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When you first came to Thailand - Do you remember what you ate?


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A spicy bowl of Tom Yum Goong. I nearly choked to death on the first spoonful, my throat closed up and I coughed and cried for a while. Now I love the stuff.

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Me too...not so much the choking, but I get spicy, I get seafood...and now I get TYG quite a bit!
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First night with my mates our fishing guide too us out to introduce us to Thai food.

He was French but spoke Thai like a native and ordered dish after dish of who knows what.

Have to say that some of it was pretty good but other stuff was disgusting. He told us

later what we had been eating....pigs ears, hundred year old eggs (he claimed were

pickled in horses urine) etc.

Been to Thailand many times now and will eat most anything, including deep fried bugs.


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My very first meal was chicken and cashew nuts on Khao San Road!

Very adventurous, I'm sure you'd agree!

Ohh, if its the dish done in sticky dark sauce with vege resembling a large green chilli, its deliciious!

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I went straight to a Thai only restaurant knowing nothing about Thai food. No guide. The smell of food all around was so good I didn't care about possible consequences.

The order was cowmeat and rice in English. While trying to figure out why smelly fish sauce was on every tabel, I was served chicken and rice. I thanked the waiter. I was very happy.

The Big Mac never even crossed my mind. Goodbye McDonalds.thumbsup.gif

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My first meal when I arrived in 1977 was something over rice, maybe fried basil, at a restaurant on the back side of Siam Square, near PhyaThai Road. I think that row of food stalls is gone now. I picked up the little dish of chilis and fish sauce and dumped it over the food. Been hooked ever since.

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