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British national Tommy Diver taunts UK police from Thailand


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and the IRA finally agreeing to talks. The good people of America, who had funded the 'Freedom fighters' for so long had a taste of terrorism and the funding dried up. No money, no bombs.

I always thought the British government gave in to the IRA when they blew up the conservative government conference in Brighton and frightened Margaret Thatcher into surrender.

Nobody hates Margaret Thatcher as much as I do, but that is a ridiculous statement. I have friends who were killed after the Brighton bombings. Don't suppose anyone close to you has ever been killed by a freedom fighter?

Thought not. It makes you change the way you think - I was once very young and left wing with ideals about freedom fighters (never Irish).

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Next year's election will cement Sinn Feins position as the biggest party on the island of Ireland. Not bad for a bunch of so called murdering cowards. Maybe it has more to do with the brave decisions they make!!

Not personally touched by a death then? From either side - they were as bad as each other.

Convince me that the women and children that died were worth it. Seriously - convince me.

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I think you'll find the Good Friday agreement was signed in 1998.

That is before the horrific events of 9/11.

More than 3 years before in fact.

Care to explain the correlation.

Nobody I spoke to expected it to last (I studied politics, so the people I was talking to were informed).

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Next year's election will cement Sinn Feins position as the biggest party on the island of Ireland. Not bad for a bunch of so called murdering cowards.

The fact they surrendered in the face of half their members becoming touts doesn`t change the fact they were/are murdering scum.

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Next year's election will cement Sinn Feins position as the biggest party on the island of Ireland. Not bad for a bunch of so called murdering cowards. Maybe it has more to do with the brave decisions they make!!

Not personally touched by a death then? From either side - they were as bad as each other.

Convince me that the women and children that died were worth it. Seriously - convince me.

Well to be fair,

Protestant England conquered Catholic Ireland, forced the Catholic indignants off their land and brought in Protestant settlers.

One could argue the occupying settlers needed removing along with the occupying troops.

If the Protestant women and children refused to leave voluntarily, then they would probably be considered fair game to the resistance.

Nobody was forcing them to live there.

After all Rome played the same game a bit earlier in England, and the English tribes slaughtered all the Roman settlers.

Britain happily gave independence to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland (a little bit), et al, without a big fight, so why not Ireland?

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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You'd think Police (worldwide) would have learned by now ... if you put an arrest warrant out on someone, first automatically put a "stop" or "hold/cancel" out on their passport before announcing anything ... can't be that hard to do.

It's called UK diplomacy, not wanting to impact TAT tourism numbers.

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Protestant England conquered Catholic Ireland, forced the Catholic indignants off their land and brought in Protestant settlers.

One could argue the occupying settlers needed removing along with the occupying troops.

If the Protestant women and children refused to leave voluntarily, then they would probably be considered fair game to the resistance.

Nobody was forcing them to live there.

After all Rome played the same game a bit earlier in England, and the English tribes slaughtered all the Roman settlers.

Britain happily gave independence to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland (a little bit), et al, without a big fight, so why not Ireland?

Much like the USA then, why don`t you and fellow "settlers" piss off back to Europe and let the American Indians have their land back?

The only difference is Protestant immigration to Ireland started before the USA was even founded, meaning you`ve even less right to be there as Irish protestants.

This kind of simplistic view could only come out of an American mouth.

No one has denied the rights of Irish Protestants to live in Ireland. They are a significant minority who are viewed as Irish citizens in Eire as much as anyone else and will be so in the North when we are a nation once again.

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Why does Thailand open its doors to these types of people?

I'm sure with his attitude and mouth, he will get noticed very soon in BKK and someone will rat him in.

It's a pretty simple explanation.

Unless there is something logged on his Passport records to show he is a wanted man which would be flagged up at Immigration he would gain entry to Thailand just like everyone else,

In fact he would gain entry to nearly every country on the planet

So to summarize what is your point about somehow blaming Thailand for something that is the British Authorities fault for not confiscating or flagging his passport?

You have to consider the Brits are as smart as the Thais, after all they accepted the B.S. from Thailand on the deaths of 2 of their residents wink.png

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Protestant England conquered Catholic Ireland, forced the Catholic indignants off their land and brought in Protestant settlers.

One could argue the occupying settlers needed removing along with the occupying troops.

If the Protestant women and children refused to leave voluntarily, then they would probably be considered fair game to the resistance.

Nobody was forcing them to live there.

After all Rome played the same game a bit earlier in England, and the English tribes slaughtered all the Roman settlers.

Britain happily gave independence to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland (a little bit), et al, without a big fight, so why not Ireland?

Much like the USA then, why don`t you and fellow "settlers" piss off back to Europe and let the American Indians have their land back?

The only difference is Protestant immigration to Ireland started before the USA was even founded, meaning you`ve even less right to be there as Irish protestants.

This kind of simplistic view could only come out of an American mouth.

I have returned to my home country already, with no intention of returning to America.

I suspect I think a lot less of America than you do.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

That small group of Freedom Fighters took on the might of my uncle sleeping defenceless in his bed, with his kids in the next room waking up to the carnage. The very definition of cowardly if you ask me.

His crime? He was a protestant. The myth the IRA fought some kind of colonial invader is exactly that, that vast majority of their victims were fellow Irishmen and woman who happened to subscribe to a different brand of Christianity.

Sadly the Irish lobby in the states, much like the Israeli one, ensures Americans are force fed propaganda about the conflict , leaving them completely clueless about the real facts and what went on. Such ignorance largely funded the Irish conflict and still funds the Israeli one.

The IRA did not break into peoples houses and kill them for the mere fact they were protestant, you're thinking of how the Shankill butchers randomly murdered catholics.

I think you'll find the Good Friday agreement was signed in 1998.

That is before the horrific events of 9/11.

More than 3 years before in fact.

Care to explain the correlation.

Nobody I spoke to expected it to last (I studied politics, so the people I was talking to were informed).

Well it has lasted, so I guess you were all wrong, nevertheless, terrible dodge of the question. You were caught talking through your behind.

This re-writing of history to suggest the IRAs aim was achieve civil rights, and they were somehow akin to Martin Luther King, is shameful. The NI civil Rights movement was a completely different peaceful organisation that successfully delivered civil rights to the minority population. Have a read here and educate yourself, you really need to - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Ireland_Civil_Rights_Association

The PIRAs aims had nothing to do with Civil Rights and instead had the sole aim of removing British rule in Ireland. The fact they now administer British rule in Ireland lets you know how successful there were, and why they want to re-write history to the narrative you did above, and hide their complete defeat.

BTW at absolutely no time were catholics unable to vote in Northern Ireland. Ignorant nonsese, I bet you American.

Did you read that link yourself? Go ahead, give it a read, yes there was no "no catholics aloud to vote" discrimination, but go ahead and actually read that page, effectively, the catholic vote was purposefully strangled by the British state.

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You'd think Police (worldwide) would have learned by now ... if you put an arrest warrant out on someone, first automatically put a "stop" or "hold/cancel" out on their passport before announcing anything ... can't be that hard to do.

It not supposed to work like that, restricting of movement or denial of liberty to an individual is not to be done via absentia or by a third hand.

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Not personally touched by a death then? From either side - they were as bad as each other.

Convince me that the women and children that died were worth it. Seriously - convince me.

Well to be fair,

Protestant England conquered Catholic Ireland, forced the Catholic indignants off their land and brought in Protestant settlers.

One could argue the occupying settlers needed removing along with the occupying troops.

If the Protestant women and children refused to leave voluntarily, then they would probably be considered fair game to the resistance.

Nobody was forcing them to live there.

After all Rome played the same game a bit earlier in England, and the English tribes slaughtered all the Roman settlers.

Britain happily gave independence to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland (a little bit), et al, without a big fight, so why not Ireland?

Fair point, the Angles and Saxons probably killed their fair share of Celtic women and children too - but all of those events were hundreds then thousands of years ago; I like to think we're a bit more civilised now.

And as to why Britain clung on so stubbornly to Northern Ireland, I have no idea - Not certain about Canada, but no real fight for Australia partly because it was colonised by people from the mother country and New Zealand is a bit different in that they had a treaty with the Maori so never had as much control as in other colonies (although many would argue that fact, and put up very good arguments about it - I only know from the English history I studied not Australasian). Advocates of both sides will have very strong opinions on why it was so important to keep NI in the fold, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it didn't come down to 'we'll show them who's boss', as it can't possibly have been for defence, trade or any other logical reason that I can see.

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Cowardly scum, bravest thing they ever did was walk up behind off duty officers and put one in the back of their heads when they wernt looking. Send him back now!

Shoe works same on other foot both cowardly scum

Both sides did terrible things.

It's time to move on.

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I have no opinion as I know nothing about this person, but there are some very serious allegations.

My question is, why come to Thailand, as the incompetent corrupt Thai system is in bed with the UK, just look at the recent Brit Island murders here.

Many crim's....Yanks come here, where they have the 2nd biggest Yank* Embassy in the world on their tails which has offices from every imaginable Yankee department known to man kind. I mean, as back wards as Thailand is in so many ways, I struggle to see how it is a good country to hide in if you are on the run....let alone taunment authorities (Gov with Guns) at home. If these folks spend a few years in Thailand, (out of Pattaya, Spewket etc) I think they would choose a different country to hide in. Spose the TAT did a good job after all !!!

* Yank is a slang word that is not derogatory for American.

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I also studied politics.

I also studied history.

What happened on Good Friday was monumental.

It was an admission by both sides that violence had failed and another path was required.

The risk for both sides was great.

For the British establishment it would have been politically disastrous if it failed.

For those in Sinn Fein and the SDLP the risk was far greater.

Do you really think they would have signed up if they thought it would fail?

For Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness there were consequences no British politician faced.

I'd say those who told you it would fail didn't have a clear understanding of a conflict that has raged for over 600 years.

There is still no correlation.

I would stand by the discussions I had at the time though - and some of them were very heated discussions. Now that I've calmed down a little, I admit that I erred in attributing the ongoing campaign by the Real IRA to the IRA proper, and take in on the chin for making that mistake and jumping into posting without putting my brain into gear first. But still stand by everything else I wrote. Terrorism is not a nice business, regardless of wrongs and rights. Innocent people should never, ever die.

When it hits close, it can make you rather passionate and irrational when discussing.

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He's not in Thailand, he leading them on.

That is probably the truest thing that's been said here. I mean, would anyone be so stupid? Really? In his shoes I would have said South America if I were really in Thailand, and I'd be very surprised if he does turn out to be here.

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