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I am a Thai guy and I need help/advice …. please


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I am a Thai guy and I am in Thailand at this moment. I was in Canada for many years as a permanent resident. And, I applied for a Canadian citizenship before I left the country. It is still in process.

However, I need to go back to Canada in order to maintain my resident status. And, hopefully I will get the Canadian citizenship soon.

My question is very straight and simple.

Can anyone who is in Canada help me with the place to stay please ? I mean the private bedroom. I can pay the rent or I can work something out for you.

I mean, for example, I can do the household such as laundry, vacuum, cleaning bathroom, as a compensation for my private room. We can discuss in detail by phone or e-mail if you are serious to help me.

A little bit about me. I used to live in Canada with my Canadian common law partner. However, we did separate long ago and I returned back to Thailand. But, we're still remain friends. He is no longer in Canada. He relocated to Europe since beginning of this year. He is also British citizen. And,it gives him the right to stay in EU.

Therefore, he cannot help me with the accommodation in Canada anymore.

Can anyone help me please? Or, Can anyone advise me which forum or website I can go for?

I am sorry if my topic is irrelevant to this forum. I am so lost and I don’t know where to start.

Thank you and happy new year to you all.

Best regards,


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Hopefully, we will have some members who can either help you out or guide you in the right direction.

It might be helpful to know what city or Province you want to live in, how long you will need to be there and a little bit about yourself, such as age, smoker, drinker etc..

Also, you might want to give a rough estimate of how much you can pay.

Best of luck.

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To Scott,

Thank you for your response. Here is my information.

I prefer not to be in Toronto because I didn't have good experience when I was there. The rest of Canada should be fine. Anyway, if the person who wants to help me is very nice, I can put up with Toronto as well.

I really don't know exactly how long I will stay in Canada. It depends on the situation. If he doesn't want me to stay there anymore for any reasons, I can move out. But, please give me a notice, so I will have enough time to find a new place.

I do not smoke, drink or do drugs at all. I don't like that kind of stuff to be honest with you. I am a considerate person.

About the rent, I am rather to talk to the person in private on the phone or through e-mail.

Best regards,

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