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Can Baidu give you a virus that removes desktop icons?

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I tried to simply download some youtube videos for students and naively installed an app to do so. The next thing I know, google is squelched and I have a baidu icon on my desktop. The browser now defaults to this "ask bs garbage" instead of google. I was scanning documents and then the icon for my scanner disappears and is replaced by this crap baidu icon!!!!!!! Where can I go to get some help? Is Fortune near Din Daeng a good place?......Any help or suggestions would be great! Thank you


Baidu!!! A real pain to get rid of! Don't try the Baidu removal tools, they won't work and will cause you more problems, just waste your time. Don't use the uninstall option either. It will make you go to their website and make you go barmy.

Go to programs in control panel and uninstall everything named Baidu. Then go to my computer, programs and delete everything called Baidu, then do a search on Baidu and delete everything with a link to anything Baidu. Then try, if it will allow you, do a system restore to a date prior to getting the problem.

I have managed to remove it on friends' computers but it is a real pain. Good luck.

It can be done. Otherwise it may be better to format and reinstall Windows.


Also use a good cleaner like CCleaner to rid your registry of Baidu. It is hard to get rid off. Pay special attention to any new downloads as it often piggybacks in.

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You probably "agreed" to install third party software (a sneaky checkbox somewhere in the install process).

Try googling "Tubulator" if you want a nice app to download youtube videos (and others). It's guaranteed free of nastiness (I know, because I made it).

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Please just stay calm. Download the UninStaller Pro version, uninstall it in "Super mode" and all traces of this shitty Chinese bs is gone.

If it says that you've to restart,please don't do so. Let the UninStaller do the job first.

I had to deal with products from Baidu pretty often. Never use anything from them, never click on "recommend" when downloading a program.

Let the Chinese shit be where it supposed to be. In China. Baidu= Behavioral Attitude Damaged Uninstall immediately.


Baidu has been hacked several times and could possibly be the culprit when it comes to viruses and low performing PCs...

Baidu is Chinese owned and it is known that they share information that they glean from their products with government agencies... as does Google, Microsoft etc etc

Sometimes it pays to read the 'Terms of Use' when downloading these products... as banal an exercise it might be...


NetVideoHunter is the best video downloader of them all in my opinion.

Not just youtube videos, but any video including those embedded on websites.

When getting rid of Baidu, use an uninstaller such as RevoUnistaller and let it search for remnants.

If you have any shortcut icons either in the taskbar or on the desktop, right click on those, then properties and see if Baidu is there also.

Click on the Windows icon and in the bottom where is says Search Programs and Files, type in regedit and then use the search function

in your registry editor to find anything Baidu related.

Clear any Baidu related cookies and anything in all browser histories Baidu related. Easy to search them out.

Make sure your browsers are not set to Baidu as the home page as well. Cheers!


Baidu is a virus. Uninstall it fast. Get the free Avast antivirus or the free AVG, both great products. Baidu is nothing but malware. If you have it on your devices you only have you to blame for every problem your device encounters.


All I can say is that when I got lumbered with it, the spyware programme I used gave the option to remove Baidu. But neither that nor trying to remove it from program files worked. Then somewhere along the line, I lost my spyware programme - but I also noticed that I was no longer getting the irritating Baidu messages.


Baidu is not a virus, it's a search engine that redirect or hijacks your settings to go to their website instead of your other choices, such as Google.

You don't have to freak out over it, if you don't like it then don't use it.

FYI - Antivirus programs won't get rid of it for that reason, it's not a virus. You have to remove as per my instructions.

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Interestingly Baidu is not considered a virus but it should be as it infests your computer from one end to the other and opens up opportunities for others viruses, malware, spyware and bots. Once on your computer it is a pain to get rid of

Dont bother with windows uninstaller, use revo uninstaller and opt for the strongest option of removal. follow with regrepair and then go into regedit and do a search for Baidu and delete any traces that it brings up.

Finish with CCleaner..

Makes me think that the applications that attach these third party options (usually) sneakily are just as shonky as Baidu itself.


A very easy and simple way to remove baidu and all it's registry entries is to go to

1. ninite.com

2. download and install the "Revo" it's under the "utilities" section. It is a very good uninstaller and will scan and remove all associated registry entries.

3. After that is complete reboot your system

4. Again go to ninite.com and download on of the mailware removal tools, personally I like the "Spybot 2" but "Malewarebytes" and "Ad Aware" are also very good

5. Do a system scan for maleware and do the fix for any that is found.

That should fix you up nicely


Baidu can give you a virus that makes warts grow on your thingy.

That's how intrusive it is.

I hope your wife, or girl friend can handle that by now.......bah.gif

Baidu seem to have a lot of new products and even software providers like Cnet give you all that buffaloshit.

Time to nuke them....( the viruses)-facepalm.gif


Baidu!!! A real pain to get rid of! Don't try the Baidu removal tools, they won't work and will cause you more problems, just waste your time. Don't use the uninstall option either. It will make you go to their website and make you go barmy.

Go to programs in control panel and uninstall everything named Baidu. Then go to my computer, programs and delete everything called Baidu, then do a search on Baidu and delete everything with a link to anything Baidu. Then try, if it will allow you, do a system restore to a date prior to getting the problem.

I have managed to remove it on friends' computers but it is a real pain. Good luck.

It can be done. Otherwise it may be better to format and reinstall Windows.

Agree in full. I had to do exactly the same as BWPattaya about eight months ago. Look for registry entries as well. I am not sure whether Baidu can get in again via the back door if registry is still tainted.


Shouldn't you be able to go back to previous backed up copy prior to Baidu? I think it's under accessories

After installing Baidu you probably won't have any system restore pints to go back to. It disabled system restore on the one I sorted out.


I finish uninstalls by searching my system with 'everything' search utility. No need to bother about 'search in hidden files also' . Very quick. Many download sites that I used to trust are installing crap ware on to your system now, including sourceforge which was sold recently. If you can't find the website of the original developer, I wouldn't download it.

JRT - Junkware removal tool is a powerful remover, sorted my problem with malware sharpish.

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