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another day another rip off attempt

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Come on all you keyboard warriors, obviously you've noticed by now the OP hasn't made another comment.

Anyone want to lay a bet he's a disgruntled bar owner losing money to this discount beer bar!!!

Either that or some motorcycle taxi has just charged him 16thb for a 15thb ride.

The person I was visiting somewhere in Pattaya told me it was 100 Baht for a motorcycle taxi to Walking Street. The taxi took me, I gave him 100 baht, no problem, going back, I told a taxi where I wanted to go and offered 100 Baht, he said OK, when we got there I gave him the 100 Baht, then he said 150 Baht, I said no, and walked away, he started shouting what were probably some Thai obsenities. I don't use these guys often, I really hate them, and I would say about 50% of them have tried it on.

On two occasions they wanted 70 Baht for a ride which I new was only 10 Baht. watch those guys outside Don Muang train station.


Here's my scam story. Yesterday I went to a black canyon coffee shop in an area that doesn't see a lot of farangs. I ordered a latte with an extra shot. They misunderstood me and charged me for 2 lattes. I had other things on my mind and didn't notice. I got my latte and walked out. Stopped to light a cigarette. The dam thieves came out and gave me back the money for the extra latte that I ordered. How dare they not live up to the reputation that is rampant here.

This is as rude as when Konying's customer dared to return after Konying refused to give back 1 baht change for 30 minutes.

Was there any other kind of fruit in Black Canyon?

Good thing is TV is not short of illiterate trolls, otherwise it would be boring.

Lets try to break it down like to a 2 year old.

Konying decided to see how long cheap charlie would wait for 1 baht change.

Because cheap charlie came to eat every single day and every single day took his change down to 1 baht.

This time cheap charlie waited for 30 mins for 1 baht.

Clearly to some people 1 baht is worth 30 mins of their life, just as loosing to place to eat over 1 baht.

But hey, please carry onfacepalm.gif

I did understand you. Rather than give him the 1 baht back and thank him for his business you decided to do an experiment and then call him names on this forum.

If his change had been 5 baht, would you have done that same thing? How much should the change be before you return it without calling the customer names?

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Here's my scam story. Yesterday I went to a black canyon coffee shop in an area that doesn't see a lot of farangs. I ordered a latte with an extra shot. They misunderstood me and charged me for 2 lattes. I had other things on my mind and didn't notice. I got my latte and walked out. Stopped to light a cigarette. The dam thieves came out and gave me back the money for the extra latte that I ordered. How dare they not live up to the reputation that is rampant here.

This is as rude as when Konying's customer dared to return after Konying refused to give back 1 baht change for 30 minutes.

Was there any other kind of fruit in Black Canyon?

Good thing is TV is not short of illiterate trolls, otherwise it would be boring.

Lets try to break it down like to a 2 year old.

Konying decided to see how long cheap charlie would wait for 1 baht change.

Because cheap charlie came to eat every single day and every single day took his change down to 1 baht.

This time cheap charlie waited for 30 mins for 1 baht.

Clearly to some people 1 baht is worth 30 mins of their life, just as loosing to place to eat over 1 baht.

But hey, please carry onfacepalm.gif

I did understand you. Rather than give him the 1 baht back and thank him for his business you decided to do an experiment and then call him names on this forum.

If his change had been 5 baht, would you have done that same thing? How much should the change be before you return it without calling the customer names?

As i said, stick to 30 baht street stools.

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What I don't get is how so many of you are saying bad things about the OP. He was being ripped off. It doesn't matter if it was only 30 baht or any other amount. This tends to happen all too often in this country and just because some of you are willing to put up with it that just gives them more incentive to do it to others. I feel the same, I don't want to be charged more than what I am supposed to be paying. At what point do some of you feel it is alright to lodge a complaint? 100 baht? 1,000 baht?

It would have to be a great deal more than 30 baht. It seems like OP caused the server to lose face. Let's say the girl honestly thought it was 55 baht a bottle. Then it looks like you are "making a problem" over FIVE baht. At 55 baht a bottle, they are not making a killing. At 45 baht, they are giving it away.

In any case, making a fuss in a bar over small things can often lead to a BIG needless hassle.

No offense to all the guys standing on "principle", or to the OP. We all have our own ways of looking at these moral dilemmas.

You will find not too many Thai would be making a scene over 5-10 baht, so when a foreigner does it, who is supposedly rich, it gives all foreigners a bad name.

I know i have had customers wait for 1 baht change, yes you read correctly, 1 baht change.

He came to eat every single day and physically licked the plates, and always without a fail waited for 1 baht change.

1 day i wanted to see how long he would wait, so did not give back immediately.

30 mins he sat there, then asked about his 1 baht, and believe it or not had the nerve to return the next day.

You do not want to know what thai staff were saying and talking about foreigners.

Many people who are that cheap and petty suffer from a disease called poverty consciousness. It does not matter how much money they have. They think they are poor. Being this petty is both a bore, and is irritating to all involved. My guess, is that it would never even occur to this guy to leave a tip. And I am not talking about one baht. I think it is courteous to leave a tip of at least 20 baht, for every meal. These people work hard, and make little. Does the 20 baht matter that much to us? Really?

clap2.gif Apperantly even 1 baht matters to a number of "quality" expats and visitors. For 20 they would run to the keyboard and scream scam of the centurylaugh.png

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I did understand you. Rather than give him the 1 baht back and thank him for his business you decided to do an experiment and then call him names on this forum.

If his change had been 5 baht, would you have done that same thing? How much should the change be before you return it without calling the customer names?

As i said, stick to 30 baht street stools.

If his change had been 5 baht, would you have done that same thing? How much should the change be before you return it without calling the customer names?

  • Like 1

clap2.gif Apperantly even 1 baht matters to a number of "quality" expats and visitors. For 20 they would run to the keyboard and scream scam of the centurylaugh.png

May I respectfully point out that before you start to "take the rise" out of fellow posters you should check your spelling apperantly should be apparently-it makes you look rather foolish whistling.gif


clap2.gif Apperantly even 1 baht matters to a number of "quality" expats and visitors. For 20 they would run to the keyboard and scream scam of the centurylaugh.png

May I respectfully point out that before you start to "take the rise" out of fellow posters you should check your spelling apperantly should be apparently-it makes you look rather foolish whistling.gif

Look at my spelling,? I am sorry i did not realize i was in a spelling test of some kindw00t.gif

But carry onwhistling.gif

I did understand you. Rather than give him the 1 baht back and thank him for his business you decided to do an experiment and then call him names on this forum.

If his change had been 5 baht, would you have done that same thing? How much should the change be before you return it without calling the customer names?

As i said, stick to 30 baht street stools.

If his change had been 5 baht, would you have done that same thing? How much should the change be before you return it without calling the customer names?

That is the big IF, you would just need to live without knowing what i would have done IF.

So sadly for you, you are stuck with the 1 baht factor.

Were you that cheap ass customer by any chance? since you so bothered by 1 baht, i wonderfacepalm.gif


clap2.gif Apperantly even 1 baht matters to a number of "quality" expats and visitors. For 20 they would run to the keyboard and scream scam of the centurylaugh.png

May I respectfully point out that before you start to "take the rise" out of fellow posters you should check your spelling apperantly should be apparently-it makes you look rather foolish whistling.gif

Look at my spelling,? I am sorry i did not realize i was in a spelling test of some kindw00t.gif

But carry onwhistling.gif

It is actually more of an integrity test.............. but carry on, you have failed both whistling.gif


clap2.gif Apperantly even 1 baht matters to a number of "quality" expats and visitors. For 20 they would run to the keyboard and scream scam of the centurylaugh.png

May I respectfully point out that before you start to "take the rise" out of fellow posters you should check your spelling apperantly should be apparently-it makes you look rather foolish whistling.gif

Look at my spelling,? I am sorry i did not realize i was in a spelling test of some kindw00t.gif

But carry onwhistling.gif

It is actually more of an integrity test.............. but carry on, you have failed both whistling.gif


I did understand you. Rather than give him the 1 baht back and thank him for his business you decided to do an experiment and then call him names on this forum.

If his change had been 5 baht, would you have done that same thing? How much should the change be before you return it without calling the customer names?

As i said, stick to 30 baht street stools.

If his change had been 5 baht, would you have done that same thing? How much should the change be before you return it without calling the customer names?

That is the big IF, you would just need to live without knowing what i would have done IF.

So sadly for you, you are stuck with the 1 baht factor.

Were you that cheap ass customer by any chance? since you so bothered by 1 baht, i wonderfacepalm.gif

I am not the one who is bothered by 1 baht, you are the one who posted about it in the first place.

I do not believe I was that customer. What is the name of the restaurant?


I am not the one who is bothered by 1 baht, you are the one who posted about it in the first place.

I do not believe I was that customer. What is the name of the restaurant?

You do not believe you are the customer. is it your custom to wait for 1 baht change?giggle.gif


What I don't get is how so many of you are saying bad things about the OP. He was being ripped off. It doesn't matter if it was only 30 baht or any other amount. This tends to happen all too often in this country and just because some of you are willing to put up with it that just gives them more incentive to do it to others. I feel the same, I don't want to be charged more than what I am supposed to be paying. At what point do some of you feel it is alright to lodge a complaint? 100 baht? 1,000 baht?

According to some, when you get ripped off you just bend over and grab your ankles, because to complain is Thai bashing.

if it was an accident why did the cashier start screaming F you? all I done was to ask for my change

from the girl who was waiting on, I never raised my voice just asked politely.

when I had a drink in the place before I had allways drank large beers and after seventeen years here I may

of let my guard slip slightly and trusted the barmaid not to try and scam me.

a few months back I got a motorbike taxi to my place, I gave the taxi lad what I thought was 40 baht for

a short journey the driver gave me a puzzled look ? when I got indoors I realised what the look was for

I had given him 1020 baht! and when I told my mates the next day everyone had a good laugh over it.

most Thai's are not liar's and cheats some are.

You say all you done was ask for your change , however in your first post you say "so i tells her to go and get my change" that sounds more like the true story . manners or in some cases lack of manners is what caused your problem .

the true story is I was told my bill was more than it was, I found this out,

I sat and waited for my change, when none arrived I asked the girl for my change

without raising my voice,

the girl come back and gave me my change (35 baht) she did pull a bit of a face but

nothing noteworthy, about the same time the cashier came from behind her till and

proceeded to F and blind me up and down, I then put the 20 baht back in

my pocket that I was going to give as a tip, I did reply to the cashier in a sarcastic

way as after all said and done by now it did not appear as an accident.

in the past in other bars when there is a mix up/accident the staff are quite shy and

mostly laugh and say sorry, I have never seen this screaming F..ing ranting way

of explaining what went wrong before.

some friends reckon that now I don't go to other bars other than my local as much as I

used to, so maybe this is a new thing and I am just not in the big time Charlie squad.

but I quite like drinking where the girls actually look out for you and the thai boss will

invite you to their kids parties...ect

all the staff get bought a present on their birthdays from me and my missus and we

make sure a few hundred baht goes into their tips on boxing day.

but if others enjoy the different places where it might be more exciting and hey I

have gone in the other place lots of times and never had a problem personally

and I don't have problems in other bars.

but I don't go along with letting people take money from you without you giving

it, its called stealing where I come from and its illegal ,where ever you are you

should be given your correct change, no excuse's it is not up to them.

p.s I have since been told the

cashier did not know about the

wrong prices being quoted by the girl?

could explain a few things if true.


I am not the one who is bothered by 1 baht, you are the one who posted about it in the first place.

I do not believe I was that customer. What is the name of the restaurant?

You do not believe you are the customer. is it your custom to wait for 1 baht change?giggle.gif

No, that is why I do not believe it. I also avoid the self tipping places.


I am not the one who is bothered by 1 baht, you are the one who posted about it in the first place.

I do not believe I was that customer. What is the name of the restaurant?

You do not believe you are the customer. is it your custom to wait for 1 baht change?giggle.gif

No, that is why I do not believe it. I also avoid the self tipping places.

I know,, just imagine you will be forced to leave 1 baht tip after eating on daily basisgiggle.gif

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I am not the one who is bothered by 1 baht, you are the one who posted about it in the first place.

I do not believe I was that customer. What is the name of the restaurant?

You do not believe you are the customer. is it your custom to wait for 1 baht change?giggle.gif

No, that is why I do not believe it. I also avoid the self tipping places.

I know,, just imagine you will be forced to leave 1 baht tip after eating on daily basisgiggle.gif

I could live with that as long as I was not part of the staff's social experiment.

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I could live with that as long as I was not part of the staff's social experiment.

What ever made you think you are not on daily basis?w00t.gif


If I was the one in this bar then I would expect to have received a check-bin with the first drink and then edited twice afterwards if three drinks in total were ordered. If each drink was 45 baht then the check-bin would read 135. Now let us assume that for one reason or another I didn't read the check-bin when it came for time to pay. If I didn't read it, then my fault. Now let us assume that I thought the beers were priced at 55. Now the check bin would have disabused me of that but as we know in this little story I didn't check. So now I think the bill is 165 and the check bin is sitting there with 135 on it. From the perspective of the check-bin if I handed over 100+20+20 that would clearly get 5 baht change. If I handed over 100+50 that would clearly get 15 baht change. If I handed over 200 baht I would get 65 baht change. However, if I handed over 100+50+20 this would be clearly unnecessary unless I was leaving a tip. If I did leave this combo of notes and then demanded change the bar staff would clearly in this case think I was playing games, and get a bit upset. If in actuality I kicked off because I thought they were cheating me out of 5 baht the situation is primed for a bit of nonsense communications. So, to summarise, I obviously can't read what's stuck in front of me on the table and I'm very very silly going to war over a situation which wasn't what I thought it was.

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When the dek serves in bars give me an attitude because I only leave a ten baht tip on the tray, I take it back and say "ok, you no want John keep." Reminds me when I was a boy and didn't stoop to pick up a penny and my mother said: "Today you laugh at a penny...one day you'll cry for a penny." I guess that's why I retired at forty...thanks mom! Seems like some Thais need to listen better to mom.


But as you chose to retire in Thailand (and still talking about your mum), it is up to you to abide by the social codes, mores and values of your adopted country not to preach at them.

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When the dek serves in bars give me an attitude because I only leave a ten baht tip on the tray, I take it back and say "ok, you no want John keep." Reminds me when I was a boy and didn't stoop to pick up a penny and my mother said: "Today you laugh at a penny...one day you'll cry for a penny." I guess that's why I retired at forty...thanks mom! Seems like some Thais need to listen better to mom.

Seems that some farang should be less condescending.


But as you chose to retire in Thailand (and still talking about your mum), it is up to you to abide by the social codes, mores and values of your adopted country not to preach at them.

Please provide a detailed list and explanation of what you are talking about.

Thank you


When the dek serves in bars give me an attitude because I only leave a ten baht tip on the tray, I take it back and say "ok, you no want John keep." Reminds me when I was a boy and didn't stoop to pick up a penny and my mother said: "Today you laugh at a penny...one day you'll cry for a penny." I guess that's why I retired at forty...thanks mom! Seems like some Thais need to listen better to mom.

Seems that some farang should be less condescending.

Leave NOTHING on the tray.

Inquire if diligent and attentive dek serves are permitted to keep all "tips in the hand".

If the answer is yes, TIP in the hand

At the same time telling them that you TIP only for SERVICE.

Ask 'em how they like "thai style" tipping. Or Chinese or Russian style. Or low rent Japanese for that matter.

Add to this comment (if your Thai or their English is good enough) that ANYTHING they have heard to the contrary from their stoopid "aunties" about farangs and tipping is bullshit racism.

The younger ones get it.

You will have done your bit.

  • Like 1

But as you chose to retire in Thailand (and still talking about your mum), it is up to you to abide by the social codes, mores and values of your adopted country not to preach at them.

Please provide a detailed list and explanation of what you are talking about.

Thank you

Just read your comments and draw your own conclusions.

When the dek serves in bars give me an attitude because I only leave a ten baht tip on the tray, I take it back and say "ok, you no want John keep." Reminds me when I was a boy and didn't stoop to pick up a penny and my mother said: "Today you laugh at a penny...one day you'll cry for a penny." I guess that's why I retired at forty...thanks mom! Seems like some Thais need to listen better to mom.

Seems that some farang should be less condescending.
Leave NOTHING on the tray.

Inquire if diligent and attentive dek serves are permitted to keep all "tips in the hand".

If the answer is yes, TIP in the hand

At the same time telling them that you TIP only for SERVICE.

Ask 'em how they like "thai style" tipping. Or Chinese or Russian style. Or low rent Japanese for that matter.

Add to this comment (if your Thai or their English is good enough) that ANYTHING they have heard to the contrary from their stoopid "aunties" about farangs and tipping is bullshit racism.

The younger ones get it.

You will have done your bit.

The waitress is not a 'beer dek' She is 'service'staff. If you want to tip her give her the money direct not on the tray. Tray money goes to the bar not the staff. Many of these girls are really poor, trying to help their families,and DO NOT GET A SALARY. They rely on our generosity

and tips. The mean minded, mean spirited, scrooges here make me ashamed. If you can't afford to tip 10 Baht then do not go out for a drink. Do not come to Thailand.

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LOL worrying about 30 Baht in a brothel.

Absolutely amazing, you and 31 other people who liked your post enjoy being lied to and cheated. Wow!

And it is not a brothel.


When the dek serves in bars give me an attitude because I only leave a ten baht tip on the tray, I take it back and say "ok, you no want John keep." Reminds me when I was a boy and didn't stoop to pick up a penny and my mother said: "Today you laugh at a penny...one day you'll cry for a penny." I guess that's why I retired at forty...thanks mom! Seems like some Thais need to listen better to mom.

Seems that some farang should be less condescending.
Leave NOTHING on the tray.

Inquire if diligent and attentive dek serves are permitted to keep all "tips in the hand".

If the answer is yes, TIP in the hand

At the same time telling them that you TIP only for SERVICE.

Ask 'em how they like "thai style" tipping. Or Chinese or Russian style. Or low rent Japanese for that matter.

Add to this comment (if your Thai or their English is good enough) that ANYTHING they have heard to the contrary from their stoopid "aunties" about farangs and tipping is bullshit racism.

The younger ones get it.

You will have done your bit.

The waitress is not a 'beer dek' She is 'service'staff. If you want to tip her give her the money direct not on the tray. Tray money goes to the bar not the staff. Many of these girls are really poor, trying to help their families,and DO NOT GET A SALARY. They rely on our generosity

and tips. The mean minded, mean spirited, scrooges here make me ashamed. If you can't afford to tip 10 Baht then do not go out for a drink. Do not come to Thailand.

Actually manic, with all due respect here both to your charitable sensibilities and the needs of dek serves everywhere, I tip for service and I tip well.

I do NOT tip some kid who grovels to some fake fat auntie farang expert who has TOLD the kid that we are stupid and rich and we have to tip Thais.

Instead I try to find out where in the bar the old hose bag is roosting and I crack into her about her being no better than a Mae Lao and that she and her racist bullshit belong in a museum of touristic horrors.

The only tip she'll get from me is that when she visits her kid in Helsinki she should never eat the golden snow she sees outside the bars and pubs.


LOL worrying about 30 Baht in a brothel.

Absolutely amazing, you and 31 other people who liked your post enjoy being lied to and cheated. Wow!

And it is not a brothel.

To be honest I would prefer to have ten bahts 'stolen off' me than share company with penny pinching, mean minded tight wads who make such a fuss about nothing and then try to hide their damaged personality behind 'it's a matter of principle.' A disgrace to us all.
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