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Thai editorial: Find the root causes of 'lone-wolf attacks'

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Find the root causes of 'lone-wolf attacks'

The Nation

In recent weeks armed assailants have wreaked havoc in the US, Canada, France and Australia. We need to know why

BANGKOK: -- The West has seen a slew of random attacks by lone assailants in recent weeks, leaving innocent people as well as authority figures dead or wounded and emotionally scarred. The nightmare of such "lone-wolf attacks" is compounded by the fact that they are almost always impossible to predict and difficult to prevent.

Attacks have taken place in the United States, Australia, France and Canada, some of the assailants being associated with extremist or terrorist groups, others apparently acting out of raw personal anger at perceived injustices.

Following the armed siege of a Sydney café by an Iranian-born Islamist, in which two hostages were killed, governments there and in Europe and the US have warned of potentially more lone-wolf attacks by home-grown militants.

France witnessed random knife attacks on police and pedestrians over the course of three days this past week. Another 28 people were injured in two separate vehicle-ramming assaults. In yet another incident, a Muslim convert was shot dead at a police station after slashing three officers with a knife.

In the US last week, two New York police officers were shot dead "execution-style" by a gunman believed to be angry over police brutality and the refusal of some courts to indict or convict officers for killing unarmed black suspects.

In October another convert to Islam charged at four other New York policemen with a hatchet, injuring two of them before being brought down with deadly force.

That same month in Canada, still another radical Muslim ran a soldier down and shot another before being killed, while a citizen who had been denied travel to Syria murdered a soldier at the National War Memorial and then engaged security forces in a shootout inside the parliament buildings. He too died in a hail of bullets.

Speaking after the Sydney tragedy, British Prime Minister David Cameron acknowledged that it's difficult for authorities to forestall such attacks. "It's one thing understanding the terror networks coming out of Pakistan or Afghanistan or Iraq and Syria, and trying to monitor what they're doing and who is going and who is returning. But people who are self-radicalised, often on the Internet, who then suddenly do appalling things, that is much more difficult to prevent."

Use of legal means and preventive measures, such as identifying and tracking suspects, is a good way for countries to stave off lone-wolf attacks. But we need to find out why more and more homegrown extremists are wreaking havoc. This is clearly a problem that must be solved at its root.

Government leaders and other authorities must examine the systems in place in their countries and determine if there is anything wrong that is directly causing people to explode in anger. If they can rectify such shortcomings, at least they might be able to prevent others among their citizenry from turning into "lone wolves", and in the process they can help ensure the safety of innocent people.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Find-the-root-causes-of-lone-wolf-attacks-30250583.html

-- The Nation 2014-12-25


heres a massive clue ...C I A

strange how these so called terror lone wolf blah blah blah are almost all on British or ex British Colony soil (and that inc the US)..........hint hint

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Don't forget throwing acid in schoolgirls faces - and making them monsters for life - just for wanting to educate themselves. How could any religion condone that?

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...considering what is going on in the south here.....I really don't see a point to your 'great reflection' about what is going on elsewhere....

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This is among the most ignorant and insensible products I have ever seen pass as editorial, commentary, fact, story telling, or even fiction; this is utter rubbish. Is it actually possible in 2014 that the author does not find the common thread throughout these stories; even exempting the token black gunman story, the author really expects his readers do not know the common theme or will join him in ignoring the common theme-Islam?

The notion that there is some mysterious mechanism that transcends borders, could motivate an isolated individual to more or less act out the same horror and manner of conduct, and not include in debate the Koran which is by and large near 70% hate speech is mind numbing. Really? You need to find the root of the problem. Dissemblers like this are also the same ilk that make every monster a victim and every aggrieved party complicit. People like this author turn clear water into mud.


There are many sites that suggest where the Hate comes from.

Oddly, this one site has a peculiar take; it is thought provoking but only that: http://www.utne.com/mind-and-body/comparing-bible-koran-word-by-word.aspx A simple computer matrix may seem to spit out thought provoking results but it is only programed and context is absent.

In 2014/15 if a human being, especially one who gets paid to have the pulse of the populace, does not know the common glue that binds lone wolf animals then there is dishonesty involved. If it also hardly possible to any longer continue the fantasy that these lone wolfs or jihadis represent "extremists;" that absurdity never had a chance with historians who know they are not extremist. And now, with time passing, everyone else will also realize what you call extreme is mainstream and what you call moderate is by Islam's reckoning, extreme.

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The root cause is a book that claims to be the word of God and instructs all followers to commit attrocities against non-believers.

Don't blame the book, blame the interpretation of the book by some politically motivated manipulators.


It's caused by the marginalisation of men in western society.

No access to women, no work, no future, drives them crazy.

Islam is a red herring, men on the outside seek refuge in it, it isn't the root cause.

Spree killers and serial killers, all part of the same problem.


It's caused by the marginalisation of men in western society.

No access to women, no work, no future, drives them crazy.

Actually I agree that this has some validity, but radical Islam gives some losers an excuse to strike at society.

Sure, but if radical Islam didn't exist, they would do it in the name of black power, aryan purity or some other nutty reason.

Not having access to sex or purpose, drives them down violent paths.


The nightmare of such "lone-wolf attacks" is compounded by the fact that they are almost always impossible to predict

Not so sure...Khun Chalerm had an uncanny ability to predict when a terror attack would occur.

Could be an employment opportunity for him perhaps?

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Bacteria are opportunistic, spread and wrec havoc when left unchecked. There is only one way to deal with bacteria. Suppress it, crush it and eradicate it.

Being nice, tolerant or all loving toward bacteria, or in this case radical Islamist living by Quran teachings, does not make bacteria change it ways. Unfortunately, all living things share a similar trait at the cellular level. Some are just more controlled by certain cellular traits. Perhaps genetics, perhaps failure to evolve, perhaps culturally driven by Quran values . . . I dunno. Peace, love and tolerance are oy viewed as opportunities by opportunistic bacteria/people.

Another brilliant article by the Nation. Where do they get their writers and even worse, do people in Thailand believe and educate themselves with this stuff.

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The reasons for putting Islam in the frame are overwhelming. Here is what a Danish psychologist had to,say on the subject


What is of greater interest is why the current progressive liberal mind seems unable to see the elephant in the room. Is it because the implications of the realization is that frightening, or are they even more terrified of going off reservation and being ostracized by fellow liberals?

Whatever the reason it seems that the social engineering our elites subject us to from school age onwards is starting to unravel. In Germany 17,500 protested in Dresden. Perhaps it is significant that the former East Germans seem the quickest to protest in large numbers. Perhaps their former experience with communism gives them an instinct as to when news is being managed for ideological ends.

The article seems to exist in a bizarre Truman show style managed reality, written by and for the liberal mindset and not willing or able to look outside. The fact is about one percent of the population are of a psychopathic nature. Give these a Sorbonne style academy for their sociopathy and the implications are frightening.

Great piece; of course one needn't the pedigree of an academic to see with that the common denominator is islamic ideology It is incredulous that this could be overlooked- ever! This is not simply one idea or causation striving for acceptance as an explanation of lone wolf attacks; it is simply the answer. Moreover, one can extrapolate the same causation to infect the minds of not only lone-wolves but families, clans, tribes, nations, and regions; just consider both the past 1400 years and the world today. The same infectious glue is nothing less than a road-map to live life according to the most base common denominator- the demonization of the "other."

Regarding the genuine, meaningful evolution of the spirit and intellect of Man, it can be considered true that "meat is for men and milk for babes." Therefore, it is apparent that the "meat" of more enlightened living, greater rational use of mental faculties, application of empathy in compassion and the fraternal love that comes from the realization of the sameness of us all, is absent in Islam; or if present only applicable to the "us." Indeed, as a supremacist ideology, there is nothing but constant inculcation of the differentness and specialness of "us" versus "them" and the "them" described in the Koran accounts for greater than 50% of the entire text discussing the bad things that need to happen to the "them" and how it is incumbent on the "us" to make the "them" suffer as proxies of the divine here on earth. In this context there can never be spiritual and intellectual evolution; it is simply not possible without a dialectic that proposes contrary thoughts to find synthesis. There is no synthesis in Islam, only antithesis. Everything other than the "us" is antithetical.

This above paragraph further develops my realization that in regions where jihad has spread stasis sets in; this is a stasis of the arts, entertainment, sciences, music, and about every other development that makes the human condition like an arrow, shooting from the past, across the present, and toward some infinitely greater destination past the horizon. By any measure, the pathology that motivates the lone-wolf or the jihad armies are utterly predictable and IMO preventable.

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The root is Islam, the attacks are seen as a religious imperative and the distinction between groups and lone wolves is artificial and unnecessary. You will get loads of differing pretexts disguising the real motive, which is jihad. As an example one of the French attackers was from somewhere like Somalia, but he said he was angry about the children in Chechnya, so he attacks people in France!

P.s Western leaders have been taking their people for idiots by studiously ignoring the religious angle, even when Allahu Akbar is shouted by the assailant they indulge in constructive nonsense to deny the role of religion.

The trunk is Islam, but the root is Western interference in the Middle East for centuries.

The modern radicalisation of some Muslims has developed from a deep anger.

I respect your right to an opinion, but I'm lost as to why there's no mention of what they were like and what they did for the first 3 or 4 hundred years of their existence before there was "A West."

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