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Thai price / Foreigner price


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There are plenty dual pricing systems in the west. Don't get me started with examples.

How about college tuition in Germany?

First, you are off topic, but here you are.

Tution fees until the 13 grade in germany for free in public schools and they are pretty good.

Public University fees actually zero as long you not study to long, then you have to pay depending on university and faculty but not sky high.

Administration fees per semester in my Province the highest 60€/semester.

But you have to show a good graduation result after 12./13. grade to join the university.

Measurements depending on the University/Faculty and some claim an qualification test in top.

Do you having anything better to offer?


My point was to say that you were correct before. To my knowledge Germany does not charge foreigners more for education. I think it's a great idea. America should do the same as should Thailand. I don't think it is off topic. Thailand could learn a lot from Germany in many areas and dual pricing is one in particular. Dual pricing is ignorant from many points of view especially in education. Thailand needs bright well educated people as does Germany.

You are right a foreigner don't pay more in Germany not in parks and no intution fees in public Schools or public university all the same, but not different.

My hometown close to Heidelberg great city over 30,000 students and to Mannheim about 12,000 students with great opportunities to study.

As student you can buy a semester ticket for 6 month for 150€, valid in a big region called Rhein-Neckar-Region.

This is what I would call social,every student pay the same price.



Same in France, whereever you come from you pay the same.

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I think not fair to compare 1st world countries charging the same admission based on the country's economy. The price is already high.

Thai prices are set to make it available to enough Thai people. Most westerners have enough money to pay a slightly higher price.

Prices are set by market demand. If they can raise the price and only slightly effect demand then that is following the principles of economics. It is more Thais are getting a discount.

Most people don't care if students get discount or elderly get discount at a theater when everyone gets the same seat.

Everyone pays the same for food.

I find a lot of this statement stupid, So because you are a millionaire you have to pay more in any Country.


I think Brian is a bit deluded...I mean, first of all, the price of admission to tourist sites in western or other 1st world countries is NOT necessarily high. Some places are even free, such as many national parks are in Australia and other countries, for example. In general natural tourist sites are free in a lot of countries. And the other thing is that the foreigner price at some attractions in Thailand is MUCH, MUCH higher than something similar back home. And especially if you take into account that there are no student or senior prices in Thailand, not even for Thais. Case in point is say Mimosa Pattaya I think. That's not even a theme park, but it costs a whooping 1200 Baht for foreigners, but only 50 Baht for Thais to enter? It's an outdoor shopping mall for god's sake! How many shopping malls charge you money, ANY money to enter in the USA, Australia or Europe? How about NONE? Absolutely NONE. And who in their right mind would pay US$40 to enter a shopping mall in the first place? What a freaking joke.

Secondly, no Thai attraction should ever expect to get by from foreign tourists; they can't assume they'll come. A fair price should be established so everyone can afford to come, which means whatever price a Thai is willing to pay, they should charge everyone else the same too. Charging foreigners more is simply greedy and discriminatory. Also, most tourist attractions are made with middle class visitors in mind - poor Thai blue collar workers making 300-500 Baht a day neither have the time nor money to go to any tourist attractions, irrespective if they are discounted or not. Virtually ALL middle class Thais live in nice houses, condos etc. and possess 1, even 2 cars per household. Now if that doesn't suggest they have money, I don't know what does.

But unfortunately some people like Brian are obviously still living in some kind of 1950's movie or is it that old colonial mindset perhaps, portraying Thais as all living in slums, with no air-conditioning, begging for money on the streets etc. However, the vast majority of Thais would be greatly offended if you told them you think they're poor. Yet that doesn't stop the apologists from making snide remarks like: "oh, those poor Thais!" "they can't afford to pay the higher rates", when of course they are just missing the point altogether and in fact, doing themselves a disservice because they are actually the ones who are discriminating against Thais, not actually defending them, when they claim they are poor.

Unfortunately, in the world we're living in, discriminating on the basis of race or nationality is NO longer acceptable and it's about time Thailand finally stepped on the bandwagon. Of course dual pricing isn't merely the only example of Thai discrimination against foreigners. No land ownership. Restrictions on opening a business or working in any company i.e. 4 Thai workers per foreigner. Oh and what about the Grand Palace? There's a "Thai" entrance, and a "foreigners" entrance. To me that screams discrimination. Apartheid or segregation anyone?

Then DON'T go to these places. It's their choice what to charge and your choice whether to pay it.

Why choose to live here if you dislike Thailand and its "racism" so much??? You come across as little more than another obnoxious Westerner who thinks they know it all and that all Thais should gather round and listen to the wise old sexpat.

Go back to the good ole USA, I guarantee you won't be missed here.

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There are plenty dual pricing systems in the west. Don't get me started with examples.

To claim somethings without evidences is just blabla.

In germany every nationality pay the same price.

The only difference is made for Kids, Students, Elderlies and large groups and sometimes packagge prices.

germany isnt the entire west.

I never said entire west this did "thaiguyfromanotherforum" maybe you should read all my posts here.

Anyway I been in a lot of countries in Europe was never faced with a similar pricing system like in Thailand.


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OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

Nah they're racists - don't be in denial. Imagine if we did it to them in our countries?

And also, how can a Thai middle class family who likely lives in a nice home and drives a shiny new car not have money? What the hell are you talking about? Most foreigners here look like they have less money than many Thais and yet they are racially discriminated against by being asked to pay more at these tourist attractions.

The way I now see it is: any tourist attraction that charges a higher price for foreigners is basically saying: you are NOT welcome and we are charging you more to discourage your presence. However, since it would be too controversial to put up signs saying: "No foreigners allowed", charging you more is the next best thing.

Other countries in the region either don't practice dual pricing anymore, or much less than Thailand, and those countries are generally poorer than Thailand! Examples include Vietnam and Laos. Go figure that one out if you're still convinced that Thais, with their 20 million odd cars (which cost more than back home, mind you), smartphones, flat screen TVs, money to holiday abroad and everything else are still poor.

They're ALL racists are they? And we're not in OUR countries, we're in theirs. If dual prices bother you so much and you think they're racist then why choose to live here?

As for the Thai families with nice houses and shiny new cars comment.....What exactly are you getting at? You sound like you expect them to live in mud huts and travel by buffalo. Thailand's current household debt is 83.5% of GDP making it the second highest in SE Asia, maybe they're in that much debt trying to keep up with the farang who earn about 10times what the average Thai does?

You're an apologist and you're blinded by your own stupidity. Why should I care what the household debt in Thailand is? Do you know how much the household debt is in the USA? Or in the Uk? Just about everyone in these countries are also in great big debt. How many Americans purchase a car in cash these days? I can bet you a lot more Thais can afford to do so than Americans. Being in debt is no excuse to be charged less than you or me.

And the FACT that Thais own cars and nice houses suggests they have money. To suggest they can't pay 100 Baht for something they are only charged 20 Baht for, is pretty bizarre. But that's not the point - it should be the other way round because foreigners are simply being duped by being forced to pay more.

And "Farangs" don't all earn 10 times more than Thais. You are the ignorant and discriminatory one by suggesting Thais are poor, a statement they would be greatly offended with. How about all the English teachers earning 30000 Baht and then the Thais with 5 years working experience earning 120,000 baht? That's not uncommon these days for Thais working in white collar jobs in Bangkok, at mid-level management. Many others are also doing reasonably well at 40,000-60,000 Baht. Not every Thai works for 500 Baht a day at Big C you know.

You should get out more.

Average Thai salary is a little over 16,000thb, and I know this as obtained the figures from the bank of Thailand for a presentation I was working on. Now while I don't know the average farang salary as a lot will no doubt be working out here illegally I can only guess it's considerably higher. My personal salary is 10 times what the average Thai earns, I guess reading into your bitterness that you are either a struggling teacher or some pensioner?

If so then you shouldn't have a voice as you MADE the choice to live here.

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People are complaining Thailand isn't like western countries.

Isn't that why you moved here?

I think you can't expect all the rules and consistency of a modern country in a developing country. If you want that then there are many developed countries you live instead of Thailand.

Maybe many farang are living here because it matches their finances. They have very little savings or income.

I am prepared for a comfortable retirement in a major city in a developed country. My challenge is the language

Some people may be here with comfortable expat packages, pay taxes here (income tax, VAT, etc.) and expect not to be considered as cashcows because of their origins... just saying...

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OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

Nah they're racists - don't be in denial. Imagine if we did it to them in our countries?

And also, how can a Thai middle class family who likely lives in a nice home and drives a shiny new car not have money? What the hell are you talking about? Most foreigners here look like they have less money than many Thais and yet they are racially discriminated against by being asked to pay more at these tourist attractions.

The way I now see it is: any tourist attraction that charges a higher price for foreigners is basically saying: you are NOT welcome and we are charging you more to discourage your presence. However, since it would be too controversial to put up signs saying: "No foreigners allowed", charging you more is the next best thing.

Other countries in the region either don't practice dual pricing anymore, or much less than Thailand, and those countries are generally poorer than Thailand! Examples include Vietnam and Laos. Go figure that one out if you're still convinced that Thais, with their 20 million odd cars (which cost more than back home, mind you), smartphones, flat screen TVs, money to holiday abroad and everything else are still poor.

They're ALL racists are they? And we're not in OUR countries, we're in theirs. If dual prices bother you so much and you think they're racist then why choose to live here?

As for the Thai families with nice houses and shiny new cars comment.....What exactly are you getting at? You sound like you expect them to live in mud huts and travel by buffalo. Thailand's current household debt is 83.5% of GDP making it the second highest in SE Asia, maybe they're in that much debt trying to keep up with the farang who earn about 10times what the average Thai does?

You're an apologist and you're blinded by your own stupidity. Why should I care what the household debt in Thailand is? Do you know how much the household debt is in the USA? Or in the Uk? Just about everyone in these countries are also in great big debt. How many Americans purchase a car in cash these days? I can bet you a lot more Thais can afford to do so than Americans. Being in debt is no excuse to be charged less than you or me.

And the FACT that Thais own cars and nice houses suggests they have money. To suggest they can't pay 100 Baht for something they are only charged 20 Baht for, is pretty bizarre. But that's not the point - it should be the other way round because foreigners are simply being duped by being forced to pay more.

And "Farangs" don't all earn 10 times more than Thais. You are the ignorant and discriminatory one by suggesting Thais are poor, a statement they would be greatly offended with. How about all the English teachers earning 30000 Baht and then the Thais with 5 years working experience earning 120,000 baht? That's not uncommon these days for Thais working in white collar jobs in Bangkok, at mid-level management. Many others are also doing reasonably well at 40,000-60,000 Baht. Not every Thai works for 500 Baht a day at Big C you know.

You should get out more.

Average Thai salary is a little over 16,000thb, and I know this as obtained the figures from the bank of Thailand for a presentation I was working on. Now while I don't know the average farang salary as a lot will no doubt be working out here illegally I can only guess it's considerably higher. My personal salary is 10 times what the average Thai earns, I guess reading into your bitterness that you are either a struggling teacher or some pensioner?

If so then you shouldn't have a voice as you MADE the choice to live here.

There's a social redistribution tool called income tax.

I don't think a zoo, or whatever org, should play this role. Specially when the "redistribution" is based on skin color or on passport.

BTW, I'm sure you are aware that the wealthiest people who live in Thailand are Thais not foreigners.

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They're ALL racists are they? And we're not in OUR countries, we're in theirs. If dual prices bother you so much and you think they're racist then why choose to live here?

As for the Thai families with nice houses and shiny new cars comment.....What exactly are you getting at? You sound like you expect them to live in mud huts and travel by buffalo. Thailand's current household debt is 83.5% of GDP making it the second highest in SE Asia, maybe they're in that much debt trying to keep up with the farang who earn about 10times what the average Thai does?

You're an apologist and you're blinded by your own stupidity. Why should I care what the household debt in Thailand is? Do you know how much the household debt is in the USA? Or in the Uk? Just about everyone in these countries are also in great big debt. How many Americans purchase a car in cash these days? I can bet you a lot more Thais can afford to do so than Americans. Being in debt is no excuse to be charged less than you or me.

And the FACT that Thais own cars and nice houses suggests they have money. To suggest they can't pay 100 Baht for something they are only charged 20 Baht for, is pretty bizarre. But that's not the point - it should be the other way round because foreigners are simply being duped by being forced to pay more.

And "Farangs" don't all earn 10 times more than Thais. You are the ignorant and discriminatory one by suggesting Thais are poor, a statement they would be greatly offended with. How about all the English teachers earning 30000 Baht and then the Thais with 5 years working experience earning 120,000 baht? That's not uncommon these days for Thais working in white collar jobs in Bangkok, at mid-level management. Many others are also doing reasonably well at 40,000-60,000 Baht. Not every Thai works for 500 Baht a day at Big C you know.

You should get out more.

Average Thai salary is a little over 16,000thb, and I know this as obtained the figures from the bank of Thailand for a presentation I was working on. Now while I don't know the average farang salary as a lot will no doubt be working out here illegally I can only guess it's considerably higher. My personal salary is 10 times what the average Thai earns, I guess reading into your bitterness that you are either a struggling teacher or some pensioner?

If so then you shouldn't have a voice as you MADE the choice to live here.

The bank lied to you. 3rd quarter of 2014 13386.22 and that seems high to me but I guess it depends on the computation of the mean, median or mode for average.


Edited by thailiketoo
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OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

Wouldn't you?

Nah they're racists - don't be in denial. Imagine if we did it to them in our countries?

And also, how can a Thai middle class family who likely lives in a nice home and drives a shiny new car not have money? What the hell are you talking about? Most foreigners here look like they have less money than many Thais and yet they are racially discriminated against by being asked to pay more at these tourist attractions.

The way I now see it is: any tourist attraction that charges a higher price for foreigners is basically saying: you are NOT welcome and we are charging you more to discourage your presence. However, since it would be too controversial to put up signs saying: "No foreigners allowed", charging you more is the next best thing.

Other countries in the region either don't practice dual pricing anymore, or much less than Thailand, and those countries are generally poorer than Thailand! Examples include Vietnam and Laos. Go figure that one out if you're still convinced that Thais, with their 20 million odd cars (which cost more than back home, mind you), smartphones, flat screen TVs, money to holiday abroad and everything else are still poor.

They're ALL racists are they? And we're not in OUR countries, we're in theirs. If dual prices bother you so much and you think they're racist then why choose to live here?

As for the Thai families with nice houses and shiny new cars comment.....What exactly are you getting at? You sound like you expect them to live in mud huts and travel by buffalo. Thailand's current household debt is 83.5% of GDP making it the second highest in SE Asia, maybe they're in that much debt trying to keep up with the farang who earn about 10times what the average Thai does?

You're an apologist and you're blinded by your own stupidity. Why should I care what the household debt in Thailand is? Do you know how much the household debt is in the USA? Or in the Uk? Just about everyone in these countries are also in great big debt. How many Americans purchase a car in cash these days? I can bet you a lot more Thais can afford to do so than Americans. Being in debt is no excuse to be charged less than you or me.

And the FACT that Thais own cars and nice houses suggests they have money. To suggest they can't pay 100 Baht for something they are only charged 20 Baht for, is pretty bizarre. But that's not the point - it should be the other way round because foreigners are simply being duped by being forced to pay more.

And "Farangs" don't all earn 10 times more than Thais. You are the ignorant and discriminatory one by suggesting Thais are poor, a statement they would be greatly offended with. How about all the English teachers earning 30000 Baht and then the Thais with 5 years working experience earning 120,000 baht? That's not uncommon these days for Thais working in white collar jobs in Bangkok, at mid-level management. Many others are also doing reasonably well at 40,000-60,000 Baht. Not every Thai works for 500 Baht a day at Big C you know.

You should get out more.

Average Thai salary is a little over 16,000thb, and I know this as obtained the figures from the bank of Thailand for a presentation I was working on. Now while I don't know the average farang salary as a lot will no doubt be working out here illegally I can only guess it's considerably higher. My personal salary is 10 times what the average Thai earns, I guess reading into your bitterness that you are either a struggling teacher or some pensioner?

If so then you shouldn't have a voice as you MADE the choice to live here.

There's a social redistribution tool called income tax.

I don't think a zoo, or whatever org, should play this role. Specially when the "redistribution" is based on skin color or on passport.

BTW, I'm sure you are aware that the wealthiest people who live in Thailand are Thais not foreigners.

Like I said in an earlier post IF said zoo or national park is partly funded by the government then expecting non tax paying farang to pay more is more than reasonable. I've twice attended national parks and once a tiger zoo flashed my work permit and got the Thai rate- the majority on here who are complaining are no doubt sexpat pensioners or those on small salaries.

And yes I am aware the wealthiest people in THAILAND are Thai....but the average salary of a farang worker will certainly be higher than the 16,000 thb per month that the average Thai receives.

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They're ALL racists are they? And we're not in OUR countries, we're in theirs. If dual prices bother you so much and you think they're racist then why choose to live here?

As for the Thai families with nice houses and shiny new cars comment.....What exactly are you getting at? You sound like you expect them to live in mud huts and travel by buffalo. Thailand's current household debt is 83.5% of GDP making it the second highest in SE Asia, maybe they're in that much debt trying to keep up with the farang who earn about 10times what the average Thai does?

You're an apologist and you're blinded by your own stupidity. Why should I care what the household debt in Thailand is? Do you know how much the household debt is in the USA? Or in the Uk? Just about everyone in these countries are also in great big debt. How many Americans purchase a car in cash these days? I can bet you a lot more Thais can afford to do so than Americans. Being in debt is no excuse to be charged less than you or me.

And the FACT that Thais own cars and nice houses suggests they have money. To suggest they can't pay 100 Baht for something they are only charged 20 Baht for, is pretty bizarre. But that's not the point - it should be the other way round because foreigners are simply being duped by being forced to pay more.

And "Farangs" don't all earn 10 times more than Thais. You are the ignorant and discriminatory one by suggesting Thais are poor, a statement they would be greatly offended with. How about all the English teachers earning 30000 Baht and then the Thais with 5 years working experience earning 120,000 baht? That's not uncommon these days for Thais working in white collar jobs in Bangkok, at mid-level management. Many others are also doing reasonably well at 40,000-60,000 Baht. Not every Thai works for 500 Baht a day at Big C you know.

You should get out more.

Average Thai salary is a little over 16,000thb, and I know this as obtained the figures from the bank of Thailand for a presentation I was working on. Now while I don't know the average farang salary as a lot will no doubt be working out here illegally I can only guess it's considerably higher. My personal salary is 10 times what the average Thai earns, I guess reading into your bitterness that you are either a struggling teacher or some pensioner?

If so then you shouldn't have a voice as you MADE the choice to live here.

The bank lied to you. 3rd quarter of 2014 13386.22 and that seems high to me but I guess it depends on the computation of the mean, median or mode for average.


Well I'll stick with the figures that the bank of Thailand gave me which were backed up by several websites I visited.

Either way it's lower than the average farang gets

.....imagine if we had immigrants in Britain who went over and did nothing but complain about the nation, and had a take take take mentality , a far right political party may gain votes and seats in parliament.........some people on here really want to hope a Thai party led by their version of Nigel Farange doesn't emerge anytime soon or they may well have reason to complain.

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Average Thai salary is a little over 16,000thb, and I know this as obtained the figures from the bank of Thailand for a presentation I was working on. Now while I don't know the average farang salary as a lot will no doubt be working out here illegally I can only guess it's considerably higher. My personal salary is 10 times what the average Thai earns, I guess reading into your bitterness that you are either a struggling teacher or some pensioner?

If so then you shouldn't have a voice as you MADE the choice to live here.

The bank lied to you. 3rd quarter of 2014 13386.22 and that seems high to me but I guess it depends on the computation of the mean, median or mode for average.


Well I'll stick with the figures that the bank of Thailand gave me which were backed up by several websites I visited.

Either way it's lower than the average farang gets

.....imagine if we had immigrants in Britain who went over and did nothing but complain about the nation, and had a take take take mentality , a far right political party may gain votes and seats in parliament.........some people on here really want to hope a Thai party led by their version of Nigel Farange doesn't emerge anytime soon or they may well have reason to complain.

If you were correct you could link the websites. However you are not correct and you can't. I live in Thailand close to an industrial area and can assure you starting salaries are not 16 or 13 they are more like 9 and 10. Farangs most common job is a teacher and teachers pay is determined by the amount of classes they carry. Cheap schools 20 to 30 and good international schools 50 to 80. English Native speakers from Africa and Philippines much closer to Thai wages.

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They're ALL racists are they? And we're not in OUR countries, we're in theirs. If dual prices bother you so much and you think they're racist then why choose to live here?

As for the Thai families with nice houses and shiny new cars comment.....What exactly are you getting at? You sound like you expect them to live in mud huts and travel by buffalo. Thailand's current household debt is 83.5% of GDP making it the second highest in SE Asia, maybe they're in that much debt trying to keep up with the farang who earn about 10times what the average Thai does?

You're an apologist and you're blinded by your own stupidity. Why should I care what the household debt in Thailand is? Do you know how much the household debt is in the USA? Or in the Uk? Just about everyone in these countries are also in great big debt. How many Americans purchase a car in cash these days? I can bet you a lot more Thais can afford to do so than Americans. Being in debt is no excuse to be charged less than you or me.

And the FACT that Thais own cars and nice houses suggests they have money. To suggest they can't pay 100 Baht for something they are only charged 20 Baht for, is pretty bizarre. But that's not the point - it should be the other way round because foreigners are simply being duped by being forced to pay more.

And "Farangs" don't all earn 10 times more than Thais. You are the ignorant and discriminatory one by suggesting Thais are poor, a statement they would be greatly offended with. How about all the English teachers earning 30000 Baht and then the Thais with 5 years working experience earning 120,000 baht? That's not uncommon these days for Thais working in white collar jobs in Bangkok, at mid-level management. Many others are also doing reasonably well at 40,000-60,000 Baht. Not every Thai works for 500 Baht a day at Big C you know.

You should get out more.

Average Thai salary is a little over 16,000thb, and I know this as obtained the figures from the bank of Thailand for a presentation I was working on. Now while I don't know the average farang salary as a lot will no doubt be working out here illegally I can only guess it's considerably higher. My personal salary is 10 times what the average Thai earns, I guess reading into your bitterness that you are either a struggling teacher or some pensioner?

If so then you shouldn't have a voice as you MADE the choice to live here.

The bank lied to you. 3rd quarter of 2014 13386.22 and that seems high to me but I guess it depends on the computation of the mean, median or mode for average.


The mean salary is probably skewed by many extremely wealthy people. Sure there are many wealthy people in Thailand but the majority are poor.

It is probably the median salary that the bank is referring.

Including all the people in Issan, I would believe over half have a salary below 16,000 baht a month.

Many tourist come with money. In the past, farang came prepared financial to retire, but now many farang are coming for the cheap economy because they did not prepare for retirement.

living in Thailand is a choice. If you can't afford it go to a country with a lower economy. Many to choose

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I show my Thai drivers lic and normally I am fine and pay Thai price. If this does not work I make a quick decision if I want to go or not and then proceed accordingly. Have walked away with gf one time I remember. 100% support on that decision from gf, she was the one who got upset not me.

Don't let things like this screw with your mind or your day. Life is too short.

As far as teaching them a lesson by walking away... Not a chance, they don't care. TIT

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First of all let me just say that I am not surprised Thai bashing came from a German.

The same German who left Germany and complains about Romanian workers who have access to healthcare and social aid in Germany just because they are in EU. They are milking the Germany because there is no "dual pricing" for Romanians and other poorer EU countries. Now this German complains about Thailand.

In Canada there is a dual pricing system for University on all international students. Heck, in some Canadian provinces like Quebec there is a dual pricing for Quebec residents and Canadian residents!!! There is a Hotel discount for Canadian residents.

So, the one thing I really do not understand about complaining negpats is why would you want Thailand to be the same as in the west? Would it not make your life in Thailand more..... how to say.... competitive? You should be grateful things are the way they are. I do not miss Canada one bit.

The only problem I have with Thailand is if you are married and all the silly rules and reporting you have to do. Everything else is fair game.

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The obvious question, in most cases it isn't possible to tell whether you are paying Thai or farang price. How do you know? Of course if it is spelled out for you at a place such as an amusement park, a cafe or a clothes shop but on a day to day basis going about your business nobody really has a clue unless you are constantly accompanied by a Thai partner who is able to compare prices. As most dual pricing is only a few baht how do you know? For example, I stop for a chicken fried rice, a bottle of water, a beer and maybe a few prawns at my favourite streetside stall in Hua Hin. I'm charged x baht at what I presume is a farang price, a Thai comes along and pays x - 10 baht compared to what I paid. How do I know what the Thai paid? Brandishing my driving or marriage licence isn't going to have any special privileges granted to me. Above all, will my panties get in a bunch over 10 baht either way when I've had a lovely meal? I think not.

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Average Thai salary is a little over 16,000thb, and I know this as obtained the figures from the bank of Thailand for a presentation I was working on. Now while I don't know the average farang salary as a lot will no doubt be working out here illegally I can only guess it's considerably higher. My personal salary is 10 times what the average Thai earns, I guess reading into your bitterness that you are either a struggling teacher or some pensioner?

If so then you shouldn't have a voice as you MADE the choice to live here.

The bank lied to you. 3rd quarter of 2014 13386.22 and that seems high to me but I guess it depends on the computation of the mean, median or mode for average.


Well I'll stick with the figures that the bank of Thailand gave me which were backed up by several websites I visited.

Either way it's lower than the average farang gets

.....imagine if we had immigrants in Britain who went over and did nothing but complain about the nation, and had a take take take mentality , a far right political party may gain votes and seats in parliament.........some people on here really want to hope a Thai party led by their version of Nigel Farange doesn't emerge anytime soon or they may well have reason to complain.

If you were correct you could link the websites. However you are not correct and you can't. I live in Thailand close to an industrial area and can assure you starting salaries are not 16 or 13 they are more like 9 and 10. Farangs most common job is a teacher and teachers pay is determined by the amount of classes they carry. Cheap schools 20 to 30 and good international schools 50 to 80. English Native speakers from Africa and Philippines much closer to Thai wages.

Well as all details are on my office computer and it's a Sunday I guess I'll just go outside hail a cab and go into the office just to appease a complete stranger. And look up the term AVERAGE, I never said minimum salary did I?

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The bank lied to you. 3rd quarter of 2014 13386.22 and that seems high to me but I guess it depends on the computation of the mean, median or mode for average.


Well I'll stick with the figures that the bank of Thailand gave me which were backed up by several websites I visited.

Either way it's lower than the average farang gets

.....imagine if we had immigrants in Britain who went over and did nothing but complain about the nation, and had a take take take mentality , a far right political party may gain votes and seats in parliament.........some people on here really want to hope a Thai party led by their version of Nigel Farange doesn't emerge anytime soon or they may well have reason to complain.

If you were correct you could link the websites. However you are not correct and you can't. I live in Thailand close to an industrial area and can assure you starting salaries are not 16 or 13 they are more like 9 and 10. Farangs most common job is a teacher and teachers pay is determined by the amount of classes they carry. Cheap schools 20 to 30 and good international schools 50 to 80. English Native speakers from Africa and Philippines much closer to Thai wages.

Well as all details are on my office computer and it's a Sunday I guess I'll just go outside hail a cab and go into the office just to appease a complete stranger. And look up the term AVERAGE, I never said minimum salary did I?

I didn't say you did. All of the statstics come from The National Statistical Office of Thailand and the link I gave you quotes them. Your bank will have the same numbers. http://www.tradingeconomics.com/thailand/wages

The minimum wage is 7,600 baht per month for 26 days after that overtime I think. Correct me if I'm wrong. So just to recap you said the average wage is 16,000 baht per month I said it is 13,400 and I also said the minimum wage is 7,000 baht per month. You can come back next week and correct me no problem. This is important when discussing different prices for Farang and Thai as it gives us a benchmark to compare wages and cost of living and justification for charging Thais less money than Farang.

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Average Thai salary is a little over 16,000thb, and I know this as obtained the figures from the bank of Thailand for a presentation I was working on. Now while I don't know the average farang salary as a lot will no doubt be working out here illegally I can only guess it's considerably higher. My personal salary is 10 times what the average Thai earns, I guess reading into your bitterness that you are either a struggling teacher or some pensioner?

If so then you shouldn't have a voice as you MADE the choice to live here.

The bank lied to you. 3rd quarter of 2014 13386.22 and that seems high to me but I guess it depends on the computation of the mean, median or mode for average.


The mean salary is probably skewed by many extremely wealthy people. Sure there are many wealthy people in Thailand but the majority are poor.

It is probably the median salary that the bank is referring.

Including all the people in Issan, I would believe over half have a salary below 16,000 baht a month.

Many tourist come with money. In the past, farang came prepared financial to retire, but now many farang are coming for the cheap economy because they did not prepare for retirement.

living in Thailand is a choice. If you can't afford it go to a country with a lower economy. Many to choose

But probably more dangerous to live as in Thailand

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Paying a fair amount of tax is one thing (I'm talking about Thai income tax), being perceived as a cashcow because of skin color or passport is another...

BTW, I'm on a senior exec expat package...

I never heard about this BTW expat package I was thinking is only for Thais.

Please provide me the link.

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First of all let me just say that I am not surprised Thai bashing came from a German.

The same German who left Germany and complains about Romanian workers who have access to healthcare and social aid in Germany just because they are in EU. They are milking the Germany because there is no "dual pricing" for Romanians and other poorer EU countries. Now this German complains about Thailand.

In Canada there is a dual pricing system for University on all international students. Heck, in some Canadian provinces like Quebec there is a dual pricing for Quebec residents and Canadian residents!!! There is a Hotel discount for Canadian residents.

So, the one thing I really do not understand about complaining negpats is why would you want Thailand to be the same as in the west? Would it not make your life in Thailand more..... how to say.... competitive? You should be grateful things are the way they are. I do not miss Canada one bit.

The only problem I have with Thailand is if you are married and all the silly rules and reporting you have to do. Everything else is fair game.

Hopefully you don't mean me.

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Paying a fair amount of tax is one thing (I'm talking about Thai income tax), being perceived as a cashcow because of skin color or passport is another...

BTW, I'm on a senior exec expat package...

If you are paying income taxes and have a work permit you pay the Thai price.

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They're ALL racists are they? And we're not in OUR countries, we're in theirs. If dual prices bother you so much and you think they're racist then why choose to live here?

As for the Thai families with nice houses and shiny new cars comment.....What exactly are you getting at? You sound like you expect them to live in mud huts and travel by buffalo. Thailand's current household debt is 83.5% of GDP making it the second highest in SE Asia, maybe they're in that much debt trying to keep up with the farang who earn about 10times what the average Thai does?

You're an apologist and you're blinded by your own stupidity. Why should I care what the household debt in Thailand is? Do you know how much the household debt is in the USA? Or in the Uk? Just about everyone in these countries are also in great big debt. How many Americans purchase a car in cash these days? I can bet you a lot more Thais can afford to do so than Americans. Being in debt is no excuse to be charged less than you or me.

And the FACT that Thais own cars and nice houses suggests they have money. To suggest they can't pay 100 Baht for something they are only charged 20 Baht for, is pretty bizarre. But that's not the point - it should be the other way round because foreigners are simply being duped by being forced to pay more.

And "Farangs" don't all earn 10 times more than Thais. You are the ignorant and discriminatory one by suggesting Thais are poor, a statement they would be greatly offended with. How about all the English teachers earning 30000 Baht and then the Thais with 5 years working experience earning 120,000 baht? That's not uncommon these days for Thais working in white collar jobs in Bangkok, at mid-level management. Many others are also doing reasonably well at 40,000-60,000 Baht. Not every Thai works for 500 Baht a day at Big C you know.

You should get out more.

Average Thai salary is a little over 16,000thb, and I know this as obtained the figures from the bank of Thailand for a presentation I was working on. Now while I don't know the average farang salary as a lot will no doubt be working out here illegally I can only guess it's considerably higher. My personal salary is 10 times what the average Thai earns, I guess reading into your bitterness that you are either a struggling teacher or some pensioner?

If so then you shouldn't have a voice as you MADE the choice to live here.

The bank lied to you. 3rd quarter of 2014 13386.22 and that seems high to me but I guess it depends on the computation of the mean, median or mode for average.


IMO to discussing about salaries statistics is just a waste of time.

We having in germany an old bookkeeper phrase:

"I believe only statitics I faked myself".

In case you would try to make a social system, then everybody should carry his last taxreport and getting charged after this, but this is just ridiculous for several reason.

1. To much work.

2. To much trouble.

3. It would be also not a fair system, caused not everybody telling truth about his income, caused a lot of ppl just forget to tell the taxgovernment his side

salaries like tea money etc. just the black money in general.

As I posted before in this topic an acceptable system would be for me for example:

Thai + Foreign Tourist

Expat who pay taxes in Thailand

20 THB 50 - 100 THB

50 THB 150 - 200 THB

100 THB 300 - 400 THB

All this apologies for the Thai system are just ridiculous, caused nobody can create a real fair social system for all.

IMO the Thai pricing system is not about racism it's just greedy.

The reason for this system: It's just easier to milking foreign tourists as the own ppl.

For me mission accomplished.

Carpe Diem wai2.gif

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MO to discussing about salaries statistics is just a waste of time.

We having in germany an old bookkeeper phrase:

"I believe only statitics I faked myself".

Without the Federal Statistical Office Germany would shut down in a few days.


It is rather hard to believe education if free in Germany.

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MO to discussing about salaries statistics is just a waste of time.

We having in germany an old bookkeeper phrase:

"I believe only statitics I faked myself".

Without the Federal Statistical Office Germany would shut down in a few days.


It is rather hard to believe education if free in Germany.

You should check the link I provided some posts above is in Norway the same in public institutions and they are over 95% in germany.

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The obvious question, in most cases it isn't possible to tell whether you are paying Thai or farang price. How do you know? Of course if it is spelled out for you at a place such as an amusement park, a cafe or a clothes shop but on a day to day basis going about your business nobody really has a clue unless you are constantly accompanied by a Thai partner who is able to compare prices. As most dual pricing is only a few baht how do you know? For example, I stop for a chicken fried rice, a bottle of water, a beer and maybe a few prawns at my favourite streetside stall in Hua Hin. I'm charged x baht at what I presume is a farang price, a Thai comes along and pays x - 10 baht compared to what I paid. How do I know what the Thai paid? Brandishing my driving or marriage licence isn't going to have any special privileges granted to me. Above all, will my panties get in a bunch over 10 baht either way when I've had a lovely meal? I think not.

The topic is mainly about government instituions like national parks.

But as the government giving a bad example the privat ppl or companies just copy it.

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Well, one only has to look at the size of the foreign cows and one can easily conclude that they are better for milking... much more profitable.

But actually not so much of this milking cows in Thailand for several reasons and this is good so.

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