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Russian economic crisis hits Pattaya, Phuket


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Dropped to 80% occupancy that's not the stats I have seen 65-70% is closer to the truth. 80% maybe in AAA location hotels with good offers its very easy to get heavily discounted rooms this year a few days ago we paid 1500 baht for a room that we stayed at last year for 4800 because of low occupancy. Most beach destinations have less guests than last year...

Edited by Evolare
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immigration, poolice, tat and the government have been making it difficult for expats and tourists, pushing them away, bet thats not helping the cash flow

Nonsense! The only people effected by the recent crackdown have been foreigners living here on multiple VOA's.

Don't post drivel.

It is not "drival" and you no clue what you are talking about ! The tighing up has made it harder for people making Thailand a second home as the article states at the top. Now there are NO reasonable alternatives to VOA. You get VOA or you pay far too much, where as in Cambodia, Laos and even China have a cleare, cost effective path for long term guests. Thailand, at the moment does not and businesses are suffering for it. Drivel in deed.

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my sense is overall tourist number for the winter months are up year on year. A lot more Chinese tourists and other Asians. I suspect most locations in Thailand are up, maybe with exception of Pattaya.

Well right now its hard to get a hotel in Pattaya without advance reservation. Booked up!

Absolutely incorrect.

Try any of the online hotel sites and there are plenty of hotels.

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I don't think all of Pattaya is suffering, the problem I see for some businesses is zoning, what I mean by that is that certain areas - hotels etc only cater for a certain group of nationals leaving them exposed to times such as these, add to that the general state of the world economy and the strength of the baht and it doesn't bode well for Thailand in general

Certain areas around the city have also taken a hit mostly due to greed price fixing and over pricing, the areas that I see busy are those that can free trade and set their own price structures which in turn promotes competition and self regulation - the way it should be

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my sense is overall tourist number for the winter months are up year on year. A lot more Chinese tourists and other Asians. I suspect most locations in Thailand are up, maybe with exception of Pattaya.

You suspect?

Yes, early indicators about hotel bookings look better for December this year vs last year. I suspect January will be the same.

A lot more tourists from China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore etc. And probably domestic travel is up too.

and as this report suggests, Chiang Mai is up + smaller destinations like Chiang Rai too.

The future growth for tourism in Thailand will be mainly Asian travelers, mostly Chinese.

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Funny I have not read about China losing their tourism from Russia? Perhaps this is just another blame brought on by TAT for their excuses. I know Russia has some financial troubles. But this is not affecting the new tourist's that cone here

Let me dumb this down for you. The Ruble has lost about 50% in value over the last year. That means the foreign holiday for Russians has doubled in price.

So let me dumb this up for you! Other countries in Asia have not commented on a loss of Russian tourists

You are making it up as you go along. Reports coming from both Goa and Cambodia on a slump. That's without me even researching.

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my sense is overall tourist number for the winter months are up year on year. A lot more Chinese tourists and other Asians. I suspect most locations in Thailand are up, maybe with exception of Pattaya.

You suspect?

Yes, early indicators about hotel bookings look better for December this year vs last year. I suspect January will be the same.

A lot more tourists from China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore etc. And probably domestic travel is up too.

and as this report suggests, Chiang Mai is up + smaller destinations like Chiang Rai too.

The future growth for tourism in Thailand will be mainly Asian travelers, mostly Chinese.

You have failed to provide a link to your report. I simply don't believe it.

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A few less Russians could be a good thing. Ever noticed the state of beaches every morning littered with alcohol bottles, rubbish and cigarette butts.

I have seen plenty of Thai's leaving their rubbish on the beach area. On Jomtien beach where I go the Thai running the deck chair area makes sure that his area throughout the day is kept clean. But never mind the rubbish on the beach what about all the rubbish which comes in on the waves which is stuff that is dumped overboard by local fishermen. Do what they do in some of the posh resorts and have a machine that first thing in the morning is driven along the beach clearing up all the rubbish from the privious day. No again the local authorities do nothing and again this is because it is NOT a money making exercise

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immigration, poolice, tat and the government have been making it difficult for expats and tourists, pushing them away, bet thats not helping the cash flow

Nonsense! The only people effected by the recent crackdown have been foreigners living here on multiple VOA's.

Don't post drivel.

Technically more or less correct. But what is the result of this enlightened policy?

Many thousands of long term visitors, who stayed within immigration regulations and considerable personal expense made Thailand their base. For the most part they belonged to the unofficial "we love Thailand" brigade. And this was reflected in their millions of email, blogs and social media input. They invested in real estate and their contribution to the economy was not insignificant.

Then they got turfed out, many labeled them as "abusers" of the system etc. Thousands of relationships became untenable, many worked abroad and suddenly suffered great inconvenience, as they had to scramble to liquidate their assets and relocate.

And most likely a huge number of them have now joined the "we hate Thailand" brigade, and from their new abodes in Cambodia, Philippines and other places, busily express their disdain, in their millions of emails, thousands of blogs and social media input.

And there's no shortage of topics for them to magnify their point. The murders, the corruption, the shake downs, the beatings, the swindles, random piss tests, absurd immigration regulations, double pricing and the growing anti foreigner sentiment. To be fair, to a greater and lesser degrees, all countries have similar problems, but not all of them have tens of thousands of post loyalists, many of whom are furious at the way they have been treated.

When William Congreve said "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", he probably didn't realise the same principle may apply to former long term visitors to these shores.

And to those who for whatever reason have a low opinion of those long term VOA former residents, citing their lack of resources, criminality and who are sticklers for the "law is the law" principle, I would remind you of nuns of Saint Ebba, who upon hearing of a Viking invasions decided to disfigure themselves in the hope it would protect their chastity. The Vikings found them so disgusting, they burned their convent to the ground. So cutting your nose off to spite your face isn't always a great idea, even when augmented by a high minded principles.

Over the last few years, I have seen first hand in my dealings with people from all over the world, the perception of Thailand go from being "the place to be", to a "place to avoid". And unfortunately, this is a sentiment now echoed by tens of thousands, who like the Vikings (but not me), would be happy to see the place burn to the ground.

Edited by Christie Paul
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my sense is overall tourist number for the winter months are up year on year. A lot more Chinese tourists and other Asians. I suspect most locations in Thailand are up, maybe with exception of Pattaya.

You suspect?

Yes, early indicators about hotel bookings look better for December this year vs last year. I suspect January will be the same.

A lot more tourists from China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore etc. And probably domestic travel is up too.

and as this report suggests, Chiang Mai is up + smaller destinations like Chiang Rai too.

The future growth for tourism in Thailand will be mainly Asian travelers, mostly Chinese.

You have failed to provide a link to your report. I simply don't believe it.

I thought you read the Nation report we are commenting about. See the last sentence:

"The THA also reported that average hotel occupancy during the year-end period at major destinations like Bangkok, Phuket, Hua Hin, Samui and Chiang Mai is running at 80 per cent. That is better than last year, but not good as expected due to the global economic downturn. But business in second-tier cities such as Chiang Rai, Kanchanaburi and Krabi had improved thanks to more bookings from local travellers."

So as I said before, early indicators look like overall tourist numbers are up. But we will get the data for the winter months probably around March next year.

or did I misunderstand your statement that you don't believe me? Did you refer to something else? I.e. you don't believe Asian tourists are up significantly?

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A few less Russians could be a good thing. Ever noticed the state of beaches every morning littered with alcohol bottles, rubbish and cigarette butts.

Agree. But I have seen beach in Ko Pha Ngan in the morning few years ago and it didn"t look different. And there were mostly western people there. How that?

Edited by Bezdomny
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my sense is overall tourist number for the winter months are up year on year. A lot more Chinese tourists and other Asians. I suspect most locations in Thailand are up, maybe with exception of Pattaya.

Well right now its hard to get a hotel in Pattaya without advance reservation. Booked up!

Absolutely incorrect.

Try any of the online hotel sites and there are plenty of hotels.

Isn't that what I said? You can't find one walking around very easy without a reservation? Duh
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Took a look at the Pattaya Countdown 2015 offering. Nothing there to interest the International visitor.

Not a single International artiste. Certainly not one that I recognise. Not even a Russian artiste. No specialist food providers. In fact attendance seems poor. Hardly any foreign visitors at all...other than coaches full of Orientals passing through the area.

I'd say that footfall is down heavily and they are currently reliant on domestic tourism. Let's see how it looks in a couple of weeks time.

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Thailand kicked out the quality tourists,

now begging for russians and chinese to finish the destroyment !

Currently I am in Koh Phangan,

my Hotel has 50% occupancy - on the beach hotel,

Thong Sala - evening market - terrible - tourists with no culture or respect filling it up,

terrible, will not go back this place !

Which tourists are still there ?

dont want be russ-isam !!

its just terrible and agly !

unacceptable !!

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A few less Russians could be a good thing. Ever noticed the state of beaches every morning littered with alcohol bottles, rubbish and cigarette butts.

And of course the littering was done by the Russians??

Not the Swedes, the Dutch or ,God forbid, the Brits ?

We stayed at the Ambassador City resort in Jomtien. Everything was written in Russian, the Thai staff greeted you in Russian, the businesses down stairs were operated by Russian and we never heard another guest speak English, I would say 99.9% of the guests were Russians. There would be hundreds on the beach every night drinking being loud and pretty much intoxicated. The next morning I would go for a walk around 5 a.m and the beach was totally littered with garbage and thais would be running around cleaning up and raking the sand

I've just come back from week away at hotel where most guests were Russian.

Did not have same experience you did.

Mostly families and no worse than any other holiday experience I've had.

Mind the smoking at breakfast did get on my tits but not just Russians doing that.

Worst thing I saw was some teenagers gobbing on the beach and they were not Russians.

Neither am I, by the by.

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Still a few wealthy Russians about- some of the villas in my village ( it is quite nice) rent for 250, 000 a week- you get quite a lot- roof top hot tubs , huge sauna, gym , 10 staff etc etc - if you like that sort of thing.

Several Russian families here for Christmas- have a suspicion once they go home the place will be quiet- no more kareoke parties- yippee .

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Tourism is just a blip to Thailand GDA

I dunno why most foreigners jump on the bandwagon and think they are gods gift to the Thai Economy.

Thailand baht is still strong, no recession looming yet, and if there was - it certainly wouldnt be due to some tourists that stopped coming.

Newbies...god bless their eternal optimism.

...because it will be beaten out of them soon enough.

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Tourism is just a blip to Thailand GDA

I dunno why most foreigners jump on the bandwagon and think they are gods gift to the Thai Economy.

Thailand baht is still strong, no recession looming yet, and if there was - it certainly wouldnt be due to some tourists that stopped coming.

Tourism is about 7-8% of GDP.

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A few less Russians could be a good thing. Ever noticed the state of beaches every morning littered with alcohol bottles, rubbish and cigarette butts.


Unfortunately so, in many countries I've visited and lived in.

At least on the ones that get a lot of tourists.

It's not just the Russians.

The new world order.........

Yes the new world order. All currencies are making a race to the bottom to increase exports. We are into a slash and burn world. The rich must retain their share of the wealth at the expense of we the down trodden.

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I think the reason for the downturn in tourist arrivals is this: most tourists are fed up with the way they are treated in Thailand, and what they get for their hard earned money. It's not only the Russians who are staying away ! And it's not only the Russians who Litter the beaches, it's the Thais who leave litter everywhere, even on pavements, in buses and planes! Yesterday evening around 8 pm, I took a bus back to Jomtien. It wasn't that busy. Imagine the disgust and dismay of all waiting, when one large and older Thai man started screaming 6 , sit 6, meaning 6 on each side of the song thaew , and then began pushing and finally hitting one man trying to get him to move up when there was obviously no room ! Everyone was stunned! I couldn't understand the comments around me, but I can assure you they weren't complmentary! This is the behaviour that puts off tourists forever coming back to Thailand, not all the other excuses the TAT think up !!!!!

Ps. To the people who suggest violence, this area has seen some serious fights with tourists getting hurt!

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The Russians and the Chinese tourist do little for the tourist economy. All they are is stats for TAT. Yea, vodka sales are off at 7/11 but other than that...

I couldn't be happier there are fewer Russians around. Makes high season a lot more bearable.

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I think the reason for the downturn in tourist arrivals is this: most tourists are fed up with the way they are treated in Thailand, and what they get for their hard earned money. It's not only the Russians who are staying away ! And it's not only the Russians who Litter the beaches, it's the Thais who leave litter everywhere, even on pavements, in buses and planes! Yesterday evening around 8 pm, I took a bus back to Jomtien. It wasn't that busy. Imagine the disgust and dismay of all waiting, when one large and older Thai man started screaming 6 , sit 6, meaning 6 on each side of the song thaew , and then began pushing and finally hitting one man trying to get him to move up when there was obviously no room ! Everyone was stunned! I couldn't understand the comments around me, but I can assure you they weren't complmentary! This is the behaviour that puts off tourists forever coming back to Thailand, not all the other excuses the TAT think up !!!!!

Ps. To the people who suggest violence, this area has seen some serious fights with tourists getting hurt!

I think overall tourist numbers are up as indicated in this newspaper article. It's just that Russian tourists are down, not because they are not treated well in Thailand but because the Ruble lost about 50% of its value vs Thai baht in the last 6 months.

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So, the largest single group of tourists will be down significantly in 2015 and tourism is still expected to grow 13%? Interesting logic.

The Thais complained about Russian tour guides taking their jobs. You have your wish. No more tour guides. Happy now?

Thailand needs the reality check thats about to smack them right in the face. When tourism is down 10% in 2015 on this years lower number, shit's gonna get real.

Then watch them blame and panic.

The largest single group of tourists are from China as indicated in this report and not from Russia.

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