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is just smiling insted of saying hallo rude to thais


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No offense, but if you're teaching English, another possible explanation for why others are giving you unwelcoming vibes might be because your written English is riddled with grammatical and spelling errors, and the students have taken notice and started complaining to other teachers and administrators. Just something you might want to consider.

Im on a small smart phone and i dont proof read what i write. There is nothing wrong with my teaching, the head of my english department encourges other thai teachers to sit into my class. You are a douch bag and the kind of teacher that no one really likes at all.

I guess reading comprehension is tough on a small smart phone as well.

Edited by Gecko123
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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

You are paranoid.
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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

You are paranoid.

Not really. I would say that you are quick to criticise without knowing what's going on. Two days on the trot, she avoids seeing me, she's only being at the gate for a short time and I never saw her before. Me and the other two Farangs that come through that gate every day. She doesn't ignore me now, what's paranoid about that.

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OP, you need to put it into the context of how she is with you generally, and how she is towards others, both foreign and native.

This probably had nothing really to do with you, it may have just been some other issue. On the other hand, depending on context, this might be an early sign to prepare to find a new job.

Only you can know from context. You should also know from how other people speak about her.

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From my own point of view i do not generally wai,as i am not a Thai,however if they wai to you,possibly it is polite to wai back,unless of course you are in Tesco or something and the checkout chick wais you,and is always a good idea in immigration etc,but i really can't get a handle on why the op is stewing about this so much.

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Don't worry!

Why should you follow local custom and what people here consider common courtesy?

After all, you came here to teach these people how to live more like you live in your own country.

Isn't that why you are here and not where people greet each other with a hardy " Howdy Partner!"?

At my school, I wai all teachers if they are my superior or not, and always have out of respect for them and their culture.

At a teacher's meeting recently it was mentioned by the director that some foreign teachers do not wai and that it is unacceptable and very rud not to..

When in Rome....

Also, all roads lead to Rome..

They also leave Rome.

If you do not like your job, maybe you should roam.

Up to you!


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Ask her out for a drink after work one day.

'It's my wei or the high wei'

tell her that.thumbsup.gif

Doubt she would except the offer of a drink.

If she did, she would probably reply,

"No! My wai is the Thai way!"

" Bye bye!"

Or more commonly known as... 'I'm Thai people'

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Oh well, in reality, the most important people at a school are the students for they are the reason the school exists, followed by the teachers because they provide the education, least important are administrators. i always lived by this when I was involved in education... act accordingly.

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You should have had gave her a respectful wai with your hands above your nose with a deep body bow.

Or you should not have had smiled at her, cuz now she thinks you are a pervert farang.

Anyway, don;t ever smile to any Thai women of high status/stature, nothing good will come for u.

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No matter how much we think we understand Thai culture there will be occasions it will mystify hence the success of internet discussion boards like this about Thailand. I am convinced even Thai's don't know the rules and make it up as they go along.

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Let's try not to read too much into this... Yes, you should have waied her. She's a high-ranking official at your place of employment. But you probably would've gotten the same reaction if you did. It's a simple intimidation technique to keep the line staff in order. We've all seen it before. Bosses, supervisors, managers, etc. that are very careful about coming off as too chummy with their subordinates. It happens all over the world, in every industry. Don't lose any sleep over it.

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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

You appear to be bordering on the creepy.

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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

You appear to be bordering on the creepy.

And you have a nasty suspicious mind. Read my other post. She wasn't waiing Farangs, avoiding looking at them. She does now. Saying that 'it's the principal that counts' is usually asking for trouble but I made an exception in this case. I pay good money for that school and expect at least a minimum of respect. Many of the hundreds of kids there know me and say hello, so why should I let her get away with that?

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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

You appear to be bordering on the creepy.

And you have a nasty suspicious mind. Read my other post. She wasn't waiing Farangs, avoiding looking at them. She does now. Saying that 'it's the principal that counts' is usually asking for trouble but I made an exception in this case. I pay good money for that school and expect at least a minimum of respect. Many of the hundreds of kids there know me and say hello, so why should I let her get away with that?

Fair point. But getting up in her face about it? The wai you got and will get in the future is not one of respect, but one of fear. Bravo.

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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

You appear to be bordering on the creepy.

And you have a nasty suspicious mind. Read my other post. She wasn't waiing Farangs, avoiding looking at them. She does now. Saying that 'it's the principal that counts' is usually asking for trouble but I made an exception in this case. I pay good money for that school and expect at least a minimum of respect. Many of the hundreds of kids there know me and say hello, so why should I let her get away with that?

Fair point. But getting up in her face about it? The wai you got and will get in the future is not one of respect, but one of fear. Bravo.

Twit. What do you think respect is based on in many cases? If I can't get it being my lovable honest self then I'll get it by other means.

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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

You appear to be bordering on the creepy.

And you have a nasty suspicious mind. Read my other post. She wasn't waiing Farangs, avoiding looking at them. She does now. Saying that 'it's the principal that counts' is usually asking for trouble but I made an exception in this case. I pay good money for that school and expect at least a minimum of respect. Many of the hundreds of kids there know me and say hello, so why should I let her get away with that?

" When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away." - I have read your post and whichever way you look at it your statement is creepy coming from a schoolteacher.

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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

You appear to be bordering on the creepy.

And you have a nasty suspicious mind. Read my other post. She wasn't waiing Farangs, avoiding looking at them. She does now. Saying that 'it's the principal that counts' is usually asking for trouble but I made an exception in this case. I pay good money for that school and expect at least a minimum of respect. Many of the hundreds of kids there know me and say hello, so why should I let her get away with that?

" When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away." - I have read your post and whichever way you look at it your statement is creepy coming from a schoolteacher.


This guy is too creepy to be teaching children.

Very happy my child is not exposed to him.

He has very serious self esteem issues.

If respect is forced, it is not really respect.

I have lost any respect I may of had for him now.

I wonder if he will be trying to force me to respect him now?


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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

You appear to be bordering on the creepy.

And you have a nasty suspicious mind. Read my other post. She wasn't waiing Farangs, avoiding looking at them. She does now. Saying that 'it's the principal that counts' is usually asking for trouble but I made an exception in this case. I pay good money for that school and expect at least a minimum of respect. Many of the hundreds of kids there know me and say hello, so why should I let her get away with that?

" When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away." - I have read your post and whichever way you look at it your statement is creepy coming from a schoolteacher.

Nincompoop. I pay for this private school where I take the kid every day. I never said I was a teacher

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"assistant director" since when was this position high stature?

I think they are just being rude and impolite or maybe they do not like you

As a whole I think more than 75% of Thai people are rude and ignorant and the way they are raised

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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

You appear to be bordering on the creepy.

And you have a nasty suspicious mind. Read my other post. She wasn't waiing Farangs, avoiding looking at them. She does now. Saying that 'it's the principal that counts' is usually asking for trouble but I made an exception in this case. I pay good money for that school and expect at least a minimum of respect. Many of the hundreds of kids there know me and say hello, so why should I let her get away with that?

Fair point. But getting up in her face about it? The wai you got and will get in the future is not one of respect, but one of fear. Bravo.

Twit. What do you think respect is based on in many cases? If I can't get it being my lovable honest self then I'll get it by other means.

Maybe you're not as lovable as you think you are.

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You'll be fired at the end of the year - trust me I was a teacher for many years and they hate having foreigners there and when you disrespect them like that they find a way to get rid of you.

Kinda like a Thai going to your country and refusing to shake the bosses hand.

How can anyone come here to work and not learn the nations etiquette??

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Im on a small smart phone and i dont proof read what i write. There is nothing wrong with my teaching, the head of my english department encourges other thai teachers to sit into my class. You are a douch bag and the kind of teacher that no one really likes at all.

He very politely pointed out that there is a possible reason is all.

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