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Going to Cambodia on Monday , helpful advice please


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I am going to Cambodia (flying in to Phnom penh ) it was not a planed trip so I dont have much time to plan things and hope to get some good quick advice please,

My son is going there for work for a few days and I was offered a free flight (monday)and hotel for a few days so I am going that is why it is short notice.

Now they have also let me return when I want so I am going to take about 3 extra days there and the extra days I have to pay my own hotel ,

My question is any good recomadations on good guest houses, we're westerners go,night life area , things to do of interest . Would like to go to the killing fields , any other recomadations . I have been to Siam reap so I don't want to go there again . I want to concentrate around phnom penh

I have a Siam bank Card and a Canadian bank card can I use them in Cambodia?

I will be taking Thai baht also .

Any advice thanks in advance

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Go to Tuol Sleng (Genocide Museum, prison, torture centre; one of the most blood chilling places on Earth) FIRST, then to Choeung Ek (Killing field) in the order the poor bastards who went to both did it.

You'd be surprised how many rush off to Choeung Ek then nip into Tuol Sleng as almost an afterthought....

A Cambodian Prison Portrait: One Year in the Khmer Rouge's S-21 Prison, by Vann Nath is a must read as it's the only account of life in the prison written by a survivor.

Oudong is worth a visit from Phnom Penh if yo're a history or temple buff but you may have to stump up for a taxi (about 30/40$ both ways)

If you want a decent 'no frills' budget place in a good location the Dara Reang Seay on 118th is pleasant enough and has an OK, cheap restaurant downstairs as well as friendly owners. If you contact them they'll arrange an airport pick up for you http://www.darareangsey.com/index.php/2014-05-29-15-29-37/dara-reang-sey-phnom-penh

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Thanks for the advice

I seen the movie many times and have always wanted to go there.

I did read a little on he Internet about it also

Any recomadations on transportation , how is renting a scooter there ?

Or hire a taxi for a day ?

And night life area

Thanks again in advance

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You could do a day trip to Angkor Borei (look that up on the internet). On the way there are a few other temples. Visit the National Museum before going there as they have a lot pieces from those sites.

Money: If you come with Thai baht you can change those easily and without much loss at the Central Market, outside the market at the corner Street 136/Calmette. The one directly on the corner is usually not as good as the others. Also much better rates for USD. Change your USD there and pay with riel you will save a little money although carrying more bills around.

Guesthouses: What is your budget? I generally find Cambodian accommodation more reasonably priced than in Thailand.

Depending on how much time you have to extend think about Sihanoukville. Nice beaches, fresh air. 2-3 days there are worthwhile. Food is also good.

Be aware on tuktuk that thieves might try and snatch your bag. Same holds true for the Central Market area.

Final suggestion: Breakfast at a Chinese joint with Dim Sum and Wonton soup plus a lot of strong coffee.

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Oudong as mentioned is about 40 minutes North of Phnom Penh above isn't quite in the same league but is well worth a visit for half a day.

As for SIM cards you can get one at the airport for about $1.50 - $2. You could use your Thai SIM if you have a post paid account and if True allow 'roaming'. You'd best call their service centre

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Thanks for the info

I looked on the Internet and there seems to be some nice hotels/ guest houses with swimming pools that are reasonable price

I seen the market and other things to do . Like the palace and museums

I am flying tomorrow with TG and looking forward to Cambodia

Welcome more info thanks

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just flew in on friday

u can get FREE sim at the airport an top up, good for intertnet as well

Temp, very nice

get ur visa on arrval; 1 photo $30

Try and sit at the front of the plane so ur off fast to line up to get ur voa

Taxi to riverside is now $12/ tuk tuk 10

i stay on street 172 at the hometown hotel $18/night an fine for me

Lots of places on this street, plenty of rest and only 1 blockmto riverside

BARS have exploded since i was last here last JUly

streets 104, 110, 130, 136 are full of hostess bars.

not as many tourist as i was expecting

traffic has gotten worse

they just had a garbage strike that ended thursday so the city has a slight aroma still

Locla market on streets 148 and of course u hav ecentral market an the Russian market

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  • 2 weeks later...

Must see: Tuol Sleng, Choueng Ek, National Museum, Royal Palace, Wat Onalom, The Central Market.

Guesthouses: Take recommendations from TripAdvisor, Booking.Com, etc. I like to stay on 172 because I know a lot of people in the area but there are better value options elsewhere.

Night Life: Street 51, Street 172, some parts of BKK1, and the girly bar districts and the Riverside

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