees with scientists on global warming and evolution.

“To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust 98% of the scientists on global warming. Call me crazy,” Huntsman had tweeted.

FOX Chairman, Roger Ailes has been been driving Fox News by his own extremist orthodoxy even at the expense of the Republican party.

In a meeting at Fox news, Ailes flatly told Huntsman, “You are not of our orthodoxy,” citing his stance on climate change.

To get the conservative vote, candidates must agree with Roger Ailes...'global warming is a scam' and '100% of the scientists get it wrong' when it comes to evolution!

In other words, you have to 'play stupid' to get FOX support & the religious conservative votes.

Sad, but thats how Bush won. Courting the religious & low IQ voters

"Sad, but thats how Bush won. Courting the religious & low IQ voters"

And Obama won by courting that 47% of the population that is considered highly educated?

How's that Obama phone working out for you? cheesy.gif

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Actually, pandering to the religious, gullible and dumb is a viable strategy that Roger Ailes and FOX do so well.

The below chart displays US voter results by voter IQ.


The other posters have shown your chart to be done as a bogus trick - prank years ago. But what is more important than you falling for a fake document, is that your failure to understand who the viewing audience really is that watches FoxNews and Fox Business News. Fox leads all other TV news sources in viewership combined and the demographics of that viewership is all over the map - race, income, location, age, etc. FoxNews appeals to such a large group of Americans because Foxnews - while not perfect - has credibility. Foxnews does not engage in the constant and incessant leftist propaganda as does its competitors.

Your problem with FoxNews and most with other liberals - is that they report what you do not want to hear.

So - go watch MSNBC and get your Daily KOS like dose of false propaganda... and you will feel better.

"FOX has credibility" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The FOX 'news' network is constantly sowing right wing misinformation, and an army of followers are watching and believing it.

It's just Conservative entertainment that doesn't challenge the viewership.

What about the kids that watch that crap?

Just the other day a FOX announcer was telling the kids that "100% of the textbooks got it wrong on evolution."

This FOX 'News announcer insists the world is 6,000 years old. God made it in 6 days.....blink.png

Actually, I doubt he is that dumb but that is what Roger Ailes and the religious viewers need to hear.

'Right wing' talk radio with TV cameras & cute announcers.

And the viewers think they are getting 'news"cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Don't get upset and attack the messenger just because you don't like to hear the facts.

FOX is just a right wing infomercial run by republican strategist Roger Ailes with a good dose of anti science thrown in to court the religious vote.

Don't let your kids watch that crap.

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Actually, pandering to the religious, gullible and dumb is a viable strategy that Roger Ailes and FOX do so well.

The below chart displays US voter results by voter IQ.


The other posters have shown your chart to be done as a bogus trick - prank years ago. But what is more important than you falling for a fake document, is that your failure to understand who the viewing audience really is that watches FoxNews and Fox Business News. Fox leads all other TV news sources in viewership combined and the demographics of that viewership is all over the map - race, income, location, age, etc. FoxNews appeals to such a large group of Americans because Foxnews - while not perfect - has credibility. Foxnews does not engage in the constant and incessant leftist propaganda as does its competitors.

Your problem with FoxNews and most with other liberals - is that they report what you do not want to hear.

So - go watch MSNBC and get your Daily KOS like dose of false propaganda... and you will feel better.

"FOX has credibility" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The FOX 'news' network is constantly sowing right wing misinformation, and an army of followers are watching and believing it.

It's just Conservative entertainment that doesn't challenge the viewership.

What about the kids that watch that crap?

Just the other day a FOX announcer was telling the kids that "100% of the textbooks got it wrong on evolution."

This FOX 'News announcer insists the world is 6,000 years old. God made it in 6 days.....blink.png

Actually, I doubt he is that dumb but that is what Roger Ailes and the religious viewers need to hear.

'Right wing' talk radio with TV cameras & cute announcers.

And the viewers think they are getting 'news"cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Again - other posters have shown that you got it wrong on who was saying what ... No news service can fully control what guests will say - including your favorites .... The reason you cannot identify with the Credibility of FoxNews is again they give facts and opinion that is counter to what you believe and want to hear... You pretend you have a corner on what is factual - when I doubt that very seriously.

When your political viewpoint boils down to be against FoxNews then you have little to offer. What are your news sources? The Daily Kos, or MSNBC or who exactly? Maybe Salon.com or the Huffington Post? Please let us in on what you consider to be a credible news source that you read/watch daily or weekly? Do you really want to defend you leftist sources?

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Actually, pandering to the religious, gullible and dumb is a viable strategy that Roger Ailes and FOX do so well.

The below chart displays US voter results by voter IQ.


The other posters have shown your chart to be done as a bogus trick - prank years ago. But what is more important than you falling for a fake document, is that your failure to understand who the viewing audience really is that watches FoxNews and Fox Business News. Fox leads all other TV news sources in viewership combined and the demographics of that viewership is all over the map - race, income, location, age, etc. FoxNews appeals to such a large group of Americans because Foxnews - while not perfect - has credibility. Foxnews does not engage in the constant and incessant leftist propaganda as does its competitors.

Your problem with FoxNews and most with other liberals - is that they report what you do not want to hear.

So - go watch MSNBC and get your Daily KOS like dose of false propaganda... and you will feel better.

FOX has a large viewership in the States?

So does that fake wrestling show. Very popular.

Same audience I presume.

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Don't get upset and attack the messenger just because you don't like to hear the facts.

FOX is just a right wing infomercial run by republican strategist Roger Ailes with a good dose of anti science thrown in to court the religious vote.

Don't let your kids watch that crap.

So far your so called facts haven't proven out very well for you, now have they.

Putting your wild imagination aside on the facts issue, many of us do not receive Fox News. Anybody that has TrueVisions doesn't get it as we only have access to CNN and BBC, neither of which would be called conservative.

You must be on Sophon Cable in Pattaya, which is the last place I watched it some six years ago.

Perhaps you might want to tune it out instead of, seemingly, watching it non-stop. Not watching it might do wonders for your disposition.

Try MSNBC for a channel more to your liking...or even RT.

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Actually, pandering to the religious, gullible and dumb is a viable strategy that Roger Ailes and FOX do so well.

The below chart displays US voter results by voter IQ.


I enjoyed the upper section of the chart that showed that most individuals in that 100 to 110 IQ range can be easily manipulated and duped. Fake or not, it's interesting to see what sort of bs the individual who created the chart is trying to promote.

Edited by connda
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Don't get upset and attack the messenger just because you don't like to hear the facts.

FOX is just a right wing infomercial run by republican strategist Roger Ailes with a good dose of anti science thrown in to court the religious vote.

Don't let your kids watch that crap.

I also thought that Fox was attempting to show the average teen-aged girl how to be a journalist by dressing up like a Pike Street Hooker.

Edited by connda
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You do know the Chairman of FOX 'News" also ran Richard Nixons campaign?

I wouldn't watch MSNBC or FOX. Only a closed minded fool would watch either them, then claim to be informed.

You can watch FOX or Rush Limbaugh or other extreme right wing entertainment, just don't come on here telling me they are a news channel.

It's a nice TV channel for conservatives that don't want to be challenged.

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Is it Fox reporting the Bush will run? Fox is a disgrace and has zero credibility. Hannity and O'Reilly could be from another planet they are so removed from reality.

Hannity and O'Reilly are not part of the NEWS of FoxNews - they offer opinion on the news and perform interviews. Hard fact news is reported by other segments of FoxNews.. The same as with many other news organizations.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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The Forbes numbers are right on.

It has been pointed out to you repeatedly that they are not "Forbes numbers", yet you continue to double down on the same dishonest claim.

I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.

― Friedrich Nietzsche

You have a point. They are not just Forbes numbers. They are THE numbers.

Economic data is no secret. You won't hear it on FOX but it's no secret.

GOOGLE: '63 months economic expansion FOX' and see how many hits you getcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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More posts removed. Continued discussion of sources of information will be removed. The thread is NOT about FOX news. Perhaps a posting holiday will help some members get the message? Having many, many posts removed doesn't seem to be doing the trick.

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The Republicans really don't have a prayer of winning the White House for the foreseeable future...make that ever. It doesn't matter which of the idiots they prop against any democratic candidate. Old racist white men are just not going to get you there any more.

Paul, Cruz, Bush, Santorum, Trump, jeesh...please stop. It's going to be the same cluster "F" it was last time with a landslide victory for Hillary or whoever the Dems put up there. I'd like Elizabeth Warren but at this point it looks like Hillary's turn.

The most thing for me is never allowing another Republican in there to ever choose another Supreme Court Justice.

Are you an SJW?

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Is it Fox reporting the Bush will run? Fox is a disgrace and has zero credibility. Hannity and O'Reilly could be from another planet they are so removed from reality.

And Rachael Madcow, Chris Matthews, Rev Al Not-So-Sharpton, Nancy Grace and the rest of the liberals have any credibility? cheesy.gifclap2.gif

There are no true news networks any longer... They ALL spin stories based on an agenda... That is why alternative media is now handing all of them their lunch... Trust any information on the boob-tube at your own risk...

There was a time when "news networks" actually reported the news instead of trying to create it... Alas, those days are long gone...

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The Republicans really don't have a prayer of winning the White House for the foreseeable future...make that ever. It doesn't matter which of the idiots they prop against any democratic candidate. Old racist white men are just not going to get you there any more.

Paul, Cruz, Bush, Santorum, Trump, jeesh...please stop. It's going to be the same cluster "F" it was last time with a landslide victory for Hillary or whoever the Dems put up there. I'd like Elizabeth Warren but at this point it looks like Hillary's turn.

The most thing for me is never allowing another Republican in there to ever choose another Supreme Court Justice.

Are you an SJW?

Obviously not because he doesn't support free speech, separation of the 3 branches of government nor the will of the people... Much like every liberal I have had the displeasure of coming into contact with...

Americans are starting to wake up as is demonstrated by the recent mid-term election results... No matter how the liberals try to spin it, they had their collective asses handed to them... 60 of the Dem elected officials that voted for the ACA are no longer in office... Seems actions speak louder than words Pinot, but considering you do not support the will of the people, we shouldn't be surprised by your views...

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The Republicans really don't have a prayer of winning the White House for the foreseeable future...make that ever. It doesn't matter which of the idiots they prop against any democratic candidate. Old racist white men are just not going to get you there any more.

Paul, Cruz, Bush, Santorum, Trump, jeesh...please stop. It's going to be the same cluster "F" it was last time with a landslide victory for Hillary or whoever the Dems put up there. I'd like Elizabeth Warren but at this point it looks like Hillary's turn.

The most thing for me is never allowing another Republican in there to ever choose another Supreme Court Justice.

Are you an SJW?

Obviously not because he doesn't support free speech, separation of the 3 branches of government nor the will of the people... Much like every liberal I have had the displeasure of coming into contact with...

Americans are starting to wake up as is demonstrated by the recent mid-term election results... No matter how the liberals try to spin it, they had their collective asses handed to them... 60 of the Dem elected officials that voted for the ACA are no longer in office... Seems actions speak louder than words Pinot, but considering you do not support the will of the people, we shouldn't be surprised by your views...

That's putting a lot into the post that is not in the post either explicitly or implicitly, directly or indirectly, inductively or deductively.

If Jeb Bush has in fact become the candidate of the Republican party establishment, which is the word now going around, Republicans are going to get wiped out across the board in November 2016 when voter turnout/participation will be closer to 60% than to the 38% in the election we just had. In the election we just had a majority of the 38% wrought all the damage the right sector so adores and foolishly looks forward to perpetrate on the whole of the country.

So now the far right can look on and gaze at Prez Obama's legacy tour which will occur over the next two years and it's going to drive you guys wild.

In meantime the Republican Party Presidential Clown Car is being jammed full of assorted weirdos with a fatso from Jersey thrown in for additional effect. The senators are first term wiz kids who know everything about nothing, the governors in it are completely remote from the national electorate and foreign/national security issues, and Jeb Bush is, well, Jeb Bush.

"Madam President"....get used to it....

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