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Sorry if this topic is unethical but I've been trying to get my son some work(he's only 17 months I hear you cry!), we've had a few castings but no work as yet, my son gets so much attention from Thais wherever we go and all of the castings we've been to we have been crowded by the girls working in the offices who just want to touch our boy - sometimes it's silly! They crowd around like he's a movie star already! We get constant attention on the streets too! I understand that this is normal for half-Thai/half falang babies/children but we have noticed our son getting a lot more attention than others...

Now, I'm obviously aware of the pitfalls of having to run around like an idiot when some agency calls us for another casting and I am also aware of the risks that this kind of work may have on our son but I'm happpy to give it a try.

Does anybody have any tips/experience/contacts which can help us?

I already have a business in Thailand which is doing fairly well so the money is not important but we would like to do this just to try it out

any advice is appreciated

Thanks in advance

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If you've any sense you'll pay heed to the problems that occur for children who have been forced into any kind of publicity by their parents.

OK 1:1000 chance of having a problem, 1:1000,000, even at those odds I'd give it all a wide birth and leave the kid out of the lime light.

If you've any sense you'll pay heed to the problems that occur for children who have been forced into any kind of publicity by their parents.

OK 1:1000 chance of having a problem, 1:1000,000, even at those odds I'd give it all a wide birth and leave the kid out of the lime light.

do you have any examples GuestHouse?

If you've any sense you'll pay heed to the problems that occur for children who have been forced into any kind of publicity by their parents.

OK 1:1000 chance of having a problem, 1:1000,000, even at those odds I'd give it all a wide birth and leave the kid out of the lime light.

after a moments thought I want to question YOU more on your answer to my question GuestHouse...

Do you have a working son or daughter? Do you have friends who have a working son or daughter? Have you ever known anybody who have a working son or daughter? These are the answers I'm after from people who HAVE had these experiences please

I think me and my boys mum are realistic to think that even if we do get some work for him then we will be able to control his destiny, we understand that there are some nasty elements involved when doing this kind of work and to be frank we are quite happy with our level of comitment and respect of his early years but we also think it could be good for him under the right circumstances

Any other thoughts on this?

do you have any examples GuestHouse?

Well since you did ask

Do you have a working son or daughter?

No, my children do no work - They are children.

Do you have friends who have a working son or daughter?

No I do not.

Have you ever known anybody who have a working son or daughter?

Yes I have, my Aunt and Uncle had a son who, as a child, was an advertising model in the US, he was killed in Vietnam. I personally know that his parents regret having pushed him into advertising and I personally know that they feel this robbed him of part of his childhood. I personally know because I discussed this with them, hence my first response.

Now since you are so keen to question ME and since I have answered your questions. Let me remind you of something YOU said.

Sorry if this topic is unethical but I've been trying to get my son some work(he's only 17 months I hear you cry!),

You asked the question - I've answered you and you have taken exception to my answer.

You should have thought about that before posting the question.

Sorry if this topic is unethical but I've been trying to get my son some work(he's only 17 months I hear you cry!),

quote from G.H.

You asked the question - I've answered you and you have taken exception to my answer.

You should have thought about that before posting the question.

What sort of a parent are you ?

Give your son a life and look after his health and well being.

By your own admittance you say it is unethical.

Ask any parent about the attention they get and they will tell you it is usual in Thailand.

Is your son a business venture also then or what.

This sort of selfish crap is an insult to the loving parents who spend their lives TRYING against all odds to provide the best they can, not only in feeding and clothing them but also loving them as human beings.

As if there aren,t more important needs to see to for him.

I hope all the replies are in the same context as ours and you get the kick up the backside you deserve.

You make me :o

marshbags :D:D:D


Why on earth would anyone want to turn a 17 month old kid into a freak show? :D

He is a kid, for God's sake, not a commodipty to sate your own vacarious pleasures. :o

Just give him a stable, loving, contented family up- bringing, and your pleasures will be all the greater.


If that's your kid (your avatar) then let me tell you this, your son is NOT dazzling than any other mixed race kids. Sure he's gorgeous but to be a model it takes a lot more than that. My friends's daughters are a lot better looking than yours, they were approached by the agencies and had photos taken, but several years gone they never heard from any agency again.

I can understand the parents' joy but you will need to be realistic. Most girls will pay attention to babies/young kids any way!


You want work for your 17 month old? My advice is to wait until he is about 5 years old then you can get him selling garlands at any road junction or planting rice. Seiously ask your son what he wants.


When adults react to small children does it have an impact on them? If everyone is constantly telling a small child how cute they are and giving them attention for all the cute little expressions and things that they do and expressing this in a way so that the child knows that this cute act is what's getting the attention.......if this happens do you think it could encourage the child to act cuter and cuter and to be happier and happier when his/her cuteness is acknowledged....and sadder and sadder when the cuteness is not acknowledged?...could this develop into a need for praise...praise whenever the "act" is performed?...and depression whenver the "act" is not praised enough?.....I don't know....what do you think?


Go for it mate - it will do your son absolutely no harm to get 200,000++ baht for making a baby powder commercial.

I knew a one year old girl who was getting 20,000 baht a day.

I have a little girl who is a stunner - there have been many people asking for her photos and for her to go down to Bangkok. When she was under 3, fine. Now I'm not so sure. She knows she is beautiful - not sure if that is good or bad- time will tell.

When adults react to small children does it have an impact on them? If everyone is constantly telling a small child how cute they are and giving them attention for all the cute little expressions and things that they do and expressing this in a way so that the child knows that this cute act is what's getting the attention.......if this happens do you think it could encourage the child to act cuter and cuter and to be happier and happier when his/her cuteness is acknowledged....and sadder and sadder when the cuteness is not acknowledged?...could this develop into a need for praise...praise whenever the "act" is performed?...and depression whenver the "act" is not praised enough?.....I don't know....what do you think?

chownah, thank you for your measured reponse, I think you have a good point, we already praise our son whenever he does anything good or funny anyway, that is natural isn't it?

Neeranam, thanks for the support, I see absolutely no harm in doing a little bit of this, perhaps it might help pay for a better education of possibly a visit to my very old grandparents who have not had the chance to see my son yet...

mr_hippo, I'll consider this, money is money after all :D

Thai-Aust, thanks for the compliment!! I should have a professional take his photo just for my avatar then we can have a real contest(that was a joke I would like to add before all you worms come out of the woodwork!) Personally I feel that my son is 'dazzling' obviously other people may not agree with me, so lets not start a 'my child is more beautiful than yours' please, and lets also keep the comments on topic yeah...

Mister Doom, I think you are getting a bit carried away here, like Neeranam said it would do no harm to make a little extra money from a day in a studio!

marshbags, you also are getting a bit carried away here, 'give your son a life' what the <deleted> do you mean by that? My son has a wonderful life, he has a loving mummy and daddy, has a beautiful home & lots of normal friends

'This sort of selfish crap is an insult to the loving parents who spend their lives TRYING against all odds to provide the best they can, not only in feeding and clothing them but also loving them as human beings.'

give it a rest you moral crusader you, this sounds like it was plucked right out of a feminist pamphlet or something :o

GuestHouse, I'm sorry to hear your sad story, I understand that if a child is pushed into any kind of publicity then it can affect them as they are growing older, especially if they are not so cute any more and start to lose the attention which made them a 'star' which is exactly NOT what I'm thinking about, again, like Neeranam said it will do no harm at all to get a few jobs and some nice savings for my family.

I am not trying to push my son into being some kind of star like some you can see on the TV here, I'm just thinknig about nappy or powder adverts in magazines or similar, I really don't think this is some kind of freak show in all reality.

Any more useful, intelligent & polite responses will be appreciated :D


Hmm, okay. A measured response.

My eldest, who is quite a beauty with big blue eyes and long blonde hair, has done a bit of 'work' in the past. Living in Asia she sticks out like a sore thumb - did a few commercials in Japan and Korea and shoots for Pumpkin Patch in Oz and a Qantas TV commercial . . .

I have a 6-figure USD income so no need for the extra money - my wife liked the idea and it gave her a bit of a thrill - plus paid-for C-Class travel, even without me.

The little 'beauty' got quite stuck up from people telling her even more how gorgeous she is and the rest.

We stopped this crap as it was getting out of hand . . . we couldn't take a normal vacation photo anymore without the 'princess' smiling her camera-smile, she refused to clean her room once as 'the maid can do it, she thinks I'm pretty' (the slap on her bum was pretty as well, following that comment)

My advice - don't do it. It is not necessary and the type of people you meet with their kids are so up themselves it's pathetic . . . all based on your child's looks. It helps no-one's development, least of all your child's, if you thrive for attentionn through you child then God help you.


None of you have seen my daughter!!! She is more beautiful than any of yours!! I know this is true ,because I am from London and her Dad. OK


Yeah i say do it, people are just giving you negative feedback because thats what they do with every post.

Pepi stop trying to be like me

Hmm, okay. A measured response.

My eldest, who is quite a beauty with big blue eyes and long blonde hair, has done a bit of 'work' in the past. Living in Asia she sticks out like a sore thumb - did a few commercials in Japan and Korea and shoots for Pumpkin Patch in Oz and a Qantas TV commercial . . .

I have a 6-figure USD income so no need for the extra money - my wife liked the idea and it gave her a bit of a thrill - plus paid-for C-Class travel, even without me.

The little 'beauty' got quite stuck up from people telling her even more how gorgeous she is and the rest.

We stopped this crap as it was getting out of hand . . . we couldn't take a normal vacation photo anymore without the 'princess' smiling her camera-smile, she refused to clean her room once as 'the maid can do it, she thinks I'm pretty' (the slap on her bum was pretty as well, following that comment)

My advice - don't do it. It is not necessary and the type of people you meet with their kids are so up themselves it's pathetic . . . all based on your child's looks. It helps no-one's development, least of all your child's, if you thrive for attentionn through you child then God help you.

Thanks for that sing_sling, good response and very much point taken! My wife also gets quite a thrill out of the possibility of our son doing a commercial or photo shoot, I think that going to these castings is ok for now but I will keep my eyes open for the signs, the last thing I would want is for our son to think he was better than his friends.

I'm aware that we might not even get offered any work so all this might be in vain...

would you agree with a previous response saying that it might be ok doing this kind of thing just now and then up untill about 3 years old? Is this about the age that your daughter started becoming the princess?


I guess it was about at age three or four . . .

Another sad thing is the gleam in mother's eyes when their little ones are casting, only to be hugely disappointed when it doesn't work out.

My wife, who was a lawyer until she bought herself a heart and conscience, actually was approached to sue companies for not choosing their kids for this and that . . .

Parents expect so much from their kids . . . time to chill.

If you really want to do it then go ahead, but I would suggest to drop it before you even start, though looks like you will anyway. . . . :o


Mister Doom, I think you are getting a bit carried away here, like Neeranam said it would do no harm to make a little extra money from a day in a studio!


That,s one opinion and of course it is welcome but i,d quantify his wellbeing as first priority.


marshbags, you also are getting a bit carried away here, 'give your son a life' what the <deleted> do you mean by that? My son has a wonderful life, he has a loving mummy and daddy, has a beautiful home & lots of normal friends


You make the point splendily in the above quote about giving him a life.

He has exactly what a 17 month old child should have and you are " giving him a normal life. "in a controlled enviroment as every loving parent should.

This will be taken away from him along with reality should you start the new venture, ask any of the grown up child stars ect. who will advise you the same as i am.

Using the F word by the way doesn,t do you any credit on a response to a post that you, after all invited our views and thoughts of.


'This sort of selfish crap is an insult to the loving parents who spend their lives TRYING against all odds to provide the best they can, not only in feeding and clothing them but also loving them as human beings.


Are you really thinking only of your son.

Again as you say in the above about his life now, we are blessed to be able to provide what we call a normal and " wonderful life " while so many unfortunates do not.

All i,m saying is put his well being first and be thankful you are in a position to do so, others are not so lucky.


give it a rest you moral crusader you, this sounds like it was plucked right out of a feminist pamphlet or something :o


Feminists, do gooders and politically correct *#@%&**# have a lot to answer for, the negative state of society as we now see it, due to the one sided implementations as they see the world by.

Not all by the way as there are good things that come out of this, so don,t paint me as totally chauvinist, more of a give and take kind of person who apppreciates reason from both sides

If you want to be more reasonable in your reaction to my thoughts, why not be more reasonable, and call me an armhole or something for not giving your post encouragement in how you,d like me to and thereby ignoring what i consider basic principles on the upbringing of a child.

In my humble opinion of course.

Why see these things in a negative way, just because they differ from what you,d like me to put.

Inferring i support / read biased Feminist articles is beyong the pale, i,m hurt :D :D :D

marshbags :D:D:D

P.S. they,re asking for extras in another thread if your interested in making doshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


sounds like more of an ego trip than anything else. my son (half-Thai) attracts a crowd wherever he goes as well but I think that's typical for light skinned luuk kreung kids in Thailand. of course his mom and I think he's the most gorgeous boy in the world.... but we might just be a little bit biased.

I notice you pulled down your avatar the minute someone made a less than 100% complimentary statement and thats quite a telling reaction indicating you may not be prepared to deal with what's in store for your kid and family. nevertheless you seem determined to proceed regardless of any negative feedback so best of luck and hope you can handle the situation.


Nikkijah "I already have a business in Thailand which is doing fairly well so the money is not important but we would like to do this just to try it out"

Also from same poster "mr_hippo, I'll consider this, money is money after all "

So you are doing it for the money.

sounds like more of an ego trip than anything else. my son (half-Thai) attracts a crowd wherever he goes as well but I think that's typical for light skinned luuk kreung kids in Thailand. of course his mom and I think he's the most gorgeous boy in the world.... but we might just be a little bit biased.

I notice you pulled down your avatar the minute someone made a less than 100% complimentary statement and thats quite a telling reaction indicating you may not be prepared to deal with what's in store for your kid and family. nevertheless you seem determined to proceed regardless of any negative feedback so best of luck and hope you can handle the situation.

I know how your son feels :o


I'm amazed at how horrible some of you folk on here can be. Truly amazed.

There are babies in commercial ads on TV all the time. If the guy wants to try it, so what. He was only asking for advise on how to go about it. Some of you have given good advise but some of you have just been plain nasty. :o

All i can say (through personal knowledge) is that it is a hard industry, with many knock's and set back's. Be prepared for those and take advise from the people who say that if your not careful, the kid could grow up to be a bit of a brat, i have seen them but i have also seen kids in the industry who have grown up to be great. Best of luck.

I'm amazed at how horrible some of you folk on here can be. Truly amazed.

There are babies in commercial ads on TV all the time. If the guy wants to try it, so what. He was only asking for advise on how to go about it. Some of you have given good advise but some of you have just been plain nasty. :D

All i can say (through personal knowledge) is that it is a hard industry, with many knock's and set back's. Be prepared for those and take advise from the people who say that if your not careful, the kid could grow up to be a bit of a brat, i have seen them but i have also seen kids in the industry who have grown up to be great. Best of luck.

Maybe he does need to hear some bad stuff too, if not to keep him focused.

I'm with you though MrB, again.

Leave off it people, offer him some useful advise, what is it, you all got ugly kids.... :o:D


Nikkijah "I already have a business in Thailand which is doing fairly well so the money is not important but we would like to do this just to try it out"

Also from same poster "mr_hippo, I'll consider this, money is money after all "

So you are doing it for the money.

I was taking the p1ss mr hippo :o

If you go back and put the quote back into context then you will see...

sounds like more of an ego trip than anything else. my son (half-Thai) attracts a crowd wherever he goes as well but I think that's typical for light skinned luuk kreung kids in Thailand. of course his mom and I think he's the most gorgeous boy in the world.... but we might just be a little bit biased.

I notice you pulled down your avatar the minute someone made a less than 100% complimentary statement and thats quite a telling reaction indicating you may not be prepared to deal with what's in store for your kid and family. nevertheless you seem determined to proceed regardless of any negative feedback so best of luck and hope you can handle the situation.

hmm, not really an ego trip in my opinion, more of an adventure, I think it will be fun to see new things and for my son to see different things as well, no harm done and no movie star in the making ok.

as for my avatar removal, I was less than impressed at what one poster said so I decided to remove it so as to not get any more stupid reactions to this thread(that I now wish I'd never created) It is impossible to prevent what people say about my son or anybody else for that matter so I thought it was best to keep him out of this particular argument(which, for some posters here it IS becoming!)


I'm amazed at how horrible some of you folk on here can be. Truly amazed.

There are babies in commercial ads on TV all the time. If the guy wants to try it, so what. He was only asking for advise on how to go about it. Some of you have given good advise but some of you have just been plain nasty. :D

All i can say (through personal knowledge) is that it is a hard industry, with many knock's and set back's. Be prepared for those and take advise from the people who say that if your not careful, the kid could grow up to be a bit of a brat, i have seen them but i have also seen kids in the industry who have grown up to be great. Best of luck.

Maybe he does need to hear some bad stuff too, if not to keep him focused.

I'm with you though MrB, again.

Leave off it people, offer him some useful advise, what is it, you all got ugly kids.... :o:D


Thanks guys, I fully understand the possiblity of knock-backs and thankfully we are not going to rely on my son for an income, if anything was to happen then it would just be a bonus(though some of you may not think so)

We actually enjoy the morning out which we don't get too often as I have to work all f the time, we take Nikki to the studio in question, have a few pics taken then we're off to the department store for some shopping :D

The first casting we went to we were obviously excited, we thought Nikki had the job already, I think this is a normal reaction for a Mum and Dad, we thought we would get the call in the next couple of days - we didn't and we weren't upset, straight away we realised that this is how it would be, since the first casting we have been for some more and no phone calls but each time we have made a day out of it, my lady has liked the clothes she bought, Nikki has some new toys and a face full of ice cream and I have my new tool or gadget, it's a fun day out :D

after what some people have said I think I'll keep on going to the castings as we never know what might be needed, if we get a sh1tty job offer then we will not take it just because its money, if we get a job offer which sounds good, sounds fun even, then we will consider it, however, I have taken heed of some peoples advice not to persevere any more and other peoples advice to perhaps leave it to rest when Nikki is about 3 years old, we'll see how this goes.

I would like to keep people informed of the situation and any freakish changes in my sons behaviour :D

watch this space!


about 3 months ago , my 3 year old thai nephew was "seen" in a shopping mall by someone handling the thai advertising for a large camera manufacturer.

his mum was asked if she would allow him to be used in a photographic shoot for an advertising campaign promoting a new digital still camera.

she said yes.

a month later the mum , the child and 4 assorted family hangers on (including myself) were taken to the coast , a condominium unit had been rented for the day , and along with a crew of about 6 super trendy bangkok advertising people and a photographer and a catering crew we all made our way to the beach where the "star" was presented with colourful buckets and spades and other beach type kiddy toys and encouraged to run around , sit around , splash around and generally enjoy himself by his mum and some of the ad. crew whilst the photographer snapped away.

after an hour or so we were all fed and watered back at the condo.

at no time was the boy treated any differently to how any child at the beach with a group of adults would have been treated , he was just encouraged and allowed to play and giggle.

an enjoyable time was had by all.

providing a child is not subjected to a gruelling workout or made to do something that would cause him or her to object by tears or tantrums then i cant see the problem with it.

kids here get a lot of attention anyway.

i would worry however , if the photo shoots were occuring regularly and the child started showing signs of becoming a prima donna.

about 3 months ago , my 3 year old thai nephew was "seen" in a shopping mall by someone handling the thai advertising for a large camera manufacturer.

his mum was asked if she would allow him to be used in a photographic shoot for an advertising campaign promoting a new digital still camera.

she said yes.

a month later the mum , the child and 4 assorted family hangers on (including myself) were taken to the coast , a condominium unit had been rented for the day , and along with a crew of about 6 super trendy bangkok advertising people and a photographer and a catering crew we all made our way to the beach where the "star" was presented with colourful buckets and spades and other beach type kiddy toys and encouraged to run around , sit around , splash around and generally enjoy himself by his mum and some of the ad. crew whilst the photographer snapped away.

after an hour or so we were all fed and watered back at the condo.

at no time was the boy treated any differently to how any child at the beach with a group of adults would have been treated , he was just encouraged and allowed to play and giggle.

an enjoyable time was had by all.

providing a child is not subjected to a gruelling workout or made to do something that would cause him or her to object by tears or tantrums then i cant see the problem with it.

kids here get a lot of attention anyway.

i would worry however , if the photo shoots were occuring regularly and the child started showing signs of becoming a prima donna.

nice positive post taxexile :D

Sounds like you had a lovely day out, I hope that if we do get any jobs then they are as nice as that one!

Like you said, no-one would want a gruelling photo shoot with tears and all, my fingers are crossed for a trip to the beach :o

I notice you pulled down your avatar the minute someone made a less than 100% complimentary statement
For those who miss the avatar photo of this wonder child, there is another picture of his in the OP’s profile with something strange sticking out of the top of his head, together with his wonder mother. Is that an ugly scar above the baby’s right eyebrow? It can’t be my monitor’s screen; I wiped it clean.

Very nice, though, in the picture composition, are the monks walking past in the background.




P.S. Am I hallucinating, or is the OP’s avatar back but with another grimacing face replacing the earlier one? Why can’t the avatar disappear, too, when I put somebody on my list of ignored users?

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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