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Parents warned after boy is stabbed for iPhone in Bangkok

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Parents warned after boy is stabbed for iPhone
By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Parents of a boy stabbed for his smartphone earlier this month are pleading with others to tell their children not to show their valuables in public.

Police have made no arrests in the week since the 13-year-old boy was assaulted by two men who stabbed him for his iPhone 5, prompting his parents to warn others Monday to be careful using smartphones in public.

The attack happened Dec. 16 on Phattanakarn Road in the Suan Luang area. Aaccording to Bangkok Post, the boy had gotten out of school and was playing with his phone while waiting for a bus.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2014/12/24/parents-warned-after-boy-stabbed-iphone

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-12-24


Oh yeah, no problem what so ever getting young people to not have their smart phones out in public ! ! ! ! cheesy.gif

Heck, the kids (actually everyone these days) would not know what to do with themselves. What morons could even think to stop kids from displaying their phones in public? facepalm.gif


"Parents of a boy stabbed for his smartphone earlier this month are pleading with others to tell their children not to show their valuables in public."

Anyone who is seen in possession of something valuable is an open target. This is a problem all over the world. Common sense would dictate not showing your valuables in public. However, what's the purpose of possessing valuable items if you can't show them off? In the U.S. children are stabbed in order to steal their NIke basketball shoes. Then there are carjackings. How about jewelry thefts? Basically, they are pleading for people to alter human nature in a materialistic world.

And, this being Thailand, there is the matter of face, which complicates the situation further. How else do they expect to gain face if they can't show that they have more than someone else...or, prevent losing face if they don't have as much as their friends and classmates?

At best, the police can improve their investigative abilities, make arrests of the guilty parties, and in some cases, perhaps not benefiting from from these thefts. .As for pleading for people to become austere. That is something Buddha accomplished. Most of his followers have yet to come close to attaining this.


Oh yeah, no problem what so ever getting young people to not have their smart phones out in public ! ! ! !

Heck, the kids (actually everyone these days) would not know what to do with themselves. What morons could even think to stop kids from displaying their phones in public?

For years, when I lived in China, my high school aged nieces and nephews begged me to bring them some fake $15 Rolexes.

This article is exactly why I wouldn't do it. I didn't want them getting stabbed over a fake Rolex.

Personally, I think the parents of the stabbed kid are doing a service to all parents with this warning.

Even if it gives just one set of parents a good story for why they save $800 of the family's money by NOT buying their kids something they really don't need- it's in the win column.

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Oh yeah, no problem what so ever getting young people to not have their smart phones out in public ! ! ! !

Heck, the kids (actually everyone these days) would not know what to do with themselves. What morons could even think to stop kids from displaying their phones in public?

For years, when I lived in China, my high school aged nieces and nephews begged me to bring them some fake $15 Rolexes.

This article is exactly why I wouldn't do it. I didn't want them getting stabbed over a fake Rolex.

Personally, I think the parents of the stabbed kid are doing a service to all parents with this warning.

Even if it gives just one set of parents a good story for why they save $800 of the family's money by NOT buying their kids something they really don't need- it's in the win column.

I agree, don't buy them these expensive toys. BUT if they do, don't expect them not to play with them in public.

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An Iphone5 is 2 years old now. Maybe worth 9,000b.

An 2 guys stabbed a 13 year old for it. Land of Smiles

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Oh the irony!!

Everyone having a go at the kid and his parents.

That 2 grown up men rob a 13 year old kid, is considered normal??

That's ThaiVisa for you!

It's totally the kid's fault. If he didn't have an Ipnone, he wouldn't have been robbed. (There is a heaping dose of sarcasm here!!!)


Why does it take no less than 2 men and a stabbing with a knife to relieve a 13 year old kid of his phone?

Anyway, there's nothing can be done about this and it'll only become more common as Thailand 'develops'. For all the fast moving changes going on around us here, it's still pretty safe to walk the streets after dark in many areas compared to the West. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Yeah yeah, consumerism and the want to have the latest gadget etc drives these purchases. It doesn't make the kid the offspring of a bad parent though, just because he had a nice phone.

Ask yourself what the must have thing was for you & your mates at school? Mobile phones didn't exist in my school days, the latest trainers / sports shoes or branded clothing was what had to be had. Being competitive with your peers whether material things or sport is a part of growing up. Never going to stop, just the dynamic will change. As we get older we learn to care and worry about different things and learn to prioritize what is important. A good upbringing instills values, decency and compassion upon children and young adults. It is something that has to be taught, nurtured and learned over time.

It is unwarranted putting the blame on the parents for providing, or the kid for having the phone. It is however, piss poor parenting that has created the type of people that took it upon themselves to take the kids phone. Large numbers of selfish & greedy shit's populate the world and unfortunately are allowed to breed. The only sense these types have is one of entitlement. They don't value anything or anyone and just do and take what they want.

Unfortunately it is a trend that is likely to continue. We live in a society where there are little or no consequences for the perpetrators - further bolstered by law enforcement that really isn't interested in protecting or improving the system.

The end.

Merry Christmas all.

Hope the kid gets a new phone.

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Why does it take no less than 2 men and a stabbing with a knife to relieve a 13 year old kid of his phone?

Anyway, there's nothing can be done about this and it'll only become more common as Thailand 'develops'. For all the fast moving changes going on around us here, it's still pretty safe to walk the streets after dark in many areas compared to the West. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Your idea of development is kids being murdered for last year Iphone? It won't stay safe long with this type of ideology.

Shall I remind you that consumerism was purposely successfully suppressed in THL for decades, and THL was everything we love then.

It was only when faced social protest, in order to shut up crowds (give and ignorant man an Iphone, he shuts up) that it was decided to open the door to full on consumerism.

It's not just about iphones and cars, they also allowed US import rotten financial credit products, which render most Thai household (uneducated people are the perfect prey for rotten credits) in debts all their life, making them ideal preys to loan sharks and changing for ever after their kind and positive outlook on life.


next they will tell the parents not to give big gold chains to their children to wear smile.png

Can play facebook or line from a gold chain silly. :)


A friend told me he was using his iphone in MBK (ironically on the fourth floor) when someone grabbed it out of his hands and ran away. You might expect something like this to happen on a dark street but not in a crowded mall.


Yeah yeah, consumerism and the want to have the latest gadget etc drives these purchases. It doesn't make the kid the offspring of a bad parent though, just because he had a nice phone.

Ask yourself what the must have thing was for you & your mates at school? Mobile phones didn't exist in my school days, the latest trainers / sports shoes or branded clothing was what had to be had. Being competitive with your peers whether material things or sport is a part of growing up. Never going to stop, just the dynamic will change. As we get older we learn to care and worry about different things and learn to prioritize what is important. A good upbringing instills values, decency and compassion upon children and young adults. It is something that has to be taught, nurtured and learned over time.

It is unwarranted putting the blame on the parents for providing, or the kid for having the phone. It is however, piss poor parenting that has created the type of people that took it upon themselves to take the kids phone. Large numbers of selfish & greedy shit's populate the world and unfortunately are allowed to breed. The only sense these types have is one of entitlement. They don't value anything or anyone and just do and take what they want.

Unfortunately it is a trend that is likely to continue. We live in a society where there are little or no consequences for the perpetrators - further bolstered by law enforcement that really isn't interested in protecting or improving the system.

The end.

Merry Christmas all.

Hope the kid gets a new phone.

And kids got beat up back then for a pair of Nikes - by other kids - not two men though


maybe if parents stopped buying their kids expensive toys it wouldnt happen but then I suppose they would lose face not having the best around, same applies to motor bikes/scooters they buy for their under aged kids too then bitch when they are killed or injured riding it illegally, tit.

So...ahm...that is your justification or excuse?

It is the fault of the parents of the victim?

Some people....

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Too many things wrong on so many levels here.

What are kids doing out on the street without adult chaperones?

Why aren't they in a secured and watched area waiting for bus?

Why is school letting them loose, off school grounds, for any reason, without proper supervision or being released into the hands of their legal guardians?

Thieves and criminals do what thieves and criminals do.

This is not about expensive iPhones.

It is about protecting children (they cannot protect themselves) and supervising children (nor can they supervise themselves).

To me, this is about the idiotic schools and the Ministry of Education and City Hall, and the Police and the parents and legal guardians and everyone else responsible for protecting the children, and rather instead not giving a damn about it.

It has nothing to do with a child holding an iPhone.


Yeah yeah, consumerism and the want to have the latest gadget etc drives these purchases. It doesn't make the kid the offspring of a bad parent though, just because he had a nice phone.

Ask yourself what the must have thing was for you & your mates at school? Mobile phones didn't exist in my school days, the latest trainers / sports shoes or branded clothing was what had to be had. Being competitive with your peers whether material things or sport is a part of growing up. Never going to stop, just the dynamic will change. As we get older we learn to care and worry about different things and learn to prioritize what is important. A good upbringing instills values, decency and compassion upon children and young adults. It is something that has to be taught, nurtured and learned over time.

It is unwarranted putting the blame on the parents for providing, or the kid for having the phone. It is however, piss poor parenting that has created the type of people that took it upon themselves to take the kids phone. Large numbers of selfish & greedy shit's populate the world and unfortunately are allowed to breed. The only sense these types have is one of entitlement. They don't value anything or anyone and just do and take what they want.

Unfortunately it is a trend that is likely to continue. We live in a society where there are little or no consequences for the perpetrators - further bolstered by law enforcement that really isn't interested in protecting or improving the system.

The end.

Merry Christmas all.

Hope the kid gets a new phone.

Being competitive about material things is not natural it's social engineering which needs to be reversed.


Too many things wrong on so many levels here.

What are kids doing out on the street without adult chaperones?

Why aren't they in a secured and watched area waiting for bus?

Why is school letting them loose, off school grounds, for any reason, without proper supervision or being released into the hands of their legal guardians?

Thieves and criminals do what thieves and criminals do.

This is not about expensive iPhones.

It is about protecting children (they cannot protect themselves) and supervising children (nor can they supervise themselves).

To me, this is about the idiotic schools and the Ministry of Education and City Hall, and the Police and the parents and legal guardians and everyone else responsible for protecting the children, and rather instead not giving a damn about it.

It has nothing to do with a child holding an iPhone.

I am sorry but your utopian vision sounds very similar to the Nanny State a lot of us are escaping from.....


Oh the irony!!

Everyone having a go at the kid and his parents.

That 2 grown up men rob a 13 year old kid, is considered normal??

That's ThaiVisa for you!

It's totally the kid's fault. If he didn't have an Ipnone, he wouldn't have been robbed. (There is a heaping dose of sarcasm here!!!)

I blame the parents - if they didn't have the kid this would never have happened - or maybe it was the grand parents fault for having the kids parents whistling.gif

I think society is at fault. We are not teaching our kids to grow up as responsible people. It' a sad state when the fault is always with the victim.

Why shouldn't a kid be happy and proud with his expensive toy? So not everyone can afford one but you are never going to get an equal society where every one has the same. Some people will always have more than others get over it and move on.

Was reading an article recently about kids in a UK private school getting mugged for their phones and ipads. The kids were identified as having expensive kit because their school blazers identified them as coming from a posh school.

The police advised them not to wear their school blazers in public so as not to attract the muggers.

How sad is that. - Kids should be proud of their school whatever it is, not skulk around pretending they don't come from a certain school.


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This is the type of crime the Thai Govt needs to make a priority to stifle by Thai Police. These are the same people who grab women's purses, tong from women's neck,...

How will Martial law address this type of Thai mentality?

These people are those whom add nothing to the Thai society and are probably using the stolen merchandise to pay for their drug habit. They are a drag on the Thai economy as I guess this is probably their method for an income.

The Govt need to work with phone manufacturers to disable these phones to the theft's can't sell them (thus they are worthless).

Yes maybe our kids are spoiled for having a smart phone but the idea of a random stabbing to steal someone's mobile phone is crazy.

NOTE --- I share my personnel experience in that my Thai wife & I were victims by a Thai man as we rode a motor scooter in Nakorn Nayok on a major road. The man came from behind us and grabbed my wife's gold necklace and then speed-off onto a country road. We were lucky he didn't kick our motor bike as he speed away so the only bodily harm was to my wife's neck from where the necklace was pulled. Also, lucky I just purchased the necklace two (2) day's prior on my US credit card so I was refunded 80% of the original purchase price. When we reported the crime to the local Thai police, they scratched their head and said they never heard of anyone doing this type of crime. I mandated a police report which both documented the event in Nakorn Nayok and supported my claim to the credit card company (which they translated).


Too many things wrong on so many levels here.

What are kids doing out on the street without adult chaperones?

Why aren't they in a secured and watched area waiting for bus?

Why is school letting them loose, off school grounds, for any reason, without proper supervision or being released into the hands of their legal guardians?

Thieves and criminals do what thieves and criminals do.

This is not about expensive iPhones.

It is about protecting children (they cannot protect themselves) and supervising children (nor can they supervise themselves).

To me, this is about the idiotic schools and the Ministry of Education and City Hall, and the Police and the parents and legal guardians and everyone else responsible for protecting the children, and rather instead not giving a damn about it.

It has nothing to do with a child holding an iPhone.

I am sorry but your utopian vision sounds very similar to the Nanny State a lot of us are escaping from.....

I am also sorry that you did not understand my intentions. I have children. When I am not able to be there with them to protect them from others and from themselves, I expect those to whom I release my children into their care to provide a safe environment for them.

Your comment suggests adults escaping to experience freedoms that adults cannot ordinarily experience where they are from, yes?

Again, I apologize if you misunderstood, but as a dad, I cannot do it all. I need help from the community. That is all I was implying. I cannot do it all, and I need help from like minded people who also put children first when children are in their care.

If there are gaps in a child's day, when they are unsupervised, then things like this will happen.

I guess, ...yes... it would be a nanny state, but for the children. I guess that is why they call them nannys; ...those who carefully watch over their little charges whilst mommy and daddy can engage in other activities.



Those two, who stabbed the child and stole the valuable item, also have a mother and father, and also once attended school as well.

They were probably, at one time, quite adorable and full of potential.

These things do not merely happen overnight.

Perhaps this is something to consider as well.

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in mexico they would have followed your kid to their party then murdered everyone and rob them.

they dont take crap from HI-so losers rubbing money in their faces.

buuuuuutttt.... there is nothing wrong with parents giving their children the best opportunities possible. .. its when parents teach their kids to treat others like their slaves they then become targets. i expect more if this shindig at the ho-down.

cause people ... at least i am... sick and tired of these little Fkn turds.


Yeah yeah, consumerism and the want to have the latest gadget etc drives these purchases. It doesn't make the kid the offspring of a bad parent though, just because he had a nice phone.

Ask yourself what the must have thing was for you & your mates at school? Mobile phones didn't exist in my school days, the latest trainers / sports shoes or branded clothing was what had to be had. Being competitive with your peers whether material things or sport is a part of growing up. Never going to stop, just the dynamic will change. As we get older we learn to care and worry about different things and learn to prioritize what is important. A good upbringing instills values, decency and compassion upon children and young adults. It is something that has to be taught, nurtured and learned over time.

It is unwarranted putting the blame on the parents for providing, or the kid for having the phone. It is however, piss poor parenting that has created the type of people that took it upon themselves to take the kids phone. Large numbers of selfish & greedy shit's populate the world and unfortunately are allowed to breed. The only sense these types have is one of entitlement. They don't value anything or anyone and just do and take what they want.

Unfortunately it is a trend that is likely to continue. We live in a society where there are little or no consequences for the perpetrators - further bolstered by law enforcement that really isn't interested in protecting or improving the system.

The end.

Merry Christmas all.

Hope the kid gets a new phone.

Being competitive about material things is not natural it's social engineering which needs to be reversed.

Good luck with that.


"Parents of a boy stabbed for his smartphone earlier this month are pleading with others to tell their children not to show their valuables in public."

Anyone who is seen in possession of something valuable is an open target. This is a problem all over the world. Common sense would dictate not showing your valuables in public. However, what's the purpose of possessing valuable items if you can't show them off? In the U.S. children are stabbed in order to steal their NIke basketball shoes. Then there are carjackings. How about jewelry thefts? Basically, they are pleading for people to alter human nature in a materialistic world.

And, this being Thailand, there is the matter of face, which complicates the situation further. How else do they expect to gain face if they can't show that they have more than someone else...or, prevent losing face if they don't have as much as their friends and classmates?

At best, the police can improve their investigative abilities, make arrests of the guilty parties, and in some cases, perhaps not benefiting from from these thefts. .As for pleading for people to become austere. That is something Buddha accomplished. Most of his followers have yet to come close to attaining this.

Just happened at the Dayton Mall in Ohio.. "A mall shopper shot and killed a 16-year-old boy who attempted a robbery on the sidewalk outside, possibly in pursuit of a pair of limited-edition athletic shoes, police in southwest Ohio said Monday."


Hardly anybody on here has wished that the kid's ok, plenty have had a go at the parents and / or the kid for daring to both have a phone and use it in public. I can't agree with such bitterness .

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