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PM to launch 'Discover Thainess' campaign

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As my family & staff rely on income from 2 small tourist dependent businesses I applaud the Prime minster for leading this "Discover Thainess" campaign.

It`s been a remarkably successful and stress free year almost entirely down to `Thainess` so I think it`s a great idea to promote it......oh by the way my resort unusually has a few vacancies at this time of year and no need to reserve your table at my restaurant!


It is ironic thay while Thailand is promoting Thainess to tourists, many foreign countries are teaching their citizens how to avoid Thainess on their holiday in Thailand, as a meeting with Thainess often ends badly for the tourists.

No they are not.

Positive racism is just as silly as negative racism.

But when augmented by the authorities, it takes on a dimension that usually leads to a myopic perspective, followed by catastrophic blow back.

I remember the days when just everyone was charmed by the Thais. We thought it was their Buddhism or maybe their version of asian family values or maybe their rich history. It turns out that it was simply a united optimism of a people that had a progressive economic formula, wherein everything was on the up and up. The dynamic progress of tourism, infrastructure, education, business, investment and popular culture effectively masked the indemic corruption, poverty, injustice, sleaze, greed and violence.

Now a special combination of economic mismanagement and probably some bad luck has resulted in disorientation and a host of bad decisions. The latest of which is a veiled attempt to promote racial/cultural superiority. If I'm not mistaken there is a historical and linear relationship between the effective promotion of such concepts and catastrophic humiliation.

I havent heard the word blowback since being a young man in Bangkok in 1986 with those wicked Thai sticks.

'Discovering' Thainess is easy. Just interact with any Thai on any level and you'll soon be scratching your head saying, "That's amazing".

'Understanding' Thainess is impossible. I just accept that 'This is Thailand' and they don't do things here the way we would back home.

PM to launch 'Discover Thainess' campaign

I read the article three times and never read where it explained what Thainess is or how they wanted tourists to 'discover' it. If I were TAT, I'd be very selective in the kinds of 'Thainess' I let the tourists discover.

never read where it explained what Thainess is

It’s a myth used to create the questionable imagination that all good on this planet has its origin in Thailand and it is a precious gift to all who share this opinion. It can also be used in term of a very slight apology for all the things going wrong here without losing face. In other words: It is simply B.S.

I disagree that Thainess is a myth. Thais have a unique way of being that is different from every other nationality. Some of these ways are endearing and some of them make you want to scream. But good or bad, there is no getting away from Thainess; it is a thing.

True that. And the positive side of it, is their lightheartedness, and general positivity. Some have difficult lives, and live with little. Some work very hard, for low wages. Most maintain a good attitude about things, and keep a light heart. That is very endearing. Also, they tend to be very playful, and very receptive to humor, jokes, gags, etc. That can be delightful to be around. Overall, I find most Thais to be very pleasant people.

True enough,just don't let logic or money get in the way


It is ironic thay while Thailand is promoting Thainess to tourists, many foreign countries are teaching their citizens how to avoid Thainess on their holiday in Thailand, as a meeting with Thainess often ends badly for the tourists.

No they are not.

yes they are


There's a sham of a murder trial going on of two innocent young tourists. The whole world can see it's a stitch up but the general has seen it fit to endorse the shoddy and corrupt work of the police. Tourists notice these things. Get to solving that before ad campaigns.

Ahh who am I kidding, the buck goes all the way to the top with that one.

'Discovering' Thainess is easy. Just interact with any Thai on any level and you'll soon be scratching your head saying, "That's amazing".

'Understanding' Thainess is impossible. I just accept that 'This is Thailand' and they don't do things here the way we would back home.

PM to launch 'Discover Thainess' campaign

I read the article three times and never read where it explained what Thainess is or how they wanted tourists to 'discover' it. If I were TAT, I'd be very selective in the kinds of 'Thainess' I let the tourists discover.

never read where it explained what Thainess is

It’s a myth used to create the questionable imagination that all good on this planet has its origin in Thailand and it is a precious gift to all who share this opinion. It can also be used in term of a very slight apology for all the things going wrong here without losing face. In other words: It is simply B.S.

I disagree that Thainess is a myth. Thais have a unique way of being that is different from every other nationality. Some of these ways are endearing and some of them make you want to scream. But good or bad, there is no getting away from Thainess; it is a thing.

True that. And the positive side of it, is their lightheartedness, and general positivity. Some have difficult lives, and live with little. Some work very hard, for low wages. Most maintain a good attitude about things, and keep a light heart. That is very endearing. Also, they tend to be very playful, and very receptive to humor, jokes, gags, etc. That can be delightful to be around. Overall, I find most Thais to be very pleasant people.

True enough,just don't let logic or money get in the way

Yes. I guess logic plays into reason. Same, same. You left out common sense. I once said to a Thai friend that you guys do not seem to have much common sense. He laughed and said that Thais have common sense. But, it was a Thai version of common sense. So, what is that one would ask?


Thainess? Ok, I'll bite:

The poor must be kept poor and uneducated, so we can keep them ignorant of facts. Facts regarding the elite. Including such things as their arrogance to the point of feeling that they are some kind of guru. The amount of hisos I heard in my time out there giving speeches in which they talked like Obi One Kenobi (ooh listen to me I'm so wise) was crazy. Some of them are so far up themselves (simply due to being born rich) it has to be heard to be believed.

Thainess is the process of keeping that going (the status quo, if you will). At all costs. Being rich is great, but staying rich and having everyone fawn over you like you're some wise teacher off the Karate Kid is even better.

How many have seen a rich school owner or Thai business leader have a birthday party? You know. Those ones that are compulsory to attend. Usually about 100 monks turn up and do some chanting to give him/her some good luck. Then, the speech is delivered. Sometimes in English. Usually in Thai. And it's what I call 'Obi One Kenobi' time. Some of their staff may also sit sideways on the floor during this 'enlightening' speech.

That's Thainess (and never apologising lol)

Despite all this, I think the vast majority of Thais are great people. Some of the nicest I've ever met. They usually weren't the ones with millions of dollars in their bank accounts though.


Well for starters

I think we are all open to a quick definition then, maybe once penned you could enter it as a wiki entry

I think the problem is that the world has already discovered "thainess" (so stupid btw), and that is the reason for less tourists. Soooo, good luck with the campaign lol.

What surprises me most about this ignorant reply is the number of "likes" it got.

The author obviously hasn't a clue what Thainess is.

- acceptance of a plural society !!!!

- peaceful co-existence with those of different culture !!!

- adherence to religion

- showing respect

- dressing politely

- generosity

- contributing to society

If you really think all of those things exist in Thailand you are self deluded.

Did I ever say these things existed in Thailand? No

You don't know what Thainess is - it is not 'being Thai'..

Not all Thai citizens posesss Thainess btw and some don't even know what it is..

In my experience, the 'virtues' I listed are more abundant here than other countries I've lived in.

To add some more :-

- deference

- obeisance

- salutation

which I guess come from the old Siamese Feudal system. I'm not saying they are right or wrong because they can't be.


If I just went off Thai Visa, it would appear that many posters think that Thais are selfish, illogical, liars, cheats, and just downright stupid. Maybe I've gone to live in a bizarro Thailand where most of the Thais that I know are honest and sincere people, and that the only Thais that may take advantage of my farangness and over charge me are the taxi and tuk tuk drivers. But that's just part of the deal, and it happens in many other countries as well. I don't deny that there is rampant corruption but that is not unique to Thailand either. In saying that, the class system and favouritism is definately there and hopefully the next generation would be able to operate more on an even playing field. But the way some posters flat out ridicule the people of the country that they chose to live in (as visitors) crosses a line, and makes their actions no different to the "Elite" classes here (which they also ridicule), who think that having a bit more money than the locals allows them to be treated differently.

  • Like 1

Reading the posts up to now, I do believe that the racists in this country are NOT the Thais but the farangs posting this kind of rubbish.

Keep it up members, you are showing your real selves.

Most educated Thais that wish for their country to evolve out of third world status also blame "Thainess" as major cause for society failure to adapt to modern world requirements.

Educated people in general know that Thailand is not a third world country.

Did those educated people tell you that in general?


If I just went off Thai Visa, it would appear that many posters think that Thais are selfish, illogical, liars, cheats, and just downright stupid. Maybe I've gone to live in a bizarro Thailand where most of the Thais that I know are honest and sincere people, and that the only Thais that may take advantage of my farangness and over charge me are the taxi and tuk tuk drivers. But that's just part of the deal, and it happens in many other countries as well. I don't deny that there is rampant corruption but that is not unique to Thailand either. In saying that, the class system and favouritism is definately there and hopefully the next generation would be able to operate more on an even playing field. But the way some posters flat out ridicule the people of the country that they chose to live in (as visitors) crosses a line, and makes their actions no different to the "Elite" classes here (which they also ridicule), who think that having a bit more money than the locals allows them to be treated differently.

Well said.

I agree, those posters do think they are 'elite' because they come from the West.

I forgot another Thainess thing - "tam kon farang" which is a saying that means "kissing the foreigners arse", which certainly IS NOT Thainess.


Sure,the campaign concept is cute.... 'discover the unique cultural characteristics of Thai-people...nice..... but any Thai will tell you that "Thainess" is incomprehensible to a farang. So what are you left with but an ephemeral cloud of green smoke.....perhaps that's it...the 'mystic' of impermanent-nothingness will prove to be the attraction!....people always like stuff they can't understand thumbsup.gif

Some one told me once that "Thainess" is something you don't understand until you turn your back on it.


While I don't agree with what Costas2008 said about racism, I think the negativity is getting a bit out of hand on this thread.

Yes it's a bizarre tourist promotion idea, but to be honest there have been worse ones.

Sorry Blues but - there have been worse ones - is a weak point to justify this clownery
I'm not justifying it.

I agree with you, in that I think it's a stupid idea.

However, that doesn't justify the level of negativity this thread seems to have reached.

I moan as much as most but there are limits.

Whose limits would they be?

I would have thought from the words preceding "limits" it was obvious I was referring to myself, hence my use of first person personal pronoun.


While I don't agree with what Costas2008 said about racism, I think the negativity is getting a bit out of hand on this thread.

Yes it's a bizarre tourist promotion idea, but to be honest there have been worse ones.

So according to you, we have to accept stupidity, because someone else is more stupid??

Makes sense!!

Hmm, lets see, now where did I say that?

Nope not seeing that at all, not anywhere.

However I did say, and still do, that this thread is getting overly negative.

That clear enough for you? Make more sense?


I can hear them now, "Ooooh dear...let's go to Thailand this year so we can discover Thainess."

I think the problem is that the world has already discovered "thainess" (so stupid btw), and that is the reason for less tourists. Soooo, good luck with the campaign lol.


Can you imagine any other country saying something like that? LOL Yea the govt. ought to ask X pats how they find "Thainess." Ah but then again maybe Thainess isn't mature enough to hear Truth.

In fairness to these comments. Not to justify the notion of Thainess or suggest it is no more that utter ****, the idea is not without precedent.

We've all heard about the British bulldog spirit.

The phrase being 'unAustralian' was recently popularised by John Howard (sad little obnoxious toad that be is)

This kind of jingoism is as American as Apple pie.

  • Like 2

Well for starters

I think we are all open to a quick definition then, maybe once penned you could enter it as a wiki entry

I think the problem is that the world has already discovered "thainess" (so stupid btw), and that is the reason for less tourists. Soooo, good luck with the campaign lol.

What surprises me most about this ignorant reply is the number of "likes" it got.

The author obviously hasn't a clue what Thainess is.

- acceptance of a plural society !!!!

- peaceful co-existence with those of different culture !!!

- adherence to religion

- showing respect

- dressing politely

- generosity

- contributing to society

If you really think all of those things exist in Thailand you are self deluded.

Did I ever say these things existed in Thailand? No

You don't know what Thainess is - it is not 'being Thai'..

Not all Thai citizens posesss Thainess btw and some don't even know what it is..

In my experience, the 'virtues' I listed are more abundant here than other countries I've lived in.

To add some more :-

- deference

- obeisance

- salutation

which I guess come from the old Siamese Feudal system. I'm not saying they are right or wrong because they can't be.

I don't know what Thainess is? It so goes that I am half Thai, born from European mother and Thai father, so please don't tell ME what Thainess is.

Actually I think I am one of the very few members here that can fully understand Thai society with an insider prospective.

No matter how long you have lived here, you are and always will be an outsider. No Thai will ever tell you what they really think. You may believe you are accepted but you cannot even being to imagine what is going on behind your back.

As for what you call values of Thainess:

yes perhaps in the West people are no so smiley, polite, respectful, but I rather have people yell at me what they think than please myself with a fake smile, that is of course, if one doesn't need to stay in Thailand to feel accepted because he's a reject in his own.

I also prefer critical rational minds and analytic logic to blind adherence to religion and all the other Prayuth's fascist 12 valued BS.

About generosity: Thai very seldom do anything for free, actually I think is exactly the opposite, as we can see with all the greed and scams going on.

About contributing to society: nobody cares about that, all Thai care is themselves and their family of circle. Thai society is all about self interest. Not saying in other countries is not the same, but surely hell no: not in Thailand.

Maybe your so called experience is your desperate desire to glorify at all cost your host country where you think you are different and special, which infact you are just not in the way you hoped, you are indeed a walking ATM machine here, very special.

But I am not going to try to convince you here, I leave that to my fellow Thais in a few more years they will have done the job.

  • Like 1

If I just went off Thai Visa, it would appear that many posters think that Thais are selfish, illogical, liars, cheats, and just downright stupid. Maybe I've gone to live in a bizarro Thailand where most of the Thais that I know are honest and sincere people, and that the only Thais that may take advantage of my farangness and over charge me are the taxi and tuk tuk drivers. But that's just part of the deal, and it happens in many other countries as well. I don't deny that there is rampant corruption but that is not unique to Thailand either. In saying that, the class system and favouritism is definately there and hopefully the next generation would be able to operate more on an even playing field. But the way some posters flat out ridicule the people of the country that they chose to live in (as visitors) crosses a line, and makes their actions no different to the "Elite" classes here (which they also ridicule), who think that having a bit more money than the locals allows them to be treated differently.

Well said.

I agree, those posters do think they are 'elite' because they come from the West.

I forgot another Thainess thing - "tam kon farang" which is a saying that means "kissing the foreigners arse", which certainly IS NOT Thainess.

Thailand is different because, unlike other countries, it isolates itself and reject any foreign knowledge. My company have to hire foreigner engineers because they are unable to find any Thai with enough qualification for the job. The same company haven't had any problems in Malaysia and even Laos. Thai fail at science, engineering and most applied sciences. They are unable of achievements. Airports, bridges, BTS, train stations, oil drilling, all of these require foreigners.

About "kissing foreigners arse" Thai would kiss anything that have 1,000 notes baht coming out of it.

That is indeed the main reason foreigners come here, they can buy what's not on sale in other countries, and they can buy it cheap.

That alone tells you what "arse kissing" Thai are. If that wasn't true, those "posters with a bit more money" wouldn't be coming here.

  • Like 2

It is not a thing. Thainess is not a 'thing.' It is utter BS. When someone uses this term I think they are being arrogant. That is what 'Thainess' is: arrogance.

That is what 'Thainess' is: arrogance.

So, you're saying that you could just substitute the word 'arrogance' in place of the word 'Thainess' in the TAT's new campaign. "Welcome to Thailand, Discover our Arrogance". Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

I'm sorry you have become so embittered that you cannot see the finer traits of Thainess. Some examples of Thainess would be: personal loyalty, politeness, the 'wai', being 'krieng jai', being hospitable, gracious, and generous. If you aren't experiencing these aspects of Thainess, maybe you should look in the mirror and see what you are doing to bring out other, less attractive, attributes of Thainess in people. Unless you are in a hard-core tourist area, Thais are some of the finest people I have met as a culture. Sorry for you you don't have enough social skills to cope here.

of maybe is you that want to see the good of it no matter what.

All the things you mention about Thainess are nonsense. There is no loyalty in Thai society if not to money but you will discover that on your own. All the other Prayuth's style aspect you mention : the 'wai', being 'krieng jai', being hospitable, gracious, and generous

they are all just appearance to hide the real society. Personally I don't even think they have any value unless you are one of those that need to be graciously greeted, and never engage in an argument. That is probably the reason many leave the West and choose Thailand, so they can find submitted people that never challenge them and especially submissive partners, being men and women.

In that case yes, Thai is a virtue, but I rather live in a society where people engage openly in discussions, not so nice and polite on the outside, but sincere and trustworthy, so smiling and then back stabbing.

I think people need to justify Thailand because they need to escape confrontation with other humans, they wish for a society with no confrontation at all. Doesn't matter if made of lies, as long as people smile to them is fine. I guess older people might even be looking forward to something like that. Not me and I think not 90% of people in this forum.

I am thankful for that, I am grateful western society developed around freedom of speech and expression and I don't need my friends to smile at me like idiots or wai me, let them tell me what they think straight on, I rather have that for how rude it is.

  • Like 1

It is not a thing. Thainess is not a 'thing.' It is utter BS. When someone uses this term I think they are being arrogant. That is what 'Thainess' is: arrogance.

That is what 'Thainess' is: arrogance.

So, you're saying that you could just substitute the word 'arrogance' in place of the word 'Thainess' in the TAT's new campaign. "Welcome to Thailand, Discover our Arrogance". Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

I'm sorry you have become so embittered that you cannot see the finer traits of Thainess. Some examples of Thainess would be: personal loyalty, politeness, the 'wai', being 'krieng jai', being hospitable, gracious, and generous. If you aren't experiencing these aspects of Thainess, maybe you should look in the mirror and see what you are doing to bring out other, less attractive, attributes of Thainess in people. Unless you are in a hard-core tourist area, Thais are some of the finest people I have met as a culture. Sorry for you you don't have enough social skills to cope here.

of maybe is you that want to see the good of it no matter what.

All the things you mention about Thainess are nonsense. There is no loyalty in Thai society if not to money but you will discover that on your own. All the other Prayuth's style aspect you mention : the 'wai', being 'krieng jai', being hospitable, gracious, and generous

they are all just appearance to hide the real society. Personally I don't even think they have any value unless you are one of those that need to be graciously greeted, and never engage in an argument. That is probably the reason many leave the West and choose Thailand, so they can find submitted people that never challenge them and especially submissive partners, being men and women.

In that case yes, Thai is a virtue, but I rather live in a society where people engage openly in discussions, not so nice and polite on the outside, but sincere and trustworthy, so smiling and then back stabbing.

I think people need to justify Thailand because they need to escape confrontation with other humans, they wish for a society with no confrontation at all. Doesn't matter if made of lies, as long as people smile to them is fine. I guess older people might even be looking forward to something like that. Not me and I think not 90% of people in this forum.

I am thankful for that, I am grateful western society developed around freedom of speech and expression and I don't need my friends to smile at me like idiots or wai me, let them tell me what they think straight on, I rather have that for how rude it is.

All the things you mention about Thainess are nonsense

Well, so much for respectful exchange of viewpoints. I didn't bother reading your post after that remark.

  • Like 1

It is not a thing. Thainess is not a 'thing.' It is utter BS. When someone uses this term I think they are being arrogant. That is what 'Thainess' is: arrogance.

That is what 'Thainess' is: arrogance.

So, you're saying that you could just substitute the word 'arrogance' in place of the word 'Thainess' in the TAT's new campaign. "Welcome to Thailand, Discover our Arrogance". Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

I'm sorry you have become so embittered that you cannot see the finer traits of Thainess. Some examples of Thainess would be: personal loyalty, politeness, the 'wai', being 'krieng jai', being hospitable, gracious, and generous. If you aren't experiencing these aspects of Thainess, maybe you should look in the mirror and see what you are doing to bring out other, less attractive, attributes of Thainess in people. Unless you are in a hard-core tourist area, Thais are some of the finest people I have met as a culture. Sorry for you you don't have enough social skills to cope here.

of maybe is you that want to see the good of it no matter what.

All the things you mention about Thainess are nonsense. There is no loyalty in Thai society if not to money but you will discover that on your own. All the other Prayuth's style aspect you mention : the 'wai', being 'krieng jai', being hospitable, gracious, and generous

they are all just appearance to hide the real society. Personally I don't even think they have any value unless you are one of those that need to be graciously greeted, and never engage in an argument. That is probably the reason many leave the West and choose Thailand, so they can find submitted people that never challenge them and especially submissive partners, being men and women.

In that case yes, Thai is a virtue, but I rather live in a society where people engage openly in discussions, not so nice and polite on the outside, but sincere and trustworthy, so smiling and then back stabbing.

I think people need to justify Thailand because they need to escape confrontation with other humans, they wish for a society with no confrontation at all. Doesn't matter if made of lies, as long as people smile to them is fine. I guess older people might even be looking forward to something like that. Not me and I think not 90% of people in this forum.

I am thankful for that, I am grateful western society developed around freedom of speech and expression and I don't need my friends to smile at me like idiots or wai me, let them tell me what they think straight on, I rather have that for how rude it is.

All the things you mention about Thainess are nonsense

Well, so much for respectful exchange of viewpoints. I didn't bother reading your post after that remark.

I am so sorry, I know you expect everyone to "wai" you, be gracious and polite, unfortunately I still value my freedom of speech more and by the way I don't believe "nonsense" is disrespectful, but I understand it can sounds so to someone used to be with submissive people that never challenge him in a discussion and always only smile back.

BTW you did not read but you still had to reply! That's not very "Thai" you know? They would have just smiled and walked away, just the way you like.

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Did I ever say these things existed in Thailand? No

Well for starters

I think we are all open to a quick definition then, maybe once penned you could enter it as a wiki entry

I think the problem is that the world has already discovered "thainess" (so stupid btw), and that is the reason for less tourists. Soooo, good luck with the campaign lol.

What surprises me most about this ignorant reply is the number of "likes" it got.

The author obviously hasn't a clue what Thainess is.

- acceptance of a plural society !!!!

- peaceful co-existence with those of different culture !!!

- adherence to religion

- showing respect

- dressing politely

- generosity

- contributing to society

If you really think all of those things exist in Thailand you are self deluded.

You don't know what Thainess is - it is not 'being Thai'..

Not all Thai citizens posesss Thainess btw and some don't even know what it is..

In my experience, the 'virtues' I listed are more abundant here than other countries I've lived in.

To add some more :-

- deference

- obeisance

- salutation

which I guess come from the old Siamese Feudal system. I'm not saying they are right or wrong because they can't be.

I don't know what Thainess is? It so goes that I am half Thai, born from European mother and Thai father, so please don't tell ME what Thainess is.

Actually I think I am one of the very few members here that can fully understand Thai society with an insider prospective.

No matter how long you have lived here, you are and always will be an outsider. No Thai will ever tell you what they really think. You may believe you are accepted but you cannot even being to imagine what is going on behind your back.

As for what you call values of Thainess:

yes perhaps in the West people are no so smiley, polite, respectful, but I rather have people yell at me what they think than please myself with a fake smile, that is of course, if one doesn't need to stay in Thailand to feel accepted because he's a reject in his own.

I also prefer critical rational minds and analytic logic to blind adherence to religion and all the other Prayuth's fascist 12 valued BS.

About generosity: Thai very seldom do anything for free, actually I think is exactly the opposite, as we can see with all the greed and scams going on.

About contributing to society: nobody cares about that, all Thai care is themselves and their family of circle. Thai society is all about self interest. Not saying in other countries is not the same, but surely hell no: not in Thailand.

Maybe your so called experience is your desperate desire to glorify at all cost your host country where you think you are different and special, which infact you are just not in the way you hoped, you are indeed a walking ATM machine here, very special.

But I am not going to try to convince you here, I leave that to my fellow Thais in a few more years they will have done the job.

Well you certainly can't read English - I never said you don't know what Thainess is.

I'd bet that I've lived in Thailand longer than you(speak/read better), but may be wrong - you;re drivel sounds very much like you were educated in the West.So don't you tell me that a Thai will never tell me what they really think - you have no idea of the Thais I know, my wife, kids and friends. That is total BS.

You sound like you don't enjoy being in Thailand.

I often tell my friends with "look kreung" to be very careful as to criticizing Thai people and culture with the kids listening as the kids grow up to be psychologically impaired. They grow up thinking that half of their being is inferior or defected. Mix this in with being thought of as foreigner wherever they are raised and it not a healthy mix, especially for their self-esteem.

I do not glorify Thailand, as it is far from perfect, but I will defend her against mixed up people like you..

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