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wifes family


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I live with kathoey, but I think there's no difference.

I don't like my wife's parents neither. I have visited them one time, 30 minutes.

I can't say they hurt me or something ... but when I see how they behave toward my wife and what

had they done to her when she was a child. Well, they are not nice and definitely not kind people.

They absolutely don't care about her, call only when they need something, money.

It also seems there's alcohol-related and gambling problems ...

My brother-in-law. I think he is crazy, walking naked, drinking ...

My sister-in-law and her family. I don't know, it's very hard to tell, because I don't speak Thai/Isaan, I can't talk with her. I only know she is extremely pragmatic, which I don't like so much. Her husband seems to be a nice guy. We visit each other every month.

Etiquette is another problem. No thank you, no hello, munching, using my TV with permission, noise, invited vs. arrived ... in one word disaster.

What I hate the most is this Jhonson & Jhonson baby powder obsession, every woman/girl who had ever came needed to 'powder her nose' with this crap. Whole bathroom was always covered with it. I had to forbid my wife to buy it.

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Such a lot of sad ar-ses, your lives must be extremely stressful and miserable in Thailand, where everything that should be jovial is considered a great inconvenience and a burden, an intrusion into their territories.

We had many of the family round for Christmas, my BiLs, SiLs, wife`s cousins, aunts, uncles and nephew. In all about 22 of us and we had a wonderful time. The wife`s family done all the cooking and clearing up afterwards, I just sat there being sociable and enjoying the company. Loved it.

I would imagine that the attitudes displayed by some posters here is a portrayal of their characters in general. This is Thailand, where families still matter and have close ties with each other and as regards some of you that think the relatives are talking about you and consider you as the stupid farang, then quite frankly I can`t blame them.


Not stressed or miserable at all, bud. And it appears you got the luck of the draw. That's great! Your experience is likely the exception to the rule.

When I was a boy, I read Emily Post's Guide to Etiquette. 800 pages. There were ten copies in my junior high library. I learned proper manners for all occasions. The adults in my life reinforced what I had read.

As an adult, the sphere I associate in also practices good manners. To the point if they don't like someone they will go out of their way to smile, speak well to them, and add a sir or ma'am on the end of each sentence.

That's polite, non-racist, social behavior. It shows tolerance and good breeding.

When I'm told how polite Thais are, that the wai is such a beautiful greeting, then two people that I'm going to have a relationship with for years to come don't return my properly performed wai that I accompanied with a genuine smile, well, screw 'em. I moved on, and my wife stands behind me 100%.

Having said that, I just returned to the States and had Thanksgiving with my extended family at my nephew's home. The experience was nothing like when I was a kid, where we sat at a table quietly while the adults engaged in a conversation that was meant to be a learning experience for us kids.

Nope, all the kids had their cellphones out, taking selfies and sending messages. When they weren't doing that they were interrupting the adults with inane comments meant to garner them attention, or getting up from the table and running about. Their parents said nothing.

The whole world is becoming me, me, me. Not just Thailand. But that's not what the OP is about.

Sometime ago some of my relatives from the States came to visit Chiang Mai. I arranged to meet them in the town at their hotel. My cousin, her husband and their 2 teenage daughters. Had not seen them for many years previous to that visit and after being in their company for the first hour I began getting an overwhelming urge to obtain a gun and wipe the lot of them out. The 2 teenage sisters were constantly on their mobile phones as if they were surgically attached to their ears, the parents were constantly interrupting our conversation by using their mobile phones and fiddling with their ipads and laptop computers. As soon as we hit their hotel, the girls immediately launched themselves onto the hotel`s free use computers to continue on their facebook activities giving a moment by moment account of what they were up to. I was extremely relived when my time came to say goodbye and thought to myself, if I don`t see them ever again even that will be too soon. This brought home to me that I could never return back to the west, and if I did I don`t think I would last long. And this is why my philosophy here in Thailand has become; if I can't beat them then it`s best to join them if I am going to be happy here.

There are many things that irritate me in Thailand also but as a rule I am the most happiest here than anywhere else. The past is the past, there is no going back to the good old days. For those who continue to rebel, unable to adapt and find the Thai way of life and attitudes irritating will never be truly happy and content here in Thailand. In my opinion one either loves or hates living in Thailand, there is no in-between.

But thats just it "your opinion" Im not happy here Im not sad here but in general thats how "I am" with many things.

Thais and phones ................they are permanently buried in them, witness any girl on a bike, hand on phone driving seen here daily.

A lot of things mentioned in the thread are really NOT polite, thats not by my standards but by my Wifes

Edited by kannot
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Living in a Pattaya apartment years ago my tilac asked if her mother could come and stay the night as we had a spare room. I wasn't happy as knowing once it happened then the floodgates would open but I agreed. Over the next couple of days I detected a change, various names were mentioned and then a huge gang descended upon the apartment while I was having an afternoon snooze. My fridge was swiftly emptied along with anything else they could lay their hands on. They were out the door within an hour, never to be seen again. The tilac went shortly afterwards. Don't let the thin edge of the wedge take root - to mix metaphors.

doesnt sound like there was much rak on her part

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Living in a Pattaya apartment years ago my tilac asked if her mother could come and stay the night as we had a spare room. I wasn't happy as knowing once it happened then the floodgates would open but I agreed. Over the next couple of days I detected a change, various names were mentioned and then a huge gang descended upon the apartment while I was having an afternoon snooze. My fridge was swiftly emptied along with anything else they could lay their hands on. They were out the door within an hour, never to be seen again. The tilac went shortly afterwards. Don't let the thin edge of the wedge take root - to mix metaphors.

doesnt sound like there was much rak on her part

Correct, I was just another farang to be taken advantage of until the money tap stopped.

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Living in a Pattaya apartment years ago my tilac asked if her mother could come and stay the night as we had a spare room. I wasn't happy as knowing once it happened then the floodgates would open but I agreed. Over the next couple of days I detected a change, various names were mentioned and then a huge gang descended upon the apartment while I was having an afternoon snooze. My fridge was swiftly emptied along with anything else they could lay their hands on. They were out the door within an hour, never to be seen again. The tilac went shortly afterwards. Don't let the thin edge of the wedge take root - to mix metaphors.

doesnt sound like there was much rak on her part

Correct, I was just another farang to be taken advantage of until the money tap stopped.

better luck next time

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For most of these extended family members it's the first holiday they've ever had in their lives. First time to BKK or first time they've ever seen the sea.

It's always best to arrange hotel accommodation for them and take them out for a meal in the evenings.

It's better than getting stressed out and you look like a big shot in their eyes.

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Every New Years it is the same routine. I go with the wifey and her niece to 'pay' for all the food they will cook.

The relatives, freeloaders, a few dogs come up to drink and eat the food. I make my customary three minute appearance and disappear into the house to ring in the New Years with our two dogs. Same Same Same

Kutdu, Nongbulamphu

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