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Looking for normal people in Bangkok to be friends & hang out with


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You want to help me with my 19 month old daughter while her mother is at work?

Can go to the mall, sight see or go to the zoo

heck yah?? that sounds fun... i dont have any kids but love em. I work monday-thursday but am free during the weekend. Let me know?

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If you ever visit Chiang Mai, you could hang out with my wife and I...we like traveling around... even put a bike rack on the car.

Going to Doi Ang kahn, 3 hours or so north of Chiang Mai, near the burma border tomorrow.

We are pretty normal. ..... but I suppose that is subjective.

that sounds perfect, i LOVE biking around. I'm working tomorrow but thanks so much for inviting me.. let me know of any other exploring you do and I would love to join ya (i dont have a bike though, but any other adventures I'm game for) clap2.gif (actually, I was considering buying a bike, maybe that will encourage me even more)

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Dang. I almost fit the bill. I don't drink. I don't chase women. I'm old enough to be harmless (almost). I work too many hours to even consider having a real life.

But then you lost me with that "normal" thing...

if your not out "chasing woman", i think your the normal i'm speaking of... and I dont always drink.. just when i'm bored really. working too many hours to have a real life.. that, my friend, is what i consider "normal" in this big world.. maybe i should have elaborated or chosen a different word besides "normal" but.. i think you get the idea 555

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Surely in Bangkok though, where the most diverse and complex infrastructure exists in Thailand there must be exclusive Ladies or mixed clubs, societies, that you could maybe join?

I understand that it must be difficult being a single lady trying to make quality friends but in my experience joining sports clubs or musical societies can be very rewarding.

I liked the Church idea but sometimes those places can be the hardest places to make friends for many reasons, one of them being the clickish attitude that a lot of Church goers have.

I am sure that there must be a Cyclists club in Bangkok where you could also meet friends.

In Pattaya we have a great group of friendly people of all genders and ages who meet up every week for bike and walking and the pace is always set by the slowest person. (The Pattaya jungle Monkey hash house harriers)

Generally joining in with this type of activity sets the pace for meeting other people through the group and thus increases the possibility of meeting up with other like minded people

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Many men,not all,but many come to Thailand to have A good time.Thailand is known for fun.I imagine there are some men,A

Minority that might like to hang out.Um as far as farang women they do exist but they are few and far between.

Checkout Zcraigslist,not the wild part but the other women looking for men,women looking for women.

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Ignore the nonsense you'll see on here about how only men who are interested in the sex trade come to Bangkok - there are plenty of normal expats here, both male and female.

If you want to meet sociable, like-minded church folk you could try a group like Newsong - http://newsongbangkok.net/

As has been said, look for meetups. I would also suggest you try Twitter, there is a thriving expat scene on there and they regularly organise social events. https://twitter.com/hashtag/bangkok might be a good place to start.

There is much more to Bangkok than this place would lead you to believe!

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hay im a "farang" 555 giggle.gif

thanks for all the links and ideas ladies and gents... and for the invites to hang out laugh.png

its very much appreciated...

as far as "normal" i basically meant .. like a normal friend.. meaning not anything to do with sex...

however.. i guess im pretty abnormal overall...

im generally in my own little world.. thinking about the universe and outer space and day dreaming of hammocks on the beach ect.

i like bugs and flowers and... im the type to save a bug from death, as opposed to killing it.. i'll capture it (with my bare hands) and set it free outside..

the only thing im actually frightened of is roaches.. so when the sun goes down and the roaches come out... im freakin LOL

the rats dont bother me as much... i dont know why im mentioning all that..

hay i also like art! drawing, painting.. not that ive done a whole lot of that.. but its crossed my mind and ive drawn and painted a few things in the past ... and i love to take pictures of flowers, nature, clouds, bugs ect.. im really a kid at heart.. still love cartoons.. but dont watch television.. even in america.. a bunch of garbage i dont need in my mind

also would love to catch some sunrises and sunsets...

anyways i live on sukhumvit, near phrom kanong.. or whatever..

if anyone is in the sukhumvit area on the weekend, i usually hang out at a pool near terminal 21... getting bored with that though, would like to take a bus trip to a beach nearby if anyone is game for a little adventure..

& i like that park across from sofitel, i just sit there and stare into the trees, .. i guess im kinda weird actually..

im random, spontaneous, spiritual and like to talk about REAL issues in life.. no pointless conversations... lets talk about what makes you laugh, what makes you cry...

i dont care for sports or celebrities blah blah blah...

and does anyone (normal tongue.png 555) actually hang out at the thai visa restaurant/bar?

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I second the recommendation for the Meet-Up App. It's a free app that you can download for your phone and basically it groups like minded people into all sorts of interest groups in their area and makes it easy for these groups to plan their group activities. There are a hundred or so diverse interest groups based in Bangkok. I'm an atheist and a scuba diver and there are several of both these interest groups in Bangkok.

Also two organizations I would recommend, that have many meetings and social/travel functions are the Foreign Correspondents Club (no you don't have to be a journalist to attend most of their functions) and the Siam Society (on Asoke). They have many cultural land historical lectures about Thailand, have trips around country, and havea nice cafe and library at their clubhouse.

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Glitter, sweetheart, "Looking for normal people ... to hang out with". Why? Normal people are dull, predictable, hidebound, routine-driven and, thanfully, fairly scarce in this great city. Seek out the weirdos, the square pegs in round holes, the ones

who secretly play chess in go-go bars and you will find joy. Just keep your eyes open and you won't get hurt. Yes,

the frisson of danger around the whacky is alluring.

A recovering-relapsing-recovering-relapsing addict and a homeless guy who had been writing the great American novel for the past 12 years were probably the most interesting two people I knew when I was at school in the States. I cross the street to avoid

"normal" people.

LOL....your adventure? Playing chess in gogo bars?

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OP: try Chickynet - lots of normal women on there and I've met several good friends through it here in BK

And ignore the intellectually challenged on here claiming that it's all a big 'boys club': it's not-plenty of expat ladies here too (lawyers, accountants, engineers, doctors, etc.) but as they are here for career reasons, and not busy posting nonsense here when they've run out of cash for their hooker de jour, the posters on here never meet them (hence think they don't exist). And I'm as thankful about that as them :)

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A female Christian TEFLer doesn't sound like much fun to hang out with.

I may be wrong.

I'm sure some would say the same about you.

I have about 200 relatives living in CM, and children living with me.

It would be a relief to get some time on my own.

That would explain it then!


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